
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 17 The Crybaby and the Ugly Woman

"I guess it has something to do with your group of guests with unique recipes?" Puttilai sighed and asked Thales sarcastically, looking at the setting sun that was almost covered by the woods in the distance.

But Thales didn't answer him.

The traverser forced himself to calm down in the panic of being attacked, and looked at the dignified black-clothed, silver-haired and purple-eyed blood beauty across from him.

Katerina L. A. Van Corleone.

If I remember correctly... Thales gritted his teeth: he is the current owner of the Corleone Family and even the Kingdom of the Night.

Queen of the Night.

Sister of Serena Corleone.

But——Thales immediately realized: Why, with such a noble status, Her Majesty the Queen of the Eastern Land Country, why would she condescend and condescend to cross the sea in person to pursue four weak political refugees?

Even if it was her sister.

The pretender of the Blood Sea Throne.

Something is wrong.

"How to fight against the blood race," the attendant Huai Ya held a single-sided straight blade and looked around with a heavy face. "I've only heard it from my teacher, but never practiced it."

The young attendant tried his best to maintain his composure, but judging from the sudden increase in his speech speed, I'm afraid he didn't expect that he would encounter the situation before him after only a few days by the prince's side.

"Then congratulations, not everyone has such a good opportunity to practice!" Puttilai was calm, and he carefully observed the burning-eyed vampires around him:

"Beheading or piercing the heart - these are the few effective methods, although some powerful vampires can even recover from a broken heart."

"Silver or sunlight will also weaken or even hurt them."

"During the battle, rely first on your steady footsteps and second on your body's prediction, because you will never be faster than them."

"At the same time, keep enough vigilance: Just like the power of the end, every blood race above the super level has its own unique ability, which varies from person to person-using it in battle can often bring unexpected results."

Huai Ya nodded palely.

"The ephemeral species of the Westland," beside Katerina, a middle-aged male blood clan with the appearance of a commander, with a resolute appearance and an indifferent expression, took a step forward, and his eyes were full of coldness: "Your Majesty, the noble queen, is waiting for you!" your obedience."

"Hand over the traitor from Kingdom of the Night."

"We will be more merciful when we start."

"Twenty-one—all of them are masters above the super-level, and at least three of them are in the extreme realm." Ada, who came from behind Thales, had no longer the usual laziness in his voice, but a serious and serious voice: " The uncle who spoke, the young man to his left, and the queen dressed like a prom star."

"If you want to fight," the female secret guard stretched her hands to her waist, and said solemnly: "Be prepared for heavy casualties. If it's not possible, I can only protect you and escape first, kid."

As soon as the words were finished, the "young man on the left" that Ada mentioned - the young brunette in the red dress and the silver armor, showed a mysterious smile and looked at her.

"That cloak is an extreme person, and others are not worth mentioning, Your Majesty." The young blood race had a firm face, but unfortunately his pale face ruined this toughness. He smiled and turned towards the queen beside him. Bowed: "Please leave her to me."

Katerina didn't respond, she just stared at Thales deeply, making the latter's palms sweat even in such a cold weather.

"Don't be careless, Simon." The middle-aged vampire said slowly: "These are all soldiers. They cooperate with each other to form a battle formation, which cannot be compared with ordinary adventurers."

"It's very humorous, Hesta." Simon smiled lightly:

"Soldier? In this world, is there any soldier who can compare to our Holy Blood Corps?"

The Holy Blood Corps?

Thales clenched his fist secretly.

The words of the blond vampire Eastron came to mind.

[Even if your enemy is the supreme king of the stars, with the support and protection of our Holy Blood Corps, he will never dare to make things difficult for you. ]

Katerina remained motionless,

While her two commanders were negotiating, only a pair of beautiful eyes shot at everyone, full of coldness.

The thirty end swordsmen are all elite fighters. Even so, many of them couldn't help looking at their leader, Jorah.

"Steady!" Jorah ordered sternly, but he was also dripping with cold sweat.

"Our scouts and sentries have never let up in the past four days, ensuring that there are no threats within several kilometers." Jorah looked at the figures surrounding them in the bushes, and whispered incredulously: "Vampires can only Traveling at night—how did they keep up with us?"

"Pay attention to your wording, ephemeral species, I don't want to hear that title again." The middle-aged blood commander said coldly.

