
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 14 The Clam of the Knife and the Sword (Part 2)

Thales had never seen Yala's knife so angry and so forceful.

He vaguely felt that there was a suffocating pressure in the two wolf-leg knives at this moment.

Rolf summoned up all his strength, put both Hidden Blades on his chest, and retreated sharply!

The female bartender charged more and more violently, and in an instant, thunderous swords struck out!

The figures of the two moved synchronously like a ballroom dance, but they were far from elegant and civilized. Rolf's Hidden Blade turned into a phantom, meeting Yala's arms holding the knife in an instant.


The clashing sound continued.

The Hidden Blade blocked the double knives that were slashing at Rolf countless times.

The two knives also knocked away the Hidden Blade that was stabbing at Yala countless times!

Both of them were moving extremely fast, and the signs and facades on the side of the street flashed by quickly, but the two sides seemed to be still to each other, concentrating on dismantling each other's moves.

Thales stared so intently that he almost forgot to breathe.

But the momentum of offense and defense is extremely obvious: Yala's dual knives are intended to attack the opponent's vital points, and Rolf's two hidden blades are only to stop the opponent's attack.

One offense and one defense, but it is a competition of speed and dexterity.

But after the next clash of metals, the wolf-leg knife in Yala's left hand, amidst the indomitable momentum of the master, suddenly burst into thunder, like a circle of ripples in the air, bouncing away from Rolf's blocking A sword!

Yala's unexpected hole card surprised Rolf.

One wrong step, one wrong step.

The interception of this sword failed, so that Rolf had no time to take back another sword, exposing his chest and abdomen to Yala's left knife!


This is the sound of the wolf's leg knife cutting through the clothes and the chest.

At the moment when his life was at stake, Rolf activated his ability with all his strength without the slightest hesitation.

The "Ghost with the Wind" is not in vain. He pursed his lips, the tattoo on his face glowed white, and a violent whirlwind was generated in the gap between the two, blowing Yala and himself in different directions. open!

Rolf stepped on his feet, and leaped up in the air with the help of the strong wind, leaving only a few traces of blood on the spot.

The female bartender was forced to stop, draw back her arms and adjust her body to adapt to the sudden gust of wind, and her thunderous whistling swords were cut off.

Thales in the distance didn't directly feel the gust of wind, but it didn't affect his judgment: two people were affected by the wind at the same time, Rolf flew backwards, while Yala was blocked from walking.

The wind didn't stop, but continued to increase. Rolf's figure was like a kite, floating in mid-air on the wind, and the light of the tattoo on his face became more and more dazzling.

The female bartender had to bend her knees to resist the growing wind and at the same time take the opportunity to recover her strength.

Rolf stopped smiling. The pain in his chest made him terrified: the little girl in front of him was probably no less difficult than any 13th general of the fraternity.

Thinking of the momentum of the two knives just now, the ghost with the wind decided not to give her another chance to make a comeback.

Fortunately, the consumption of her offensive was not small.

The Ghost with the Wind's face turned cold, he flipped his hands, and spread out the two Hidden Blades by his side.

Wind blows.

Under the cover of the strong wind, Rolf once again showed his ghostly figure.

The next moment, Rolf appeared above Yala's head!

Yala gritted her teeth, and immediately swung the knife to strike.


But Rolf retreated with one blow, and his figure disappeared like a gust of wind, leaving no chance for Yala to fight back and launch an offensive.


Rolf's Hidden Blade reappeared, this time at the lower left of Yala, and if he missed the same hit, he retreated every now and then!

"As long as your sudden burst and continuous offensive are interrupted,

The assassination knife that the Surriton family has been famous for hundreds of years can no longer be effective. "

Rolf's voice came from the wind again.

Yala struggled to resist the opponent's guerrilla attack, and the gust of wind that hit her side from time to time forced her to expend a lot of energy on maintaining her body shape and at the same time predicting the direction of Rolf's next attack.

Thales, who was watching the battle, felt nervous—what should I do?

Rolf's soft voice sounded all around again.

"However, just tell me why your Surriton family is lurking in the brotherhood, maybe we can sit down and talk?"

Yala's expression became solemn, and she actually closed her eyes at this moment.

It seems that a decision has been made.

She held the two knives upside down, and ruthlessly inserted the blades into the earthen bricks under her feet.

