
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 18 Knights, Mortal and Ultra

Ginny didn't say anything more, but after treating the new wounds for him, she told Thales to take a good rest, promised to make his life "return to normal" tomorrow, and left his room.

But that night, Thales still couldn't sleep well.

The experience of the past few days has been too tortuous and bizarre.

The thrills of Red Square Street, the sensational secrets of the Mindis Hall, and the struggle for survival of the Grass Manor all made him exhausted from overuse of his brain.

To make matters worse, even Thales, who has reached this point, still can't get used to the soft bed under him, as if the attribute of "sleeping on the pillow" in his previous life has disappeared without a trace.

Alas, Thales rolled his eyes.

After baking countless pancakes, he habitually rolled out of bed, walked to his "dedicated seat" in the corner, and lay down curled up.

Sure enough, it was still hard enough for me, Thales licked his lips.

At this time two days ago, he was still worrying about the safety of the other five beggars in the abandoned house, contemplating his grand escape plan.

In the subsequent life full of upheavals, he was like a rootless weed in a strong wind, struggling desperately in this world full of malice and misfortune, trying his best for his own survival.

I clearly just want to live a good life.

But with this identity, Thales looked above the fireplace, in the dark inner room, a huge nine-pointed star pattern could be vaguely seen.

Words such as "live well" and "be a free person"—Thales sighed deeply: it's probably just a wish.

not to mention...

Thales raised his right hand dully, and under the moonlight, looked at a bandage-covered scratch on it.

What exactly is this - Thales recalled in his mind, the moment of explosion and light when Rolf was released from the shackles - what kind of power is this?

And that lolita vampire. When Thales thought of her mummified appearance and the two almost invisible round holes on his neck, he felt scared for a while.

And now, Thales also confirmed that the past life memories that flashed back for no reason in his brain were not fragments. What kind of memory can support me, and every time in the most dangerous moment, I suddenly burst out with extraordinary energy and will?

In the fifth year since time travel, Thales discovered to his disappointment that his doubts and incomprehensions about the world had not diminished, but had even increased.


Thales was still woken up on the bed and under the quilt. In his sleep, he didn't know who stuffed him back.

But today's atmosphere is obviously different.

First of all, the person who came to wake him up was replaced by Ji Ni. She patiently explained to Thales, who was in a hurry, how to wear the clothes belonging to the nobles. Secondly, his breakfast was changed from breaded beef to delicious cakes and milk. The guards in the hall were busy back and forth, carrying items that looked like they had just arrived today into the hall.

Until Gilbert appeared with a serious face and told him that Thales' private customized course would start at nine o'clock in the morning and last until nine o'clock in the evening.

This made Thales really feel that his daily life was completely different. Because the first class in the morning is something he has never been exposed to.

"After the events of the past few days, after careful consideration and careful choice, Mr. Thales..."

After breakfast, Thales was led by Ginny to the backyard of Mindis Hall. In a cleared space covered with soft sand, Gilbert Caso leaned on his exquisite cane and stood in front of the eyes. In front of Linlang's weapon rack, sword target, archery target, sandbag, hitching post and a young horse cub, he solemnly told him:

"We believe that you urgently need basic training in fighting skills and self-defense skills, and a child who grew up around Lord Mann should naturally also be proficient in horsemanship and basic swordsmanship."

"Do not worry,

We - mainly Ms. Ginny - will make sure that the training does not affect the wounds you already have. "


Thales took a deep breath, and was surprised to see Jine take a step forward, and said to him coldly:

"Don't be surprised, child. The best time to exercise is in the morning. Since you are the future heir of the stars, you must have a body that can bear this burden."

"And I will guarantee this."

Thales looked at the mature Ji Ni under Chaoyang, and her elegant attire of a court lady, looked at the empty surroundings, and scratched his head.

"Why didn't Yordle come to teach me—he seems to be very powerful." In the mind of the traverser, the swift movement of the secret guard to shuttle through the city emerged.

"Are you expecting a kingdom with very few extreme masters to teach a novice the most basic things?" Gilbert on the other side took the conversation and said with his hands behind his back: "And, please believe me, about Del's set doesn't match your identity and characteristics."

Thales nodded with a vague understanding: "What is the extreme state?"

At this moment, Jine clapped her hands, walked to the center of the field, and hooked her fingers at Thales:

"Gilbert will explain these theoretical knowledge to you during training."

