
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 20 The True Type of the Bloodline (Part 2)

The blood race was surprised to find that Huai Ya tightly closed his eyes.

Is this waiting to die?

It seems that there is no way to know his ability - the young attendant sighed silently.

There is only one solution left.

"Don't always consider the opponent's weakness, Wyatt. That's what the commander of the army should do." The teacher's words echoed in his ears.

Enduring the pain, Huai Ya turned the single-edged sword with his right hand and changed it to hold it backwards.

"More importantly, grasp your own strongest point."

Huai Ya's breathing gradually stabilized, and a series of sharp forces like gossamer gathered on his right arm.

His pores were stimulated by the power of termination, and immediately exploded like spikes.

"All the powerful swordsmen in history are self-centered and only have their own sword in their eyes."

For a moment, the blood race only felt a slight sting in the eyes staring at Huai Ya, as if staring at a sharp sword.

This is... the power of the end?

The face of the blood race changed drastically.

Before he can form momentum...

Kill him.

"Swing your own Xeon sword—this is far more important than winning or losing, far more important than life and death!" In memory, the teacher said with a smile.

Wyah took a deep breath, as if he had practiced thousands of times in the tower, and the power of ending scraped across his body like a blade.

He saw it.

In the unbearable pain, he saw the radiating sharp sword intent, giving him feedback in this world.

That was the enemy's killing intent.

Like a ray of fire in the dark.

so dazzling.

He saw it.

The vampire roared, his body leapt forward, and his sharp claws swelled!

go to hell,

An ephemeral species that uses swords.

You have no chance to use your finishing power.

"Wyah, understand your power of termination."

No matter what the other party is.

No matter how strong the enemy is.

Regardless of victory or defeat.

"It's the power to walk on the edge of madness." I still remember that time, the teacher sighed.

I just need to ensure my strongest blow is enough.

"There is also an unlucky name..." She picked up the sword and carved a few words.

The blood race grinned ferociously, and instantly attacked in front of him.

it's over.

"Front of No Return." The teacher said lonely and authentically.

Huai Ya suddenly opened his eyes.

The sword in his hand has already been swung out.

There is no return to the sword.

Unmatched sharpness.


Blood shot out.

Huai Ya knelt down in pain!

The vampire grabbed Wyah's right shoulder and dropped it to the ground.

The vampire looked at his claws in doubt.

Didn't kill him?


But he soon knew the answer.

The blood race trembled all over, and looked carefully at his arms, where a line of blood appeared.


This is impossible.

With my ability...

It's impossible for him to hit me!


His arms, from the upper arm down, fell off smoothly to the ground.

The blood race opened its mouth wide in shock.

This... the degree of sharpness?

He raised his head and looked at the single-edged sword.

It's obviously just an ordinary sword.


Then, at the same level as the upper arm of the blood race, a line of blood appeared on his chest.


There was a dull sound.

His upper body left his torso and fell down.

The incision is smooth.

Why - the blood race thought desperately, he wanted to exhale and roar.

But he couldn't make a sound anymore.

A black heart unique to blood races was divided into upper and lower parts, and it beat feebly twice in the upper and lower parts of the body respectively.

Then, the two torsos, together with the vampire's unrepentant expression, turned black, shrunk, and shrank together.

Wyah Castle, who survived the catastrophe, was panting.

It's so dangerous.

It's actually the ability to reverse the refraction of local light.

Huai Ya sighed: No wonder I couldn't cut him - because the parts I aimed at were all partial illusions reflected by him.

It's like a novice who has clearly spotted the lower fork but can't stab a river fish no matter what.

There was a sound of footsteps coming from behind!

Huai Ya gritted his teeth and turned around vigilantly holding his sword.

I saw Putilei supporting the blood-red Jorah, followed by three Canxing's private soldiers, staggering out of the bushes.

"Have you seen Your Highness?" Puttilai asked with a frown.

"I also have the same problem." Huai Ya breathed a sigh of relief, sat down slowly, endured the severe pain, and used the field survival method learned in Tari to stop the bleeding, while struggling: "We need to find him immediately!"

"You have to prepare for the worst."

Several private soldiers took over Jorah, Puttilai patted the snow on his body, straightened his collar, he pondered for a while, looked at the setting sun that was about to set, and said:

"The prince is in danger, and we only have these people in front of us."

"It's dusk now, the smoke from the alchemy ball is too heavy, we can't locate the direction of the prince."

"My lord," Jorah said struggling, "put me down and go find Your Highness..."

"I have a younger sister who works as a secretary in the Xicheng Police Department... If I die..."

"You won't die! At least not here!" Puttilai interrupted him roughly.

The experienced deputy envoy in the mission pondered for a while and made a decision.

"Now we, facing such an enemy, can't do anything at all!"

"But fortunately, Broken Dragon Fortress is not far away."

"Our carriage was frightened by the explosion just now and got separated," Puttilai raised his head and looked at the three private soldiers with firm eyes:

"The three of you, go in three different directions and follow the ruts to find the carriages. Don't hesitate when you find them. If there are ravens, let them fly to the Broken Dragon Fortress first. Use the most urgent seventh-class emergency report. ."

"Then unhook the horse and gallop to the fort at the fastest speed to ask for help!"

