
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 21 The Battle of the End (Part 1)

Three o'clock in the afternoon.

"What's wrong?" In the study, Thales put down the quill pen that was copying the contemporary universal alphabet, waved his hand impatiently, and looked at Gilbert who had been staring at him for an hour.

"Forgive me, Mr. Thales," Gilbert smiled softly, "If you don't become a wealthy businessman, then you may be a born diplomat."

If I had known, I wouldn't have told him. I just told him that I played hide-and-seek with that little girl in the room for half an hour—Thales thought dejectedly, and crossed out the crooked "S" in his pen.

Thales was very upset, without him. After the negotiation with Serena, Thales thought of the grand duchess's flexible and changeable face between coldness and enthusiasm, and felt something was wrong for a while.

So, just now, Thales asked Gilbert to analyze the situation for him.

To put it simply - Thales was placed in a row.

It seems that Serena has given in on the issue of blood, but this is Mindis Hall, neither Gilbert, Yodel, Jenny, nor even that unreliable father His Majesty will just watch him for a day Half a pint of blood was drawn, that is to say:

One-eighth of a pint per month is simply the amount that the other party expected!

Therefore, Selina has not compromised at all - in exchange for an ambiguous promise from Thales!

Help her regain the throne?

Thales found to his chagrin that he was the loser in this negotiation.

"Businessman, diplomat—why do I feel like you're secretly laughing at me?" Thales lowered his head, opened another page of the "Poetry Collection of Cahill Ye Luo" that Gilbert gave him, and copied the above Sentences, identify words and usage.

The night is about to dawn, and the sky is not yet clear. The holy day used to shine in nine places.

The land is about to collapse, the sea is about to collapse, and the evil spirits are gathering to darken the sky.

After copying down this line of antithetical poem in the style of Oriental Suye, Thales pouted, trying to understand the meaning.

Originally, Gilbert was particularly worried about his shallow cultural foundation, so he specially formulated a huge and huge language supplement plan-you know, ordinary street gangsters have nothing but their own names and numbers on coins. I don't know the words, which is completely normal.

But after traveling, Thales has been paying attention to the surrounding text, coupled with his fluent language, and his brain that seems to have expanded the memory stick since he didn't know when, so it only took more than an hour to master it. After recognizing and writing the basic letters, Thales can easily enter the stage of spelling words one by one and copying long sentences.

The speed was so fast that even Gilbert was amazed by it, and it could only be attributed to the excellent bloodline of the Canxing royal family once again.

Thales rolled his eyes in response to this.

"No, your response is very good." Gilbert walked to his side and watched him copy down the complete long poem, "I asked someone to look up the information and information of the Kingdom of the Night, Compared to her masterful sister, Serena Corleone may not be well-known, but she is indeed the blood of King Nightwing, who appeared before the Third Continental War, and is likely to be over four hundred years old."

"Although she is living in poverty, she sent Eastren to take the initiative to persecute you, to choose between the loyalty of her subordinates and the power of the alliance, to shake your popularity, and to remind you of the fact that you have not yet become the heir , to attack your self-confidence and confidence, both of these things show the cunning city of a blood-born grand duchess—or the shrewdness of that extreme steward."

"Fortunately, you didn't let her succeed in this matter. Instead, you forced her to get the chips in a way that was almost cheating."

Sure enough, it was an old hag, Thales spat in his heart, and continued to copy.

The gods have fallen into the world, the prison river is surging, the earth is vicissitudes, the blood is spreading, the army is long, and the snow mountain is retreating.

The hero raises the flag, the king holds the gun, the empire has fallen, the world is dark, and the people are in panic.

Where do I go when I'm lonely?

What was written——Thales frowned, read this descriptive sentence, and replied absently: "Then you just watch me being bullied by them?"

Gilbert didn't say anything, just looked at Thales quietly.


Thales' hand holding the pen suddenly paused, as if thinking of something.

His ultra-high-power brain began to automatically collect every factor and merge them into segments.

own identity.

Serena's identity.

A promise to regain the throne.

Mutual covenant.

The indifferent Gilbert.

There are also Serena's words: I also have to work hard to help Li become the heir and ascend the throne!

"Gilbert," Thales frowned, opened his mouth wide, and looked at the former foreign minister in disbelief: "It's you?"

The former foreign minister grinned slightly, his mustache curved gracefully.

"By the way, I still remember," Thales exhaled and realized, "You were the one who told them my identity last night!"

"You are not angry at the other party's arrogance, nor are you ashamed of my identity being underestimated." Thales stood up in front of the desk with suspicious eyes: "This is a plan you have planned!"

Gilbert was noncommittal, but shrugged rarely and playfully.

This allowed Thales to confirm it immediately.

It really was Gilbert's plan!


