
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 19 The True Type of the Blood Race (1)

Under the setting sun, somewhere in the snow field, a dark and choking smoke filled the surroundings.

Ada rolled over in a somersault, rolled continuously in the air, and finally landed on the ground.

"Hey, you also saw the explosion just now, the people on both sides were blown away!" "Not to mention there is such a smoke!" Seeing the thick black fog all over the sky, she held up the engraved The delicate scimitar with beautiful patterns shouted behind him:

"Can you stop being so annoying, shall we go back to our respective houses?"

A figure flashed suddenly, stirring up the surrounding smoke.

A vampire from the extreme realm, Simon Corleone emerged from the air with a chill on his face.

"Okay," he said deeply, but before that, one of us has to fall first. "

The seemingly young blood race disappeared in an instant!

Ada stomped her feet in boredom, and the scimitar slashed out like flowing water.

The blade collided with the sharp claw.

"Ding! Clang! Ding! Clang! Be a $wu$wrong$ novel!"

Within one second, five sparks flashed in the air!

"You don't understand human language!" Ada said angrily, didn't she just turn over on your head! "

The secret guard gracefully turned around, as if stepping on a beautiful dance step, dodging the attack of the vampires.

But the wind was howling, and the blood race took advantage of its absolute speed to catch up with Ada's fantastic movement.

"Turned over?"

"You just insulted the dignity of a blood marquis." Simon's face was full of murderous intent, and he appeared at the landing point in front of Ada, asking you to wash away this shame with blood. "

Ada sighed.

"It turned out to be another paranoid who spouted a lot of nonsense for the sake of honor and dignity." She pinched her neck, moved her joints, and said helplessly, okay, based on my experience, I have to kill you first, Only then can we go. "

Simon's eyes radiate with anger, it seems that it is difficult for you to understand this kind of attachment. "

"Without the dignity of the strong, and without the pride of the strong, regardless of the persistence of the strong - did you become an extreme?"

"Stop talking nonsense," Ada exhaled under the cloak, threw the scimitar towards the sky, and caught it with the other hand indifferently:

"Show your 'true type', you brat who lives on blood."

Ada chuckled lightly.

Simon's expression changed, and he ignored the "little kid" that the other party said.

"You are actually the 'true type' of the blood race?"

The seemingly young blood count said coldly, it seems that you have encountered extreme blood before. "

"Hmph, that's not accurate," Ada raised the exquisite scimitar, and confidently curled the corners of her mouth:

"Tell me in detail."

"I, slaughtered the vampires who have been to the extreme."

Simon's pupils shrank.

Ada whistled and continued to laugh:

"Still in the 'true type' state."


The voice just fell.

Simon roared, and countless afterimages burst out of his claws instantly, blocking every direction of Ada!


In the fight that could not be seen clearly by the naked eye, there was a loud and chaotic sound of metal colliding with sharp claws!

Then they converged into a loud noise.


Accompanied by a dazzling light flash.

Ada groaned, while Simon howled in pain.

The two figures separated in the air and fell to the ground.

"It's actually a blade that has been blessed by the goddess of the setting sun." Simon's face turned cold, and the claws he was looking at were "hissing" and emitting white smoke.

It seems to be burning.

He clenched his fists tightly, blood from his whole body pooled in his hands, the old skin fell off, and new flesh regenerated, quickly repairing the injury.

Simon then raised his head and looked opposite.

There, Ada's cloak covering her head and face had fallen off from the middle.

to reveal her whole face.

Simon saw her appearance clearly and was shocked!

He was slightly taken aback for a moment, then looked up to the sky and laughed.

"I just said that short-lived species may have such a master."

"So you're not human at all."

The young blood race looked at Ada.

Looking at her tight face, smooth outline, silver pupils, almost bright white hair, and a pair of slightly swaying pointed ears.

Ada looked back at him coldly.

Simon's hands were reshaped, turning into claws that were as sharp as magic weapons.

"You are neither short-lived nor long-lived."

He showed a ferocious smile, but he was very afraid in his heart:

"You are the immortal."



In the smoky jungle, there was a voice calling for him.

That's his teacher.


"Your final power is not a classic power that has been tested by predecessors in the long river - it is a product of modern times, and it has not even appeared for a hundred years."

"After an unfortunate rebellion, the Tower of the End has a new enemy."

"The inheritors realized that in order to fight against this kind of enemy, we must innovate our strength. We must reform our swordsmanship from the Northland, carry forward the knightly inheritance, tolerate and absorb the fighting techniques of Nie Da, Hongtu, and the Far East, and finally achieve great success in The power of the end battle - the end."

"So over the past hundred years, under the unremitting research of several generations of inheritors, a new type of power of termination has emerged as the times require."

"The power you possess is the product of this innovation..."

"Compared to the melting of glaciers, the death of the sword, the glory of the stars, and the music of the heavenly horses, these famous ending powers that have been passed down for thousands of years are far from perfect - what they will bring to the owner is not yet fully known."

"But just as the 'sage of the sword' You Nie Ruo in the Far East said four hundred years ago: Even if there are ten thousand changes, they cannot be separated from the origin of the sword..."

"The same goes for your strength."

Wyah Castle, open your eyes suddenly!

He instinctively pulled himself up from the snow.

With blood on his forehead, he looked at the smog in the sky and the indistinguishable bushes, and shook his dizzy head vigorously.

