
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 21 Your blood is more tonic

Thales' brain paused for three seconds before he resumed thinking.


A magician?


Thinking of the Magician of Qi and his "Human Ball", Thales felt lingering fear, and it was okay to let out a sigh of relief, it was sealed..."

Katerina Corleone frowned deeply as she watched Thales' reaction.

Serena, who was full of smiles, licked her lips and shook her head, you misunderstood. "

Thales raised his head suspiciously.

"This magician was not 'sealed'—but 'imprisoned'."

"The seal is permanent."

"And 'detain'..." Serena looked at Thales' ugly face, pointed to the black coffin under his buttocks, and said with a chuckle:

"It can be released at any time."

The voice just fell.

Thales lowered his head in disbelief, looked at the black coffin under him, and felt its icy temperature.

Release it?

The next moment, his face was full of horror, and he jumped up like an ejection seat with lightning speed!

If Ji Ni was here, she would probably be very relieved that her training has finally paid off.

He hurriedly jumped off the black coffin and fell on the snowy ground, just wanting to stay as far away from the black coffin as possible!

"Are you crazy!"

Thales yelled at the laughing Serena in puzzlement and resentment:

"Actually put a magician who can come out at any time... for a whole month!"

Serena smiled indifferently:

"Well, the Corleone family has guarded this secret for more than six hundred years."

"Otherwise, why do you think our Queen of the Night came all the way across the sea? She also brought the elite Holy Blood Corps?"

"This is the Corleone family. It is the promise my father made to the Bloodthorn Queen back then. It is related to the life and death of the Corleone family and the Kingdom of the Night!"

Thales listened blankly to these words.

His brain started working automatically.

More than six hundred years—a suspicious number.

Queen Bloodthorn? A very familiar name.


On the mainland, there are heads of almost all countries, ranging from Archdukes to Kings, but the only people who can call themselves emperors are the Emperors of the Ancient Empire and the Final Empire, right?

Why is there still someone who is a "Queen"? Could it be the emperor of the ancient empire?

It's also possible, after all, the lifespan of a blood race...


Thales was shocked.

It's not the first time he heard this title.

Thales' brain opened a long memory.

That was the muttering of the most terrifying enemy he had ever met - the mage of Qi.

[Accidental, accidental, hehe——I began to understand the power of Empress Heilan. ]

Queen Bloodthorn.

Queen Helan.

They are all called "Emperess".

And—the life and death of the Corleone family?

Thales frowned and thought deeply.

At this moment, Katerina interrupted with a cold voice. "

"These are top secrets that cannot be disclosed in the family."

"Yes," Serena said with a happy smile, pouting at Taylor, but now that he's gone, what should I do? "

Thales' scalp was tingling as he watched Katerina turn to his purple eyes.

Pure, crystal clear, moving, and -- eyes full of murderous intent.

"You seem to be a magician," Her Majesty said coldly, what a pity. "

Thales trembled violently.

"Wait!" Thales looked at the smiling Serena in a panic, and then at the murderous Katerina.


No way.

"Secrets must be kept." Katerina said slowly.

Thales' brain began to run crazily at a speed several times higher than usual!

The Queen of the Night looked at him quietly, her right hand began to transform into a pure white sharp claw.

"Wait a minute!" Thales said anxiously,

Struggling with his hands tied behind his back.

The next moment, Katerina's figure disappeared from sight.

Thales suddenly became a dead soul!


Two dark and gigantic giant-winged monsters collided head-on in the air without buffer.


At that moment, even the air seemed to be shaken!

The smaller monster shook suddenly, moaned and trembled, and flew back.

The bigger monster had the upper hand. He hit the opponent's left chest with a fierce fist full of bone spurs and sharp claws with tremendous force!

Blood splatters!

"Are you going to compare strength with me? Imperial?" Hesta said fiercely in a voice that changed.

Chris roared angrily, clutching the wound on his left chest, flapped his giant wings and retreated quickly.

But Hesta didn't intend to let him go.

Heesta's true form is more brown-black than his opponent. He is more fierce and huge, with sharper bone spurs and sharp claws. His dark skin is covered with hard carapaces. From a distance, it looks like a suit of heavy armor. black fighter.

His thick wings brought a strong wind and rushed towards Chris.

The real Chris clenched his fangs and raised his arms to block.

"Tch!" The sharp claws tore off Chris's black right arm.

The blood shot out again.

"We are so familiar with each other that this battle will end!" Hesta roared with his fangs open, and the offensive continued. Every time we fight in front of the throne, it ends with my victory! "

He scratched Chris' right shoulder with one claw, and the other party roared in pain, black blood flowed out, soaking Hesta's palm.

