
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 13 The Clam of the Knife and the Sword (Part 1)


In the night when killing sounds were everywhere, sudden wild laughter kept coming.

On the blood-red street, the tycoon of the fraternity, Morris leaned against the door of a grocery store, panting heavily, and struggled to pull out an unsupported dagger on his shoulder.

Beside him, an elite member of the Brotherhood had already fallen, with the same unsupported dagger stuck in the back of his head.

Maurice, the fraternity's human-trafficking tycoon, panted and waved, stopping the killer Leyock who was about to charge up to the roof.

"Can't chase! Kex just wants to keep us on the run."

In the distance, Kex, the 'Flying Knife Clown' of the Blood Bottle Gang, dashed across the roof, leaving wild laughter all the way.

"But if this continues, we will be harassed to death by him. The clown is a supernatural warrior, much stronger than ordinary supernatural beings."

Leyoke jumped down the street, looked at the five remaining elites around him, all of them were wounded, and said with a frown.

Morris took a deep breath, and made a clear analysis: "He, and the ghost with the wind, are all carefully selected, using their unique abilities to restrain us and prevent us from going to other people, so that they can The super-powerful hands of our elite will kill our elites, and—even if they are killed by a clown with a throwing knife, "

"It's better than the fate of being lured to the Magician of Qi by him - those people are disasters that cannot be provoked." Morris stood up and waved his hands.

"The evacuation order should have been spread, and Qincha will probably issue the same order. How many of our people can survive depends on their luck."

Leyock looked at Morris and waved to the elites, and the group continued to set off.

"Because of these 'air walls', we have been taking detours, and everyone else is probably the same. If we meet the magician himself—"

In the middle of speaking, Leyok's words were interrupted by Morris:

"He won't attack easily! And let's not try to find that disaster! It's not easy for a magician to maintain such an 'air wall', but since he chose to divide and encircle, he has to rely on his lackeys Come and kill us, and this is our only chance."

Morris gritted his teeth, showing a ferocious expression.

"Let those hypocrites who think they are noble look at the Brotherhood and see the strength of us 'inferior people'!"

"We who were killed from the mountain of corpses and the sea of blood are not comparable to those big men of the Blood Bottle Gang!"

"Even if we can't get out, Hei Jian will avenge us!"

"Even if the enemy is a magician!"


In a dark room, only an old-fashioned candle was burning.

"You mean, all of our people are trapped in Hongfang Street? So far, except for a few thugs, no one who can be responsible has been able to come out?"

Nasri nodded. Kneeling on one knee, he reported respectfully and fearfully to his immediate superior, "Sleepless Eye" Corbion Lancer:

"Not long after I took over the shift of the secret sentry, the first batch of people who rushed out arrived. According to them, after Lord Morris ordered the retreat, the first few people who wanted to rush out were all killed by Bald Spencer and Dorno. They took the ambush team and intercepted them. It wasn't until just now that the bald Spin and Dorno died at the entrance of Red Square Street that they rushed out safely."

No one knows how old "Sleepless Eye" Corbion Lancer is this year. They only know that since the establishment of the Black Street Brotherhood, he has been a giant in charge of intelligence collection. secret.

He always hid himself under a dark red cloak, only showing his dry and thin chin, but everyone he stared at felt a deep chill.

Lancer pondered for a while, then asked slowly:

"Spin and Dorno are both top twelve, Spence is extremely resilient, while Dorno is good at camouflage and sneak attack,

To kill the two of them, at least a person above the level of the thirteenth general can do it. Is it Lyok? Is it Moria? Or Ed Leonza or the Talon Brothers? Or simply the two giants of Cenza and Morris? Haven't found anyone who can be responsible? "

Lancer's words were illusory and ethereal, as if they came from another room.

Nasri shook his head, trying his best to suppress the fear in his heart.

What a mistake, Morris will probably be very dissatisfied with me - Lancer thought silently, still keeping his expression on the surface.

It's time to clean up the rats in the meeting.

Brotherhood, after all, is different from the team formed by a bunch of old guys twelve years ago.

Lancer smiled strangely, and waved his hand to pass orders to Nasri.

"Wake up and activate all the sleepless people in the lower city! It doesn't matter whether their alert period has expired or not."

