
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 11 The 1st Mana Test

What does despair feel like?

Rolf felt that he knew the answer to this question.

The throat joint was crushed and torn by the fraternity bartender (he didn't know Yala's name yet) with heavy hands, as if it was just five minutes ago.

And after that, he seemed to be enduring that pain every moment.

Blood poured from the throat into the lungs.

The severe pain was transmitted from the throat to the brain.

Even the airway was blocked.

Can't speak.

can not breath.

Can't move.

Like a seriously injured and dying wild dog, he was randomly discarded on Hongfang Street.

Regardless of whether he died from pain, suffocation, or choking, his life will not be long.

Only when he was a child, wandering in the Kangmasi Alliance, the desire to survive forced him to survive.

He, the supernatural being who controls the wind, uses supernatural powers again and again, like squeezing a sponge, squeezing the air full of dust, blood foam and filth, one mouthful after another, from the cracked throat. into your own lungs.

He exhaled again and squeezed out another wound on his neck.





Every "breath" is accompanied by inhuman pain, as if going back and forth between the prison river and the human world.

He is probably the first person to use supernatural powers to survive - Rolf thought sadly.

Rolf felt that he was very much like a wild dog digging up garbage in the gutter to make a living.

The female bartender left.

That green skin is gone.

Several teams of thugs passed by his seriously injured and dying body.

A spy turned him over and tested his mouth and nose.

A shocking explosion reached his ears.

Rolf didn't care.

He just instinctively, mouthful after mouthful, "breathed" with his supernatural power in severe pain.

until dawn.

Until Numeno, who retreated in a panic, picked up his "corpse".

Numeno, who was born as a country hunter, was recognized as a coward in the Twelve Xenos—Rolf never looked down on him, and ridiculed, humiliated, and bullied him in the gang, and it was even more of an amateur entertainment for the ghosts of the wind.

The most ironic thing is that it was this coward who he despised, who "collected his body" for himself at the last moment.

Rolf was awakened by the severe pain from his legs.

With his hands tightly bound, he opened his eyes in the morgue in the security hall.

Then I saw Nekla.

"Red Viper" Nekla is the head of the eight cadres of the Blood Bottle Gang (unbeknownst to him, five of them have already been lost on Red Square Street).

But Nekla just stared at him with a complicated expression, shaking his head in disgust and ferociously.

"You are one of the few survivors of the Blood Bottle Gang." Red Viper said quietly.

Rolf struggled, wanting to make a sound, enduring the severe pain in his throat, but he could only make a meaningless "ho ho" sound.

The severe pain in the knee hit!

Below the knee, but no sensation.

"Look at you, Rolf, the strongest among the twelve Xeons, and the only super expert."

"That excellent, proud, arrogant, and promising one—the Wind Follower, Rolf."

"Proudly and proudly recommended by Lady Catherine to the Magician of Qi, a young man with boundless glory."

The Red Viper patted his face lightly, with complex and disgust still in his eyes, and said sarcastically:

"Now I'm lying here like a corpse, unable to speak, breathe, move, or eat."

"Why are you still alive?"

Red Viper's eyebrows furrowed, his face became ugly and crazy.

"Why did you survive, not Kex, Song, Spencer or Dorno? Why did you, and Catherine's people survived,

Not my people survived? "

Rolf opened his eyes wide and struggled angrily and painfully, but the severe pain and disability prevented him from moving.

The red viper restrained his anger, and started laughing loudly, very happy, very happy, and very sick.

"The Blood Bottle Gang has suffered heavy losses, and my power has also suffered a lot," he said softly. "If all the personnel are ready, maybe Catherine will be able to step on me to take the position because of this. It's not certain."

But Nekla's expression turned ferocious.

"However, how can a Wind Follower who can't speak, has no legs, and is dying of serious injuries serve her?"

"So," Nekla said, stretching out her hand, pinching Rolf's knee with a distorted face, the wound was forcibly burned by the flames to stop the bleeding!