Heesta flapped her wings, clamped down on the powerless Chris, and fell towards the ground with astonishing momentum!

Immediately afterwards, he clenched his right paw into a fist and mercilessly punched him down!


With a powerful fist, he knocked Chris to the ground!

Under the terrible force, huge cracks erupted on the snow.

The snow and the dust all dissipated, revealing two ferocious true-shaped figures of the blood race. The huge figures pinned down the smaller one to the ground.

Hesta put her fist against Chris and said coldly, that's how it ended. "

"My strength is unstoppable, and my armor is unbreakable—the perfect balance between offense and defense."

"You might have a chance?"

Chris seemed to be seriously injured, his chest was dented by Hesta's beating.

But he, who was on the verge of death, moved his cheeks and said with a wry smile, yes, I still remember that King Nightwing appreciated your ability. "

"'Strength, speed, hardness, the simpler the ability, the more deadly it is.'... That's what he said."

Chris coughed up a mouthful of black blood, and laughed.

"'War Wing' Hesta Corleone and 'Flash Wing' Simon Corleone," the old butler closed his eyes, and lightly snorted, leading the fortified fighters and scouts of the Holy Blood Corps respectively. Almost no one is invincible on the frontal battlefield of the Continental War..."

Hesta's expression gradually changed.

"And you are 'Dark Wing' Chris Corleone, His Majesty's most trusted military adviser and deputy, remember?" Hesta turned cold and interrupted him.

"With the logistics officer 'Red Wing' Li Corleone, we are the 'Four Fearful Wings of Lord Ye' - our reputation shocks the Eastern Continent!"

Hesta gritted her teeth and looked at Chris tremblingly, with hatred in her eyes:

"Three hundred years ago, we were His Majesty's most powerful wings, following him across the Sea of Ending and fighting to the other side of the world!"

"In that era, we owned 20% of the end sea east coast, Yongshi oil quota! 15% of Donglu Lijing mine!"

"The five clans of the Feast Leader will write letters every month, hoping to maintain their status and join the King of Nightwing! Even the silver wolf in the wild mountain, the red wolf in the Seri Grassland, and the three major clans of the desert, the glacier, and the black mountain. All the orc tribes have sent people to show their sincerity to His Majesty!"

Hearing this, Chris sighed sadly, while Hesta gritted his teeth, his ferocious face was full of chills:

"During the continental war, even the two poles of the Eastern Continent like Suye and Humble did not dare to underestimate the Kingdom of the Night and the strength of His Majesty. With fear and flattery, they enshrined him as the Supreme Commander of the coalition forces!"

"We once worked together to crush Exeter's army, together with their pride, under Dragon Clouds City! His Majesty took off the head of the 'Wrath King' with his own hands!"

"In those days, we tore the armor and weapons of the dwarves into rotten iron, and trapped the elf army of the Holy Tree Kingdom in Elk City!"

"We are in Fort Aaronde, and we killed all the reinforcements from Xingchen and Commus!"

His chest was dented, and Chris, who was panting hard, just closed his eyes tightly.

"In Welland Snowfield, we gathered behind His Majesty's banner, and fought with Sarah, Kai Peng, and Middir—the three most outstanding heroes in the Western Continent, and even in human history—to start the battle of the end. Finally, the most magnificent epic decisive battle in the world!"

"From the Battle of the End, the hellish battlefield, to the eve of the Fourth Continental War... We lived and died together with His Majesty... A total of four hundred years!"

Chris lowered his head and sighed.

"And you damn imperial man!" Hesta's red pupils were filled with anger and hatred, but after His Majesty left, they betrayed the Corleone family. "

"you dare!"

"Chris Corleone!"

"There is no rebirth, surname, or strength that His Majesty bestowed upon you..."

"You are just a little lieutenant in the final empire, waiting to die with closed eyes among the dead!"

"Christamul Rinca!"

"Without His Majesty, neither are you!"

"How dare you betray him and join the murderer who killed His Majesty!"

"you dare!"

The two ferocious true-type vampires gasped rudely and hurriedly, and were silent for a while.

At this moment, Chris on the ground suddenly coughed up a mouthful of blood and laughed uncontrollably.

"Ah, since you mentioned that tyrant, why don't you do something about it," Chris licked the blood from his mouth, raised his dark head, and mocked you for every time we fight, King Nightwing will always be there for you Calling a stop when you have the upper hand? "No mistakes, no skipping words.

