
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 16 Yodel Gato, At Your Service

At the extreme speed, Yala's figure and Guradon shot at Cohen at the same time!

If Cohen is a point, then Yala and Guradon are rushing in a right angle with Cohen as the vertex, with Guradon on the left and Yala on the right.

Guradun let out a low growl, his blood vessels throbbed, and his crimson sword intent stabbed at Cohen!

If you don't see the enemy's blood, you will never give up.

Cohen was stunned for a moment, but Yala, who was running, just tapped his left shoulder and right shoulder lightly towards him.

Cohen, who was about to draw his sword to face Gradun, saw Yala's eyes clearly behind the goggles.

The security officer instantly understood Yala's intentions.

Cohen felt his heavy injury and didn't think too much about it.

He knew that he would definitely not be able to stop Guradun's sword.

Then simply don't keep it.

Girl, Cohen thought: Don't let me down.

Cohen's eyes were clear, ignoring the blue long sword that was getting closer and closer in front of him, he decisively changed the silver-white saber to his left hand, held it in the backhand, gave up the defensive sword posture, and concentrated on waiting for the female bartender to arrive!

Sure enough, the next moment, Yala shot the wolf-leg knife in her right hand at the aggressive Guradon!

The galloping wolf's leg knife shot at the chest and abdomen of the red and black swordsman from the left side.

Yala's right hand was free, but she ran towards Cohen unabated.

The next moment, Guradon's sword reached Cohen's chest.

The cyan long sword pierced into Cohen's abdomen from the front.

But Yala's wolf-leg knife in the air also sliced across Guradun's left chest!

Gulaton roared angrily.

Cohen snorted in pain.

Because of the interference of the wolf's leg knife, the sword stabbed slightly sideways, avoiding his vital organs.

The starlight in Cohen's body quickly surged up and gathered near the injured muscles.

Looking at the sharp eyes of the red and black swordsman in front of him, Cohen turned his head stubbornly and reluctantly, and looked at the female bartender on the right!

He chose to trust the other party.

And what about the other party?

Will you believe in yourself?

Gulaton snorted coldly, and drew his sword instantly.

He turned around and faced the attacking Yala head-on.

In front of him, the security officer resisted the pain in his chest and abdomen, the stars flashed up, and the saber in his left hand came crashing down.

pierced into the ground under his feet.

It looked like a seriously wounded swordsman struggling at the end.

Guradun's expression was indifferent, and the power of violent end, which was completely different from the glory of the stars, surged again.

He has already prepared the sword style.

It only takes one sword to pierce the little girl's eyebrows.

You can't save him.

The result of recklessness is that even you will die together.

But Yala just glanced at Gulaton coldly, and her figure passed over Cohen.

Even bypassing Gradun!

Running to Cohen's back.

Gulaton was stunned for a moment.

Didn't she want to save people?

Yala did not choose to follow the trend to attack Guradon. She knew that Guradon was ready to fight back.

Behind her, Rolf came with the sound of the wind.

The female bartender knew that there was only one chance.

Next, she calmly stretched out her right hand.

My own life and death are in Cohen's hands.

The security officer gritted his teeth, and swung his right hand back under the blessing of the stars.

It's now!

I saw that Yala, who had just passed him, was grabbed by him in mid-air with her right hand!

It's like passing the baton in a relay race.


Cohen roared angrily, and the only remaining stars in his body gathered into dots of blue light, spreading to his right arm, and pulling Yala back fiercely!

The long sword stuck on the ground with the police officer's left hand acted as a fixed point. Because of the huge momentum, it made an unpleasant friction sound.

next moment,

Following the police officer's sword pulling back, the lithe Yala, like a chain hammer, swung across a semicircle in mid-air, and was swung to the other side of Guladon by Cohen in an instant.

Instantly change direction!

Yala held Cohen's hand tightly like a lover, the wolf-leg knife in her left hand was condescending, and the cold and stern blade slashed down!

Shock broke out on the face of the red and black swordsman.

Her purpose - so it turns out, is to get Qingpi's cooperation, and combine the strength of the two of them to instantly attack my undefended side.

He pursed his lips indifferently: "The idea is good, but after all, it is a mortal level, so I underestimate the ability of a super-level swordsman."

The power of termination on his arm fermented rapidly, and the speed of the cyan long sword increased sharply, swinging to the right at a faster speed than usual.

Before you attack me, I can strike with a sword... Huh?

Gulaton's eyes froze for an instant.

Cohen gritted his teeth and charged forward.

Blocked Gradun's sword with his body!

Lightning and Flint.

