
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 20 Starry Night Alliance (Part 2)

"The next king? Last night, Li's subordinates exaggerated Li's identity," the fat baby girl pouted. She was wearing the children's clothes prepared for Thales, and she sat down on the carpet by the fireplace in a funny and cute way. , and continued to say the leaky words: "But Oumen Huaxian, Lixian, is not even a prince."

Of course not, the people in the whole country who know that the king has a son probably can't count it with more than two hands, okay?—Thales said from the bottom of his heart.

Could I tell you that Gilbert said that on purpose just because he was uncomfortable looking at the golden retriever? Thales rolled his eyes in his heart.

"I thought," Thales took a deep breath, looked at the pair of red eyes in front of him, and said, "We talked about it in the Vinegrass Manor before: since my blood is delicious, as long as you forget to drink my blood The idea of sucking dry in one breath, I will provide you with a small amount of blood periodically. You serve me while enjoying my blood, and I will guarantee you a safe dwelling in the stars."

"Danli doesn't have this kind of power," Serena said slowly but surely, "Come and protect us."

"Well, that's right, I'm just an illegitimate child. So it's not me, but my father who will ensure your safety..."

Serena stared straight at him, and suddenly interrupted him: "But Li is not Li's father, and Li is not the king."

"So," Thales said helplessly, "I'm very sorry, but you are already in Mindis Hall, and we have learned your secret. I think the Kevin Dill family probably doesn't welcome you back..."

"Half a pint." The red-eyed Loli said expressionlessly.


"I need half a pint of blood every day." She looked seriously into Thales' eyes.

"Half...a pint every day?" Thales also narrowed his eyes, looking at the Grand Duchess of the Eastern Continent, just for my blood?

This boy's blood is different - Serena said silently in her heart, it was the kind of blood full of vitality and strength that awakened herself from the chaotic slumber. Although, waking up to find a guy biting her neck wasn't very pleasant—Selina pouted and touched her neck in displeasure.

Thales, don't forget, yesterday was the mummified version of this "little sister" - on the other side, Thales said inwardly - almost killed you. Thinking that he was once bitten by a mummy's neck, like a water pump... Thales, who was in a complicated mood, turned his neck unnaturally.

The two looked at each other silently until one of them broke the silence.

"Are you kidding! Half a pint a day? You might as well suck me dry!" Thales tiptoed and patted the table (otherwise he was too short to be able to pat the table), and looked at her without showing any weakness. It's just that occasionally I think of her mummy's appearance, and my heart still feels a little creepy.

"I can't wait to suck every drop of blood in Li's body," Serena replied solemnly and creepily with red eyes, "but it's obviously more cost-effective to let Li supply blood for me for a long time."

"You really know how to plan carefully!" Thales shot back sarcastically.

"Three-quarters of a pint a day, and I need to fly back as soon as possible." Serena's eyes turned cold, and her tone was unquestionable.

"Do you think I'm Xiaoqiang who is full of blood and mana every time I level up?" Thales gritted his teeth tightly against the other party's gaze: "I donate blood to you every day-there is no way!"

"I don't understand what you're talking about," the cold-faced Loli chose to ignore the crazy words accidentally revealed by the traverser: "Once a week, two pints."

"Once every six months! A tenth of a pint! This is for the sake of our friendly negotiation." Thales said fiercely.

"Once a fortnight, a pint and a half. Please use your actions to prove Li's friendliness to me."

"Once a month at most! After losing blood, I need time to make blood, okay?"

Serena slowly stood up from the ground.

The red pupils looked at Thales, making the latter's scalp tingle:

"Little ghost, don't challenge my patience."

"Li can still stand here and apply air, because I'm interested in Li's blood."

Serena's eyes shrank, her expression remained unchanged, and she suddenly showed a chill!

"If we want to leave regardless of sacrifice, we can't stop it, let alone—" Selina's eyes rolled mysteriously, but the pupils never left Thales' gaze, making the traveler's hair stand on end:

"Here, the secret heir of the stars is hidden. Lichai, the big lords and nobles, are Fei Fei interested?"

Thales suddenly felt his scalp go numb.

Damn it—the old witch, Thales slandered.

But the fieldwork experience in his previous life made him realize that, as the other party in the negotiation, he cannot show weakness.

"Okay," Thales tried his best to release a happy smile on his face: "Your sister must also miss you very much. Especially, you not only came to the stars for vacation, but also turned into a cute little chubby girl. "

"At that time, I won't be able to become the heir, and you won't be able to go back to the Kingdom of the Night, since you are so compatible—"

Thales smiled even brighter: "You might as well just marry me."

The voice fell.

Serena's expression didn't change, her eyes didn't turn, and her body didn't move.

But for some reason, Thales shuddered and felt a bone-chilling cold in an instant!

The two sides looked at each other for a full dozen seconds.

In the silence, Serena spoke extremely slowly, and slowly uttered a sentence:

"It seems that Li really wants to break up with me."

While speaking, Serena suddenly grinned, revealing her tiny fangs!

Thales was startled.

His right hand hidden behind his back trembled, JC's dagger was ready and ready to be stabbed at any time!

"Alright then." Serena said mysteriously, curling the corners of her mouth and licking her fangs.

With this angle and distance, I can circle around for more than ten seconds.

Thales lowered his head, frowned, and swallowed hard.

As long as they don't meet Chris, Yordle can come here. The guards, Jini and Gilbert are also in the corridor, but Eastron and Laurana—damn it!

But since he got the worst result, Thales could only choose to accept it.

