
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 19 Starry Night Alliance (Part 1)

Two hours later.

"Pay attention to your steps!"

"Hold your breath!"

"The key to the 'Iron Body' pose is at the feet. The moment you are attacked, adjust the distance between your legs and let go of your strength!"

"If you don't want to die, raise your shield to the enemy!"

Jini's clear voice sounded, followed by a merciless slash!

Thales gritted his teeth, swung the sword in his right hand to drive his body to rotate, and the blood vessels in his left arm were swollen. He tried his best to lift the disproportionately heavy wooden shield with his shoulder strength, and his right leg was slightly bent, ready to slide according to the force. Open to cushion the blow.


Gilbert, who was watching the battle, gently closed his eyes.

After Jine hit a sword on the lower side of the shield, Thales lost his balance for the twenty-fifth time, and fell into the sand again. This time, he was exhausted and could no longer lift the shield in his hand.

Yes, damn it.

The traverser panted heavily, and tried to raise his head and chest, but the heavy shield pressed his left chest tightly, preventing him from struggling from the ground.

This aunt, who is also her father's lover, obviously swung the sword for two hours straight, but why, why didn't she show any signs of physical exertion?

"The swordsmanship used by the Northland military originated more than 3,000 years ago in the age of the ancient chauvin country, and was formed in the time of the human kings before the ancient empire." Gilbert's voice seemed to have read Thales' mind. A voice sounded from the open space, "According to records, the battle between the ancient elves and the dragons was raging at that time, and the human kings of the North encountered the ancient orcs in the north."

"This set of swordsmanship was born to fight against ancient orcs and even dragons—those terrifying opponents whose strength and size far exceed that of humans." Gilbert looked seriously at Thales on the ground, and said softly: "This It is the oldest combat swordsmanship in human history. It was under such a huge disadvantage, in a near-desperate battle, in a near-mortal resistance and a near-suicide charge, that the first batch of knights awakened their extraordinary power, that is, What is now known as the 'End Force' has become the earliest super-order in human history."

The light in Gilbert's eyes flashed: "Ms. Ji Ni is the best in the super class, not to mention the special finishing power she possesses, just observation, explosive power, sense of balance, almost all physical qualities, They are all different from you. The gap between her and you is just like the strong and brave ancient orcs and weak humans back then."

Thales was surprised and embarrassed—to be honest, he still doesn't know how to get along with this father's "lover"—looking at Ji Ni, and saw that the other party moved his wrists with ease, as if he was interested in Ji Ni. Albert's compliment was indifferent.

"With the further use and accumulation of extraordinary power, this power will become stronger and stronger. The knights began to learn to control these huge and profound powers, control those unfathomable powers, and reach the realm of sending and receiving freely. Compared with Ultra-level, these further knights, the strength is almost unfathomable, and the skills are already unmatched. They have begun to understand the essence of power and combat, and they can change at will without any restraint. They can use the greatest efficiency and the smallest The attrition can solve a battle," Gilbert took a step forward, nodding to somewhere in the void without showing any trace:

"This is the extreme state, the strongest who surpasses the limit of strength."

Thales stared blankly at the sky, thinking of Ashida's control over the air at will, and Yordle's ghostly movement skills.

"Ordinary level, super level, extreme level, this set of power classification system has been widely spread to all races after the prosperity of human beings." Gilbert looked at the sky and nodded to Jini: "Ancient orcs, ancient elves , even supernatural beings and... have begun to use such classifications."

"And all of this stems from the ancient northern military swordsmanship, from the courage to fight against orcs and dragons in order to survive." Gilbert's words made Thales dazed.

"Now, the threat of ancient orcs is no longer,

The dragons have disappeared from the world, and the swordsmanship used by the Northland military is no longer handed down. Even in King Exeter's army, which is proud of the blood of the Northland and occupied the old land of the ancient Northland, this set of sword skills has long been abandoned. Now, the place where the complete northern land military swordsmanship inheritance remains is the Kingdom of Stars and the Tower of the End. "

"Miss Jinny is one of the few people who is proficient in this kind of swordsmanship. For this set of swordsmanship that once saved our ancestors, Mr. Thales, please be respectful and practice tirelessly."