"You might as well die in battle and disappear!"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" Rolf closed his eyes tightly in severe pain, struggling with his body that was unable to move due to serious injuries, not to break free, but to relieve the severe pain in his knees.

The wind power he relied on to "breathe" was almost interrupted!

"I'm in a bad mood today. I'm tidying up and bumping into walls everywhere." Nekla sighed and continued, "But I'm still very happy to have solved you and cut off a genius that Catherine is optimistic about."

Seeing the resentment, pain and fury in Rolf's eyes, Nekla showed apology and helplessness, and said with a smile:

"There's no way, 'they' designated a super expert, and they also emphasized that the wrist should be kept for blood collection, otherwise, what I actually want to cut off is your hand, not your leg."

He finally patted Rolf's face, and whispered in his ear: "I hope you and the vampires have a good time together."

Nekla's footsteps went away, and two blood bottle gang thugs came up, one of them picked up a three-inch long copper needle with a tube, and the other grabbed Rolf's weak wrist.

At that moment, Rolf deeply felt despair.


Thales stared blankly at Rolf.

He had an urge to ask him, what happened to Yala after that, and what was the result of their battle? Did Yala escape? Why did Rolf become like this? Isn't he a member of the Blood Bottle Gang?

But Thales hesitated.

Because he saw Rolf at this moment.

Seeing this legless man with slack eyes, he could only express his emotions with meaningless shouts, with despair, pain, remorse and sadness in his eyes.

He still remembered Rolf last night.

Frivolous, confident, arrogant, and extraordinary in skill.

Come and go freely in the endless wind, leaving a signature laugh.

And now?

"Huhu———" Rolf began to close his eyes again, moaning in pain.

The casual, poisonous tongue, and unscrupulous ghost who followed the wind is no longer.

His lips were black and dry, and he was obviously dehydrated, but Thales couldn't find water, and he couldn't be sure whether Rolf could still swallow in Rolf's condition.

Thales didn't even know how he breathed.

The traverser just sat on the side in a daze, looking at Rolf who was suffering and struggling.

In the second year of his time travel, a beggar girl had her legs broken by Quaid. That poor girl wailed for a whole night before she died.

Thales was still ignorant at that time, and only retrieved a few pieces of memory. He was horrified and afraid of the horror of reality, so he could only hide in the hole in the wall and tremble.

So, in his sleep, he listened to the girl's wailing all night dimly.

Like now, it seems.

Later, it's not that he didn't think about why he didn't have more courage to end the pain for that girl.

Thales looked at Rolf's inhuman appearance, and felt heavy in his heart.

No matter how big the crime, no one deserves to be tortured like this - he said to himself.

In the end, the traverser sighed, crawled to Rolf's side, and said softly:


"Midilla Rolfe."

Although his sanity had gradually faded, at that moment, the pupils of Rolf's eyes were still instinctively focused.

who is it?

Who will remember me?

Such a useless person waiting to die?

Thales gently pulled out JC's dagger, and slowly pressed it against Rolf's neck.

"I know you are in pain now, enduring torture and suffering that ordinary people can't imagine."

"And I can end your life and help you get rid of all this."

Rolf's breathing through his throat and abilities suddenly became disordered.




"But I have to ask you seriously and carefully, Midilla Rolfe, are you willing to let me relieve your pain?"

"If you want, blink your eyelids."

"If you don't want to—"

"I only ask this once."

Thales had a heavy face, waiting for Rolf's response.

In the dimness, Rolf stared at the vague outline of the boy in front of him.


Rolf felt the sharp pain from his throat to his knees. Every "breath" opened the wound in his throat, and every struggle touched the fracture of his knee.

He was thirsty, hungry, cold, in pain, and most frighteningly, despair.

He thought of the feeling of the wind blowing around him, the first time he killed someone with supernatural powers, the first time he joined a gang, the first time he got a reward from the superior, the first time he became a man on that skinny girl, the first time he The pilgrimage also seems to see the magician of Qi.

He thought of the fearful eyes of the enemy, of the obedient eyes of his companions, of "her" admiring expression, and of the pride and satisfaction with which the corners of his mouth turned up when he heard whispers about the "Twelve Strongest".