"Kla-puchi!" This was the sound of Guladun's shoulder bones being cut, and then his chest and abdomen being cut open.

The blade of the wolf's leg went down from Guradun's right shoulder, tearing open his right chest.

"Crack-crack!" This was the sound of Cohen's right arm being dislocated and his right rib being scratched.

A large amount of blood shot up from Gradun's right shoulder!

Sprayed Yala all over the face!

At this moment, the sound of Rolf's wind hit Cohen's side.

Gulaton opened his mouth, and spit out a mouthful of blood in disbelief.

Then he smiled in relief, and fell down instantly.

Good knife.

Good cooperation.

Gulaton gently closed his eyes.

The red and black terrifying swordsman was beheaded by the strange and tacit cooperation of Cohen and Yala between the rabbits and the falcons!

The Wind Follower saw what happened to Gradun.

He couldn't believe that the terrifying ultra-level swordsman next to the Qi magician had the upper hand one moment, and was easily beheaded the next moment!

But he has no time to be shocked.

Because Cohen roared, stepped on the sole of his foot, pulled out the saber on the ground with his left hand, turned around and rushed towards him regardless of his dislocated right hand!

The sword light flickered.

Rolf chuckled, how could it be possible to intercept the Wind Follower at this speed.

Even in high-speed hedging, I can change direction at any time—what?

Rolf was surprised to see that Yala, who was beside Cohen, knelt down on one knee and slammed into Cohen's arms!

The security officer turned around with a painful groan, but the speed at which he charged towards Rolf more than doubled immediately!

Damn it!

At this speed, it is impossible for me to—

Rolf howled angrily, launching his ability with all his strength!

With the howling wind, Rolf's Hidden Sword came out, and it barely blocked the police officer's deadly sword.

However, the police officer's long sword seemed to be alive, twisting and stabbing, firmly suppressing Rolf.

Sword lock.

One of the signature sword styles of the End Swordsman, it is specially used to lock the enemy's weapon.

Immediately Rolf saw in despair that Yala, who was in Cohen's arms, poked her head out with a stern face.


At the moment when he couldn't break free from Cohen's long sword, the female bartender stretched out her right hand.

easily and happily crushed his throat.

The two of them fell to the ground at the same time.

Fortunately—the security officer thought: This supernatural person has never been on the battlefield after all.

If he didn't retreat immediately, but attacked...then we would be finished.

Cohen vomited blood in embarrassment. The severe pain in his chest and abdomen and the dislocation of his right arm made him unable to get up.

"You—who are you?"

The security officer feebly asked the girl in his arms.

Yala, who was at the end of her battle, exhausted all her strength and lay tiredly in the generous arms of the police officer, twisting her face, wiping the blood all over her face on the latter's uniform.

The female bartender trembled slightly, but still showed a relieved smile.

"none of your business."

The young female bartender answered with a smile, feeling a little sore in her eyes.

Kid, you should be able to run away.


At this moment, there was a dull explosion sound in the distance.


"Qi Ren, doing research requires enthusiasm, and you can't be lazy. Academia is a lifelong interest and dedication."

"In the end, at my age, you will find that you become out of tune with the crowd, withdrawn, indifferent, and unattractive. You will find that what really supports you to the end is not vanity, grades, or Satisfaction, but the purest attachment in the early days."

"So you have to understand Professor Chen's paranoia and madness—that's probably the only persistence left in his life."

Thales shook his head, took another piece of memory back into his mind, and pulled himself out of the ruins.

When the traverser crawled out of the ruins covered in blood, he looked up and saw Ashida with a complex expression, looking down at him.

The clothes and long hair of the Qi Magician are still as bright as new, as if they have never experienced an explosion.

Crazy, paranoid.

Thales slandered. He was so exhausted that he was no longer able to resist.

He simply turned over and lay in the ruins.

He's a little tired of this lawless world where power is paramount.

"You—the magician, do whatever you like."

The traverser panted heavily.

A lunatic who kills at the slightest disagreement.

No wonder the magician lost the war.

Ashida silently looked at Thales on the ground with strange eyes. After a while, he suddenly chuckled strangely: "Hahaha, is this also a coincidence?"

I saw this weird magician lightly waved his right hand, and Thales was lifted up by the air.

But Ashida didn't kill again.

He waved his hand again, and the air pressure around Thales began to flow at the same time, instantly stopping all the bleeding from the traverser's wounds.

Thales was lifted up by the magician and landed on both feet.

But the traverser still looked at the blue-clothed magician with an unfriendly expression—he was no longer right, communicating rationally with Ashida, holding any hope.