Sword skills against orcs and dragons?

No wonder - Thales, who came back to his senses, thought gloomily: I said how I feel like a grandson when I swing a sword.

Recalling how I raised my shield and swung my sword like a fool (being swung by the sword), moving my feet (being pulled away by the inertia of the shield), and the duel with Jini (Ji Ni practiced him), I felt that I was treated like a grandson Thales, who had been beaten up for two hours, sighed speechlessly, and fell back with regret on his face.

"Your previous wounds are already showing signs of tearing. That's all for this morning." Ji Ni looked at the sun in the sky, dropped her sword and shield, and looked authentic as usual.

"These three sets of defensive styles used by the Northern Army swordsmanship are your homework for this week. As for horseback riding..." Ji Ni looked at the colt beside the horse post, which was having fun with butterflies, and then looked at Fei Li. Thales, who freed his left arm from the wooden shield, also sighed, shook his head and said, "Go take a shower. Have lunch. At one o'clock in the afternoon, Gilbert will prepare an indoor class for you." ."

Afternoon classes?

God, do you have to study late at night?

Thales, who was used to the irregular life of the smoking and drinking monk, let out another breath, feeling the soreness all over his body, and closed his eyes resignedly.

I saw the most honorable illegitimate child in the Star Kingdom, helplessly and laboriously took off his equipment (pulled his left arm out of the shield), and limped into the Mindis Hall.

He only has one hour to take a shower and eat.

"I have to say, it's really good understanding and comprehension. In only two hours, he has already initially understood the basic spirit of this set of swordsmanship." Gilbert watched Thales leave, broke the silence, and nodded softly Said: "When I was his age, I relied on my body to practice swords, but this kid uses his brain to learn swords."

"Compared to this—don't tell me, your observation skills are so poor that you can't notice the abnormality on his body!" Ji Ni watched Thales's back disappear, her face suddenly became serious, and she was facing Kiel Burt spoke while looking suspiciously at the surrounding air: "I still remember that even if it is dust a hundred meters away, that cursed mask can be seen clearly."

"Don't look around, Yordle is not around." Seeing Jine's nervous behavior, Gilbert put his hands behind his back and said steadily: "Ever since Thales was taken away by the blood clan by surprise once, he has always been , inseparable."

"Also, we have all noticed," Gilbert said, frowning slightly: "The child is only about 7 years old, and he suffered a serious injury two days ago, but within two days, he is almost healed Already... after two hours of practicing swordsmanship under the sun, there is no serious problem... No wonder the blood vessel lamp that detects blood has no response for seven years..."

"This kind of physique can no longer be described as 'different from ordinary people', it is simply..." He sighed, trying not to think about another possibility of this matter: "The Canxing family is indeed inherited from the world. The longest legacy of the imperial family."

Ji Ni was also silent for a while, and tacitly said nothing.

The court lady bent down and patted the dust on her boots: "Speaking of vampires, why did you reveal Thales' identity to them and invite them to stay in the Mindis Hall? Do you really believe that Thales and the distressed Grand Duchess After all, he is only 7 years old... And you know very well that vampires have killed our people, we can't trust them... and for vampires, we are a sudden accident, and they can't trust us."

"You've already given the answer." Gilbert's eyes lit up, thinking of the old blood clan man with a dead face but full of wisdom: "Because of the lack of trust in each other, mutual fear and even threat to each other."

"That's why we bind each other with our respective secrets and common interests. This is the tacit understanding and understanding in diplomacy, which is different from the clear investigation and investigation."

"Hmph, pretending to be a ghost, so mysterious." Jini seemed to be reminded of bad memories. As she left the training ground and walked into the hall, she said uncomfortably, "Another Morat."

"Thank you for your compliment, dear Ms. Jine," Gilbert raised his top hat and smiled appropriately, "I am very grateful to be listed with the head of the Kingdom's Secret Division."

Also——Gilbert didn't care about Jine's rude ignorance, he said silently in his heart——Although the child is only 7 years old, in terms of heart, he is by no means worse than the hundreds-year-old female archduke.


In fact, half an hour later, when Gilbert and Ginny came to Thales' study at the same time, Thales, who had just bathed indiscriminately and was eating, was frowning and looking at the expressionless man in front of him. Red-eyed little girl.

