
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 17 Dawn, Blood and Lights

When the second louder explosion came from the center of Red Square Street, Morris, Leyock and others had already fought out of the blood bottle gang who could not gather due to command confusion, and saw the clown from a distance The qinza that Kex dealt with.

Qin Cha is nearly two meters tall, but at the same time, she doesn't look thin, but strong and steady. His dark skin, straight yellow hair and stern face made him look a little serious, but the elders of the fraternity knew that "The Uncrowned Fist" Cenza Myron, the head of the six giants, was Apart from the three killers, the most reliable person in the meeting—no, most of the time, he is more reliable than the three killers.

"You call this a supernatural power?"

Qin Cha looked coldly at the "Flying Knife Clown" Kex, who kept shooting flying knives from his bottomless space pocket, moving up and down on the roof, and said contemptuously.

Morris, Ed Leonza, Leyock, one 'Super Rank', two 'Ordinary' masters, I don't know how many people there are - one of the eight supernatural fighters of the Blood Bottle Gang, squatting in the Kex, the "throwing knife clown" on the roof, watched with a serious expression as more and more fraternity masters gathered, thinking silently.

The elite of his Blood Bottle Gang had been slaughtered.

There is also Qin Cha, a guy who is close to the "extreme state".

The reinforcements from the Blood Bottle Gang were nowhere to be seen. Song and Lu Bei, the two "Super Orders", and Rolf, have not heard of it yet. Solo lost contact ten minutes ago, and that coward Tinker was hiding in the Secretly, most of them were watching. As for Nu Minuo, he was the guy in charge of Qincha. Since Qincha was intact, he probably had already seen the ferryman by the prison river.

To make matters worse, with the explosion, the wall of air disappeared, but the command of the magician of air did not come from his ears for a long time.

Kex's consideration didn't last long.

Behind Qincha, one of the thirteen generals of the Brotherhood, the Northlander "Steel Cone" Ed Leonza gritted his teeth, and killed the super-powerful warrior from the Eastern Continent that Qincha had just hunted down. , the puppet master, the head of Song, a Suye countryman nicknamed "Chaoshenbing", was casually thrown on the ground.

The clown pondered for a while, then took out two throwing knives from his ability space, bit an oxygen tube (in order to guard against Morris' ability) into his mouth, and at the same time made up his mind to leave immediately.

Under such circumstances, even the Magician of Qi cannot criticize his choice.

But at the next moment, Kesi was surprised to see Qincha's fist hitting his face.

When did Qincha's speed become so fast!

But then he saw a fat figure behind Qinza. It was Morris who was clenching his teeth tightly and activated a supernatural power.

He didn't evacuate the air around me, the clown thought in astonishment and despair, but - evacuated the air around Qinza?

When the first explosion and the air wall disappeared, Morris knew that there was an unexpected change tonight, and when the second astonishing explosion sounded in the distance, Morris reacted: the opportunity to counterattack had arrived.

Without making a sound, he decisively evacuated the air in the path between Cenza and Kex.

Qin Cha felt the changes in his surroundings. This boxer, whom he had known for many years, held his breath in an instant and struck out, ignoring the air resistance, and punched out at a speed several times faster than usual!

The battle didn't last long.

When Qincha effortlessly grasped Kex's two throwing knives, and used the uninterrupted, non-decelerating, and non-missing terrifying iron fists to blast through the supernatural space he relied on for his living (the clown relied on this supernatural space to block Long-range attack, and prepared to store oxygen and throwing knives, so that Morris can't do anything with him), Leyock has silently fallen behind him.

Morris, who had used the power, bent down and panted while holding his knees, his fat body trembling on his face. He didn't look at the clown who was sure to turn into a dead person, but turned to Qin Cha and said, "The second—the second explosion came from the depths of Red Square Street, there must be us—we don't know An accident happened.


