
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 16 The Weepers

"Your Highness! You are really loved among them—the citizens have not forgotten that it is the Kingdom of Stars and the Royal Family of Canxing that guarantee their rich life."

It was Baron Limo who spoke. As the lord of the four local villages, his castle stood at the center of the four villages. To the south, you can see Fuxing Avenue covered with yellow fallen leaves in the center, and to the north, you can have a panoramic view of the unique birch forest in the north.

This is the morning of the fourth day they went north to Exeter. They stopped several times for supplies along the way. If all goes well, they will be able to enter the northern border this afternoon and arrive at Broken Dragon Fortress tomorrow night.

Although Baron Limo was only in his thirties, he was as fat as the old Duke of Cullen. I saw the baron laughing so hard that he couldn't even see his eyes, facing the second prince of the Star Kingdom, His Royal Highness Thales Canxing, who was surrounded by smiling subjects, big and small, he said enthusiastically:

"The citizens are looking forward to your arrival and feel very honored. The resumption of the Canxing royal family is really the love of the goddess of the setting sun." Baron Limo stroked his belly and said with a smile: "I believe that the stars of the future are in your highness. Under your rule, you will definitely be richer and happier than ever before!"

"After all, we are the descendants of the empire!"

Thales walked in the clean and spotless village, where even the snow stains had been swept away. He maintained the most basic smile and waved to the brightly dressed leaders around him.

Beside him, Wyah, Jorah, and five Canxing's private soldiers nervously isolated him from the crowd, followed by Ada, who could tell from his walking posture that he was listless.

"We'd better leave immediately, Your Highness," Qiao La, the leader of Canxing's private soldiers, said seriously, "This is really not a good idea."

"That's true," Wyatt stopped a squire, "Your mission is to go on an envoy, not to inspect—you just passed here."

Thales nodded, and in an inadvertent moment, he made a few gestures that no one could understand to the distance.

[how? ]

Huai Ya looked at the prince's gesture and frowned.

He looked towards the other direction of the village with displeasure, and sure enough, Rolf's figure appeared in a secluded place in the distance at the right time, racking his brains, he made two gestures back towards Tellsby.

[The back, fake, all. ]



Thales' heart darkened, and he looked at the nearest seven or eight-year-old child.

About his age.

The child's complexion was dark, skinny, wrapped in a suit of thick clothes that obviously didn't fit, a pair of small hands were in the sleeves, and he couldn't take them out at all. His eyes were full of fear and shrinking, but he forced himself to show falsehood. smile.

The middle-aged male with numb eyes struggled to wave his rough and deformed hands.

A timid woman wearing a headscarf, wearing a completely different style of top and bottom, the top is obviously closer to the popular style of Wangdu.

An old man in his sixties, wearing a funny cloak that looked like a nobleman's shelter from the rain, and a pair of thin trousers, was shivering in the cold in a corner that no one else could see.

And...the spotless village, the whole people lined the road to welcome—Thales sighed and looked at Baron Limo with a smile.

Do you think he is a fool?

It turns out that there is also Potemkin Village in this world.

"The supply should be finished." Thales made a gesture to Rolf in the distance that others could not understand, shook his head, and said softly to Wya and Jorah: "Let's go."

Wyah also gave Rolf a serious look in the distance, and followed up with Thales with Jorah.

Obviously he is the second prince's attendant.

Under Baron Limo's reluctant retention and his thankful farewell, Star Kingdom headed north to Exeter's mission convoy, ready to pack up and set off.

"I thought you enjoyed that,

The feeling of being embraced by everyone. "

The deputy envoy of the mission, Lord Putillai, took out a pipe from nowhere, lit a thick smoke that was unpleasant to watch, inhaled and exhaled, and looked at the second prince mockingly.


"I would rather enjoy that kind of sincere, unpretentious, but sincere support," Thales smiled and took the water handed by the guards: "rather than watching them being forced by the lord to dress up and prepare in advance." clothes, squeezed out the most deliberate smiles, and lied about the happiness of life, in the village that had been cleaned early, unreasonably lined the road to welcome a prince they didn't really like."

Thales sighed softly: "Guess, how many of them have smiles on their faces, but are actually full of hatred for me, the prince who came suddenly?"

"Not a single one." Unexpectedly, Puttilai denied his words: "If I have to say it, there is probably only the fat baron."

Thales raised his eyebrows.

"Don't take yourself too seriously, Your Majesty the future king," Puttilai exhaled disdainfully, "In the eyes of many people, a nine-pointed star is not as important as an ear of wheat."

"Wheat ears can feed them, what can the nine-pointed star do? Oh, it's still beneficial," Puttilai chuckled, "For example, the lord can feed them a full meal and distribute some clothes he doesn't want to show respect A passing heir to the nine-pointed star is welcome."

Thales' face was heavy, and before getting into the carriage, he took a last look at the village at the junction of the Northern Territory and the Central Territory, and couldn't help but said: "This is the intersection of Fuxing Avenue and Birch Forest, a specialty of the Northern Territory, and a merchant of the Central Territory. All the goods pass through here, there is no shortage of land and hunting forests, but the people here are still so poor—is it excessive extortion, land problems, or heavy taxes?"