"Son, you just used some kind of power to break through my magic energy barrier—those things you call 'air walls'." Ashida said softly, with a certain sense of excitement in her tone.

"Only a master who is also an 'Extreme Realm' can do this, but you—and, the power in your body can interfere and affect my magic energy. Do you know what this means?"

"I don't even know what 'Extreme Realm' is," Thales replied weakly. "Even if I knew, I wouldn't want to tell a lunatic who was about to kill me just now."

Ashida put away her smile and looked at him with deep eyes.

"It seems that you don't know your own essence, child."

"But it doesn't matter. Everyone loses control for the first time. We all started from ignorance."

Who is going to take this lunatic—huh?

Thales calmed down and thought about the meaning of Ashida's words.

Immediately, he raised his head in surprise and looked at the magician who was going to kill him just now.

"Out of control for the first time?"


Ashida looked at the child, with fanaticism in her eyes.

"Yes, we—the magicians."

Seeing the eagerness in the magician's eyes, Thales suddenly began to feel fear for no reason.

He took a step back unconsciously and shook his head in horror.

But the magician pressed for a step forward, and his tone was full of creepy eagerness and madness:

"Yes, child. You were right just now. Your future value is definitely worth letting go of—no, it's worth my effort to guide you! Child, what's your name!"

"Ever since we were betrayed by those two bitches and lost the battle of the end, there are fewer and fewer of us!"

Ashida held onto his shoulder tightly, as if she was afraid Thales would run away if she let go.


Thales murmured, and took a step back, but Ashida's hand was still holding on tightly to him.

This kind of mentally abnormal, murderous lunatic.

This kind of taboo that everyone shouts and beats in the world exists.

What a joke! Somebody take this lunatic away.

Errol's world seemed to have heard his prayer.

"You can say 'no', but you can't say no, it's just the first time it's out of control, and every--uh!"

Ashida, who was still talking nonstop, suddenly froze.

All I saw was that a smooth blade suddenly protruded from Ashida's chest.

Ashida lowered her head in disbelief, looked at the blade on her chest, and let Thales go.

Thales was also taken aback. He took a few steps back, tripped over a board, and fell to the ground.

But Thales didn't see emotions such as fear, panic, and panic in the magician's eyes.

It seems that he was not stabbed from behind by someone just now, but was bitten by a mosquito, and he was wondering "how could there be mosquitoes".

That way, it was as if he couldn't even feel the pain.

It was obvious that he had been pierced through the heart - Thales thought in horror.

Ashida stared at the blade on her chest strangely.

"Impossible." Ashida frowned, raised her head and thought carefully, and said to the people behind him:

"Even if you are an extreme master, it is impossible not to breathe, it is impossible to move without moving the air, and it is impossible to have no air pressure in the body. As long as there is breathing, air flow, and air pressure changes, it is impossible to escape my monitoring!"

"How long have you been in Hongfang Street? How did you hide the magic power of Qi?"

"No, you can't break through the air wall, otherwise you would have shot just now, right?"

"tell me."

no answer.

Ashida turned around with a sullen expression, and said coldly to the attacker behind him, regardless of the blade still stuck in his back:

"tell me."

This time, Thales saw clearly the attacker behind Ashida.

The attacker stood quietly, wearing a hooded black jacket, from gloves to boots were black.

What's even weirder is that the attacker wore a dark purple mask on his face, and this mask only had two dark lenses on the eyes.

He didn't move.

Like a ghost.

At that moment, anger flashed through Ashida's thoughts composed of magic energy.

Anger, this human emotion, has been away from him for a long time after all.

So the magic energy in his body surged, which quickly helped him regain his calm and rationality.

"I think you must be very patient." Ashida whispered.

"You waited until my mana became unstable and my perception declined, and came to sneak attack me?"

"Very good, you did it, sneak attacking a magician." Ashida didn't care about the sword blade on her chest, but stared at the sneak attacker wearing a strange mask.

"So, who are you?"

"Is it specially to deal with me?"

"Which family are you from?"

After several questions in a row, the masked weirdo remained motionless.

Ashida frowned. After asking those questions, he couldn't feel the flow of air pressure in the strange man's body at all. Could it be that he was neither surprised nor proud, and had no reaction to these questions?

In the past, the perception of qi, which was like a mind-reading technique, was unsuccessful after a hundred trials, but it actually failed?

It can only be hard.

"You think you can kill me like this?"

Ashida took a step closer, gently raised her left hand, her eyes seemed to have no emotion or thoughts.