"Send all the people from the second whistle and the third whistle to the entrance of Hongfang Street! From the roof to the sewer, I want to know exactly how much hair grows on the legs of every flying black fly." !"


"Let those guys who escaped carefully recall the details of the street, and select the first whistleblowers to sneak into Red Square Street one by one, and set up sentry points regardless of sacrifice. Flying pigeons, signal flares, torches, no matter what you use, at least contact Qin. Police and Morris! I want an unimpeded channel from Black Street to Red Square Street!"


"Then send the fourth guard to other sites, from the black street to the abandoned house, from the stinking ditch to the sewer, from the big market to the west city gate, and put all your strength on guard! At this time, we must not let down our guard!"


"The fifth whistle is divided into two teams! One team notifies the other giants in the meeting, and the other team immediately rushes to the kingdom of Exeter to bring back that old fellow Ramon! If he doesn't want to, just say it's Black Sword's will !"


Qincha and Morris are both among the Big Six, and they are not vegetarians. It is impossible for the Blood Bottle Gang to trap them without paying any price! Lancer lowered his head and stroked the ruby ring on his hand.

That fat man, after all, was also a figure who could be the Queen of the Black Sword Palace back then! As for that big and tall Qincha, hmph, the thing harder than his fist is probably only his character.

Also, Lancer thought secretly, and Edmund, that dead cook...

The outcome is still undecided.

Lancer's expression under the cloak suddenly changed, and he noticed that his subordinates were abnormal.

"What else did you say?"

"Yes!" Nasri lay down on his face dripping with cold sweat, gritted his teeth and said:

"The patrolling brothers have just discovered that all the beggars who found the abandoned house have fled!"

"We only captured some of them, and they are now being held in water prisons, ready to be tortured."

Lancer's jaw moved slightly.

Sleepless Eye asked calmly, "Torture what?"

Nasri clenched his fists, lowered his head abruptly, and struggled to spit out the worse news:

"Quaid Rhoda, died in an abandoned house!"

"His deputy, Nar Rick is outside at the moment, please see you, my lord!"


"Go down and hide." Yala's tone became cold again.

"This battle cannot be avoided."

Thales quickly slid down, lay down beside a hidden stone pier, and took out a black cloth to cover his nose.

Although the surroundings are already smelling of blood.

Thales had just taken two breaths when Yala, who was next to her, jumped up to the roof.

The female bartender did a backflip, folded her upper body back, and pressed her hands to the ground, as if avoiding a hidden weapon.


As Yala stood up, Thales heard a rush of wind resounding through the street!

Immediately afterwards, Yala fell from the roof to the ground, and the two knives on her legs had already reached her hands.

The wolf leg knife cut out one after another!

A few gusts of wind, hurried away.

Amidst the wind that couldn't distinguish things, Thales only heard two "huhu" sounds of clothes flying, and he didn't know if Yala had been hit.

Then, a thin gray figure appeared on the street.

"Hey, isn't this the female bartender at the Sunset Bar? She's wearing goggles, and she's going to swim? Don't be so surprised. After all, I've also hidden my appearance and been to the Black Street to drink."

"You're also wearing gray today? It's a pity that the weather is bad, otherwise we would be in couple clothes."

Feminine and weird voice, frivolous but not condescending tone.

Yala never talked much during the battle. She squatted gently on one knee, and Thales knew that this was a sign that she was going to use her strength.

The man in gray took a few steps forward. Under the faint moonlight, the tattoos on his face could barely be seen.

"Perhaps I should introduce myself. My lord, Midilla Rolfe, you can also call me—"Ghost with the Wind".

Thales' heart tightened—another top twelve.

"By the way, sister bartender, did you kill Dorno and Spencer?"

"Don't get me wrong, I actually hate those two scourges, but my lord has orders—"

Yala started to accelerate without warning!

The next moment, Yala, who was silent, galloped in front of him.

The double knives with strange angles cut out at the same time and changed directions at the same time.

Killing knife!

Thales shouted excitedly in his heart, watching Yala fight so many fights, fighting in and out of the crowd, if there is no hope of becoming stronger and thirst for power, that is deceitful.

But Rolf disappeared into thin air!

Slash with two swords.

Didn't work? Taylor's heart tightened.

