
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 15 One Way North

I saw Zhan En's expression was indifferent: "We just found out the truth about Mancao Manor."

Thales' expression remained unchanged.

After going through a test like that of Morat, he can also become the head of Yue.

Zhan En snorted softly, and continued: "We interrogated the gangsters in the Grass Manor that night, and we have to say..."

"You played beautifully that day." Zhan En stared at Thales: "In desperation, you can also provoke the blood clan and the blood bottle gang to avoid the disaster of death."

Thales sighed inwardly.

He still found it.

But at the moment, his head is in a mess, and he has no intention of dealing with the owner of the tricolor iris at all.

Thales spread his hands indifferently: "I don't know what you're talking about."

"You are about to go on a long journey...be careful, the immortals are not easy people," Zhan En said with his hands behind his back, his eyes burning, "after the 'Wolf Enemy' and his 'Eternal Life Hunters' killed the top of the wild mountain, forcing them Before signing the "Convention of Human Nations and Immortal Species", in countless dark nights, they all ate human beings."

"The taste of human blood, they must miss it to this day... In the human country, they will always bring trouble... If you are in the same boat with wolves, you will be in danger of capsizing."

It's really awe-inspiring... It's just that the words came out of your mouth... Thales scratched his head.

"I'll give you the exact words." Thales sighed and said, "The original employer of the vampire."

The two looked at each other in silence.

Thales felt more and more uneasy.

Zhan En turned his eyes and suddenly smiled:

"But I do owe you a favor."

Thales frowned slightly.

Zhan En said with a smile: "The day I was assassinated, thank you—although I know you didn't want to save me from disaster at all."

Is he showing his favor?

What day is it today? Why does everyone want to show affection to me?

Is it Children's Day?

"No need," Thales said listlessly, "You also voted for and supported my rights in return, didn't you?"

But Guste's words just now flowed through his mind.

[This is all for the lords to protect themselves! ]

Thales suddenly raised his head and looked at Zhan En suspiciously: "What do you think? Why did you vote for me? You don't seem like the kind of person who would turn his head and fight back because of the anger of being betrayed."

"Even under that circumstance, it's not in your interest as a lord to let Canxing get an heir?"

Jen stared at him for three full seconds, then he smiled.

"Who knows?"

"Anyway, in that case, I have no chance." Zhan En chuckled: "Maybe I just thought, compared to those old and cunning people, you will be the heir to the kingdom..."

"More like a soft persimmon, easy to handle?"

Thales frowned slightly.

These dukes—can they speak human words?

"Before you leave, I have a gift, please accept it with a smile," Zhan En waved lightly: "On the day of Mancao Manor, the veteran of the Starlight Legion recognized you, but it was he who gritted his teeth and kept you safe." Leave, or wait for your..."

"It's just two extreme knights."

Thales' heart trembled, and he looked into the distance. A tired man was roughly pushed towards the convoy of Canxing's private soldiers.

That is...


"Don't worry about him being my spy... Genard was once the personal guard of the Duke of Xinghu." Zhan En patted him on the shoulder, showing a mysterious smile: "It should come in handy."

Thales looked suspicious.

But he suddenly remembered Gusted's words.

[Even the infighting of Kevin Dill's family two years ago has his shadow in it...]

[Nan'an Ling was severely injured due to family struggles...]

"Duke Jann," Thales said in a deep voice, "I heard that you have only been a duke for two years.

Is it? "

Zhan En frowned and nodded: "Father unfortunately passed away two years ago, and I returned from traveling in the Eastern Continent to inherit the title."

Thales carefully chose his words: "It may be presumptuous to ask this, but I heard... the old Duke Iris, because of the struggle within the family..."

Zhan En gently held his breath, maintaining the most perfect expression.

"Yes, several uncles coveted his position, using the excuse that his father oppressed them too much... In the end, facing failure, they paid a lot of money to assassinate him and assassinated his father."

Thales sighed: "So, that's why, you said that day 'Eternal Star City doesn't welcome murder'?"

Zhan En took a light breath and nodded slightly: "It may be one of the reasons."

Thales was slightly silent.

"My lord duke, your father's death," the traverser asked doubtfully, recalling Kessel's wrist, "Is it really just because of family strife?"

Zhan En was shocked!

He... this kid...

"What do you mean?" The young Duke could no longer maintain his expression, and asked back with an ugly expression.

Thales didn't pay attention to Zhan En's expression. He lowered his head and continued to think about the possibility of the royal family intervening in the succession struggle.

[Our nineteen nobles...will be eaten up...]

The traverser pondered: "Is there some deeper and more essential truth about the Duke's death..."

"For example, did His Excellency die in order to protect the continuation of the family, protect the future of the next generation, and prevent the outside world from invading?"