With the movement of his fingers, the air also began to flow, and the space around the weird masked man began to be squeezed by the air.

Can't spread beyond Red Square Street—Ashida thought to herself, otherwise, the Kingdom's Wrath and Black Sword would have discovered and arrived ahead of time, and today's action would be meaningless.

Let's mobilize a small amount of mana first. We just need to get rid of the mask in front of us.

This time, the masked weirdo spoke:

"No, magicians cannot be killed."

His voice pierced through the mask and came faintly.

"So you are not dumb or deaf." Ashida looked at the two lenses on the mask, but he saw nothing except the complicated mechanical gears behind the lenses.

Thales almost exclaimed.

Because this strange man's voice is hoarse and hard to distinguish.

It was the voice that made him "bow his head" when Yala and Rolf fought.

The masked geek stepped lightly and passed Ashida.

It seemed that even the terrifying air pressure around him couldn't stop him half a step!

Under the bewildered eyes of the magician of qi, the masked man waved his hand instantly, only to see that the dagger had disappeared from Ashida's back and appeared in his hand!

It was a smooth dagger with crossed swords, the tone was darker.

Ashida's brows were gloomy and uncertain, but he surprisingly did not resist. He just looked at the uninvited guest coldly, calculating the situation in front of him.

What is he relying on? According to the information updated yesterday, the Judgment Gun is on the western front, the Immovable Bow is on the outskirts, and the Star Rod is in the palace. As for the Supreme Sword and Shield, half are still in cooling, half are in Broken Dragon Fortress, and the rest are in Eternal Star City. Ordinary anti-magic weapons are not enough to seal a magician above the extreme.

With this mask, why is he so calm?

Thales watched in disbelief as the mask pulled the dagger from Ashida's back—Ahilda's chest, the wound that was supposed to be bleeding, actually emitted a slight blue light.

Then the blue light turned into his clothes, bright as new, as if he had never been pierced through the chest by a dagger.

Magician—Thales began to believe Ashida's crazy words before——what kind of monster is a magician?

But before Thales had time to think clearly about this question, he was enveloped by a figure.

The masked geek walked up to Thales, and before he could react, he hugged the skinny boy into his arms.

Thales was about to struggle, but the weird masked man gently held down the back of his neck. The traverser felt his strength slowly disappear, and fell limp in his arms.

In a trance, Thales saw Ashida's hands raised from the corner of her eye.

"Hey, watch out for his—" The boy wanted to speak, but the weird masked man covered his mouth.

But Ashida was still behind him, and he was no longer ready to observe.

This boy is too important.

"Since you know that a magician can't be killed, why do you still want to make a move?" Ashida's magic energy surged, mobilizing all the air around fifty meters away.

"You can't be at the 'True Realm' level, but at least you should be the peak expert in the 'Extreme Realm'."

"Even there is a way to hide the magic energy?"

Ashida waved her hands unkindly, and Thales suddenly felt that the air pressure around her was different.

The Magician of Qi is about to make a move.

"But no matter who you are—"

However, Ashida's words were interrupted by his own frightening discovery.

"This! What is this!"

Then it was interrupted by the surrounding air pressure.

Thales raised his head, looked over the shoulder of the weird masked man, and saw the horror in Ashida's eyes.

The magician took a step back trembling, and looked at his chest. There, in the hole pierced by the masked monster, there was a purple light shining at this moment.

It was the first time Thales saw fear in the magician's eyes.

The masked man lowered his head and approached Thales, his hoarse voice echoing in his ears: "Magicians cannot be killed, but magicians are not invincible."

For some reason, Thales suddenly felt at ease.

Subconsciously, he felt that the strange man in front of him was much safer than the lunatic behind him.

At this moment, Ashida was already clutching her chest in panic!

It seemed that the purple light was about to explode from his chest.

He suddenly raised his head and looked at the weird masked man, with both fear and hatred in his tone!

"This is - the Imperial Kingdom's - legendary anti-demon weaponry!"

The masked geek reached out and covered Thales' eyes.

"Those two bitches—"

Thales failed to hear the remaining words of the distraught Ashida.

Because at the next moment when Ashida gritted his teeth resentfully, turned into hundreds of beams of light, and burst out infinite energy, Thales seemed to have entered another space, and all sounds and lights disappeared in his senses.

Thales knew that he had already stayed away from Hongfang Street.

This night is finally coming to an end.


When Yala woke up again, she found herself being carried on a solid shoulder.

The streets on both sides are slowly receding.