"But in any case, the air wall failed, and the magician of air must—something must have happened! And we have retreated far enough, and our hands have gathered—the gathering is almost the same." Morris calmed down and judged sharply : "Song and Kesi are both broken here. If it is used to lure us into the bait, then the sweetness of this bait is enough for us to fight for it!"

Regardless of Kex's begging for mercy, Leyok cut open his oil-painted neck cruelly, and nodded: "After the road cleared up, there was a report ahead, and the body of Rolf the Wind Follower was found. In the rear, Lord Lancer sent information about the deaths of Spencer and Dorno, and with Kex, the opponent's available combat power in Yongxing City has already been reduced by half."

In this regard, Qin Cha lowered his smoldering fist, and his reply was very short:

"Then call back!"

Thus, the dawn of Hongfang Street was greeted with blood.

When Nar Rick, as the logistics commander appointed by Lancer, saw the scene of Morris and Qinza returning from the blood at the junction of the lower city and Red Square Street, the sky was already dawning.

Morris patted him on the shoulder, let out a breath, and said with a smile: "Although there were some ups and downs in the process, but—"

"—Red Square Street is ours now."

"It's been expected, as it should be." Rick replied with a smile, thinking about how to repay the escape of the beggar from the abandoned house and the death of Quaid.

At least that ghost won't come again.

Rick thought, looking over the crowd to a figure in a mysterious cloak in the distance.

Moreover, with Lord Lancer's promise, I won't be demoted too badly.

"Silence Killer" Leyock didn't even look at Rick, and walked past him, ignoring the blood on his face, and hugged Belicia, who was coming from behind Rick, into his arms.

"You're not dead yet?" Belicia didn't look worried at all, coughing and laughing.

"Apart from you, who can make me die?" Layoke said with a grin, and kissed the woman's mouth fiercely.

"Who saw Edmund!" Qin Cha's voice came from the crowd, "Without him, I wouldn't be able to take down the Chaos God Soldier so easily!"

"Dead cook," Qin Cha saw that no one responded, so he cursed fiercely, "Run away when it's time to drink!"

The world of Errol, the end of calendar year 672. In the early morning of November 16, 672, the second largest kingdom in the Western Continent, the two overlords of the underground world of the Star Kingdom, broke out in a bloody and brutal "One Night War" on Red Square Street.

This was an asymmetrical battle. From the very beginning, the Black Street Brotherhood stepped into the ambush and trap of the Blood Bottle Gang, but the result of the bloody battle surprised many people.

During the service, 214 members of the Black Street Brotherhood died and 367 were injured. Among the thirteen generals, 9 participated in the battle, and 7 were lost. The two giants, Morris and Qinza, fought bloody to the end and survived safely.

The "Black Gang Noble" Blood Bottle Gang suffered the biggest defeat in history, with 445 deaths and 290 injuries. Ten of the twelve most powerful fighters participated in the battle, and 8 people died in the battle. . There are even rumors that the whereabouts of the Qi magician who directed the operation are also unknown.

That night, the explosion in the center of Hongfang Street woke up almost every resident of the Royal Capital in Eternal Star City. Among the innocent civilians on Hongfang Street, 1,229 people were affected, 275 of whom died in the explosion, 438 were injured, and 516 were homeless.

Hongfang Street, especially the central block, was also severely damaged. This matter was even mentioned by the chief garrison officer of the royal capital at the imperial meeting on the second day. Envoy affairs of the Kingdom of Exeter. In the end, the imperial meeting ordered the Xicheng Police Department to act quickly to "calm civil conflicts and stop civil private fighting."

Since then, Red Square Street has changed hands, marking that the power of the Brotherhood has fully invaded the West Ring District.


However, what many people don't know is that at the same time as this night, there was another major event that reversed the future fate of the Star Kingdom.

Thales was embarrassingly embraced by Yordle—the masked man, the masked man, the masked man, Thales always repeated three times in his heart—and passed by the place he didn't recognize at the limit speed. urban area.

Thales felt that he could no longer remain silent.

