
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 15 Ashida Sacone

Even in the long life of Ahida Sacone, the boy's first impressions of him were particularly amusing and comical:

Under the dim candles, the black-haired boy was quite embarrassed. His forehead was dripping with blood, his face was bruised and purple, his neck had red marks from being pinched, and his slightly trembling body was covered with tattered coarse linen clothes. thing, and a dagger was tied tightly to his leg.

After hearing his identity, he looked at a loss. He was a little nervous as he pressed his chest, as if he vaguely knew the meaning of the word "magic master". The air is quite cloudy.

However, his eyes are really special.

That's right, those strange eyes were not filled with fear and strangeness, nor panic and vigilance, but full of—curiosity and excitement?

Thales' thoughts at the moment even surprised him.

The moment he heard "magic master", after being surprised, he suddenly felt an impulse in his heart, wanting to ask exactly what a magic master is.

Is it an occupational disease?

At this moment, Thales saw, from the corner of his eye, three irregular spheres quietly placed in a dark corner, each of which was as big as a person.

Until Thales recognized it, human hands and feet were faintly exposed on those spheres.

The traverser's face turned pale.

"I think you've already seen Brother Taren and Moria from the fraternity," Ashida the magician noticed his gaze and grinned, "They're very ambitious, and they're going straight to Hong Kong as soon as they come up." Square Street Center."

"Sorry, I'm not used to choking or pumping like Morris. In fact, I prefer the simpler method."

Is it really easier to squeeze a living person into a ball? Thales weighed his heart and silently slandered.

"Come on, kid." Ashida smiled gently, his voice was very nice and gentle, "Come and see my chessboard."

Thales swallowed a mouthful of saliva, turned his head, drove the few human flesh spheres out of his brain, and quickly thought about his situation. Then, after he saw the blue energy ball projected from Ashida's left hand, which looked like a 3D effect (but he knew it was definitely not), he decisively gave the idea of "drawing out the dagger and putting it on his neck" to him. Clear it out of your mind.

Thales took three slow but regular breaths according to the way he defended the thesis in his previous life, and then walked up slowly.

It's a blessing, not a disaster, and it's a disaster that can't be avoided.

Ashida looked at the boy's adult-like behavior with a half-smile, and when he approached the chessboard, he was about to speak, but was surprised to see the boy pull out a chair without hesitation, sit on it, and wrinkled again. Frowning, he seemed dissatisfied with the view of the chair, so he got down and moved the chair a little in the direction of Ashida, then climbed up and sat down.

"Uh, my legs are a little sore." Thales smiled embarrassedly at Ashida, and accidentally pulled the wound on his forehead, causing him to "hiss" severely in pain.

"It is my fault."

Ashida turned her head with great interest, and tapped lightly with her right hand. The wound on Thales' forehead seemed to be pressed by something, and the blood stopped flowing out.

"This is - you raised and fixed the partial pressure of the air?" Thales touched his forehead in amazement, and found an invisible membrane that isolated his hand from touching the wound.

Ashida put away her smile and nodded calmly.

"Yes, your tutor taught you physical science?"

"Uh, no." Thales put down his hand embarrassingly. It seems that Ashida regarded him as a son of some noble or rich family.

Ashida nodded, and turned to the chessboard on the table.

"Do you recognize what this is?"

Thales carefully looked at the map on the table.

"A board game with Red Square Street as a map—no,

This is the map of the battle outside now! The red side is the Vial Gang, and the black side is the Brotherhood! Thales suddenly said.


The expressionless Ashida stretched out her right hand, and two black chess pieces and a crystal chess piece flew in from a distance, and they were grabbed by him.

"This should have been a seamless trap."

"I will kill all Brotherhoods from Morris to Cenza in a short time."

"But things are always unsatisfactory, aren't they?"

The three chess pieces flew up in the air, circling around Tiers' head like birds.

Magic, magic, just treat it as a magic show, Thales forced himself to watch Ashida's performance calmly.

"First of all, the guys under me are more useless than the other. They should besiege Morris and Qinza at the first time, and attack and kill them at all costs. But they timidly bypassed the powerful enemy and used guerrilla attacks first. Cutting off the wings is a typical bully."

