
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 12 Magician

Crisp sound.

The glass on a door was smashed by a figure.

Lilian, who was wearing thin silk pajamas, held up the candlestick and looked in surprise at the figure that fell in from the outside.

It was a rather handsome man with short blond hair and wearing a star blue—the uniform of the Police Department?

Will the people from the security department break into the house through the windows on the third floor at 4:50 in the morning - Lilian looked at the clock above her head?

It is not appropriate to say that it is a private house. After all, Laiya Club is one of the most famous "clubs" in Hongfang Street. It is located between the popular areas of Hongfang Street and Linhe Street (a famous commercial street in Xihuan District). For the famous beauties in the clubhouse, even if they are nobles of the earl level, or high-ranking officials of the court, if Lilian is to accompany them, the starting price will be twenty gold coins an hour.

That's why, when Captain Cohen Karabyan, a young and promising captain of the Xicheng Police Department, jumped into the private bedroom of the Laiya Club from the third floor, Lilian, who was awakened on the bed, came to check with a candlestick.

"Miss, I'm really sorry for disturbing your sleep."

Cohen got up from the ground in embarrassment, hid the saber in his hand behind his back, and bowed to the charming Lilian, but when he reached out his hand to take off his hat to pay tribute, he realized that his officer's hat had fallen on the ground just now. is in battle.

"Damn it." Cohen muttered.

It's all because the old man lost my night clothes, and I couldn't even go out to buy them in the middle of the night.

Lilian boldly looked at this polite and handsome--this is very important, otherwise Lilian would just throw a candlestick over--the police officer, her beautiful big eyes rolled slightly, and she stretched out her hand to touch the soft black Hair, fingers seem to pass over the proud chest, giggled and said:

"Dear Mr. Police Officer, we are closed tonight."

Of course, Cohen knew what this place was. Usually, this is the time when the Laiya Club is bustling.

But facing the beauty in front of him, he just smiled slightly, and was not at all fooled by Lilian's charming style.

"So, you have been taken care of and will be closed tonight?"

"Of course, the Blood Bottle Gang has opened up the joints and promised to make up for the loss. Otherwise, do you know how much loss will be caused to those adults who have worked hard and worked hard for the kingdom when Red Square Street is closed for one night? If they Tired from work, physically exhausted and mentally bored, unable to contribute to the normal operation of the second largest country in the western continent, what should the more than 10 million people of the Star Kingdom do?"

Lilian blinked and smiled slyly.

Cohen frowned slightly as he looked at this mature and seductive beauty.

It seems that the information I received through the informant is incomplete. I thought it was the Black Street Brotherhood who took the initiative to attack the Red Square Street branch of the Blood Bottle Gang, but now it seems that the Blood Bottle Gang set up an If you set a trap, you will fight against the general.

Then I come here tonight to test the focus of the two big gangs, and I will shift away from the Brotherhood.

After all, it is the Blood Bottle Gang that has been around for nearly a hundred years.

"Hey, that golden-haired green dog!" A female voice outside the building interrupted their conversation.

"Come down quickly and lead the death! According to the rules, we can't enter any house."

Lilian walked to the broken window curiously, and saw a woman downstairs covered in blood and wearing a leather armor swinging a whip in her hand, angrily facing the upstairs.

Cohen bowed again to Lilian.

"Thank you for your notification, beautiful lady, please forgive me at this moment, I am going to another lady's appointment."

The blond police officer and patrol leader turned around and lightly jumped down the street.

"Dear Miss Bernice, don't be too impatient."

Cohen's smile suddenly became cold, and killing intent shot out of his eyes.

"My king, in the name of the sacred covenant of the stars,

For suspects who may endanger the interests of the kingdom and the lives of the people, as the second-level security officer, I have the right to kill them directly—don't worry, I'll send you right away to reunite with your brother. "

Lilian upstairs covered her mouth. She recognized that it was the twelfth strongest member of the Blood Bottle Gang, the younger sister of the notorious Layton siblings, "Scorpion Whip" Bernice Layton.

Her brother, "Stinger" Primo Layton, just came to the Laiya Club yesterday. He has a special liking, and almost scalded a new girl to death with the oil in an inextinguishable lamp.

According to the police officer's tone, it seems that "Stinger" has already died in his hands?