Thales raised his head and looked sharply, trying to see something in Zhan En's eyes:

"What do you think?"

At that moment, Zhan En's heart was like a thunderclap!

His heart beat faster, his breath was short of breath, and he stared at the second prince with wide eyes.

But in his mind, a storm has already set off!

The continuation of the family...

The survival of Iris——he is a royal, so he must know that the first Duke of Kevin Deere was the first secret chief and intelligence chief of the Star Kingdom more than 600 years ago, and he was also the top person in charge of the "Purification Project" ...


The future of the next generation...

Kevin Dill's next generation—is he talking about me, or... Hilley?

The weather was cold, but the well-preserved Duke Jann Cavendir was already dripping with cold sweat before he knew it.


About his father's death, about that matter, what exactly did he know?

Could it be that he knows Xi Lai's...

How can it be? He is obviously only seven years old...

No, I've known it since the National Conference, this guy... is simply a monster...

So he... is...

threaten me.

Warning iris?


Damn it!

Zhan En trembled unconsciously, clenched his fists.

It was only then that Thales noticed Zhan En's livid face, and suddenly came to his senses.

Uh... Asking about the cause of someone's father's death early in the morning... Am I going too far?

"Sorry," Thales smiled apologetically, "I was too presumptuous."

In his eyes, Zhan En took a deep breath, rarely, and tried his best (usually this is a piece of cake for him) to squeeze out a submissive and flattering smile:

"No," Zhan En felt bitter in his heart, but he immediately closed his eyes, bowed heavily, and said with difficulty:

"Your Highness Thales, Tricolor Iris understands... I understand what you mean. From now on, the Nan'an leader is willing to support you without any complaints."

Why did he suddenly bow?

Thales was taken aback and took a step back.

He obviously didn't say anything, why did he bow... Besides, you understand what I mean?

His reaction... was so fast.

Thales narrowed his eyes suspiciously: "Master Zhan En, do you really...understand what I mean?"

Zhan En gritted his teeth tightly.

Do you want to force me to make a promise?

"What I meant just now was that if the family strife wasn't that simple..."

"Yes! I understand!"

Zhan En raised his head abruptly, his eyes determined: "Kevin Dill's family motto is very clear: Rather die for friends than foes."

He looked at Thales seriously: "I just figured it out, you are right, if iris flowers want to flourish, you should choose your allies carefully... For example, you, the only qualified star prince, the blood of the kingdom. "

He... this is?

Thales frowned: Did the hero change operation?

But in the distance, Gilbert's voice came - they should leave.

The second prince's convoy went far away.

But Zhan En still stood where he was, dumbfounded.

The butler Ashford, who came forward from behind, was about to say something, but Zhan En suddenly raised his hand to stop the butler from speaking.

Wait until the convoy is gone.

The trembling Zhan En nodded, "Okay, at this distance, even the hearing of vampires can't reach it."

Ashford frowned slightly.

Something is wrong with the master.

"Have you tested it?" Ashford asked carefully.

Zhan En's eyes were empty, panting quickly, and nodded subconsciously: "When I asked about the blood race, he subconsciously agreed."

"Vampires - indeed walk with them."

Zhan En frowned and murmured: "It's really bold and fearless."

Ashford said respectfully: "Then follow the original plan, inform the Blood Bottle Gang, and start from destroying his reputation..."


Zhan En raised his head with firm eyes.

With a hint of determination.

Looking at Thales going away, Zhan En narrowed his eyes, and whispered to the butler beside him: "Pass the message over."

Ashford raised his eyebrows.

"Which side?" Ashford asked softly.

Zhan En closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly.

"That side." Zhan En said silently.

Ashford didn't speak.

He is waiting for the master's final confirmation.

Zhan En's voice came with difficulty:

"You know which part to pass (You_know_which_part)."

Although Ashford was puzzled, he was good at observing words and expressions, and immediately understood what his master meant.

The old butler nodded, bowed and walked away.

half an hour.

Jen opened his eyes.

He said to himself:

"The Star Prince whom I voted for... bears the war and peace of the two countries on his back."

"At least, within the borders of the country, there shouldn't be any lords of the stars who dare to risk your life?"

"Everyone... should think so."


The second prince's carriage drove to the north city gate.

From afar, Thales saw an open space isolated by the guards through the turbulent crowd watching the excitement.

The Supreme King of the Stars, Kessel Canxing, was standing among the three dukes, watching silently.

"I'll take you here, Your Highness." Gilbert stood on the spot and said sadly, "Be careful all the way, I'm looking forward to your return."

Thales turned his head and looked at Gilbert.