"Secondly, I don't know if it's the Brotherhood's reinforcements. I know, the chess pieces that accidentally entered the field disrupted my deployment too early."

Following Ashida's emotionless narration, the chess pieces on Thales' head suddenly fell onto the map one by one.

"Here, it's the companion who came up from the lower city with you. His speed is terrifying. He knocked down Dorno and Spencer in a single encounter. Rolf can only run after him until now. Numino, who is a tracking-type ability user, can't even suck the dust behind his feet. I can only say that it is really gratifying that the Brotherhood still has such a latecomer."

In the air, a black swordsman fell onto the map, right in front of and behind another red swordsman, and farther away was a red prime minister.

Thales knew that he was talking about Yala, so he could only beat a drum in his heart, hoping she was safe and sound, especially when there was a red prime minister in the distance.

"This gap is really fatal. A lot of pawns escaped, although they were all miscellaneous fish, but—" Ashida sighed, "Through them, the headquarters of the Brotherhood of the Black Street was one step earlier than I expected. When I was young, I knew the situation here—I could feel that Lancer and his men had controlled the entrance."

"The mousetrap—it's broken."

He lowered his head dejectedly, full of regret and sadness. At that moment, Thales almost thought that he was in front of him a sympathetic temple priest.

But Ashida immediately raised his head, his sad expression disappeared without a trace. He flicked his fingers lightly, and the two chess pieces in the air began to rotate again.

"Here, he came in from another direction. I don't know what faction. The time he slaughtered the Layton brothers and sisters was shorter than the time it took to slaughter two pigs. No one can stop this guy from rushing all the way to the vicinity. I just want to I was able to send out the Gulaton around me, so I didn't even have anyone to talk to."

Ashida seemed to be dissatisfied, and the crystal knight in the air fell down and placed with a red guard.

"Probably chess pieces from other forces have entered the arena, either nobles or officials—this is also an accident."

Thales swallowed again.

"In the end, it's you, kid. Since no one is available, I have no choice but to invite you personally."

Ashida tilted her head, her eyes suddenly became sharp.

The last black pawn on Thales' head suddenly fell to the center of the map.

It landed next to a red king chess piece.

Thales became nervous uncontrollably.

"Tell me, what is your background?"

Ahilda leaned back in the chair, the expression on her face was hard to tell.

"Why did the fraternity send you all the way to the center of Red Square Street?"

"Are you some terrible weapon? Sent to me to assassinate me?"

"Is it still important information and packages that need to be handed over to another pawn?"

"I hope you can answer for me voluntarily and in a friendly manner, instead of shouting 'Death to the magician' and rushing over - to be honest, that would be pure suicide."

Ashida looked at him quietly, her eyes full of sincerity.

Unlike the sincerity in Rick's eyes, which obviously has ulterior motives, the sincerity in Ashida's eyes is emotionless, as if he doesn't care about the answer to this question at all.

Calm down, Thales, calm down.

The traveler reminded himself that he kept recalling the situations of several paper presentations and seminars in his mind, how to use the language familiar to the audience to bring them into areas they were not familiar with.

I'm very good at this, aren't I?

Thales took a deep breath

"Mr. Ahida Sacon, are you saying that you can know all the troubles in the entire Red Square neighborhood by sitting here?"

He first needs to collect all the information.

"Not really," Ashida replied indifferently, "I can know even the slightest air condition in the whole street, from the changes in the air pressure inside the human body to the air flow outside the body. Breathing life is under my supervision."

This is his ability? So, is he worthy of being a magician of qi? Thales secretly said.

No wonder the brothers were beaten up so badly.

"Then you will naturally understand," Thales began to sort out his words and logic, looking for a chance of survival in the confrontation of words:

"Along the way, my companions and I carefully avoided any confrontation, and only acted in unavoidable situations—whether the Brotherhood or the Blood Bottle Gang."

"I think this can prove that we are not members of the Brotherhood. At least we are not here tonight for the Brotherhood, and we have no intention of getting involved in the battlefield. So we have no intention of being your enemy."

"It makes sense." Ashida nodded, still showing a lack of affection, but her tone did not soften at all: "But you still ate my chess pieces, I don't care about the lives of those trash fish, but I do care about them." My plan and purpose were interrupted—whether it was intentional or unintentional, no matter how depraved a judge is, he wouldn't turn a blind eye to manslaughter, would he?"