Rolf's Hidden Blade reappeared, still above his head!

But this time, Yala turned around on the spot, and the two knives stuck in the ground followed her arms and spun around sharply!


Amidst a burst of thunder, the earth and rocks on the ground were picked up by Yala, shaking them up several meters!

Earth and rocks flew up, blocking Rolf's sight.

The light of the knife flashed faintly in the earth and rocks!

Rolf howled angrily, his figure retreated, but the tattoos on his face became brighter and brighter, the strong wind in the air suddenly accelerated, swirling with terrifying force, and scattered the earth and rocks in all directions!

In the gust of wind, earth and rocks shot in all directions!

At this moment, Thales, half of his head was exposed in the hiding place, and he was watching the battle, when a hoarse and indistinguishable voice suddenly came from his ear:

"Low your head."

There wasn't even time to be in a daze, Thales bent down instinctively.


The lasing earth and rocks struck from the center of the battle, and quickly passed over Thales' head!

A few rocks hit the side door of the shop behind Thales, making a dent in the wooden door panel!

Thales looked at the door panel behind him, patting his chest in cold sweat, if he hadn't lowered his head just now——

But before he could react, a slender and dashing figure appeared in his hiding place.

"You go quickly."

Thales was a little dumbfounded.

The Yala in front of her is definitely not "good". The female bartender who was originally heroic looked tired at this moment. She was panting slightly, and her left arm was trembling slightly.

"He found my weakness. If I can't form a continuous attack, I can't beat him."

The female bartender put her arm on Thales' shoulder, showing an ugly smile.

"If you go on like this, you will be discovered sooner or later. I'll lure him away, and then you will leave alone!"

"Walk along the left alley with a low body, cover your breathing with a black cloth, and turn around and change directions immediately when you encounter any sound."

"The Brotherhood didn't attack too deeply. As long as they cross the center of Hongfang Street, there will be fewer and fewer people."

"Little ghost, even if you are alone, you have to survive!"

Thales stared blankly at the female bartender who suddenly said goodbye.

Until her figure shot out, facing the center of the violent wind outside the street.

Thales stretched out his hand unconsciously and grabbed her back.


The traveler heard the sound of fighting resounding in the distance, and the dog meat in the back kitchen of the setting sun bar appeared in front of his eyes that night.

"Eat slowly! Brat, I took this dog down!"

"What's wrong with the bartender! I'm Yala Sa——I, Yala, am a well-trained bartender!"

"I can't give you this dog leg! You can't bite it down!"

Bye now.

Sister Yala.

Bye now.


Thales turned around resolutely and headed towards the depths of Hongfang Street.

To survive - I still owe Yala a favor.

The sound of fierce fighting behind him became farther and farther away.


A messy battlefield.

Cohen leaned on the sword, leaned on the wall with his left hand and knelt, coughing fiercely.

The police officer's chest was bleeding.

His left rib was punctured, his lung was damaged, and the wound almost reached his heart.

Moreover, the enemy's berserk finishing power is still lingering in his wound.

Even the finishing power that Cohen is so proud of - "Glory of the Stars" can't resist it.

And his enemy - Cohen raised his head and looked at the swordsman in red and black clothes who didn't change his expression.

The red-and-black swordsman's left shoulder armor was punctured by Cohen's "Sword of Light", and his shoulder was also bleeding. There were also scratches on his left chin and left side of his neck.

But it's far better than Cohen's situation.

At the moment when the two swords were about to pierce each other, the two showed completely different fighting qualities.

Cohen activated a part of the Stars of the Stars, condensed into a "star shield", protected the heart, deflected the deadly sword that went straight to the vital point, and then stabbed the sword in his hand as hard as possible.

The red-and-black swordsman, on the other hand, ignored the silver-white sword that pierced his throat, but at the moment when the blade was about to touch his body, he sent out the sword in his hand more calmly and crazily, and sent the sword into the opponent faster than Cohen. the sternum.

Then, taking advantage of Cohen's long sword trembling, he lowered his head to avoid the vital point of his throat, leaving only a scratch on his chin and neck, and then let Cohen pierce his shoulder armor, but also sent the sword in his hand another point.

Stand up and down.

"You are an excellent swordsman." The red and black swordsman said suddenly.

"In the face of such a sword, many people avoid its edge and try to fight back."

