
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 22 Awakening (Part 1)

Fighting in the extreme realm will not be like super-level and ordinary-level battles, where the rhythm is procrastinated and the strength diverges. The scenes are often scary, but in fact there is a lot of waste of strength and physical energy.

On the contrary, almost every person in the extreme realm is a terrifying existence who can control the strength in a subtle way, and can retract and release it freely. Therefore, the battles between them are often just right, simple and direct, saving effort and time, but efficient and deadly.

For them, as long as one party's control is slightly wrong, the other party's instant reversal is commonplace.

For example now.

Hesta pressed Chris to the ground expressionlessly, clenched his fist tightly with his right paw, and his strength slowly increased with the contraction of his terrifying muscles in his true form, aiming at Chris' hideous head.

Chris chuckled lightly.

"Old man, whether it's fighting with you or fighting against you," Heesta said flatly, it's my honor. "

The next moment, he punched down!

The strength is majestic.

It's overwhelming.

It took only 0.5 seconds for the fist to fall from the air until it touched the tip of Chris' nose.

During this 0.5 seconds, Chris suddenly opened his fangs and let out a roar!

The bone wings on his back pierced through the snow, and the spikes on the top of the wings met Hesta's eyes.

Struggling in vain.

Heesta, who has experienced many battles, snorted in his heart, and then launched his most familiar fighting instinct. His strong, true-shaped body quickly turned around, and the left hand that was holding Chris was released, while his right fist was blasted down without stopping. !

Chris grasped the moment when Hesta's left hand was released, and punched the ground with both fists. His seriously injured body exploded and rushed back towards Hesta.

Heesta's terrifying right fist grazed Chris' ferocious left cheek and left ear, and the strong wind mercilessly scraped away the flesh, revealing a frightening black flesh.


Heesta's fist landed on the ground.

The snow particles scattered.

Chris, who was seriously injured, had half of his face shaved off. He roared, and using his recoil to bend his arms into elbows, he punched Hesta's hard armored chest with all his strength!

Hesta watched the old friend's counterattack calmly. His chest supported Chris's arms, his waist and leg muscles retracted, and his bone wings spread out to control his balance.

He absorbed part of the momentum, evaded part of it, and slipped back two inches on the snow to neutralize Chris's attack.

Chris flapped the bone wings frantically, but he could no longer make Hesta back half a point.

"The struggle of a trapped beast." The huge Hesta said coldly.

Before Chris could react, Hesta roared violently, clenched his fists with both claws, and thrust his arms towards the middle suddenly.

Heesta's pair of shocking punches hit Chris's head, which was on his chest, from the left and right sides.

Chris reacted extremely quickly, swung his elbows back in an instant, hit Hesta's upper arms, and exerted force before Hesta's fists hit his head.

Under Chris' interference, Hesta's fists missed the latter's head by a slight margin.

A pair of fists with bone spurs struck Chris's head two inches behind!


The huge explosion made Chris, who had escaped the catastrophe, even deaf for a second. Fortunately, with the strong resilience of the true blood type, his body instantly mobilized the blood, pooled it in the brain, and healed his damaged ears.

But the battle wasn't over. Hesta didn't care about missing a kill. His arms suddenly shrank, wrapping Chris in his arms!

"Do you prefer this way of death?" Hesta said coldly, the muscles of both arms were pulled back instantly with great strength!

His terrifying arms strangled Chris's upper body tightly. After I crush all the bones in your body, I will mercifully take out your heart. "

"Kala... Kara..."

The sound of bones cracking inch by inch came!

Chris hissed in pain, but he couldn't struggle out of Hesta's embrace of death!

Hesta laughed loudly, hugging Chris tightly like hugging a comrade in arms.

Just like when they were young, after winning a difficult fight, they embraced each other without any grievances.

It's just that the glory of the past has disappeared forever in the wind.

"Kara..." Chris's bones were still shattering into pieces.