"And you didn't answer my question - who are you? Why is it so important?"

Thales quickly adjusted his words after hearing the words: "I am the enemy of the Brotherhood!"

Only this sentence made Ashida look up slightly.

Thales figured out the reason of the incident and was determined to tell part of the truth.

"I'm just an ordinary beggar. I offended the senior management of the Brotherhood and fled. The lower city is full of the Brotherhood's eyes and ears. Only Red Square Street, which is adjacent to the Blood Bottle Gang, is my chance!"

"But my companion and I didn't expect the gang war that happened tonight. So, unintentionally—"

"I apologize for our recklessness, and I can make it—I mean, make amends when I am able."

"I believe that my future value is definitely worth your letting go of my life today."

"I'm already doomed to be an enemy of the Brotherhood. No matter how weak it is, an enemy's enemy is a friend. There's no need for the Blood Bottle Gang to eradicate potential enemies for the Brotherhood, right?"

Ashida narrowed her eyes.

What a eloquent child.

"that's all?"

"that's all."

Ashida was silent for a long time, but the expression on her face turned out to be a faint smile.

"The air pressure in your body doesn't fluctuate greatly, and your breathing is tense but steady. Sigh, although you didn't tell the whole truth, you didn't lie."

The magician smiled wryly and shook his head, sincerely said:

"So, your appearance, the disruption of the chess game—it seems to be a coincidence."

"Well, actually, I don't care about those chess pieces that you eat. After all, they are all small chess pieces. The so-called twelve strongest, thirteen generals, supernatural fighters and six giants, except for Qincha, are all just chess pieces. It's just the existence of 'mortal' and 'ultra-level'."

"Even the Blood Bottle Gang is just a relatively big chess piece. I don't even care if you disrupt my plan and break through my trap."

Ashida showed a wry smile on her face, and looked at Thales.

"It's just, I didn't expect that my plan was destroyed by accident, by coincidence."

"This frustrates me."

"Accidentally, accidentally—hehe, I began to understand the power of Empress Helan."

What a strange and weird person, Thales nervously observed the magician of Qi, and added in his heart.

"The world is really wonderful."

Ashida suddenly burst out laughing.

"Son, do you know? The birth of magic power was purely accidental."

Thales' heart began to beat faster. From the magician with a strange expression, he felt danger inexplicably!

"A long time ago, there was only magic in the world, but no magic energy." Ashida's face showed yearning and complexity.

"Mages are exploring the truth of the world, using various ingenious methods and wisdom to use the world's resources and energy to serve a better world."

"Until one day, a mage apprentice with low qualifications accidentally discovered that his magic was not stable. It was like, as if the magic had a life of its own, it began to lose control and began to rebel against their master!"

Thales was shocked to find that he actually started to float in the air!

In a panic, he wanted to grab the edge of the table, but found that he was floating higher and higher, and his arms could no longer reach the table!

He hurriedly looked at Ashida, but was horrified to find that the expression on the magician's face was full of pain and madness!

"That's right, that's how it all started! An accidental miss by a sorcerer's apprentice!" Ashida talked to herself nervously, and at the same time gently picked up the little black pawn that had just fallen on a map.

Thales watched the pawn being taken away, and his heart sank: He knew what the magician was going to do next.

"From unstable, to completely out of control, to being dominated by it, the world you are familiar with begins to collapse, fear and panic strike, no one can save you, except yourself!"

Thales found painfully that the air flow all over his body began to accelerate, and the air pressure began to change!

"No one knew what happened to him, but when he returned to the world, people discovered that he was no longer a mage."

"He's not even human anymore, not a mortal anymore."

"It was also an accidental miss. He killed the two gods unintentionally."

"It's like accidentally stepping on two ants."

Ashida's words were extremely cold, he slowly turned his head and raised his lips.

This lunatic!

Thales let go of his clenched teeth and wanted to speak, but found that the sound could not penetrate his throat at all!

"This is the first magician, and the most powerful magician who ever lived. The wizards were horrified to find that compared with him, their spells and spells were like child's tricks and tricks! The gods panicked It is ridiculous to find that the divine power and divinity that was once high above are so vulnerable!"