Heesta pulled the opponent closer to the ferocious face, and said with a smile, Your Majesty is afraid that you, a weakling, will be crushed by my fist? "

"No," Chris said with a stern expression on his face:

"I'm afraid that if you continue to fight, you will..."

"Killed by me."

Hesta froze for a moment, then opened his mouth wide open, and with Zhenxing's unusually rich voice, laughed loudly and said, "Kill me?" , use your special corrosion ability? "No mistakes, no skipping words.

He held up the palm full of Chris's blood. Your acidic blood...is very effective against other people, but unfortunately, it can't corrode my true form armor at all. "

"This is absolute defense!"

Chris was restrained by Hesta, and he didn't answer, but kept laughing.

Hesta felt a little chilly in her heart.

Something happened.

Does he have cards?

But Hesta still clenched his fist and pointed it at Chris's head.

After hundreds of years of military career, Hesta Corleone decided not to hesitate about the old love of his comrades, and was ready to take the other party's life completely.


How long is a tenth of a second?

Thales will tell you that it is enough for him to close his eyes and yell out a word!

So, at the moment when Katerina, who showed her murderous intent, disappeared, the traverser closed his eyes and shouted:

"Kevin Dill!"

The swift wind hit his face.

Thales closed his eyes tightly and breathed violently.

"Ha ha..."

He gently opened his eyes.

I saw Katerina's terrifying black claws, an inch away from his face.

"You said?" Katerina narrowed her beautiful eyes and said slowly.

Escape... I escaped.

Thales panted uncontrollably, and said nervously:

"It's Kevin Dill! It was Jan Kevin Dill who told you about Serena's presence in the convoy?"

"It's quite a lot." Katerina snorted softly, and if she opened her sharp claws slightly, she would die even more."

Seeing that Thales's life was in an instant, his scalp was numb, and he couldn't care about the ups and downs. He spewed out the words he had just thought up in one breath, invincibly fluently and without pause:

"He certainly didn't tell that this convoy is actually an important mission of the Star Kingdom's envoy to Exeter, and there is also the sole bloodline heir of the Star Royal Family in it. If you kill me, you will cause a lot of trouble, right?"

Thales sprayed this sentence, panting still, and sat down profusely with sweat.

Katerina's purple pupil trembled!

"The Canxing royal family...the heir...couldn't it be...twelve years ago..." She murmured, but then figured it out.

The Queen of Night slowly retracted her sharp claws.




Applause came from the side.

"As expected of my ally," Serena, who had been watching for a long time, applauded enthusiastically, but oh..."

Serena smiled and groaned, Your Highness Thales, are you so sure that she didn't come here specially to kill you? "

Katerina's eyes turned fierce again, and she turned to Serena who looked like a loli.

"In order to ensure my safety, I will no longer wear any Nine-pointed star badges and signs when I go on the road the next day-by the way, you can find a Nine-pointed star in my left jacket pocket pin." Thales sighed:

Katarina took the pin out of his pocket and frowned.

"And this...Her Majesty the Queen has never expressed any intention of killing someone—she said 'kill them all', and even the war between the two sides was provoked by you, Celine." Thales With a wry smile:

"I just figured it out - twenty of you, a group with sensitive identities and elite strength, came across the sea, without the support of local forces, it is possible to enter the country easily? And you have connections with the Corleone family, and you can also provide family ships The star nobles..."

"There's only Kevin Dill."

When Katerina heard this, she also let out a breath slowly, looking at the nine-pointed star pin in her hand, her eyes turned cold, damn Kevin Dill. "

"The friendship between Corleone and the Kevin Dill family, between Blood Fang and Tricolor Iris is over," she said slowly.

Thales finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that in front of this powerful queen, her life is temporarily saved.

Katerina clenched the brooch tightly in her palm and murmured:

"The people from Kevin Dill only told us that the traitors from Corleone's family were in the convoy going north, they only said that it was the supply convoy for the stars to the north, but they didn't say that it was the mission of the second prince—it seems It was on purpose."

"After we got off the ship, we have been staying in their residence, not even the stars have a new heir."

Thales' complexion changed, and he said angrily:

"Such a big matter, the whole star is clear! Don't you guys confirm it!"

But Katerina didn't answer, she just turned her head and stopped looking at him.


Thales was puzzled for a while—she seemed a little...embarrassed?

"They can't confirm it!" Serena on the side laughed and laughed. Katerina's forces and supporters are all in the Holy Blood Corps—she is a 100% army queen! "

"Chris has always been in charge of the Corleone family's connection with Kevin Dill, the dark lines in the western continent, and the communication channels...but when he suddenly turned his back on me..."