After she realized her situation, she hurriedly patted this familiar person:

"Hey, hey! Edmund! Put me down! I have to go back—"

The chubby cook just snorted impatiently: "Let you go back and find that little boy with a fair face? Or a green skin? If the eldest sister knows—hehe——"

Yala blushed: "That green skin is not my lover!"

"I clearly saw you lying in his arms, the happiness on your face—"

"Didn't you pay attention to our surroundings, hello!"

"Yes! The night is dark and windy, the night is quiet, no one knows about it, the tryst—"

"You got the focus wrong, Fatty!"

"That's right, I'll know later—"

"Hey, I won't talk nonsense with you, I still have to find someone—"

"It's all like this, don't expect me to let you go back."

"Fatty man! Poor cook! Put me down, I want to challenge you!"

"It's up to you? You're just better at the 'ordinary level'. Come and tell me this when you reach the 'ultra-level'."

"Hey, I really have someone very important to find—"

"Don't say it's a green skin, even if what you're looking for is a prince, it's useless!"

"Fatty man, stab me with this matter again! Oh, hey, just let me down, okay, Uncle Edmund—"

"Are you still acting like a baby in your twenties? Think you're a girl? Are you ashamed?"

"Where, uncle, you are over forty years old, aren't you as young as a three-year-old child?"

"Hmph, I'm young at heart—huh? What's wrong with this sentence?"


At the same time, on the other side of the street in the distance, Cohen was slapped awake.

In his ignorance, he realized that in front of him was his immediate boss, Robic Dila, Chief of Security!

It's just that the director is applying medicine to his serious wound with an unswerving expression at this moment. When he saw him wake up, he said angrily:

"Hero, are you awake? You've been shopping all night, did you get rid of the Brotherhood and the Blood Bottle Gang?"


"You are so courageous! Blatantly disobeying orders, you are a lone hero! Aren't you proud of yourself?"


"But what! If it wasn't for your father's sake, I would have killed you long ago! And after seeing Jianmang, would I kindly come to you?"


"But what! I'm so unlucky to have a subordinate like you! You think you're the male lead in a drama about the Temple of the Night, but the one just now was the female lead, right?"


"Don't mention that girl! If your father knows that you come to Hongfang Street in the middle of the night to find women—"


"You still have the guts to say it! Miss Lilian even came to report the red card in Laiya Club, saying that you visited her bedroom in the middle of the night, hey!"


"The patrol captain, the second-level security officer, blatantly violated the order and had fun in the middle of the night! Let me tell you, you should be suspended when you go back!"


At this moment, a second loud noise came from the center of Hongfang Street!


The entire Eternal Star City heard this terrible explosion!


This time, the shock wave of the air explosion went straight into the sky!

The high-temperature dust bounced up by the explosion suddenly struck from a distance!

Both Director Robick and the dejected Cohen looked in the direction of the center of Red Square Street in shock!

"This—bad," the director murmured, "The city construction funds just approved—"

"Director, you got the point wrong!"

"People who don't care about the money, shut up!"

On the other side of the street, Edmund the cook and Yala on his shoulder watched the aftermath of the explosion in amazement.

"Little Yala," Edmund murmured, "Fortunately, we ran fast and stayed far away."

"Is this the point?"

"Didn't the eldest sister say that safety comes first?"

"You——you really are my three-year-old uncle!"

"Hey, what are you talking about!"


When Thales' legs fell to the ground again, he couldn't help lying on the ground and coughing.

The wounds all over his body seemed to start to ache at this moment.

The weird masked man stood quietly aside, as if nothing happened just now.

"Ashida—is that magician dead?"

"No," replied a hoarse voice, "but he won't appear again for at least ten years."

Thales felt nervous at first, but then he relaxed.

The madness, abnormality, and weirdness of the magician left a deep impression on him.

More than ten years is enough to figure out a countermeasure by myself.

Thales suddenly raised his head and remembered something:

"I still have a companion, when she protects me—"

"She's fine." The hoarse voice seemed to know his intentions, and immediately replied, "On the way back to the lower city."

Thales breathed a sigh of relief, and his whole body went limp.

But he immediately remembered an extremely crucial point.

"You—this gentleman," Thales asked cautiously with his previous bad record of contacting magicians:

"Who are you?"

Thales didn't expect a masked person to answer him in a friendly manner.

But the next scene almost made his jaw drop to the ground!

I saw this strange man wearing a mask who was showing a murderous look a moment ago, suddenly took a neat step back, stroked his left chest with his right hand, put his left arm behind his waist, knelt down on one knee and bowed his head, and replied respectfully and solemnly:

"My name is Yodel Gato, and I am at your service."