Not far from him, a figure climbed up from the snow and rushed towards him swiftly!

Huai Ya subconsciously touched the single-sided straight-edged sword by his side, turned around with a sword, and forcibly parried a sharp claw!

"Clang!" The swords and claws intersected and sparks flew everywhere.

Under the huge impact, Huai Ya gritted his teeth and took several steps back, trying his best to grasp the balance.

"As a short-lived species, you are very strong."

The male vampire with the torn armor on the opposite side grinned, and his left hand also began to transform into a sharp claw, but we are not the cowardly vampires of Xilu. "

As soon as the words fell, he disappeared from sight.

Huai Ya's pupils shrank, recalling Puttilai's reminder, resisting the urge to dodge, and anticipating the opponent's next attack.

I want to predict the opponent's position, where is the attack more deadly and unstoppable?

If he really attacked from this position, how should I deal with it?

The sharp claws of the vampire emerged from the left side of his throat.

felt it!

Huaia, who had been prepared for a long time, swung the straight-edged sword at a perfect angle without even thinking about it.

Cut off a pair of arms of the vampire.

It worked!

But at the moment when Huai Ya was in a good mood, he only felt a chill from his left shoulder to his left chest.


Huai Ya took three steps back in disbelief, severe pain came from the left side of his body!


Wyah gritted his teeth, looking at the large amount of blood from his left shoulder to his left rib, as well as the scratches where the bones were deep.

I clearly slashed his arm!

Huai Ya felt dizzy for a while, took a step back while shaking, and held onto a birch tree with his left hand, but the wound on his left side was affected, and the pain made him break out in a cold sweat.

"It's a good response, but didn't the ephemeral species next to you teach you?" The figure of the vampire reappeared in front of him, licking the blood dripping from his right paw, and said with a chuckle that vampires above the super level have their own special abilities. "

"...Aren't you ready?" There is no mistake and no word skipping.

Special ability? Wyatt looked at the other's intact arms and sighed: Damn vampire.

So can you ignore my slash?

"Do you think about my ability?" There is no mistake without skipping words. The blood race looked at Huai Ya who was panting, and raised the corners of his mouth confidently.

Huai Ya frowned.

What kind of ability is it...?

"Then I'll tell...hahahaha..."

Halfway through the blood clan's words, he suddenly laughed happily:

"...I might tell you!"

"Do you think I'm the villain in knight novels? I'm just talking nonsense, and I'm still explaining my battle to you..."

But before the word "battle" was finished, the sharp claws of the blood clan came before them again!

Damn it!

He said so many words to draw my attention!

"Chi - pull!"

Wyah roared angrily and swung out the sword, but because the activation was slow, another huge wound was torn open from behind by the blood race!

Huai Ya was panting anxiously. His sword moved towards the head of the blood race, but only cut into the air.

What exactly is his ability?

To be able to ignore my sword strikes!

"The last blow." The blood race showed his figure again, and said coldly that the next time would be the last blow. "

Feeling the severe pain in his body, Huai Ya closed his eyes with difficulty.


"Aren't you going to take a look?" There is no mistake or word skipping.

Chris tore off a piece of tattered clothes on his body, revealing a skinny appearance like a dead man's, and completely inconsistent muscles. Looking at the smog in the sky, he said coldly to Hesta in front of him.

"No need, an alchemy ball mainly composed of smoke and sound and light," Hesta untied the armor on his left shoulder that was shattered in the battle just now, and responded with all his concentration:

"Think about it, your master is playing tricks again."

"But I have great confidence in His Majesty."

"In comparison, I'm more worried about you, old man." Hesta stepped forward and looked at Chris.

"It's a great honor." Chris took a step forward without showing any weakness.

The two stood facing each other.

After a few seconds.

"Do you still remember the first time we faced the enemy?" There was no mistake or skipping words. Hesta sighed.

"Of course, I might forget it." Chris replied coldly.

"Yeah, at that time, you were still a legion lieutenant of the Final Empire, Christamur Linka." Hesta took a deep breath and I, the little chieftain of the Kiseli tribe, Hesta Mullinka. Chula. "

"You stand on that side, and I stand on this side. For some inexplicable reason, they charge towards each other, disregarding life and death."

"It's really nostalgic." Hesta said with emotion.


Chris shook his head and snorted coldly:

"Sorry to disagree."

"Those nightmarish years... changed everyone, including you and me, including Your Majesty."

Heesta, the "Your Majesty" Chris mentioned is not Katrina, nor Serena.

It was the huge and terrifying black shadow under the nightwing.

He raised his head, and their eyes met.

"But those years are meaningful after all." Hesta sighed:

"Those...the years in the War of the End."

The next moment, the two opened their ferocious fangs and roared at the same time!

The flesh and blood discolored, deformed, and --- deteriorated during the expansion!

Huge bat wings, with sharp bone spurs, protruded from the back of the skin.

Unfold it violently!

The skin on his body fell off in pieces, and the muscles under the skin melted into a hard cortex, turning deep and pitch black.

The two of them quickly transformed—no, they "grew".

The pinnae are towering.

The mouth and nose are ferocious.

His pupils were red.

The fangs are terrifying.

The joints become thorns.

The fingers and claws are sharp.

The two extreme vampires who have gone through countless years turned into terrifying monsters in legends, with bat wings spread out, roaring and rushing towards each other. (To be continued.)