"But you insisted on stabbing that sword."

"As for the action of cohesive protection, is it the way the army taught you?"

Cohen coughed out a mouthful of blood, and said with a chuckle, "A veteran told me: On the battlefield, you must keep a life-saving hand——only then can you live longer than the enemy and be injured less than the enemy."

The red and black swordsman was silent for a while, and then chuckled: "He must have never been a death squad."

Cohen panted, and frowned: "On the western front, the death squads that charge against the skeletons and orcs—have you ever done this?"

The swordsman nodded:

"Three times."

"Which guard?"

"Skull Guards, the Seventeenth Death Squad."

"Falkenhaus' Death Squad, three times? It seems that you offended a big shot."

"What about you, police officer?"

"The Raven Guard, the Second Commando."

"'Thunder's Crow'? The Second Commando? Humph, why does Karabyan sound so familiar to me? He seems to be a nobleman."

Cohen spat out a mouthful of blood, smiled wryly and said:

"Actually, I always want to ask, is the Chaka wine good before the charge - my father has never let me drink it."

"It's hard to drink. Damn quartermaster, even dead people have to pay for drunkenness."

"Is it."


The conversation between the two suddenly stopped.

The red and black swordsman put away his madness and violence, and Cohen also put away his helplessness and panting.

"Gulaton Remo, Skull Guards, 17th Death Squadron, Sword and Shield Soldiers," he said, "This is my name, it's an honor to fight with you, Your Excellency the Police Officer."

"Korn Karabyan, the Raven Guard, the Second Commando, the combat captain," the security officer said with a bitter smile, "This honor is mine, uh, Your Excellency the gangster?"

Both were looking at each other gravely and earnestly.

On Cohen's sword, the starlight flickered on and off.

On the right arm of the red-and-black swordsman Gulaton, violent power surged up, causing blood vessels to protrude.

The last sword that divides life and death - this is the moment that belongs to the end of the swordsman.

Glorious, sacred, and not to be profaned.

But the next moment, the expressions of both of them suddenly changed!

The sound of howling wind suddenly came from the next door.

A slender and dashing figure, holding a pair of knives, tumbled from the air and landed on the street!

This distance should be enough.

The female bartender panted and looked at the two kneeling and standing.

Until she saw what Cohen was wearing.

I hope that little devil can—huh? Kingdom Vigilante?

This is a gang war, why is Qingpi here?

Cohen and Gulaton also looked at her in surprise.

Someone from another gangster? Hope it wasn't the Vials, Cohen thought.

It seems that this woman has never been heard from the adults, Gulaton secretly thought, is this a chess piece that entered the field from outside?

"You can't escape! Sister bartender."

The wind howled, and with a soft voice, Rolf appeared on the corner of the street, and he also saw two swordsmen.

"Guladon? You should be guarding by your side," Rolf frowned and said, "Why are you here with a——Qingpi?"

Very good - Cohen thought to himself, and then turned to the female bartender. Since this woman is the opponent of his enemy, she should not be a member of the Blood Bottle Gang.

"Concentrate on cleaning up your rats." The red-and-black swordsman, Guladun, said coldly, as if he didn't want to talk to Rolf, "I'll do my job well."

After finishing his speech, Gula coldly raised his sword at Cohen.

Cohen also stood up slowly, clenching his teeth, with the silver sword across his chest.

Rolf curled his lips, and the wind around him continued to blow.

Yala took a deep breath, knelt down on one knee, and adjusted the angle.

The four of them understood the situation on the field.

Two blood bottle gangs, one brotherhood, one green skin—oh, it's the police officer.

The next moment, all four of them moved!

Guradun's long sword flashed red, and ruthlessly chased after Cohen's heart!

Cohen's face turned pale. Facing Guladon, he pulled out the sword ring specially designed for defense with his long sword!

Rolf's figure disappeared again, but the wind rushed towards Yala!

Yala's figure exploded, and the two knives cut through the air as she advanced, but she rushed towards——



Thales carefully covered the black cloth, concealed his breath and ran away, avoiding the elite thugs of the two teams who were desperately fighting.

In the crowd, a figure nearly two meters tall was really outstanding. Wherever his iron fist went, the blood bottle gang with a red turban flew out.

Probably some master of the brotherhood, I don't know if it's the thirteen generals or the six giants.