"For the safety of the prince, the task comes first. If you encounter a vampire, avoid it if you can!"


"Are you finally ready to show your cards?"

Ada smiled nonchalantly and shook her sharp ears.

On the opposite side, Simon gritted his teeth and took off his Chinese coat.

"Underestimate your opponent is the first step to death," he said coldly, "What's more, you are facing an immortal like you."

"Look at your skin color." The shape of blood vessels suddenly appeared on Simon's face. "Are you a holy elf, or a white elf? Or are you a high elf from the Eastern Continent?"

The blood vessels on his face became denser, redder and darker.

Immediately afterwards, Simon's whole body began to swell and deform, and he grew seven or eight inches taller.

The fair skin peeled off to gray, revealing the hard and gray-black cutin.

Simon screamed in pain, as if he was undergoing torture.

Bone spurs appeared on his shoulders, and the dark gray bone wings pierced through his back, extending into a pair of giant wings.

His hair became thicker, stiffer and whiter.

Compared with Heesta and Chris, Simon's face did not become too ferocious and terrifying, but left a strange beauty in addition to a pair of bat ears.

Transformed into a "true form", Simon coldly spread his wings and claws, and looked at Ada with gray eyes.

"The short-lived true-type state activated by source blood can greatly improve the physical fitness of the blood race, including endurance, recovery, regeneration, agility, senses, strength, and even the instinctive understanding of combat, as well as the unique characteristics of each blood race. Ability." Ada sighed:

"I just didn't expect it to actually make you handsome."

"You can see how ugly you were before."

Ada had just finished speaking.

The real Simon's wings fluttered.

He instantly appeared in front of the elves at a speed that surpassed almost all sensory perception.


First, there was a sound of air tearing that almost burst the eardrums!


A huge sharp sound came out of thin air!

The thick and powerful dark gray giant claws tore violent sparks from Ada's blade.

Ada's figure was blown away by his claws!

It was long overdue for the huge wind howling caused by Simon's extreme speed displacement.

The elf landed on the snow more than ten meters away. After rolling several times, it hit a tree and stopped.

"Nonsense can't make you stronger." The real-type Simon spoke a thicker and hoarse voice, and looked coldly at the elf on the ground who didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

The next moment, Simon stepped on the extremely fast footsteps that caused the sonic boom again, and rushed to the top of Ada in an instant.

With one claw, he pierced Ada's body!

"Speed, speed, and speed," Zhenxing Saimen said expressionlessly, "This is all I have and my only ability."

Before Estren Corleone ascended to the extreme level and turned into his true form, no one in the entire Kingdom of the Night could match his speed beyond sound.

Not even His Majesty Lanli.

But Simon's expression changed immediately, and he raised his huge claws with an ugly face, and picked up Ada's cloak and a branch inside.

He realized something, turned around in an instant, and in the burst of extreme speed, there was a huge wind!

But the moment he turned around, a delicate elf scimitar pierced straight into his left chest.

It looked as if Simon had sent his chest before the blade.

Simon looked in disbelief at the scimitar that pierced his heart, and in front of him, the pretty and small elf who showed a lot of skin and was only wearing delicate crystal armor.

"I don't understand." The real Simon sighed.

"There is only one thing that can beat speed."

Ada coldly drew out the scimitar, and turned around handsomely:

"That's an impeccable prediction."

Simon fell to his knees.

"No." Simon's body returned to normal, his face was gray and defeated: "Impossible."

"There is no perfect prediction in the world."

Simon stared at her intently.

Ada also looked back at him for a long time.

Finally, looking at each other, the elf sighed and was defeated.

"It's hard to play handsome once."

"Don't expose me so quickly."

Simon grinned and fell powerlessly to the ground.


A patricide?

Thales looked at Serena with a blank mind.

The traveler recalled what she said when they met for the first time:

[My sister who loves to cry illegally snatched the ship that I inherited from my father, His Majesty Ye Yi, and stole the Blood Sea Throne...]


So to say.

"Can someone explain the cause and effect to me?" Thales sighed and looked at the pair of blood sisters in front of him.

"I knew it," he said bitterly, "Her Majesty the Queen of a country would not risk herself for no reason to chase down a few political refugees."

More importantly, the so-called allies...

"Here," Serena smiled slightly, interrupting his thoughts, and waved to Laurana.

Laurana flicked casually and threw Thales onto the black coffin.

Thales fell head down in pain and hit the stone coffin.

"It's not just that, dear His Highness Thales." Serena said gently.

In front of her, the Queen of the Night, Katerina's expression suddenly changed!

I only heard Selina smiling and saying word by word:

"The purpose of her coming here in person is also for this coffin."

"Legendary anti-demon weaponry."

"The black coffin of the dark night."

Thales was startled, and looked at the black coffin under his buttocks.

This mouth—the coffin that I once climbed into.

It turned out to be...

Legendary anti-demon weaponry?

But Serena hasn't finished speaking yet.

Staring at Katerina's murderous gaze, she breathed out word by word:

"In it, among those seemingly seamless dark slabs, there is a..."

"Thousands of years ago..."

Thales' pupils began to shrink, and his breathing accelerated.

until Selina uttered the last words:

"...Where is the magician?"