
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 18 The End of the Volume: The Bloodline of the Kingdom

Accident—Thales lowered his head, feeling a sense of helplessness in his heart—Accidents always come suddenly.

At that moment, Thales seemed to see the indiscriminate smile of the Magician of Qi, and he said to him, "Look, this is just a coincidence."

Yodel silently took back the fire.

The middle-aged noble calmed down his excitement. He looked at Thales and patted his head gently.

"Son, it's fine."

"I'm Gilbert Cassel, you can trust me, just like your father trusts me."

"Come on, kid, I'll take you home."

"Go see your father."

Thales slowed down for a full minute.

During this period, both Jodl and Gilbert waited patiently for him.

"Let's go." Thales raised his head, his eyes already calm.

Gilbert nodded, with approval in his eyes, he stood up, and gestured towards the direction of the carriage.

Thales turned his head and looked at Yodel:

"Yordle, you will follow me too, right?"

"Of course," Jodl's hoarse voice sounded, and it was heard in Thales' ears at the moment, but he was extremely relieved: "Please go first, I will be by your side."

Thales took a deep breath and strode towards the carriage.

"Mr. Gilbert."

"Yes, Mr. Xiao, what are your orders?"

"What did you do before?"

"Foreign Affairs, my little sir."

Foreign affairs?

Thales turned his head gently, and rolled his eyes at Yodel behind him at an angle that Gilbert couldn't see.

Thales turned his head.

For some reason, he vaguely felt that Yodel smiled behind the mask.

Thales arrived in front of the carriage. It was a simple but expensive carriage. The glass on the black carriage door was decorated with asphalt.

Two tall horses with pure black coats were gnawing their bits quietly, and one of them approached Gilbert affectionately.

Looking at the tall pedals, Thales measured the height of his seven-year-old child, feeling a little worried.

But before he could turn his head, Gilbert beside him opened the car door, carried him in, and placed him on the deep red sofa in the cabin.

"I'm so sorry, there's no boarding bench." Gilbert smiled apologetically and closed the compartment door.

"But I promise this is the last time."

Thales sat alone on the wide sofa. The sofa was made of unknown material. Although it was very comfortable, he was a little restless.

The four corners of the carriage were illuminated with luminous paint, and he could barely see the decorations inside the carriage. He could only see a pattern of stars framed in a circle firmly embedded in the rear of the carriage.

One, two, three, four, five...nine, nine-pointed stars.

Thales thought silently in his heart: This is a nine-pointed star.

Before he could recover, the carriage started.

Thales climbed to the car window, the sky was getting bright, and the scenery outside the car window was still unclear.

So Thales sat back on the sofa in boredom.

"Yordle, are you there?" He asked tentatively.

Immediately a reply came from my ear:


Thales was startled, and stood up to look around, but there was no one inside or outside the car except Gilbert who was driving.

Forget it, I'm used to it anyway.

Thales sat back on the sofa and continued to ask, "Where have we been?"

"The Mindis Hall is ahead." The hoarse voice came again.

Min - Min - Min Di - Min fourth?

Forget it, I don't know him anyway.

Who would have thought that a few hours ago, he was still bleeding in the abandoned house to survive, and was injured while trying to escape on Hongfang Street, but now?

Thales patted the sofa under his buttocks,

I don't know who my father is in this life.

Regardless of him, soldiers will block you, water will cover you, and you've even encountered a strange existence like a magician who can't die. What else can scare me?

The traverser exhaled, feeling a little hot, and tore off the tattered clothes on his chest.

Accidentally touched the wound on his chest.

Thales hissed and looked at the burn on his chest.

On the edge of the wound burned by Quaid, there seems to be a circle of anti-printed ancient pattern characters faintly.

This is - the king is not honored by blood - Thales remembered the words on the silver coin.

He suddenly slapped his forehead.

Mindis—Mindis silver coin?

Isn't that, isn't that a generation of virtuous kings of the Star Kingdom?

Wait, Mindy Hall?

The carriage stopped suddenly.

Thales was still at a loss in the chaos and ignorance, so Gilbert respectfully asked him to get out of the car.

Under the car is an exquisite small garden, paved with hard but indistinguishable floor tiles. In the middle of the garden is a fine fountain, and the spring water is sprayed from the mouth of a stone dragon roaring upwards.

Thales turned his head in a daze, and looked at the big black iron gate of the garden. There seemed to be reliefs engraved on the black iron gate. Thales didn't recognize any of the scenes on it, but there was a big flag on the left and right of the iron gate, fluttering in the wind. .

On the flag, there are two silver cross stars with a white border and a blue background: two silver cross stars, one large and one small, are stacked together, and the small cross star is on the lower right side of the large cross star.

Thales recognized it. The highest flag flying on the west gate also had this pattern.

Blue background with white border, silver cross double star.

The flag of the Star King.

On the two flags in the garden, a small gold and silver nine-pointed star was embroidered on the lower left corner of the large silver cross, with four gold horns and five silver horns.

That is the pattern engraved on the back of the carriage.

Thales came back to his senses. In front of him was a gorgeous three-story house with eight beautifully carved pillars supporting the large balcony on the second floor. In the middle of the top floor, there was a light in a window.