[If you can only hear the stories of the tragic king and the resolute royal family described by the royalists-then you should just cut out your eyes and keep only your ears! ]

Thales let out a breath: "Thank you, Gilbert."

Then Thales took a step back and bowed deeply:

"thank you teacher."

Gilbert leaned on his cane, lowered his head and sighed, and finally said nothing.

Thales let out a sigh of relief, and was accompanied by Putilei and Wyatt (Rolf's face, it's better to stay in the carriage, while the lively and active Ada didn't get out of the carriage for some reason) Get off, get off the carriage, and walk towards his father who is suspected of being a "tyrant".

The three dukes saluted him.

He also returned the salute decently.

"Your Highness, although this is very unfair to you," the fat Guardian Duke of the East China Sea, Bob Cullen gasped and praised, "But I want you to know that I am very pleased with your courage."

Thales nodded absent-mindedly: "As the prince of the stars, it should be taken for granted."

[The leader of the East China Sea frightened into a turtle. ]——Another set of the status quo of the stars from Gusd came to his mind.

"Hehehe, I once hoped that my son would be as outstanding as you, Your Highness," Falkenhauser, the guardian Duke of Xihuang, continued his sarcasm: "But look at it now, forget it... It's too dangerous."

Thales rolled his eyes in front of him.

"I accept your good words." He said weakly.

[Xihuang tried his best to protect himself by taking advantage of the importance of the western front. ]

He walked up to the girl.

Lyanna Turbuck, the handsome young girl duke with the blade collar, looked at him with a cold face.

"I think... we all know what kind of burden it is to be the last member of the family." She spoke softly.

"But because of this," the girl said without pretense, but with a sharp edge: "We are getting stronger and stronger."

[Blade's edge leads almost to Wang Ji. ]

Leanna lightly pressed the blood moon pin on her chest, and said softly: "Your Highness, we are about to leave. I will give you the language of the Tebak family."

Thales was taken aback.

The cold girl leaned over lightly, and said word by word:

"Only blood can sharpen the blade."

Thales looked at the fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl in front of him, and it took a few seconds for him to realize that he nodded heavily.

"Keep it in mind, don't dare or forget it." He said so.


The king's scepter rests on the ground.

The three dukes - Cullen, Falkenhauser and Lyanna, all retreated knowingly.

Thales took a few steps forward and bowed gently.

[You underestimated your father, the King of Iron Fist too much, and the fear he gave to the stars. ]

"You have met Keya." King Kessel V said silently.

Thales nodded.

"Very well, then you will know what kind of road we—you and I are walking on." Kessel looked at him coldly.

[The Bloody Year changed him...]

"This world is full of our enemies," Kessel sighed, and said silently, "One careless step will lead to disaster."

[He regards every lord as an enemy, never shows mercy when suppressing calculations, regards the stars as his own carriage, and has no restraint on whip and spurs...]

Thales took a breath. In Kessel's eyes, his eyes were so determined.

"Let's go, young star," Kessel said slowly, "Glory to your country, honor to your family."

"Born for the stars."

Thales raised his head and nodded slightly again.

Behind him, Ginny Barkway couldn't help but take a step forward.

"Boy," the court lady seemed a little embarrassed.

But Ji Ni still took a deep breath after all, and uttered a few words with complicated emotions:

"Remember to practice the sword."

Thales showed a smile: "Yes, Ms. Jine."

Puttilai and Wyah saluted the king, who encouraged them a few words, and Thales knew that the time to set off had finally arrived.

However, at this moment, an unexpected person came to him on crutches.

"Your Highness," Morat Hansen said in a hoarse voice, with an ugly smile, to the vigilant Thales: "When you arrive in Exeter, please give me a sentence for an old woman like me. talk."

With a bad impression of the Black Prophet, Thales asked in surprise: "Which old woman?"

Morat grinned: "You'll know when you see it."

Thales frowned deeply.

On the city gate that Thales didn't notice, a masked figure slowly disappeared into the air.

Ever since, the convoy with the silver cross double-star flag and the nine-pointed star flag set off slowly.

All the way north.

"Wyah, why do you think?" Thales leaned against the wall of the car and exhaled, "When everyone says goodbye to me, it's like saying goodbye?"

"Will King Nuen really kill me?"

He didn't expect Wyah's answer.

But the second prince's attendant, Wyatt Kaso, who had been looking outside the carriage, actually raised his head slightly with a complicated expression.

"Your Highness."

"In the Tower of the End, my teacher once taught me a word."

The next second, Wyatt said something that caught Thales' eyes.

Until a long, long time later, Thales would still occasionally think of it when he couldn't sleep at night.

I only heard Wyah Castle whisper:

"Treat every farewell as farewell, treat every second of survival as survival..."

"In this way, we will not miss our lives."