Her followers, Eastron and Laurana, were confronting the Terminator swordsman guards who surrounded Thales with unfriendly eyes.

"Stand back, vampire," a swordsman guard who looked like a leader glared behind his helmet, and said in a bad tone, "You are not welcome here."

"Don't get me wrong, I don't like you too much, ephemeral species," Eastron's indifferent words made the guards even more upset, "Remember? I killed eight of you guys yesterday." He sarcastically And provocatively authentic.

Frowning Thales took a bite of the well-seasoned beef short ribs from the fork in his hand, and was moved by the deliciousness that he had never tasted since time travel, while carefully avoiding the fat baby opposite him. Girl, she has obviously wrong eyes.

It's a pity that this taste probably couldn't compare to the dog meat I ate with Yala back then.

Thales looked at the situation in front of him and sighed: What a headache.

"You won't have that chance again, despicable mouse hidden in a vase," the swordsman leader's tone dropped to freezing point, and the silver sword specially equipped at his waist was unsheathed a foot: "Try to take a step forward? Willing to avenge my fellow men - or I just need to draw the curtains and let you bask in the sun."

So the handsome blond man looked unhappy and planned to take a step forward.

"Don't be nervous, boys." Laurana pulled her furious cousin back a step at the right time, although she was smiling, her words were serious and serious: "Servants, stand down, your master has an agreement with our master ."

Looking at the end swordsmen who wished to kill them, Laurana's laughing face became brighter and brighter: "This is what your master said - we are allies now, shouldn't we forget the past enmity? It's just eight lives... "

The emotions of the end swordsmen became more and more unstable, and some of them even gritted their teeth behind their helmets.

A cousin is a cousin—Esteron thought to himself, especially, watching the guards who were furious but could only restrain themselves—it really made me feel refreshed.

Jine outside the room frowned, and was about to enter the room, but Gilbert grabbed her arm. The gray-haired former diplomat shook his head mysteriously, and pointed behind the guard. A little host on a chair.

Jinie showed a puzzled expression.

Until she saw Thales, who took the last bite of food and put down the knife and fork, belched contentedly, and slipped off the chair.

What should we do——Looking at the meaningful gazes of the three blood races opposite, Thales pondered over this question.

However, he soon had an answer.

"Thank you for your maintenance, Jorah. With you here, I am very assured of my safety." Thales said with a smile on his face, and tugged at the hem of the swordsman leader's armor.

Jorah, who was once laughed at by poking his stomach on the first morning of his arrival, was the leader of these guards, and he also arranged the guards. Killed the incoming mercenary with one shot.

He knew that these loyal guards could not be waved back with authority and arrogance like most of the protagonists of Xiaobaiwen. What's more, in order to protect themselves, they had just sacrificed eight of their most reliable brothers and comrades. For the most direct enemy, it is a rare restraint not to directly draw the sword to kill each other. Although they were already allies in the agreement, they pretended nothing happened and waved back their own people in front of outsiders. Although it was cool, it would only chill the hearts of the guards.

Thales turned serious: "I need you to do me a favor."

"I will follow your orders."

Although I couldn't see the expression clearly, the respectful tone of the guard leader Qiao La explained everything. The swordsmen who can guard here are the most trusted and elite private soldiers of the Canxing family. Although they hadn't been informed, based on the mission they had received and how they had gotten along with each other over the past few days, the guards had long guessed about the identity of the boy sent by Gilbert and Yodel.

"Because of my previous experience, I don't trust this handsome Mr. Eastren Corleone, and his beautiful but equally dangerous cousin, Ms. Laurana Corleone."

"They left me with a lot of humiliation—their existence troubled me, worried me and feared me." Thales frowned and gritted his teeth.

It's as if they really have a life-and-death enmity.

Both Estren and Laurana were startled, and looked at the Grand Duchess behind them at the same time, but the latter remained calm.

"As long as you have a word, little mister," Jorah's eyes behind the helmet became more dazzling, and the sword at his waist moved out an inch again, "Our sword will be unsheathed for you."

The surrounding swordsmen of the end put their hands on the hilts of their swords when they heard the words, and their eyes became more and more unfriendly under the same hatred.