That was the scenery of the past.

And he has lost all of this forever.

Isn't it?

In the next moment, Rolf's gaze was firm. He tried his best to activate the sharply lowered ability, and suddenly "sucked" in a breath for his half-disabled body.

Then, the Wind Follower trembled, exhausted all his strength, tried to rub the pain of the locks on both sides, tried his best to raise his head, and stared at Thales seriously.

He was about to blink.

A blink is enough.

one time!

So Thales saw that Rolf's upper and lower eyelids trembled, trembling, and slowly closed towards the middle.

Thales sighed in his heart, and slowly squeezed the dagger in his hand.

But Rolf's eyelids just trembled and stopped at the midline of the eyes.

It was short of the last line, and it didn't close.

For a long time.

For a long time.

The former ghost following the wind, a familiar or unfamiliar scene flashed in front of his eyes, barren fields, dirty dirt roads, wild dogs everywhere, and flies.

That was when he was a child, struggling to survive in the countryside of Comus Union.

That time, he and a group of wild dogs fought over a piece of black bread that was almost eaten by flies.

Those wild dogs are really evil——in the dungeon, Rolf thought quietly.

They roared deafeningly, biting at all costs, with crazy strength, however——Rolf subconsciously licked his upper teeth.

That bread tastes really bad.

In Thales' eyes, Rolf's face trembled and twisted.

His eyelids slowly relaxed, opened, and returned to the previous angle.


In the middle of the two clamps, Rolf managed to prop up his head, then fell down suddenly as if discouraged, and hit the back of his head on the ground.

After all, he didn't blink his eyelids.

Thales exhaled silently, and slowly put down the dagger in his hand.

But Rolf didn't seem to notice the pain in the back of his head or the scratches on his cheeks.

I saw his distorted face, followed by his head, began to shake slightly.


This is not moaning.

Thales couldn't help being taken aback.

He saw Rolf closing his eyes in pain, his face trembling, allowing the transparent liquid to keep slipping from his eyes.


The voice was depressing and sad.

He is crying.

The Ghost with the Wind, this once powerful and glorious supernatural being, man, warrior.

Actually weeping and crying.

I don't know if it's because of my cowardice or the pain at the moment.

Like an ordinary person, a normal person, or even a little weak citizen.

As if overwhelmed.


Thales could only watch blankly.

Seeing this man who couldn't speak or breathe normally, he fell to the ground after giving up the chance to be relieved, and wept bitterly.

Thales looked away dejectedly, but the dagger in his hand was getting tighter and tighter.

Ensola, Ned, Kellett.

Those beggars who died in the sixth house without even their surnames appeared before his eyes one by one.

He thought about his situation, Gilbert and Yodel.

The traveler frowned, and then looked down at his hand. The newly cut wound on it was as hot as the body just now, and it seemed familiar.

At that moment, it seemed that something fell from the bottom of his heart.

Thales pressed close to Rolf's ear for the second time.

"I see."

He said softly.

Rolf was still crying unbearably.

"So, are you willing to break free from this shackle?"

Rolf's crying paused for a while and didn't stop, but gradually became smaller.

Thales saw the crying little girl with a broken leg, and almost every child who died in the abandoned house in the past four years.

There were screams and wailing from outside the cell.

This fucking world.

The traverser didn't know what was in the dungeon, but the way he looked at Rolf became simpler and clearer.

Then, the traverser looked seriously at the wind-following ghost who could no longer rise with the wind, and continued firmly:

"Get rid of this shackles, and then, with this broken body, continue to struggle and survive in this world."

"See how cruel it can be."

"Do you want to?"

Rolf stopped crying.

He couldn't move his head, so he could only turn his eyes and stare blankly at the boy beside him.

Just listen to this boy, saying every word:

"This may not be freedom."

"Maybe the price is very high, and you may even die immediately."

"And I'm only for myself."

Thales lowered his head and said slowly:

"But I can try and give you a chance to get rid of this shackle and struggle again."