"Now, attack me with all your strength! I want to evaluate your existing foundation."

Thales looked at Ji Ni with her hands behind her back, standing still in the field, until the other party urged her again.

Well, isn't this the favorite of the seniors to upgrade your skills? The traverser finally took a breath, but after thinking about it, he still didn't draw out the dagger.

In the next second, Thales rushed towards Jini with the street skills of a qualified beggar.

"Fighting, this is the oldest and longest skill in human history."

Ji Ni didn't even move her supporting foot, she easily tripped Thales who was too aggressive.


And Gilbert slowly started his explanation:

"The history of mankind is a history of constant battles with foreigners and with itself."

"Thousands of years ago, in the battle for the right to survive in the world, human beings gradually summed up the skills and rules of using weapons or unarmed combat."

Thales was tripped for the second time and fell down on the training ground in disgrace.

"Compared with other races, human beings whose physical fitness is greatly backward rely on the mastery of these skills and techniques to defeat the strong with the weak, defeat the strong with the few, and fight the big with the small."

"After a long time, among those warriors who mastered superb skills in battle, some of them awakened in their bodies unimaginable power."

"These powers endow human beings with choices other than 'struggle' and 'resistance' in the world. Different powers endow them with different advantages, ranging from extraordinary speed, to quick response, superb insight, and extraordinary strength. All in one."

This time, Thales nimbly dodged Jini's stumbling legs and cleverly grabbed the opponent's high boots, but was then kicked down again by Jini's ingenious strength.

"These superior human beings, relying on these strengths, rode rare war horses, led skilled warriors, and marched towards the dangerous world."

"This is the first batch of 'Knights'." Gilbert sighed deeply, looked at the embarrassed Thales, fell to the ground for the fourth time, and continued: "And the people they awakened Those powers are collectively referred to as 'extra_force'."

"Today after the Final War (Final_War), people, especially the swordsmen, like to call it—Final Force (Final_force)"

"It is also because of the appearance of 'extraordinary power' that for the first time in the world there is a division of power: for those fighters who flexibly use combat skills and are proficient in fighting, we are used to calling them 'extraordinary levels'."

"As for those masters of extraordinary power or power equivalent to it, in terms of control and observation, the meticulous and exquisite masters have surpassed the scope of mortals, so—" Speaking of this, Gilber There was a gleam in Te's eyes:

"We call it: 'Super Order'."


Ji Ni raised her left hand, stopped Thales who was unwilling to continue to charge forward, and pushed him down on the sand.

"He has a flexible mind, is good at dodging, and knows how to use his strength to the maximum. It's just that his body hasn't grown yet—I know what to teach him." Ginny let out a breath, turned around, and pulled out two weapons from the weapon rack. Throw the smaller wooden sword and shield to Thales who is in a hurry.

It's really heavy.

Thales struggled to get over the shield, and imitated Jine, using the belt behind the wooden shield to bind the shield to his left hand, but then found that this posture was a great burden on the shoulder and arm on one side.

Thales grabbed the wooden sword with his right hand. Good guy, compared to JC's dagger, this wooden sword is as heavy as a water tank in an abandoned house!

"Turn your body sideways, with your left foot in front and your right foot behind! When defending, the center of gravity is behind, and when attacking, the center of gravity leans forward!"

"Raise the shield and aim at your enemy! Use it as the center of gravity and protect your chest!" Ji Ni's words suddenly became cold and strict: "At any time, hold up the shield in your left hand!"

"There are only two situations in which you can put it down: you die, or the enemy dies!"

Thales raised his left arm with difficulty, and after a while, he felt soreness.

"Swing your right arm, use the sword as your second forearm, use the weight of your shield and the center of gravity of your front body, and swing it like a whip!"

Already exhausted and out of breath, Thales raised the sword in his right hand precariously, trying to swing it left and right, and heard Gilbert's words in his ears:

"Aha, the Sword Art of the Northern Military (Sword_Arts_of_Northern_Military) with a long history." At this moment, Earl Caso's words were full of nostalgia and respect:

"In the poems of bards, it is the last weapon of mortals, the fortitude of knights, the ice and snow barrier in the north, and the nemesis of orcs on the battlefield."

Thales' eyes widened when he said the following:

"Of course, it is also the origin sword of extraordinary power."