"Very well, I want their heads so much..." Thales stared at Eastron with a chill on his face.

All the swordsmen take a step forward! Faintly surrounded the vampires.

Seeing the boy's expression, Estren felt his heart skip a beat.

Laurana showed a fierce expression and stretched her hands.

No way——Eastern was terrified for no reason, and unknowingly took a step back until the secret words of the Grand Duchess rang in his ears.

"Hold on, Isa," the childish voice, which only the vampires could hear, reassured Eastren: "He's not trying to turn his back."

"...But because of the sacred covenant, I can't hurt them in my own house..."

"So, drive the other two people to the corridor except this...little lady, Jorah." Thales pouted, folded his arms and said coldly.

"If they dare to interrupt my private conversation with—Ms. Serena Corleone."

A cold light flashed in Thales' eyes, which made Eastron, who had long been in the shadow, feel uneasy. The traverser turned his head and continued to speak mercilessly to Jorah: "Jorah, and everyone...you have a legitimate reason to take revenge. Shame."

"Especially the blonde one."

Eastron's heart tightened.

"If we draw our swords out of their sheaths, we will not disappoint you." Jorah nodded resolutely, and stretched out his arms towards the door of the study:

"Vampire, you heard me."

"Get out, the corridor is the right place for you."

Eastron, with an angry expression, wanted to say something more, but was stopped by his cousin long ago.

Laurana properly hid her astonishment, smiled mysteriously, bowed respectfully to the little loli Serena, and dragged Eastron out of the study.

Gilbert outside the room smiled, and Jine, who looked surprised, made way for the guards and the blood races. The two groups stared at each other warily, walked out of the study, and continued to confront each other in the corridor far away. stand up.

"Good day, Mr. Corleone and Ms. Corleone." Gilbert saluted neatly, his elegant mustache slightly raised: "I know that the blood races have excellent hearing, and it's so easy to hear the movement in the study here— —I don't know if eavesdropping is considered to 'interrupt' the private conversation between Mr. Thales and Ms. Corleone?"

The guard Jorah on the side, and the swordsmen immediately came up with a dignified atmosphere: "Are you going to eavesdrop?"

Laurana's smile stopped abruptly, while Estren's face was ashen.

Seeing the blood race being forced to the outside of the stairs by the angry swordsmen before stopping, Ji Ni was thoughtful.

That being said—Jenny bowed her head silently—what Gilbert said was true, he was really a smart and steady boy.

It's just that she is too smart and steady.

Thales exhaled, and under the slightly strange eyes of the red-eyed little loli, he pushed the heavy study door and closed the curtains intimately to block out the sunlight.

The study on the third floor has a perfect sound insulation effect. Gilbert assured him that even the hearing of the vampires would not be able to penetrate it.

"Okay, time was urgent yesterday, now," Thales exhaled, and said seriously, "Let's discuss in detail the terms of the alliance agreement."

"Especially about my blood, and the part where you work for me."

"It's very good." Miss Serena, the little Lolita, who had a leaky speech due to her shrinking body, also nodded solemnly: "You might as well add your identity to the terms that need to be negotiated."

Thales had doubts on his face, but following the next words of the red-eyed little loli, his expression changed drastically.

Just listen to the Grand Duchess Serena L.A. Corleone, the true heir of the Corleone family, the legal and orthodox ruler of the Hill of Pain, who is dressed in the appearance of a little girl, and her teeth leaked out:

"That is to say, Li's succession as a prince has not been recognized for a long time."

What they didn't know was that just as Thales cleverly avoided the unresolvable enmity between the guards and the vampires and started negotiating with Serena, on the top of the study on the third floor, Chris Corleone was hiding Behind the shadow of the fireplace chimney, sheltered from the sun, erratically posed and impassive.

"Okay." The pale-faced Chris Corleone moved his ears, turned his head and said, "Our people didn't fight. I think His Highness and that kid have probably started talking."

"The two of us are in the extreme state anyway, so we don't need to maintain this awkward posture anymore?"

On the opposite side of the old man of the blood race, the masked and silent weirdo, Yordel Gato, just hid the dagger he was holding upside down under his clothes, and his figure gradually disappeared.