"Before you die, repent to His Majesty!"

Heesta's arms are getting tighter and tighter!

At this moment, Chris, who was in extreme pain, showed a difficult smile.

"..." He said painfully..."

Hesta was taken aback.


He didn't want to waste it, and his arms were ready to continue exerting force, directly crushing Chris into his arms.

But to Hesta's surprise, the strength of her arms...is getting weaker and weaker?

What's going on?

Why is my power disappearing in...?

Hesta couldn't feel her arms.

He frowned tightly, and let go of Chris decisively.

The next moment, Hesta looked at the arms and eyes full of unbelievable shock.


Without him, half of his arms have been unknowingly corroded by Chris' black blood!

My true form armor...

It is impossible to be corroded!

Hesta clenched her teeth tightly, trying to sort out this impossible scene.

Hundreds of years of competition have proven this point, haven't they!

Chris was panting with difficulty on the ground, and smiled miserably, haha, unstoppable power, unbreakable defense? "

"Have you heard the story of the spear and shield in the Far East?"

Hesta took a step back in shock.


It's time for him to...

His arms are still being corroded!

"Your fist is not only a sharp weapon for blows, but also a hard armor to withstand the impact." Chris stood up shaking and said:

"It's both sharp and hard, coupled with your strength increase comparable to that of a giant dragon, and your terrifying fighting instinct, unparalleled power control, indeed... But, what will happen when they are opposed to each other?"

Heesta gave a head hammer with an ugly face, knocking Chris back to the ground!



But Chris wobbled and stood up again, laughing as you punched my fists on the back of my head... The moment they collided, there were tiny cracks that you didn't expect, maybe after this battle, it will be repaired. "

"But for my blood, this small gap is enough for them to penetrate, penetrate into your so-called indestructible true-shaped armor, and corrode the naked flesh and tissue inside."

Chris struggled to put on Hesta's arms, and the black blood on Hesta's half arm immediately sped up the flow, quickly seeping into his body from Hesta's wound!

Hesta gritted his teeth and shook his body—the black blood had corroded deep inside his body.

"This is our end, tribal people," Chris coughed out a mouthful of blood, and said with a wry smile that fighting with you...is indeed an honor. "

Heesta couldn't support her body anymore, and fell to the ground, roaring to the sky in grief and indignation.


"Can't you see it yet?" There are no mistakes or skipping words. Katerina said coldly that there has never been a big tonifying human blood-she was probably intact from the beginning! "

"This is a natural showman - you have been deceived by her from the beginning to the end!"

"Just like she cheated everyone in Corleone!"

Thales stared blankly at the adult version of Serena.

Could it be that... she wasn't seriously injured at all?

So her little girl shape...

With my so-called "alliance".

She started from time...

Arrived at Mindis Hall for the first time?

Morat's visit?

Cranberry Manor?


Then our alliance...

But the unscrupulous and deadly battle between the blood clans has already begun.

"Don't try to turn into a real shape," said Serena, who was obviously stronger, ignoring the hands that clamped her wrists, and slammed Katerina's neck, piercing her neck with her claws, and said with a smile, like you No chance! "

"Ugly lady." Katerina said in disgust.

Serena's expression changed, and she whistled backwards.

The wrestling between Katerina and Serena finally came to fruition.

Because Laurana, a super blood race who was watching the battle, appeared behind Katrina in an instant, and struck out with one claw!

Katerina screamed and turned her head to dodge, but was still pierced through her shoulder by a claw.

Serena tightly grasped the damaged Katerina, and the two disappeared in place at the same time, and then appeared in midair not far away, severely smashing two birch trees!


The snow and dust cleared away, and Serena's naked figure appeared, and said with a light smile:

"How does it feel to be continuously attacked and unable to change your true shape?"

With a cold face, Laurana appeared beside the two, holding Katerina tightly.

Serena laughed wildly. Facing Katerina who was obviously suppressed, she punched fast and fiercely in the face!