Thales frowned.

They came for Serena Corleone in the motorcade.

That's right, at this moment, no matter whether it is Xingchen or Exeter, no one has any reason to kill me - even the ambitious people who are keen on war, at least wait until I leave the border of Stars and enter Exeter , my death can better provoke the atmosphere that the two countries have to fight.

And Celine—Thales glanced at the black coffin's carriage from the corner of her eye—had remained silent until now.

"Jorah, you don't have to lower your voice." Under the tense situation, Thales, who was thinking about whether to send someone to look at Serena's carriage, could not help but sigh: "I'm sure that each of them hear us."

As soon as the words were finished, Katerina's eyes suddenly swept towards him!

Thales' scalp went numb in shock.

"We've waited long enough." The middle-aged blood race—Hesta moved his wrist and said indifferently, "Where's the traitor from the Kingdom of the Night?"

Thales was breathing quickly, but a huge wave had already set off in his mind.

"Dear and heartless sister, Li is still here."

A familiar and childish voice sounded.

Under everyone's eyes, Serena Corleone, who was only six or seven years old, walked out of the carriage with a cold face, accompanied by Chris and Eastron.

Katerina's purple eyes stared fixedly at her sister.

With the appearance of the three vampires, the vampire warriors who were standing like sculptures started to move as if they were alive. It seemed that many people were amazed by Serena's infant figure.

Seeing Serena's appearance, Hesta and Simon frowned, while the former gave Chris a hard look.

Rolf, who was beside Thales, looked at Chris and Eastron vigilantly—he hadn't forgotten the old grievances between them.

"It seems that you have been seriously injured, Your Highness Serena," the seemingly young Simon said with a smile, "You can't even maintain your basic adult figure."

Serena ignored him, but walked into the crowd step by step and stood beside Thales.

"Your Highness Serena, please return to the Prison of Forbidden Blood," the middle-aged Hesta said coldly, "You should serve the rest of your sentence."

Thales' heart skipped a beat.



What sentence? Isn't Serena the loser in the fight for the throne?

He looked at the six or seven-year-old silver-haired little loli.

"Oh, dear Lord Hesta Corleone," Serena raised her eyes and looked deeply at Hesta: "Excuse me, is there any change in my sentence?"

"The original sentence was eternal life," Hesta said with a stern face, as if he hated the little girl in front of him: "Because of your vile escape and theft, the sentence was increased by ten years...so the current sentence..."

"It's eternal life plus ten years." He said indifferently.

Prison escape, and... theft?

The doubts in Thales' heart became deeper and deeper.

Estren, who was beside Serena, had fire in his eyes at the moment, and he couldn't help saying, "Is there a difference?"

Katerina still stared at Serena with burning eyes.

"Haesta, Simon, and Luke, Dnie, Bruton, Isara, Zadra..." Serena looked around and pouted, "This is the Holy Blood Corps." Inside, almost half of the strength of the Corleone family has been brought out, so you are not afraid of the imbalance in the domestic situation? The other six families, those grand dukes who are just about to move?"

"If I can take you back," Katerina said slowly, her charming appearance actually showed disgust at this moment: "I'm not afraid."

Thales sighed sadly.

Why do I always have bad luck?

So far, there is only negotiation. What they want most is Serena. The biggest disadvantage is that they are in a strange land, so...

But just like before, Thales' bad luck once again played a role before he could respond.

"Hmph, crybaby." Selina said contemptuously, "Try it."

Katerina's pitiful face suddenly turned cold!


Thales frowned. He turned his head and looked at Serena.

Is this old hag... provoking her opponent recklessly?

This situation... Is she crazy?

"As you wish." A stern look appeared in Katerina's eyes, and her voice sank once again: "Ugly."

This time, it was Serena's turn to change her face.

next moment.

The beauty in black, Her Majesty Katerina Corleone raised her beautiful chin, her purple pupils shone with a frightening color, and swept towards everyone in the mission.

She gently parted her cherry lips:

"My knights and knights..."

Thales was shocked, he raised his hand suddenly, and shouted: "Wait!"

But Katerina's eyes flashed a stern look, and she heard that moving voice, which contained cold murderous intent, and spread it:

"Kill them all!"

Thales' mouth just opened wide.



The blood races of the three extreme realms on the opposite side were still standing in place.