Anyway, it can't be the three legendary killers.

But Thales just walked around quietly.

This is not his battle.

He wants to escape.

For myself and for Yala.

For the beggars in the sixth house.

Thales turned a corner, but encountered an air barrier head-on.

He didn't know at that time that this was the famous "air wall" among experts.

He smashed the barrier unhappily.

Damn magician.

I'm going to take a detour again.

I hope I won't run into anyone.

Thinking of people, Thales couldn't help but think of the voice that reminded him to "bow his head".

He originally thought it was Yala, after all, the latter appeared in front of him immediately.

But he realized later that the voice couldn't be Yala's.

It was a hoarse and indistinguishable voice.

It wasn't just me, Yala and Rolf who were present just now.

That's the fourth person.

Thales' scalp tightened, and he suddenly thought that if the person who had just reminded him to bow his head was the fourth person present.

Then why didn't Yala and Rolf feel anything?

Mingming Yala immediately appeared in front of Thales after the earth and rock lasing.

Undoubtedly, Thales concluded: His strength is more terrifying than Yala and Rolf.

But, since he has no hostility towards him, why doesn't he help?

"Bump!" Thales hit an invisible barrier again.

He patted his head in frustration.

There are more and more of these ghost things, don't they cost money and mana!

Thales turned in one direction and ran forward.


It turned out to be another barrier!

This time, Thales couldn't stop. He fell to the ground and knocked his left forehead against the foot of the room next to him.

Thales grinned and kneaded his broken head, raised his bleeding head, and looked in front of him.

Something is wrong.

This is a crossroads. Although the surrounding area is pitch black, according to his memory, it is probably already close to the center of Hongfang Street.

Even the sound of fighting gradually faded away.

Thales moved his steps slightly in the other three directions, and stretched out his hand.

Then, he touched two barriers in two directions not far away.

Thales was startled.

It really has both the weirdness and hints of horror movies.

The traverser was silent for a while, and turned to the only direction without barriers.

He stretched out his hand silently. Sure enough, this time, he walked more than ten meters in a row without hindrance.

Thales' heart sank more and more.

I didn't expect it, I've already come here.


Fate, fate, you are such a bitch.

He slammed down his right hand that was covering his forehead, and let the blood drip down to the ground.

The traverser resolutely walked a dozen more steps on the empty street until he got close to a house.

In the center of the house is a half-closed double wooden door.

Thales raised his head. There was a big signboard on the door. The illiterate traveler could barely recognize one word. It was because he had been begging in the Black Gold Casino before.

That word is:

chess and cards.

Thales turned his head and looked in three other directions, remembering the pain of bleeding on his forehead.

Is there no way out?

"This invitation was sent out in a rough way." Thales murmured.

But he still sighed, stopped hesitating, vigorously pushed open the half-closed door, and walked into the chess and card room in the center of Hongfang Street.

The room was pitch black, with only a little light in the distance, like old-fashioned candles.

It will really shape the atmosphere.

"Welcome to my amusement park, my little friend."

As he walked past the chess and card tables (and bumped into quite a few), Thales heard a cheerful and relaxed voice.

"Your Majesty, Ashida Sacon, my peers are used to calling me: Magician of Qi."

For a long time.

Thales tried his best in two lifetimes to calm down the panic in his heart.

In the darkness in front of him, there was only a candle flickering slightly, which was the entrance to the cellar of the chess and card room.

Thales took a deep breath, walked down to the cellar, then held his breath, and forced his beating heart.

In front of him, a handsome man in blue with long dark brown hair was sitting at a long table, smiling and nodding to him.

"As for the invitation card issue, I will pay attention to it next time."


Sunset Temple, inner altar.

The gray-haired middle-aged nobleman couldn't hide the excitement in his heart at this moment. Before his eyes, the flame of the lamp on the altar that carried the future of the kingdom was getting bigger and bigger, and its color was getting redder and redder.

He picked up the lamp and strode out of the inner altar of the temple.

The elderly priest behind her was startled and reached out to stop her, but then she thought of something, and her hand froze in midair.

The priest sighed, watched the figure of the noble go away, and sat down slowly.

After a while, the elder priest called the intern Nia, who was still sleepy.

"Get ready. From tomorrow, the inner altar will be opened."