"Say it again, what are you looking for me for?" Looking at the hazy sky in the distance, the traverser asked in pain.

"Reunite you with your father." Jodl said respectfully, lowered his body, a little bit on the surface of a river, causing a circle of ripples, and passed through a bridge hole.

Thales rolled his eyes.

"So who are you?"

"Your father's secret guard." Jodl said respectfully, crossing a tall sentry tower. A man of that size flew past with a child, and the guard in the sentry tower didn't even bat an eye.

Thales sighed.

"Did you make a mistake? I'm just a runaway beggar!"

"Absolutely not. This is God's will." Jodl said respectfully, stepping on a signboard of a gold shop, the signboard hanging by an iron chain didn't even shake it.

Thales felt that he was going crazy.

"Who the hell is my father!"

"A lord whom I respect very much." Jodl said respectfully, flashing past a white eagle that was preying on Feiyan, the speed startled both Feiyan and the white eagle.

Thales was completely desperate.

What kind of trouble is this kind of rhetoric that doesn't reveal any key information at all and makes people think "Wow, you're so polite, I'm sorry to make it difficult for him"!

Thales gave up.

When they found out that they had made a mistake, Thales said silently——shouldn't they kill me to silence them?

The traverser turned his head, waiting to see the sunrise, and at the same time asked boredly:



"You don't come from a diplomatic background, do you?"


"That's a pity. The way you speak is really suitable."

"Thank you for your approval."

Jodl seemed unable to hear Thales' sarcasm, and remained respectful.

He climbed over a high wall, and landed in front of an avenue with beautiful flower beds on both sides, soundlessly like a spider.

Then, contrary to Thales' expectation, Yodel stopped.

In front of their eyes, a simple but heavy carriage was parked.

In front of the carriage, a gray-haired middle-aged man walked towards them slowly, holding a lamp.

Jodl gently put Thales down.

The traverser fell to the ground, and suddenly turned his head to look at Yordle, feeling that he was a little—well, not happy?

The middle-aged man approached. With the light of the lamp in his hand, Thales couldn't help noticing that his body was covered in plain but simple and heavy clothes.

The middle-aged man has a wide chin, which makes him look kind. On his lips is a short beard that is neat and neat, showing respect, but with high cheekbones, he looks a little harsh, and the bridge of his nose is slightly soft, but it seems very gentle.

This is probably a very complicated person, Thales said silently.

He raised his right hand—a black glove on it—and raised his bowler hat, bowing slightly.

"Good morning." Different from Yodel's hoarse and quiet voice, this voice sounds solid and reassuring.

This is an aristocrat, a great aristocrat—Thales came to a conclusion.

Could it be that he is?

But Yodel's words behind him made him take back this idea.

I only heard the man wearing the mask speak calmly, but the meaning was not bad:

"Why are you here?"

The middle-aged nobleman nodded lightly, smiled, and replied without any disobedience: "To be safe."

"He doesn't believe me?" Even Thales could hear Yodel's dissatisfaction.

"He believes in you so much that he is even willing to entrust his life to you," the middle-aged nobleman said slowly:

"But I don't believe you, and you know why!"

Thales seemed to feel a stream of lightning flowing between Yordle and the middle-aged nobleman!

Jodl was silent for a moment, and unexpectedly did not answer.

The middle-aged noble didn't look at Yodel again, but slowly squatted down with a moderate smile on his face.

"Son," he said to Thales, "I know you've worked hard all the way."

The middle-aged noble looked at the scars and bleeding on Thales' body, took out the glove of his right hand, and stretched out his hand to caress his wound. Every time he touched a place, his brows frowned slightly.

"I'm sorry, but please believe me, child, after one more procedure, your misfortunes will come to an end."

Thales, who was not used to it, was about to say something when he saw the middle-aged noble put down the lamp in his hand and grabbed the traverser's right hand.

Then, he took out an exquisite sheathed dagger from his pocket!

Thales wanted to shrink back instinctively, but his right hand was firmly grasped by the middle-aged nobleman!