"Green dog! Even your boss dare not give face to the blood bottle! You—how dare you—" Bernice scolded angrily. The left side of the hair was removed, and the rest of the hair was combed to the right, making her whole body look much tougher.

"I will smash every piece of flesh on your body!"

As soon as the words fell, Bernice's whip swung away in a circle and rolled towards Cohen. The barbs on the whip seemed to come to life, and flew out, all attacking him!

"I see!"

Cohen's figure suddenly became blurred, and only an insider could see it. It was because he was changing his position rapidly at a speed that ordinary people could not see clearly.

"Ding! Ding-ding-ding!"

The phantom of the long sword flipped, cutting off the whips close to him!

"If your brother is still alive, with his ability to control these thorns, the two of you may be able to cause some trouble by cooperating."

But Bernice's whip is flexible and changeable like a snake. The whip tip and the flying thorns form an attack without dead ends, and they attack continuously.

"If I had arrived ten seconds earlier, Primo would not have died." Bernice said full of hatred.

"And you, Qingpigou, will be torn apart by us!"

Cohen's face remained unchanged, and five whip thorns were cut off like lightning, but the whip had already been drawn before his eyes!

At this moment, Cohen suddenly looked serious, and rushed forward without even looking at the whip that was being whipped towards him!

"Fateless idiot!"


Bernice looked at the rushing Cohen with a grin, and the whip mercilessly tore open his right shoulder! At the same time, three barbs shot out again!

My whip thorns are poisoned to magnify the pain. There are many barbs, and there are thorns in the barbs. Once rubbed, the pain will be—huh?

Cohen made a move that Bernice didn't expect.

I saw the figure of the security officer rushing forward, facing the three whips, and the momentum continued unabated. He raised his left hand to block the flying whips!

The whip stabbed deeply into the police officer's arm, and one of them even pierced his palm, but his expression remained unchanged, as if he had just been bitten by an ant.

Bernice looked at Cohen in surprise—many enemies in the past were deformed in pain under the poisonous whip, their faces were distorted, and they rolled under her body howling.

But he—why didn't he respond?

Does he not feel pain?

"Street performers, let's stop here!" Cohen said coldly.

Bernice looked at Cohen, who was rushing towards him in surprise, and quickly reacted, flicking the whip in her hand, trying to build a protection in front of her.

But a sudden force burst out from Korn's sword in an instant!

Bernice's expression changed instantly.

this is not!

In an instant, Cohen's saber seemed to be sharpened countless times, and the stars flickered, cutting the whip that was thrown into several pieces!

In front of Bernice's eyes, Cohen's cold face and sword were getting bigger and bigger.

The next moment, the simple but sharp saber pierced her left chest viciously, and the tip of the sword pierced out from her back!

At this time, her words came out of her mouth with difficulty.

"The power of the end! You are super—"

But she couldn't finish speaking.

"Enforcement is complete."

Cohen gently pushed the astonished Bernice away from the sword, as if he had done an insignificant thing.

"I'll give you a suggestion: next time, if you have any hole cards, use them from the beginning."

He gently pulled the whip spines out of his hands, and the buoyant force surged into his palms again, forcing out a few drops of cyan liquid.

"If I were wearing armor, even light armor, you would have died ten thousand times already."

"In the eyes of those who have experienced war, even super-level powerhouses are childish like street fights, but you are like a children's game."

Bernice closed her lifeless eyes, and fell to the ground forever. Not far ahead, her brother was half leaning against the wall, and was stabbed through the throat by a sword.

Cohen bowed to the astonished Lilian upstairs, and then walked deeper into Red Square Street.

Although this man looked polite, Lilian covered her mouth and thought:

But it's true, he doesn't show mercy to women.


In another alleyway of Hongfang Street.

Indifferently, Yala pulled out the wolf-leg knife in her hand from the abdomen of the last red-headed thug in front of her eyes, and shook the blood on it in disgust.

Thales tried his best to persuade himself not to think about Yala's killing, which always reminded him of Quaid's wide-eyed eyes before he died.

Those people have come to their senses. They join the gang and clearly understand the consequences.

Thinking about it this way, he felt much better.

Thales tightly pressed the black cloth covering his nose and mouth, watching Yala just slaughtered a team of about seven or eight blood bottle gang thugs, and then crawled out of the hiding place skillfully and tacitly, lying on Yala Pull the back.

"How did you overcome it?"