"Do you want to?"

Rolf's eyes fixed on the boy's eyes.

Although there were still tears in his eyes, at this moment, he suddenly wanted to laugh in his heart.

He seemed to feel that the pain in his throat and knees was gradually numb.

Those wild dogs.

Those wild dogs who robbed him of bread.

The fate of those wild dogs——Rolfe encouraged him to "breathe", and there was some inexplicable joy in his heart—their fate:

It's so miserable.

Rolf, who was lying on the ground, raised his eyes trembling again, and looked at Thales steadily.

The next moment, the ghost with the wind slowly but clearly.


Everyone blinks countless times in their life.


But just now, Rolf may have blinked, the most important time in his life.

Rolf slowly lowered his head.

Thales smiled and dispelled a lot of the haze in his heart. The traverser nodded briskly:

"Ok, I see."


"I thought it was His Highness who woke up early."

"But it doesn't look like that now."

On the third floor of the Vinegrass Manor, in a dim room, Chris frowned.

In front of him was a pair of brown-black stone coffins connected with countless blood vessels, intricately patterned, and huge in size, as tall as a person, three meters wide, and six meters long.

At this moment, there were constant vibrations in the huge coffin.

"I tried to connect to His Highness's consciousness, but the feedback was still chaotic, only the instinct of hunger, thirst and killing - no matter how I tried to appease and communicate, it was the same!" Chris put down a blood vessel in his hand, his face getting heavier and heavier.

"If this continues, His Highness will only consume the remaining energy and blood ahead of time!"

Laurana's face was horrified, and the red-haired vampire said nervously: "Something must have irritated His Highness, but we obviously didn't do anything!"

Chris's eyes shone brightly, without the dead silence and dryness before. The old man said decisively: "It's not us!"

"Your Highness only had this reaction five minutes ago, when—"

Seeing that Chris' face changed, he suddenly turned his head when he remembered something, and said loudly to the solemn Eastron behind him:

"That cub!"

"We can smell the scent of his blood from two floors away, and His Highness's sense of smell is even stronger—where's that cub?"

Estren, who was restless, looked at the agitated Chris, and subconsciously replied:

"He seemed to have accidentally cut himself just now, and then pulled out the half-disabled super-level blood vessel, and said some strange words, I didn't listen carefully, and then he—"

Chris, who was expressionless, didn't listen to Eastron's explanation any more—the suspicious huge coffin was still vibrating and muffled constantly—the old man interrupted Eastlen's words roughly and directly:

"Bring that cub up—no, Isa, you stay here and let Laurana go."

Looking at the giant coffin that was shaking more and more frequently, a strange spark flashed in Chris's eyes: "It is his blood that His Highness desires."


"This plan is very risky," Thales calmly stated to Rolf on the ground. He seemed to have returned to the sixth room and tried his best to protect those innocent, innocent, and innocent people who were born The beggars who are suffering in the prison river.

"But it's obviously even more unwise to sit here and wait for a miracle, and get caught without a fight."

Rolf just quietly looked at the boy whose eyes were obviously different from ordinary people, and took a breath of air with great effort.

His serious look—— Rolf smiled inwardly and said: It's not worse than the eldest sister.

The Ghost Follower of the Wind did not realize that after experiencing the choice between life and death, he has been relieved a lot.

Thales continued to explain calmly, as if he was not the one who spoke:

"I don't know how much power you have left, but I estimate that it won't be much, and the old man's strength—"

"So, reckless adventures and passive waiting are not suitable for the current situation. Our best and best time is to wait until my reinforcements arrive, the moment they break through the door—"

"You can't wait for reinforcements, short-lived brat."

An indifferent female voice interrupted Thales' words.

Rolf's face tightened instantly.

Thales was taken aback for a moment, turned his head in disbelief, and looked at the cell door.

Outside the fence, Laurana Corleone, dressed in a playful horseback riding outfit, scratched her lips temptingly with her slender and soft index finger of her right hand, and at the same time ruthlessly opened the lock of the prison door with her left hand that turned into a terrifying claw. !