Katerina spat out a mouthful of blood, and leaned to one side weakly.

Thales yelled "Oops."

Obviously, Serena's attitude towards him is no longer the same "alliance" as before.

For now, the Queen of the Night is his only hope.


Serena's second punch landed on the face of the Queen of the Night.

"Miss this scene? Kat?" Serena smiled happily, aiming at Katrina's soft face:


Katerina's eyes lit up, she turned around, and easily knocked down Laurana behind her with a speed unattainable to the naked eye and the angle of her sharp claws, leaving a scratch on her chest that was deeply visible.

But she has no time to take care of Serena in front of her.

The patricide punched again!


This is the third punch with more force.

Blast Katrina into the snow!

Thales watched the battle anxiously, and at the same time searched for the one that could scrape the rope in the wreckage of the carriage.

But with his eyesight, he couldn't grasp the terrifying extreme speed of the blood race at all. He could only see the three people "jumping frames".

It's not that he didn't want to take advantage of the chaos and escape. But he also, on the snowy ground at dusk, could not escape the pursuit of the vampires with only his short legs - no matter which side.

Laurana got up from the ground, screaming.

Serena walked forward with a sly smile.

But the next moment, a strange voice came from Katerina!

"Woo... ah..."

Serena's complexion changed drastically!

"Woo... ah..."

Thales suddenly felt trembling when he heard the sound!

He couldn't help feeling that the whole world was spinning!

"Ah... woo..."

He couldn't even hold his balance while sitting on the ground, and fell down staggeringly!

I can't stand up anymore!

Thales was extremely flustered.

What's going on?

"Woo... woo..."

Thales was struggling, but his perception was fuzzy, and he seemed to have lost all sense of direction. If he stretched out his hand to the left, he would stretch out to the right, raise his head to the sky, and instead drill deeper into the snow!

After twisting wildly, he finally shifted his sight to the battlefield.

Transfer to Katerina.

I saw that the opponent's purple eyes had turned into pure black at this moment, and an ominous black liquid was constantly oozing out!

Laurana next to her, like Thales, fell to the ground as if drunk, gritting her teeth and cursing.

Thales was shocked.

Katerina is...


He instantly remembered Katerina's nickname.


So - is this her ability?

Katerina's eyes were filled with black liquid, and she let out a strange and mysterious whimpering sound. She stood up slowly and looked at her.

"Blood Night Cry!" Serena shook her body, resentful and honest, it can be used without a real model? "

Under this weird cry, Serena struggled to support herself, wanting to punch her chest through before she fell down!


Thales was surprised to see that Serena's fist was tightly clamped by a sharp white claw with bone spurs.

Serena frowned.

Katerina, who had been suppressed all this time, raised her head that had changed dramatically. Her ears were elongated, her fangs were sharp, her bone spurs protruded, and her entire face turned a strange pale white.

Thales stared blankly at Katerina's whole body swelled and deformed, growing white bone wings, and slowly turning into a huge white monster.

The "true type" unique to the extreme blood race.


Amid Serena's screams, she had already been punched through the abdomen!

"Woo... yes... woo... woo..." the white real Katerina opened her pure black eyes and bit her hoarse voice:

"...ah... I love you too... Woo..."

Serena screamed and swayed her body frantically, but she was powerless amidst Katerina's weird cries.

"Ahh... It seems that you are not recovering well,... ah..." Katerina's current appearance, as if she was crying, seemed particularly frightening.

"On the contrary... woo woo... I've made too much progress!"

"Woooo... now I... ah... I don't need to become a 'true form' at all - I can use 'Blood Night Cry'!"


"This taboo ability that makes no distinction between the enemy and the enemy!"

While using what she called "Cry of the Bloody Night", Katerina raised the fist that pierced Serena's abdomen, and pulled Serena to her face, showing a smile-like expression.

Thales closed his eyes in relief.

Is this... the timely release of the big move?