"Change the word!"

"Baron Limo is one of Earl Talen's vassals. He sends taxes for the latter and responds to the call. Tarun's family is a distant relative and supporter of the Canxing royal family. Why are the villagers here so poor? To be precise," Puttilai hummed his eyes from his nose, and said sarcastically, "It's because the rulers of the territory are so loyal and patriotic."

Thales was silent for ten seconds until Wyatt interrupted his contemplation.

"Your Highness, that veteran has been refusing to leave, and he is still following us." Huai Ya pointed to a shambling figure behind him, and sighed:

"We've already passed Talen's Ice City. I think the dry food and supplies on his body are not enough to support his return journey to Eternal Star—and he doesn't have any clothes to keep out the cold. If we go further north..."

"Let me tell you, we can hand him over to that baron," Jorah stroked his red hair, "so we don't have to worry about him starving to death or dying on the road."

"You saw his appearance, I guess that veteran is not very good at dealing with nobles, and the baron will probably throw him directly into the dungeon," Thales shook his head, looking at the stubborn figure of Genard in the distance :

"And after all, he is... the personal guard of the late Duke John, and he is also in the same line as Can Xing."

Thales' eyes flickered, thinking of the younger brother of the former king in the tomb.

[Star God of War, Sodala Liberator, Duke of Star Lake, John L.K. Canxing, 613-660]

"Then take him with you."

Thales looked at his deputy envoy suspiciously.

Lord Putillai was annoyed to find that his pipe had been extinguished by the cold again, frantically touching his pockets, it was Wyah who sighed, took out the flint and walked forward.

"If you want me to say, with such perseverance, he followed us on foot for three days and three nights—thank you, it can be regarded as saving my old life—if he is not the most loyal subordinate, he is the most dangerous enemy."

Puttilai lit his pipe, looked at the carriage with a coffin at the end of the convoy, and said disdainfully:

"No matter which one, you have a reason to bring him in and put him under your observation and control—anyway, you have everything in your smoky convoy, don't you?"

Thales frowned, pretending not to hear Puttilai complaining to him about the blood race companions: "Loyal subordinates and dangerous enemies—I don't want to take a chance on one of the possibilities."

"It's hard to say." Puttilai took a deep puff of smoke and closed his eyes comfortably: "Sometimes, it's possible to have both."

Thales rolled his eyes helplessly.

"Your Highness, that veteran?" Wyatt asked tentatively.

Thales pondered for a while, then suddenly walked towards the veteran of the Starlight Legion, and Rolf behind him followed silently.

Huai Ya was stunned for a moment, and quickly caught up with the second prince. At the same time, he gave the Wind Follower a displeased look. After overtaking him, he unconsciously took a step forward, becoming the person closest to the prince.

Huai Ya felt that his status as an attendant was being seriously threatened by this silver-masked man who needed artificial limbs to walk.

For example, the sign language that only he and the prince can understand.

"Veteran!" Thales said from afar, "What's your name?"

Genard, who was trembling with folded arms in the cold, raised his head and saw the nine-pointed star embroidered on Taylor's body, his eyes lit up.

He recalled the scene when that lazy middle-aged Duke walked out of the barracks for the first time and bumped heads with him.


"Jay, Gennard." He said tremblingly.

"Still refused to give up, did you?" Thales narrowed his eyes: "But you know, I can't let you follow us-you were sent by Jann Cavendir, and I don't believe him ."

Genard was taken aback, and quickly argued: "I'm not with them, I was caught by them... I don't know why they sent me here..."

"But it's been three days, why are you following me?" Thales interrupted him, staring straight at Genard's face: "Give me a reason to believe you."

Genard stared blankly at Thales.

That's right.

He is not the Duke after all.

He won't believe me.

If it was the duke, he would probably smile mysteriously, then pat him on the shoulder, lavishly ask him to pick up a piece of food, and then say "I'll keep an eye on you", and leave in peace.

But it is also the character of the Duke that...will...

The veteran in his thirties gritted his teeth and raised his head:

"I was on the way here, and I heard from those who imprisoned me, Your Highness—Your Highness, are you going to Exeter? Use your own life to quell the anger and hatred of the Northlanders?"

Thales stared at him without saying a word.

Genard folded his arms and said tremblingly, "Please let me follow you, follow the nine-pointed star."

Thales didn't speak.

When Genard was feeling uneasy, His Royal Highness the Second Prince spoke slowly.

"I heard," Thales let out a breath: "You used to be a member of the Starlight Legion, Duke John—my father's uncle's personal guard?"

Genard's eyes dimmed.


And I failed him.

"If it's for the loyalty of the Starlight Legion's comrades," Thales said coldly, "You can continue to return to the capital and serve my father and King Kessel."

"I've been in the capital and worked for him for twelve years," Gennard, who looked dusty, looked at Thales while panting with difficulty. "And now, I have nowhere to go."