He slightly bent his legs, stretched his feet, prepared to raise his left arm, and held the dagger steady with his right hand. He was about to assume a standard "iron body pose".

Northland military swordsmanship—although I only practiced it for two hours, I hope you get more than what you pay for, Thales said with a wry smile in his heart.

For the first time, Serena suddenly broke into a disturbing smile.

The childish voice sounded, and it sounded terrible to Thales' ears:

"Then I can only compromise. According to what I said, once a month."

"How many pints, Thales, Li decides."

The left arm is used as a shield to block her first attack. According to the experience of the mummy last night, I don't know if she will--huh?

Thales suddenly realized what Serena said.



Thales opened his mouth wide in surprise, enough to hold two Serena's fists.

Just as I was about to "Asahi", the enemy army—surrendered?

Why not follow the original plan?

More frightening things happened later.

I saw two faint dimples appearing on Serena's lovely face.

Little Lolita smiled shyly: "Brother Thales, I even compromised, so I have to promise him a condition, okay?"

Thales couldn't react at all, and stared blankly at the other party.

Seeing the three-no girl suddenly turn into a smiling little lolita, he simply - what the hell is this!

His emotions changed so quickly, he could only speak in a dry voice, passively responding:

"What...cough cough...what...conditions?"

The little girl smiled even brighter.

At that moment, Thales suddenly felt that those strange red pupils were actually quite beautiful.

"Brother Thales, after Li becomes king, can he support me to regain the throne!"

Take back...the throne?

The Eastern Continent's... Kingdom of the Night?

It turned out to be this plan, no wonder there were so many concessions.

"Um, this goal is too far away," Thales scratched his head—his dagger had already been inserted back into his pocket—a little embarrassed and hesitant, "If I really become a king one day, well, Depending on the circumstances..."

Before she could finish speaking, little Loli jumped up happily!

Straight into Thales' arms!

"I know, Thales is the best!"

Thales fell hard on the carpet.

But before he had time to pull away the little girl in his arms, he saw a pair of red pupils looking at him watery.

I saw little Lolita's mouth bent into a crescent shape, and then, on Thales' cheek——


A kiss!

"Wow! Thales is the best!" A childish voice came!

Thales only felt that after he crossed over, the world view he had built up with great difficulty would collapse!

His brain was messed up!

So much later, after the two children got up from the ground, he couldn't remember what they said.

In the end, the blood supply agreement was set at one-eighth of a pint per month. For this reason, Thales calculated it with his fingers, not much.

But he still felt that he was at a loss.

"To this end, I got the help of two super-level and one extreme master." Serena suddenly changed back to a loli with a lack of expression, but her eyes were sharp and said: "The road to become the heir will only be smoother."

That's right - Thales thought gloomily - if you have the support of a powerful country in the Western Continent, your journey to regain the throne will surely be smoother.

"Besides, for Thales' promise, I will try my best to help Li become the heir and ascend the throne!"

Promise—Thales' face twitched.

I didn't promise her just now, did I?

Didn't agree?

Didn't you agree...?

But, hey, what happened to that cold face that suddenly changed back?

Seeing little Lolita staggering out, Thales suddenly realized that he was in a cold sweat.

"By the way, I occasionally have a question." When leaving, little Loli turned her head and asked with her usual expressionless expression: "What's the secret of the blood in the blood?"

"Just a little bit can actually wake me up?"

"It wasn't a 'little' blood last night!" The boy who was confused complained angrily, "For this question, please turn to the books, check the information, search the literature, or ask my parents directly!"

Unexpectedly, Serena nodded earnestly: "If it's organic, I'll pay it." She raised her eyes: "The blood in my heart and my power, the throne in my heart and my throne, our cooperation, in fact Very good deal."

The next moment, Thales was surprised to see Serena shaking her young body and taking a step back.

"For this reason, I apologize to my partner and my subordinates for their recklessness, and pray for Li's generosity and tolerance."

Serena leaned down again, pinched the non-existent skirt with her chubby little hands, and said softly in a childish voice, "The future His Royal Highness Thales Canxing."

Thales froze for a moment.

Thales Canxing.

This is the first time someone called him that.

Just like Serena said before: After all, he is not even a prince now.

From a beggar to His Highness—as expected, I'm still not used to it, Thales thought distressedly.

This witch—Thales, who was dripping with cold sweat, kept reminding himself of this, regardless of her serious look before—could it be said that she really was the former Grand Duchess?

Thinking of this, Thales sighed deeply, feeling that today's negotiation was a bit frustrated.

He stretched out his hand earnestly, and helped little Lori up. Although the behavior of the two children looked funny, both of them became extremely serious.

"His Highness Serena Corleone, I accept your friendship."

Thales moved his right hand in front of the little Lolita Serena, with serious eyes: "Now, we are allies."

Serena glanced at him, her red pupils flickering.

After a while, she also reached out her chubby little hand and put it on his palm: "Of course, the stars and the night, happy cooperation."

The two little hands were lightly held together.

"Also, let your people stay away from my guards in the future - they are a blood feud that cannot be resolved!"

Thales looked at the little girl who was a head shorter than him in front of him, and said with deep meaning: "Next time, you might as well tell me how you reset - don't bother trying to test my attitude, Eastlon's The acting is terrible."

Serena's red pupils shrank slightly, and she also nodded: "Okay, the future His Royal Highness Thales, if Li inherits the throne and we conclude the Starry Night Alliance..."

"Although it's far away, it's not impossible for me to marry Li!"

Depressed Thales choked so hard that he wanted to vomit—who is going to take this leaky guy away!