This change in the situation...is really scary.

I saw Katerina's bone wings slowly extending and stretching, and the flesh on her body began to fall. Soon, she will completely turn into a pure white true-type blood!


"It's now, Laurana." Serena said, dying.

Katerina frowned.

Laurana, who was lying on the ground, seemed to have adapted to the feeling of losing her balance and direction, and tightly hugged Katerina who was still transforming.

"Your Highness Katerina, I'm sorry," Laurana showed a charming smile, which then turned into a bitter and miserable smile:

"But it's for freedom."

An ominous premonition hit Thales' heart.


The next moment, Laurana's whole body exploded into black blood all over the sky!

Spray it in a small world!

She poured water on the unfinished Katerina and the seriously injured Serena.

Both of them folded their arms to cover their faces, resisting the black blood that was pouring from the sky.

Just a few seconds.

But the strange cry came suddenly.

Instead, it was Katerina's scream!

"Ah... this is..."

She raised her trembling hands, looked at the black blood on them, and hissed in disbelief:

"Poisoned blood!"

What I saw was Katerina, who seemed to have been splashed with sulfuric acid from Thales' previous life. She was trembling in the black blood, and the true form of her whole body began to shrink!

Without the function of "Cry of the Blood Night", Thales sat up and stared blankly at this scene.

This is?

At this moment, Serena clutched the wound on her abdomen tightly, and let out a sincere, wild laugh!

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

The next moment, the skin on her body fell off inch by inch, and the scarlet cuticle grew into shape!

The ears elongate, the bone wings pierce the back, and the bone spurs and sharp claws slowly take shape.

Serena instantly turned into a huge blood-red monster, except for the color, it was almost exactly the same as Katerina.

There is only one difference.

It's different from Katerina's pure facial features even though she is in real shape.

Serena's facial features...

Thales trembled, remembering the scene he didn't want to recall the most.

The huge black mouth that split behind the ear.

A black and empty nose.

Eyes like two irregular black holes.

This is...

Except that the skin is no longer scorched and withered...

This is exactly what Thales saw in the black coffin in the Grass Manor that night, the mummy version of the terrifying Serena!

Thales watched this scene dripping with cold sweat.

He suddenly understood the meaning of Katerina's so-called "ugly face".


So ugly.

I saw Serena, who had an indecent shape, opened her huge mouth, revealing the same irregular fangs, and yelled at Katerina as if she had caught her prey!



Amidst the hoarse and shrill laughter of the true model Serena and the screams of Katerina, a pair of bone wings of the Queen of the Night were broken alive!


The next moment, Katerina's left arm was torn apart!

Blood splattered everywhere.

"Kow chi!"

This time, the right arm was broken!

Katerina, who had lost her arms and wings, roared crazily, but the real Serena just showed a triumphant smile, and knocked her down in the snow with one punch!


The terrifying true-type Serena raised her red claws, which were at least twice as long as the average vampire's, and slashed down!


She cut off Katerina's legs abruptly!

Katerina's real appearance finally completely disappeared, and she returned to the lovely queen in black.

But she was already powerless.

Thales watched the reversal dully.

Not good.

He said in his heart.

Very bad.

With severed limbs and shattered wings, Katerina spat out a mouthful of blood unwillingly, and watched Serena, who was in true form, slowly return to her normal appearance.

"The true state of the extreme blood race is terrible," Serena said happily and enchantingly to the one lying on the ground with a miserable appearance:

"But very few people. The process of transforming from a normal state into a 'true type' is a process of transforming our internal tissues and rebirth."

Serena pulled up the cloak that Laurana left behind after her sacrifice, and wrapped it around her body.

She sat down beside her, and sighed pretentiously. At this time, the vampires have the weakest immunity to special toxins. "

"Especially, there are blood races of the same origin who voluntarily infuse the poison of foul blood into their bodies, and let you absorb it when you transform..."

"Isn't it a genius idea? You, I've always had a headache about your so-called taboo ability..."