Under Katerina's ugly face, Serena spread her hands happily:

"For all the news about the stars, Katerina became blind and deaf."

Thales suddenly realized that's why you chose to take refuge in the stars. "

But he suddenly thought of it, and turned to Katerina.

"Your Majesty Katrina," he used the honorific Jann—I mean Duke Kevin Dill, is it time to reveal Serena's whereabouts to you? "

Katerina stared at him coldly. After a while, she still opened her mouth and said that we just arrived in Westland more than a week ago and entered Eternal Star City six days ago. "

"At noon four days ago, Kevin Dill notified us that we had found traces of Corleone's traitor." Katerina's face was gloomy, but her cute appearance made her seem to be sulking cute beauties:

"Their additional condition is: in order not to let the news leak, thereby endangering the reputation of Iris..."

"We must kill Serena's companions."

"From children to old people, there is no one left."

Serena was shocked, since you had made such an agreement earlier, then I wouldn't have to go through a lot of trouble..." But she suddenly realized, "But that's right, if there was someone in that extreme state, you probably wouldn't be able to kill him." he. "

Thales lowered his head and sighed.

Duke Iris, is it time to be murderous?

Obviously, if you do it at this time, even if you can make a clean break with the Corleone family afterwards, there will still be clues left, and there will be endless troubles, won't it?

Zhan En—why did he do such an obviously unwise behavior?

That morning, when Zhan met with him, after a few words of probing—it now seems that it was to find Serena's whereabouts—the attitude suddenly became extremely strange, and he brought...

Thales' eyes lit up.

"It's that veteran, isn't it?" There is no mistake or skipping words. Thales raised his head and asked slowly:

"He was probably unconsciously given some kind of tracking method."

"You don't need to chase our convoy, because Jannard will do his best to follow behind me, and you just need to chase behind this veteran."

"The distance is so far away, so even if my guards set up more scouts and sentries, they won't be able to detect your existence."

"As long as you stay away from the central territory, stay away from the lord's fortress that you encounter every now and then, and enter the sparsely populated birch forest," Thales sighed and concluded that you can start. "

Katerina's eyes lit up:

"For short-lived species, especially for short-lived species at this age, you are very smart and quick to respond."

"That's right, I thought so too." Serena interjected with a smile, but was glared at by Katerina and Thales at the same time.

"Well, since we failed to achieve the goal," Serena spread her hands helplessly, and after showing her small fangs, I was the only one to do it. "

The next moment, Serena's little hands turned into sharp red claws, opened her fangs, and rushed towards Thales at top speed!

Thales shuddered, but his hands were tied behind his back, so he could only kick his legs with all his strength and retreat on the snow.


The snowflakes burst!

The icy snow fell on Thales' face, causing him to close his eyes.

Thales opened his eyes and saw Serena's little red claws a few feet in front of him.

This time, she was held tightly by Katerina.

"From the very beginning, you have been trying every means to lure me to kill him," Katerina said coldly. Even at this point, do you still have illusions about the throne? "No mistakes, no skipping words.

Little Serena grinned, can't she? "No mistakes, no skipping words.

"My line of succession is number one, even higher than your number two!"

"Very good," Katerina raised her other hand and said coldly. Anyway, I no longer have any hope of capturing you alive. "

"Then I'll just put the order..."

Katerina roared, and her sharp claws stabbed at Serena's heart!

"Become number one!"

And Laurana, who was beside Serena, just watched coldly, not intending to intervene at all.

But at the next moment.

Thales was extremely shocked and stupefied. Something happened.

Serena, who looked like a loli, seemed to have grown up suddenly, her body swelled, and she tore off all the clothes on her body, and turned into a plump and charming beauty who was almost as tall as Katerina. Silver-haired pupils, extremely alluring.

This coquettish beauty, with a charming smile at this time, easily grabbed Katerina's pure white claws!

Katerina opened her fangs, roared angrily, and sent out the other sharp claw instantly.

But this blow of hers was also predicted by this coquettish beauty, so she held it tightly!

"It's still so weak, you crybaby." The coquettish beauty giggled, trembling for a while.

Thales was shocked!

"Ugly face!" Katerina said angrily and hatefully, you natural pretender! "

"You... It's time for you to recover your strength!" Thales looked at the coquettish beauty with red eyes and silver hair in front of him, and shouted in shock:

"This is impossible! You, you only sucked my blood twice!"

"Oh, about this." Under Katerina's solemn gaze, the adult version of Serena, naked but not shy, blinked her fascinated eyes, and sent him a seductive smile:

"Your blood is more nourishing."