The main entrance of the house is made of fir wood - Thales once saw a furniture merchant selling a large fir wood table at the big market next to the west city gate, asking for fifty gold coins.

Of course, later he "voluntarily" sold the square table to the Black Street Brotherhood at a preferential price of one gold coin.

Thales followed Gilbert ignorantly, refused Yodel's gesture to open his arms, insisted on enduring the wounds and exhaustion all over his body, and walked into the gate carved out of giant fir with difficulty.

At the doorway and the hall, including the corridor up the spiral staircase, under the illumination of the gorgeous indelible lamp holder burning eternal oil, there are well-equipped guards standing one by one, and each guard seems to be carefully selected. The height is the same, the sword, shield and crossbow are complete, and the metal shield is full of gold and silver nine-pointed stars.

Thales held on to the handrail on the side of the stairs and slowly walked up to the second floor.

On the second floor, on the wall facing the main entrance of the house, there are three portraits.

In the middle is a heroic young knight charging with a spear. The knight has a handsome appearance and a majestic expression. He wears a crown of silver seven stars on his head, and moves forward fearlessly in the tragic battlefield background.

On the left is a strong warrior with sword and shield. On the shield is a nine-pointed star full of silver horns. He wears a nine-star crown. His face is resolute and heroic. The background is a lush and towering tree.

On the right is a sitting statue of a kind and kind middle-aged man, behind him is a brightly lit city, holding a precious scepter inlaid with bright kyanite in his left hand, and a thick book with five different suns and stars on his right Patterns like the moon.

The temperaments of the three nobles are different, but the painter seems to have captured the charm of the three of them very well. Thales stared blankly at the portrait, as if he was a real person.

It seems that it is really a great noble that has been passed down for a long time.

It's a pity that Thales didn't know any of them.

Wait, why is that handsome middle-aged guy so familiar?

Thales was about to take off his clothes and look at the face that had been branded on his chest when he heard the sound of calm and steady footsteps.

"That's Tormund I, the last prince of the Last Empire, the founder of the stars, the 'King_of_Renaissance' (King_of_Renaissance), and his bravery in the Battle of the End is still celebrated today."

"Next to it is Middir IV, the hero Sarah and the prophet Kaipen's comrade-in-arms, the protector of the holy tree, the 'Oath_Keeper' (Oath_Keeper), since he and his elf queen, the Canxing royal family has elves blood."

"The last is Mindis III, the 'Wise King'? e_Wise_King), from nobles to priests, merchants to beggars, everyone praises his wise rule."

This voice was heavy and majestic. It came low, but it vibrated faintly like the thunder hidden in the dark clouds.

Behind them, Gilbert and Yodel Qiqi knelt on one knee.

Thales swallowed and raised his head slightly.

A sturdy figure slowly walked in front of him. His mighty and resolute face always reminded the passer-by of the sword and shield warrior on the left side of the wall.

This is a robust, black-haired, high-nosed, middle-aged nobleman with deep eyes and broad face. His sky-blue pupils are as sharp as swords. The nobleman holds a scepter in his left hand. He stands in front of Thales and looks at it carefully. with him.

Thales was a little dumbfounded, looking back at the nobleman in front of him.

He became nervous uncontrollably.

In the experience of being a human being in two lifetimes, no one taught him what to do at this time.

The strong nobleman looked at him for a long time, so long that even Thales felt a little embarrassed.

But his gaze didn't make Thales feel kind or at ease at all. On the contrary, it made him feel stressed and a little breathless.

To put it bluntly, even Ashida Sacon's crazy eyes are better than this.

But the traveler suddenly noticed that the robust nobleman in front of him was wearing something like the nine-star crown worn by the sword and shield warrior in the painting, and the scepter on his left hand looked like the painting on the right. The crystal-encrusted scepter in the middle-aged man's hand.

Gilbert reminded in a low voice, "Son, this is your father."


Thales lowered his eyes, looked at the star-blue cloak behind him, and couldn't help muttering.

The face of his father in the previous life was slowly reflected in his mind, but it was a little blurry.

Thales took a deep breath and refocused his eyes.

"who are you?"

He heard his own voice come out flatly.

The robust noble didn't answer, but frowned slightly.

At this moment, Gilbert raised his head, and in an authoritative, solemn, and unquestionable tone, uukanhu.nt solemnly said:

"This is Kessel Mindis Eddie Canxing, the fifth Kessel (fifth_of_his_name) in the family.

The orthodox lineage of the imperial family of the final empire (ghtful_heir), the successor (essor) of the hero Sara.

The co-lord (lord) of the Ludor people and the northerners in the western continent, the conqueror (conqueror) of the dragon bone throne and the desert god altar.

The protector of the Holy Tree and the Principality of Sera, the guardian of the City of Steel and the Freedom Alliance

The Iron Fist e_iron_fist), the thirty-ninth generation high king (high_king) of the Star Kingdom, the Southern Islands, and the Western Desert. "

Thales only felt a chill in his heart, and his breathing accelerated.

A suffocating pressure seemed to press down like a substance.

Kessel looked at Thales with deep eyes.

After a while, he turned his head and looked at Gilbert and Yodel on both sides.

The robust king, King Kessel V, said word by word in his heavy and thick voice:

"He is my descendant, the blood of the kingdom?"

"The entire Star Kingdom, the last and only bloodline?"