"The kind that kills people—disgusting and guilty?"

Yala sighed.

"I have been taught since I was a child." She carried Thales on her back, moved her feet briskly, and said in a cold tone, "The ones I can kill are not my kind."

"It's like trampling an ant to death."

Thales stopped talking, but hugged Yala's neck even tighter.

After they crossed Spencer, there were corpses and wounded bodies everywhere on Red Square Street, swords and swords. In several places, even Yara's scalp was tingling, and there was fighting energy.

The two were careful all the way, but in the chaotic situation, even with Yala's ability to hide, it was extremely difficult.

Under the corpses everywhere and the sound of fighting that could be heard everywhere, even though they tried their best to cover up their possessions, they still inevitably encountered two teams of thugs, one from the Brotherhood and one from the Blood Bottle Gang.

Yala shot with all her strength without mercy, leaving no one alive.

Then leave quickly.

For some reason, Thales is already somewhat used to such bloody scenes.

This is not a good thing - he reminded himself that psychological insensitivity will almost inevitably lead to behavioral deviations.

"This is the fifth intersection, and I still can't get through." Yala stopped, frowning, and touched the air in front of her.

Thales fell to the ground and touched his hand forward.

It's clearly nothingness, but what you get is an invisible and hard barrier.

"Is this a supernatural power?" Thales asked in surprise.

So far, Thales has seen not many supernatural beings, but there are also many. For example, Morris, who is in charge of human trafficking in the fraternity, was one of them. He used to suffocate a fleeing beggar with just his eyes. and die.

"No, supernatural beings don't have such a powerful ability. Block five or six intersections of such a large street at the same time—I suspect that the rest of the intersections are similar. Even supernatural warriors can hardly do it."

Yala pushed up the goggles on her face with a dignified expression.

The female bartender carefully "observed" the transparent barrier in front of her. She thought of the old guy and that man—Yara couldn't help but pause when she thought of this—the terrible legends she told herself.

She put on the goggles again.

"From now on, we must be more careful and try to avoid all battles, so as not to expose our whereabouts."

"As far as I know, this is most likely the masterpiece of a magician."

"I hope our luck is not so bad that we meet him head-on."

Thales' eyes widened.


In his five-year street life, he heard this word more than once from the drinkers of the Sunset Bar, the whores of Red Square Street, the gamblers of the Black Gold Casino, and the thugs of the fraternity.

At first, the traveler thought that this was a "magician" and "wizard" like existence in the fantasy novels of his previous life, but later found out that this was not the case.

No one would supplement the common sense of the world to Thales, who was a lowly beggar. Even if there was, most of what he could come into contact with were hearsay and horror and strange stories like village folk and foolish women.

However, based on what he found and the professional experience of doing fieldwork in his previous life, Thales still learned a lot of common sense through observation. The following are his observation notes on the term "magician":

The first point is that almost all the moments when talking about "Magician" are accompanied by negative emotions such as fear, hatred, and curse, and the keywords that appear at the same time include "powerful", "terrible", "damn" and "hell" "illegal" and so on.

Secondly, in this world, magicians are quite rare (the rarity here is not the kind of "rare" that was claimed to be "rare" in the YY novels of the previous life, but walked around the streets), Thales judged that in five years, Among the countless people who have talked about "magic masters", only one drinker and a prostitute have a certain degree of truth. Obviously, they have indirectly or directly come into contact with information about "magic masters".

Third, I have never heard of any organization or faction of magicians gathering, but there are rumors that there are two magicians among the top leaders of the Blood Bottle Gang.

Fourth, the police officers and patrol members in charge of the security patrol at the west city gate are equipped with weapons called "anti-magic armed forces".

Fifth, magic masters are completely different from the "supernatural beings", "supernatural warriors", "end swordsmen" and "end knights" that everyone talks about. The latter may be born or acquired abilities. As for magicians, Thales had never heard how their terrifying abilities were obtained.

Sixth, in addition to the magic master, there is another weapon with a suspicious name called "magic gun", and it is only allowed to be used in the king's army, and any illegal holders will be sentenced to death. With a felony.

The above is all Thales' information about magicians.

Thales imagined countless situations in which he would encounter a magician, but based on the information available, it seemed that none of the situations would be too optimistic.

For example now.

Thales stuffed the black cloth into his pocket and lay on Yala's back again.