"This is the end of the colorful but childish era of mages. The newly born magicians stand on the sky, surpass the gods, and look down on all living beings!"

Thales began to feel the squeeze coming from all directions!

His limbs were squeezed close to his body, and his whole body was shrunk into a ball, floating in mid-air, which was truly horrifying.

It's like being stuffed into a washing machine in a previous life!

"Fear, of course, of course human beings will be afraid! There is no taboo, unfettered power, but only a few people can enjoy it. How can they not be afraid!"

In mid-air, Thales felt his whole body begin to lose strength, but he couldn't help noticing that Ashida's tone had put himself outside the category of human beings.

"And so the war began."

Ashida stood up lightly, the energy ball in her left hand was still spinning.

"However, it's probably because of chance."

"we lose."

Ashida lowered her head desolately, raised her right hand, and gave Thales a firm grip without looking at Thales in mid-air.


Thales' joints all over his body began to crackle, his eardrums seemed to be run over by something, and the blood in his whole body was agitated!

This is "talking and laughing to kill"?

Am I going to be crushed to death?

Thales thought hopelessly, his mind was no longer clear.

Like crushing an ant?

The wound on his forehead that was sealed by Ashida suddenly burst out with blood again.

Is this the magician?

It feels no different from a supernatural power, doesn't it?

Before Thales died, he saw Ashida's left hand out of the corner of his eye. There, a blue ball of light was constantly spinning, as if an infinite storm was spinning inside.

He suddenly felt that the wound on his chest burned by the silver coins began to burn, and the muscles all over his body seemed to start to burn.

It's getting hotter and hotter.

It's getting hotter and hotter.

"So, we magicians, and magic power, have become taboos."

Ahilda uttered the last sentence, and frowned imperceptibly.

His last words should have been accompanied by the death of the target.

Is it because my control has declined? The magician didn't think much, but just closed his right hand again expressionlessly.

But at this moment, Thales felt a bit of pleasure in the illusion of burning, and the pain of being squeezed by the air seemed to have eased a little.

He found that he could speak again.

Thales opened his mouth with difficulty, and looked at the energy ball in Ashida's hand.

most annoying,

Pretentiously holding a ball,


"Fuck you, mana."

Thales heard himself say that.

Then, a heat came out of his body.

There was surprise in Ashida's eyes.

The dark chess and card room was suddenly filled with red light coming from nowhere.

Ashida looked around in shock, but then, he discovered the source of the red light, and looked down at his left hand.

There, in that blue energy ball, a trace of red light appeared.

Start to erode the blue storm inside!

A trace.

a little.


On the one hand.

The red light spread.

until the entire energy ball is eroded.

"No! This is—this is—" Ashida murmured, as if seeing the most incredible beauty.

The translucent energy ball in Ashida's hand suddenly stopped spinning.

Then, the energy ball that turned red disappeared into his left hand.

The Magician of Qi raised his head suddenly, and looked at Thales in mid-air.

There, in front of Thales' right hand, a red energy ball floated quietly. U Kanshu www.ukanshu.net

Excitement appeared in Ashida's eyes.

"Who are you--"

However, before the magician could finish speaking, to Thales, the world seemed to be broken.


The energy ball exploded violently!

Intangible energy is transmitted from inside!

If the cellar of the chess and card room is like a balloon, now, it seems that the balloon has been blown from the inside!

Doors, windows, glass, chessboards, candles, everything was blown up in an instant, and then shattered!

The house exploded from the beams to the columns!


Ashida also seemed to have been hammered heavily by a huge force, and she was knocked back into the air! Hit the wall!

Thales was also pushed away by a huge force and slammed into the ceiling, but the ceiling and the wall were also exploded immediately!

But the force that restrained and squeezed him has disappeared.

Same as his consciousness.


A street.


Morris put down the two Vial gang members who were suffocated to death by his ability, and listened to the explosion in his ears in amazement.

The extent of this explosion...

At least it's an "extreme" battle!

Could it be Qincha, did Qincha meet the magician of Qi?

The elite around him were also in shock.


The killer Laiyoke was covered in blood, and he came quickly from a distance, with mixed expressions of joy and sorrow, and said out of breath:

"Air wall—"

"The wall of air has disappeared!"