And the eighteen blood race figures around them disappeared behind the bushes in an instant.

"Star formation, prepare for battle!" This is Jorah's roar!

Thales didn't have time to yell out the rest of the words, and Rolf and Wyah, whose expressions changed drastically, laid down on the snow with one hand and one hand.

The next moment, Thales, who buried his face in the snow, suddenly felt that the originally silent birch forest exploded with countless sounds like oil in a pot!

There were countless sounds of weapons slashing and shields colliding.

There was the tearing sound of flesh and blood being cut by sharp claws, and the sound of blood rushing when an artery ruptured.

There was the sound of a human body falling down, and the sound of friction and dragging on the snow.

Anxious shouts, nervous reminders, unwilling yells, and painful screams.

The whistling sounds of the figures of the blood race...

At the same time, it reverberated in this sparse jungle!

Thales spat out a mouthful of snow from his mouth.

Lying on his stomach in the snow, he gritted his teeth and raised his head in fear and tension.


Wyatt's single-sided blade flashed like a cold light, flashing in front of Thales' eyes, forcing a blood race who had broken through the gap to retreat.

Rolf activated his ability tacitly, and the gust of wind kept blowing him far away.

Ada's figure jumped across the air, and the head of the blood race flew out immediately.

But this is only the scene around Thales.

Under the protection of the people around him, Thales turned his head and looked around.

His pupils dilated instantly.

In other places, Canxing's private soldiers are facing a catastrophe.

Sprayed blood.

A broken limb that fell.

The flying head.

A red-dyed weapon.

A human body that fell to the ground powerlessly.

The soldiers who were dragged away from the line of defense by the vampires.


Thales' eyes widened.

It's not that he has never seen a battle.

But this is the fastest melee he has ever seen, with a one-sided situation.

Within ten seconds of the battle, Canxing's private soldiers of 30 had already fallen ** people!

The figure of the blood warrior kept disappearing or appearing in the air, and every movement represented an extremely dangerous attack.

"It's too fast—be careful, hold on!"


"Ah...my hand!"


"The top of the head... Pay attention to the top of the head!"


"This is... straight ahead... uh!"


"They're on the left!"



"Damn it, drag him back quickly!"


"He's hopeless...be careful behind you!"


"No! How dare you!"

Qiao La arrived at the front line, formed a circular formation with his companions on both sides, gritted his teeth, and slashed at the blood clan that suddenly appeared.

But the blade cut in the air, and it didn't work at all.

He yelled angrily at the top of his lungs, "Hold your shield and hold your line of defense! Be careful of the attack above your head!"

But it didn't work.

A soldier beside Jorah blocked an attack with a shield for him.

But at the same time, another sharp claw appeared from the other side, hooked violently, and cut the soldier's throat.

Blood splashed out.

Jorah could only roar in vain, full of resentment.

Canxing's private soldiers tried their best to maintain the star array. They wanted to use skilled and seamless combat coordination to restrain the ghostly and fast blood warriors.

But the irony is that in this battle, the blood races were the ones who cooperated most seamlessly.

Eighteen blood clans, eighteen figures of men and women, were orderly divided into six groups, and attacked the star formation of Canxing's private soldiers from six directions.

One feigned an attack, one harassed, and the other waited for the opportunity to deliver a fatal blow—slit the throat, or decapitate the head.

The first person was accidentally injured by the sword, and immediately changed positions with the second person, and the second person also exchanged duties with the third person from time to time, maintaining a continuous offensive, unrelenting, and exerting tremendous pressure on the defense line at all times!

None of the vampires hesitated, talked too much, retreated or paused.

Compared to the irrational and cooperative blood slaves they encountered before, this is... Thales thought with a tingling scalp: the real elite fighters of the blood race.

The Holy Blood Corps?

Only extreme experts like Chris and Ada can survive the melee and even gain something.

Another scream from a soldier came.


It can't go on like this.


Why was her order "Kill us all"?

Instead of "Hand over Serena"?

Thales turned to Serena, and said angrily, "We could have settled it through negotiation!"

But Serena just looked back at him coldly: "She said 'kill them all'."

The casualties of soldiers are still increasing!

Thales' scalp was numb as he watched Canxing's private soldiers fall down one by one.

But at the moment when the casualties were getting heavier, a roar exploded out of thin air.