"What do you want to do—" Thales asked anxiously. The middle-aged nobleman just looked at him firmly, not letting go of his hand, while slowly pulling out the dagger.


It's Yodel.

He bent down, stretched out his hand and firmly pressed the middle-aged nobleman's shoulder!

Through the mask, Yordle's face could not be seen clearly, but Thales was grateful for this "father's secret guard" for no reason.

Without him, he has seen too much blood and blades tonight.

"Yordle!" The middle-aged nobleman seemed very dissatisfied. He raised his head, frowned, and said in a low voice, but without doubt:

"You know this is necessary!"

Thales looked up at Yordle, a little flustered in his heart, although he vaguely knew that the middle-aged noble didn't want to do anything harmful to him.

"Then use his own dagger!" Yoddle said coldly.

The middle-aged nobleman stared at Yordle. At that moment, his eyes seemed to be filled with frost.

After a long time, the middle-aged nobleman compromised. He nodded and stuffed the dagger back in his arms.

Only then did Jodl let go of the middle-aged nobleman's shoulders.

"Don't panic, child," the middle-aged nobleman turned his eyes back to Thales, and his tone became gentle again, "Just take a little blood sample."

Thales looked at him.

The eyes of the middle-aged nobleman are very gentle, but also very determined.

So the traverser nodded.

Waiting for my own destiny.

The middle-aged nobleman reached out and took off the sheathless JC dagger wrapped in cloth from Thales's leg, pulled it out, and burned it on the lamp.

Then, Thales didn't feel much pain, and the middle-aged nobleman picked out a drop of blood on his right middle finger with JC.

What is this for? With the level of technology in this world, is DNA testing still possible?

What if my identity is found out?

Under Thales' curious and apprehensive gaze, the drop of blood was gently dripped on the ground by the middle-aged nobleman.

The next moment, Thales felt the familiar burning sensation, coming from the heart, from the blood vessels, from the muscles, from the whole body!

"Ah!" He couldn't help crying out.

But the eyes of the middle-aged nobleman were not on him.

Thales turned his head, followed the excited eyes of the middle-aged nobleman, and looked at the lamp beside him that he put down.


I saw that the originally calm lights were burning rapidly and bursting at this moment! The flame became bigger and bigger, and the flame core changed from orange to blood red!

The flames slanted in his direction.

Thales suddenly understood something.

The blood dripping to the ground.

The heart of the lamp that turned red and enlarged.

Thales suddenly felt a surge of fear. He turned to look at Yordle as if he was asking for help.

I saw the masked man reach out and take out a glass bottle from his arms, which contained a cluster of small flames.

That is a tinder.

At this moment, the flame heart in the glass bottle is as red as blood, and the flame heart is slightly crooked.

Thales turned his head to look at the lamp on the ground, then at the fire in Yordle's hand, and then at the blood on the ground, his face turned pale.

It took a long time for the flame to return to normal.

"Impossible..." he murmured.

"It wasn't until Hongfang Street that I was sure it was you." Jodl said hoarsely.

The middle-aged nobleman seemed very excited. He carefully put away the JC dagger in his hand, and said respectfully: "Now—"

But the traverser interrupted him with actions.

Thales gritted his teeth, grabbed the middle finger of his right hand with his left hand, squeezed out a few drops of blood from the small wound, and dropped it to the ground!


The flames on the ground became bigger and red again.

"This is the divine spell cast by High Priest Li Xiya twelve years ago. As long as your blood drips on the ground of the capital, the lamp of blood will light up from the darkness." The middle-aged noble said tremblingly.

Thales suddenly understood.

On the day he was beaten by Quaid, his blood dripped to the ground.

On the day Quaid slaughtered the beggar, his blood dripped onto the ground.

When he hit a wall in the air wall, his blood dripped to the ground.

When he was murdered by Ashida with magic power, his blood also dripped to the ground.

Thales sighed helplessly.

He suddenly wanted to laugh out loud.