Thales found a sharp piece of wood and desperately cut the tied rope.

But it's not as easy as it was shown in previous life TV movies!

He can't see what's going on behind him. It shouldn't be the most effective way to cut, and he doesn't need to use his strength!

Be quicker.

Otherwise, after Katerina, it's her turn!


Thales gritted his teeth, thinking crazily.

Katerina, who is powerless to fight back, is an outrageous and insane bitch! "

"How painful is it for you to implant the poisonous blood into your body with the lives of your subordinates!"

"Hahaha, I like to see you like this the most. When the situation is reversed at a critical moment, you can only use stupid words to accuse me of being cute..." Serena applauded and laughed happily:

"King Nightwing will probably be very pleased to see that I am so powerful?"

"Shut up!" The Queen of the Night, who had lost all her advantages, Katerina hissed unwillingly and resentfully that you don't deserve to mention him! "

"You killed our father!"


"Father!" Serena turned her head suddenly, shrouded in infinite chill, you call him father! Just because he bit your neck? "

Katerina, who was on the ground, seemed to have been hit in a weak spot, she froze for a moment, and then frantically retorted:

"He saved us and raised us!"

Katerina, whose limbs were severed, struggled to raise her head with hatred full of hatred, and looked at her:

"He gave us the most noble blood!"

"Let us have his blood, share his glory, and even inherit his title!"

"He loves us like his own father!"

"Otherwise, our pair of orphans would have died long ago in the troubled times of the War of the End!"

Thales was shocked.

The battle of the end?

Serena's figure flashed in an instant, grabbed the latter's neck, and lifted her up!

The patricide is full of disgust and sarcasm, he is indifferent and ignorant, and you don't. "

"I only remember the doll he gave you, and I only remember the love he gave you."

"Is that so, Kat?"

"You will always be just a crybaby hiding behind my back."

"Do you think I don't think what you think?" No mistakes or skipping words.

"What do you think about him?"

Katerina's eyes seemed to be frozen.

She looked at it suspiciously.

Serena said coldly:

"Whenever that man returns to the castle, you are the first idiot to pounce on him..."

"If any maid or lady who doesn't have eyes shows a little love for him, you can ridicule them, secretly suppress them, and let the people below isolate them..."

"Cryer? Half of your tears are because you are afraid of me, and half because you like him!"

Katerina was shocked!

"Yes, me!" Serena said with a sneer:

"Kat, you not only admire him, worship him."

Katerina struggled, showing an expression of disbelief.

Under Thales' astonished eyes, the patricide said word by word:

"You still like him and yearn for him!"

"You love him deeply!"

Katerina looked at Serena tremblingly, unable to speak.

At this moment, Serena laughed deeply and mysteriously:

"...You fell in love with the person who gave you a second life, the powerful and terrifying King Nightwing, didn't you?"

"No!" Katerina struggled between her brows, as if immersed in unbelievable pain.

"Isn't it!" Serena said coldly. You wish you were his wife, his lover, not his daughter! "

Thales, who watched this scene, was stunned.

This is...


Electra complex?

Thales lowered his head and sighed.

Unfortunately, her life and death are still on the Queen's body.

He struggled to stand up.



Every time to the end.

It's all me.

To save the world?

The seriously injured Katerina roared frantically.

"And your ugly and shameless feelings," Serena's eyes turned cold, she stretched out her scarlet claws, gently scraped Katerina's fair face, and that's it. "

At this moment.

"Wait a moment!"

Serena frowned slightly, and turned to look at Thales.

Thales leaned against the wreckage of the carriage, struggled to get up from the ground, frowned, and looked at the hideous Serena.

Under Serena's gaze, he walked towards the black coffin.

Legendary anti-demon weaponry.

Dark night black coffin.

"I heard that there is a magician here?" Thales Canxing gasped, showing a wry smile, or the one that could be released? "

"Do you want to meet him?"