Yala didn't stop at all, she made a sharp turn, and the wolf-leg knife in her right hand rushed towards the air!


There was a crisp metal impact.

Rolf's figure reappeared on the right side of Yala, and took two quick steps back.

"Hey, why are you like Leyok?" Rolf flicked the Hidden Blade on the back of his left hand lightly, and said helplessly, "Could it be that the killers of your fraternity can sense my position? Also, you I don't like to say-"

But before he finished speaking, a wolf-leg knife flew towards him!

Instant killing knife.

"Hoo hoo!"

There was a lot of wind around Rolf, and the wolf-leg knife in mid-air was blown unstable.


Then he was knocked away by his sword.

But Yala's figure was in front of the Wind Follower in an instant, almost no slower than a flying knife!

Before he had time to react, the female bartender stabbed backhand with her left arm, slashing across Rolf's chest!

Did you hit it?

Thales was dizzyingly excited, waiting for this "instant killing knife" to make a difference.

But he was disappointed to see that the gray clothes on Rolf's body were fluttering, flying upwards against the force of gravity at an incredible speed.

Dangerously missed this one-shot!

But Thales felt that Rolf's dodge was a bit embarrassing this time, because his figure was actually vaguely visible, and he was no longer invisible as before.

Yala wanted to continue her assault again, but her feet seemed to be tripped by something invisible, and she couldn't continue her unstoppable attack.

Is it the power of the wind? Thales lowered his head, silently recalling the knowledge of his previous life.

The female bartender took a step back silently, picked up another wolf-leg knife on the ground, and waited for the next opportunity.

"It's really dangerous. A bartender in the Brotherhood has this kind of strength?"

Rolf lightly wiped a scratch on his waist and abdomen, with an unhappy expression on his face.

The wound was deeper than expected, and the angle of the knife was weird—the speed and strength of the cut were beyond prediction.

Is it a sword technique that can even be threatened by super-level masters?

It seems that I heard it somewhere.

Yala adjusted her goggles, was holding a knife, and squatted down on one knee.

"Hey, bartender," Rolf said suddenly when he saw that the other party was about to make an assault:

"Before I came to Xingchen, I also traveled on the mainland for a while. I once saw an assassination in the Principality of Sera."

"That was the most direct, risky, and yet most difficult assassination I've ever seen in my life."

"The assassin uses a pair of knives. He exerts force from the roof and gallops out. The attack is continuous and irresistible."

Rolf lowered his head, his feminine voice was full of solemnity and seriousness:

"So, 'Locust Blade' Biannette Sarriton."

"Who is yours?"

Yala didn't reply, but Thales instinctively felt something was wrong.

Biannette Surriton?

In the next moment, the graceful figure of the female bartender galloped out and caught Rolf in an instant!

Thales had the illusion that the silent bartender's mood changed after hearing that name!

Only to hear the female bartender, who had been silent for a long time, roar wildly: "Stranger!"

Yala Sariton, strike with anger!

Until now, Thales has seen Yala make many shots, and she has always been quiet, low-key, direct and deadly.

But this time it's different.

This time, Thales heard, like never before, Yala's knife exploded and roared like a thunderbolt! .


Rolf's expression changed dramatically.



The two swords collided like thunder!

Both figures burst out with shimmering energy, one star-blue and the other reddish.

The promising aristocratic security officer, Cohen Karabyan, is gritting his teeth, feeling the power from the enemy's sword. The opponent is not weaker than him, at least he is also a super-level swordsman—how long has he not met? Such an opponent?

Since leaving the battlefield with the orcs?

Or was it that time when he challenged Miranda himself?

The two forces are intertwined and entangled, but Cohen knows that he has already lost a little.

The star-blue power began to flicker on his silver-white sword. Cohen knew that if he went on like this, he would be the loser sooner or later.

So his body shook suddenly, and the vibration brought about by the two people who were fighting swords was staggered.

The two figures separated suddenly, and moved forward a few steps out of inertia.

Cohen took six steps to stabilize his body.

And his enemy, grasped the balance with two steps.

Cohen's expression was solemn, and he began to feel that it was necessary to reconsider what Director Robick said.

Then he turned around, looked at the difficult enemy in front of him, and asked loudly:

"You are also a swordsman of the end. You have been trained in the Tower of the End. You can obviously have a better place to go."