"You deliberately leaked my identity, just guessing that they will probably take this opportunity and take the initiative to negotiate with the heir of the kingdom when it was still in decline, to consolidate or strengthen the alliance, in exchange for my promise after I succeed to the throne—maybe It will take a long time, but they are blood races who are immortal after all, so they can afford to wait!"

Damn it! Thales secretly scolded Serena, that old hag, who clearly had a plan in mind, still pretended to be eager to recover her strength, wishing she could return to the Eastern Continent tomorrow!

Damn old man! Dead witch! Thales thought bitterly.

"I think you must have a reason for doing this?" Thales let go of his emotions and frowned.

In sight, Gilbert raised his hat and bowed.

"We and Corleone, both of us distrust and suspect each other, but live under the same roof in the name of cooperation. Even if it is our territory, this is really too dangerous."

"As for the blood? Safety?" Gilbert sneered, and said quietly: "I never believed that with these unreliable things, the stability of cooperation can be guaranteed-we and Corleone may turn against each other at any time , endangering oneself."

"But it's different now. You became the heir and she regained the throne. The two are tied together. In order for you to help, she must first help you."

"Unexpectedly, you used the promise of a future king to get a more stable support now." Gilbert smiled mysteriously: "Using the bundle of interests to win allies is politics. essence."

"As for what you said, watching you being bullied by them?"

"It's my job to share your worries."

"However, the responsibilities of cultivating you into a qualified heir and protecting you from any kind of damage are equally important to me." Gilbert smiled and said: "Selina Cole Leon is just a down-and-out foreign politician, and you will be the future of Star Kingdom, I think, this is a small test."

Quiz? Thales lowered his head and rolled his eyes again.

"Since you have this idea, why don't you go directly to them and propose an alliance?" Thales, who was unwilling to reconcile, replied stiffly.

"My little sir," Gilbert blinked, "Diplomatic negotiation is like a sword fight, the one who strikes first will get the upper hand..."

"...But they also exposed their own steps and traces. It would be best for us if they proposed an alliance."

I'll just quietly watch you pretend - the traverser shook his head, thinking unhappily.

Thales murmured unhappily: "Even counting on one's own people, what a bad diplomat and politician."

"Okay." Gilbert just narrowed his eyes, lowered his head with a smile, looked at his pocket watch and said, "I think you are also tired after copying these poems of unknown meaning for so long."

Thales stopped the pen in his hand.

"Let's take a break. Since we're talking about politics and diplomacy, let's take this opportunity and let's have some history lessons." Gilbert laughed.

"Sometimes it's not just the visible interests that form an alliance." Gilbert sat on the expensive sofa and raised his hat:

"There is still an urgent crisis."

"And a common belief."

Thales put down his pen and began to listen to Gilbert's words seriously.

"This is also about how a group of distrustful humans and forces of various races became the most loyal allies." Gilbert's eyes lit up.

Thales suddenly felt that Gilbert became a little serious.

"This is the story of the war more than six hundred years ago described in the "Cahill Ye Luo Poetry Collection."

However, Earl Caso's next words made Thales' eyes widen in shock:

"That cruel, dark, bloody, terrifying, epic battle that shattered the world."

"The Final War? e_Final_War)."


In the deep and dark secret room, an old hoarse voice could be heard in the ethereal.

"So, has there been any movement from the rich and famous families?"

"Yes, my dear teacher," a cynical voice sounded lazily: "At least they are also super masters, and there are many extreme masters, starting from various strange places, gathered around various northern counties—— They all have one thing in common: investigations have nothing to do with nobles and lords."

"Can you get the exact date?" the old voice said indifferently.

"I'm afraid it's very difficult—" The relaxed and happy voice replied: "Even the members of the Exeter Mission have not settled down on their exact itinerary. So, should we assign people to track it down and inform the king? "

After a while, the hoarse old voice finally answered firmly:

"No, your focus is still that doctor from the Black Street Brotherhood. I want all the resources to go there. Don't underestimate Lancer. After all, he was born here and knows our methods."

"Find out the whereabouts of all the gangsters, especially the three killers! Black Sword, Hell Scythe and Reverse Scimitar, it's too difficult to find them, but at least make sure they are not nearby! I don't think Black Sword is stupid Go and protect a mage!"

"In addition, even if everything goes well, don't take it lightly. After all, we haven't fought a mage for more than a hundred years. The records and manuals are only for reference after all."

For a long time.

"Then—alright," after a while, the young voice said noncommittally: "Speaking of which, are you really going to leave no one alive?"

"That's——a living mage!"

In the darkness, there was a sudden sound of a person sitting up from a chair.

"No need," the hoarse old voice sounded:

"Things that have long since disappeared, let them be completely buried with the battle of the end."