A few quarters of an hour ago.

In the center of Hongfang Street, in the underground warehouse of a chess and card room.

A handsome man in blue clothes, with dark brown curly long hair hanging loose, sat quietly at the table of an ancient marching board. On the marching board was a map with several game pieces on it. There are two kinds of black and red, ranging from knights, swordsmen, catapults, shield warriors to guards, prime ministers, and kings.

This is handed down from the Kingdom of Exeter, based on historical allusions and common sense of war. The most popular board game among nobles nowadays - "Rise and Fall of the Empire", simulates the confrontation between human kings and the two armies before and after the ancient empire. For the pampered and noble nobles, of course, it is the most masculine pastime, attracting women's attention, without having to risk the end.

Of course, there are also a small number of big nobles with unique hobbies. It is said that they like to use real people as chess pieces.

Under the illumination of the unextinguished lights, if you look carefully, you will find that the map in the middle of the marching board is the street map of Hongfang Street.

The handsome man easily moved the chess pieces with his right hand. One by one, he removed the black or red chess pieces out of the picture, but among the removed chess pieces, the number of scattered black pieces far outnumbered the concentrated red pieces.

Two black prime ministers are in the picture, surrounded by many black guards or swordsmen, and several red knights are restraining them. In the further periphery, many black knights and shield warriors were being defeated by the two red prime ministers leading the swordsmen and guards.

In the very center of the map, a crimson king stands out from the crowd, with a red guard beside him.

The handsome man in blue is happily playing his own game. If you take a closer look, you will notice that a light blue energy sphere is gathering on his free left hand, breathing slowly as if alive. There seems to be a storm hidden in the energy ball.

The man in blue opened his mouth to say something from time to time. Around his mouth, he could clearly see the trajectory of the air vibration, turning into ripples and dissipating in the air.

But strangely, no sound came out.

This scene, in the dark and lonely silence, is even more eerie.

At this moment, the man in blue suddenly frowned.

Then he stretched out his hand without changing his expression, and removed a red catapult on the edge of the map.

But after a few minutes, the man in blue frowned again. He slowly stretched out his hand and removed the only remaining red swordsman from that position.

The blue energy ball in the left hand of the man in blue flickered, and the storm inside showed signs of instability.

He took a few deep breaths, and spoke with sound for the first time.

"Who is responsible for the security and interception in the direction of the downtown area?"

He seemed to be asking about the air.

In the frightening darkness, came a strange but positive answer: "Dorno the shapeshifter, and Spence the immortal."

The man in blue closed his eyes and shook his head, then moved the two red swordsmen from other places to the two eaten positions, and moved one of them deeper, as if to catch Dorno, who had eaten him. and Spencer stuff.

Ripples of air spread out from his mouth again, and his lips opened and closed silently for a while.

Then gradually, facing the void, spoke words with sound.

"Brother Tarun and Moria, they were eaten by us an hour ago..."

"So it's reinforcements..." he murmured.

He hesitated for a moment, then moved the only two red chancellors on the map to the past.

"It's all right now."

But the next moment, the expression of the man in blue changed again.

He moved his right hand to the edge of the other end of the map, and took off the two red swordsmen almost simultaneously.

The man in blue had an ugly face.

"Who is responsible for the security tasks in the direction of the Inner West Ring Road?"

"It's the Layton brothers and sisters, the poisonous stinger and the scorpion whip."

This time, the voice in the darkness seemed to be a little cautious.

The man in blue didn't speak. His gaze wandered back and forth between the two ends of the map, with doubt and dissatisfaction showing on his face.

"Is it a chess piece that entered the field from outside? It's a headache. Didn't you tell the Police Department that there will be a curfew?"

In the end, he sighed helplessly.

I haven't played these human games for too long, so the level has dropped?


The man in blue slightly raised his head, with a complicated expression on his face.

"Gulaton, do you know?"

"The meaning of traps and labyrinths is to block the entrances and exits and trap the rats that throw themselves into the net."

"But if both the entrance and exit of the trap are opened."

"Then you're still catching a fart mouse."

Then, the man in blue turned cold, and decisively moved the guard next to the red king in the center of the map to the place where the two red swordsmen were eliminated.

In the darkness, a wind sounded.

Then there was no more sound.

Only the energy storm in the hands of the man in blue gradually stabilized.