When the Xinghui Legion was disbanded, most of them followed the captain to the Broken Dragon Fortress and fought three bloody battles with the Exeters. After the "Peace Treaty" was signed, they continued to guard the border of Xingchen in the bitter cold.

But he didn't go.

He wanted to stay and continue to work for the Nine Pointed Star and the Canxing family in the capital.

to redeem himself.


That Kessel...

Genard smiled desolately when he thought of his 12 years of insensitive career in the city defense team.

Thales looked at him and sighed deeply.

"Go to Jora—the red-haired one," Thales pursed his lips under Genard's surprised eyes, "Since you are a veteran, let him arrange a post for you—the mission cannot stay Useless people."

Genard trembled and turned to Thales.

He was shocked, and two lines of hot tears flowed out uncontrollably.

Thales was taken aback. He couldn't bear such a scene the most, so he turned around and left.

This time, Wyah followed closely, not forgetting to take a look at Rolf.

But Rolf looked at the tearful veteran.

Another one, a lost person?

Just like me.

Thales went further and further away.

If he is John's bodyguard, if he has participated in those wars.

Thales thought to himself: Then he must have personally experienced the truth behind the bloody year.

The truth that I want to know.

The second prince boarded the carriage without saying a word, and the convoy continued on its journey, leaving Fuxing Avenue and entering the unique birch forest in the north.

In the evening of the second day, when the convoy with the flag of the cross and double stars finally arrived at the edge of the birch forest, heavy snow began to fall continuously, and everything around began to turn silvery white.

"Please pay attention to the temperature, Your Highness, from now on." When they stopped to rest, Wyatt lit a torch in the fire built by the guards, and approached Thales who was rubbing his hands in the cold: "And the king The difference is that Unmelted Snow will become the norm."

"Have you been here?" Thales gratefully accepted the warm torch and exhaled hot air.

"Not only have I been here before," Wyatt chuckled, "The Tower of the End is just to the southwest of the junction of Exeter and Commas Alliance, in the mountains to the north of the Great Desert—the desert war was raging at that time. , the road to West Wilderness is impassable, so I can only detour to Exeter from the north and report to the Tower of Termination."

Thales, who was aroused in interest and curiosity, was about to ask further questions when Putillai walked over.

"This year is colder than usual. Broken Dragon Fortress will only be colder than here." Lord Puttilai picked up a handful of thin snow on the ground, and his face became serious: "It's both good news and bad news."

"How do you say it?" Thales, who didn't know much about the Northland and Exeter, humbly asked the Deputy Envoy, who was obviously well-informed, but never pretended to him.

"The good news is that the special 'extremely cold' weather in the north will come earlier than before. No matter how good the Exeters are at fighting in winter, it is impossible for them to mobilize a large number of troops to launch battles or besiege Fortress—their supply lines will collapse from the cold."

"The bad news is," Puttilai mused, "If Rumba wants to take down Broken Dragon Fortress, these two days are the last chance."

Thales' heart trembled.

"Yes, Your Royal Highness, Broken Dragon Fortress is not far away—if you still want to eliminate the flames of war, not just travel around the mountains and rivers," Putilei said in response to the ugly faces of Wyatt and Rolf. In the middle, he unceremoniously snatched Thales' torch and extinguished it in the snow: "It's better to hurry up!"

At this moment, the woman in the cloak and the secret guard——Ada, who had been sluggish all this time, suddenly got a jolt and sat up!

"That—someone—" Ada stammered while patting the snow on her body.

But she was interrupted immediately.

"Enemy attack!"

In the distance, a voice shouted angrily!

It was the voice of that veteran—Jenard.

Thales stood up abruptly. Wyah and Rolf beside him were faster than him. One drew a sharp knife out of its sheath, and the other blocked him firmly behind him!

"Jorah!" Puttilai shouted calmly.

"Form the formation!" Jorah roared, and the thirty Canxing private soldiers shouted loudly. Their swords were unsheathed, their shields formed a wall, and surrounded Thales, forming the famous star array.

However, Thales - he was surrounded by two people, the attendant and the wind ghost - looked around suspiciously, looking at the birch forest in the evening.

Where is the enemy?

In the next moment, he didn't have to wonder anymore.

A shadowy figure suddenly appeared behind almost every tree around.

There are at least twenty of them.

Thales' heart trembled.

He has seen this kind of sudden appearance.

It's like - animation frame skipping.

Canxing's guards set off torches as if they were facing an enemy, and sent them to several key points of the circle to provide lighting.

The fire light illuminated the surroundings.

Figures dressed in fine clothes and armor (these two appeared on everyone at the same time) appeared one by one from the dark woods, there were men and women, each of them was tall and handsome.

But everyone looked at them coldly with sharp eyes.

As if looking at a mortal prey.

"Who's here!" Puttilai also pulled out a sword, held a torch, and shouted calmly.

Under the amazed eyes of all the stars, a slim and graceful figure,

"You hand over my sister."

"Then all..."

Her eyes were stern, and she pressed her abdomen with both hands.

"Long sleep here."