"But why are you willing to bow down in the blood bottle gang, be a gangster, do evil, and bully the weak?"

"The Heart of Sword bestowed upon you by the Tower of Terminator, is it the awareness of being a running dog, bullying the weak and fearing the strong!"

His enemy turned around slowly. He was equipped with a black half body armor on his left shoulder and a red bandage on his right arm. Under the red and black clothing, clear muscle lines could be vaguely seen.

This is a man with a fair complexion, but he doesn't make people feel elegant or delicate, because the look in those eyes is really showing murderous intent at this moment.

The swordsman in red and black silently sized up the security officer from head to toe.

Is this green mouse that got through the trap of the adults?

This green skin, this standing posture and the way he raises his hands—is he from the army?

Just listen to this red and black swordsman, turning the blue long sword with only one side guard in his hand, and said indifferently:

"Hello, Qingpi."

"When did the Police Department dare to take care of the blood bottle gang?"

Cohen took a step forward, getting closer to the swordsman, and said coldly:

"I'm not acting as a security officer, but as the end swordsman—Korn Karabyan, I'm questioning another sword! Answer me!"

The scene was quiet for a few seconds.

Until the expression of the red and black swordsman gradually became serious:

"The heart of my sword is unruly will, free choice, and the pursuit of power."

"As long as what I want is met, the Blood Bottle Gang, Brotherhood, Shadow Shield, Kingdom Secrets, Royal Guard, or Tower of the End, it doesn't make any difference to me."

"So, your question is meaningless."

"As for you, Qingpi, you who are willing to be a lackey of a country, what you get from that old-fashioned tower is the awareness of a lackey, right?"

Hearing that the other party, as a swordsman of the end, had no respect for the tower of end or even a slightly hostile attitude towards the tower of end, Cohen's face finally became solemn, full of surprise and shock.

He remembered the story the teacher told him while drinking in the tower when he was training.

The tragedy of brothers fighting against the wall, brothers fighting.

Cohen gritted his teeth in disbelief and said:

"You are the inheritance of the sword of the end outside the tower!"

"You are from the lineage of 'Sword of Disaster'!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the red and black swordsman moved!

The reddish power of termination surged around him like a tide, gathering into ferocious waves, and with his long blue sword, he slashed down with astonishing momentum!

The sword intent is fierce and violent!

Cohen only felt that his whole body fell into a crimson vortex, and the power of termination around him was fragmented and unable to be mobilized.

The fierceness of the swordsman followed his long sword surged, and hit Cohen's chest straight!

His fair face was also covered with frost, and he was no longer as indifferent as before.

"'Sword of Calamity'! Calamity? Comparing us with those monsters?"

"Is that what you call Lord Kesur's sword?"

"His sword, our sword, is the real sword of the end."

"Of course we are a disaster. To you outdated, old-fashioned, sissy academics, we are your doomed disaster."

"One day, we will destroy the Tower of Termination and prove your absurdity."

His tone was cold and full of murderous intent.

It's the same as the cyan long sword he swung at.

Cohen's sword stood in front of the blue long sword, but in an instant, the saber with blue starlight was bounced away!

Cohen gritted his teeth, and backed away in embarrassment, but the cyan sword seemed to follow the murderous intent, no matter which direction he moved and dodged, he seemed to be unable to avoid it!

The young police officer's heart sank, and he handed out the silver-white saber again, this time stabbing directly at the swordsman's throat.

But his enemy was still crazy and reckless, turning a blind eye to the sword that was about to attack, and just urged the green sword in the red tide in his hand to roll towards Cohen's heart!

The crimson terminating power, along with the burst of sword intent, tore the clothes on Cohen's chest.

Cohen tried his best to maintain his sword intent, but he saw hopelessly that the two swords crossed each other, and in the friction of the power of ending, each stabbed towards the other's heart and throat!


Is this the style of the "Sword of Disaster"?

Such a crazy and fierce sword style, unmatched strength, will to spare no effort, and the awareness that both sides will suffer.

No wonder he was exiled!

Cohen smiled wryly, facing his death.

There are two swords, one blue and one white, one triggering a crazy and unstoppable red tide, and the other flickering with faint starlight.

The outcome will be decided.