"It's what Eastron said, no matter what you do, we can hear you."

"The little gentleman who teased Eastlon," as if to mock him, Laurana chuckled, swaying her seductive slim waist, step by step, from the open cell door, stepping gracefully and sensually. Entering the cell: "It's a pity, maybe if you grow up a few years, even people will be confused by you."

"But now, you are about to become His Highness's mellow and rich energy drink—maybe the lovely Laurana can still have a sip?"

Looking at Laurana who suddenly appeared at any time, Thales understood that she could subdue him at any time.

The traveler sighed deeply, sincerely, but regretfully.

"Rolf," he said calmly, without a hint of panic in his voice: "I need ten seconds."

Ten seconds?

Laurana suddenly felt uneasy.

She thought of Eastron who had been fooled.

What cards does he have? That half-mutilated, super-order short-lived species trapped to death in the nightwing stone lock?

But Laurana, who had a lot of thoughts, was unwilling to take risks, and her expression became sharp and decisive in an instant.

The brat who plays tricks.

Her alluring figure flashed in front of Thales in an instant!

When His Highness sucks you into a mummified corpse, you can still—

But at this moment, a strange gust of wind blew up in the small cell!


The light of the fire flickered rapidly and faded several times!

The strong wind pushed Laurana back three steps. She was so shocked that she quickly grabbed the fence beside her and stood still.

This is - supernatural power?

Impossible, this child cannot be a supernatural being.

That's it - Laurana looked at Thales with difficulty, the super expert who was locked on the ground by the night wing stone - it was him!

It's like this, but there is still some strength left.

It's useless, Laurana breathed a sigh of relief, and thought happily, being locked up like this and seriously injured, even if it's your ability, how long can it last?

It's the cub playing tricks... I'll have a taste of it after Chris's reprimand.

It must impress you! Laurana thought viciously.

"Then, let's begin."

Thales looked at Laurana who was blocked by the gust of wind in front of him, and turned the dagger upside down with a peaceful expression.


Under Rolf's puzzled eyes, he grasped the tip of the blade with his good right hand.


"I wish us luck with each other," he said.


My, the first mana test.




Thales stared at the black stone shackles on Rolf's body.

On the other hand, Rolf blushed and stared fixedly at Laurana, the wind continued.

Laurana clung to the fence beside her with a cold face, and her left hand began to deform, turning into a scarlet red claw.


I want to break his shackles - Thales thought silently.

Rescue this man who has nothing left.


If it's as I expected - the traveler recalls scenes of life and death in his mind:

Quaid's hand strangled his neck.

Ashida's hand was lightly clenched.

Also, the blood in the distant memory, and the unnamed, gentle second-year illness.


Thales closed his eyes, and suddenly exerted force with his right hand.

Laurana felt something, she turned her head in surprise, and found that the fence she was holding was vibrating!

what happened? The female blood race thought in a panic.

That half-disabled guy - could it be that he has multiple abilities?



With Laurana's hand, the fence shattered into countless small pieces!

Laurana, whose footing was unstable, clutched the broken arm, screamed, and was blown out of the dungeon in an instant by the gust of wind formed by the supernatural power.


Next to my ears, I heard Laurana's sharp and crazy roar.

A hot feeling came over.


Light—Thales thought with a blurred consciousness.

A lot of light.


In the room where the giant coffin was parked on the third floor, Chris suddenly looked strange.

"What is Laurana doing?" He said coldly, looking at the muffled giant coffin.

"Maybe I want to try my mouth first," Eastron replied cautiously. He felt the lord's nervousness, and continued: "She always likes the delicious food at hand—wrong! They are—"

Eastron's words were interrupted by the outside world following the astonished expressions of both of them.


Just listening to the direction of the underground, there was a loud noise like an explosion!

A cloud of dust suddenly blew in from the direction outside the door.

The expressions of the two blood races, one old and one young, changed at the same time, and they exchanged glances.

Something happened to the dungeon.

The next moment, their figures appeared outside the manor!

The moment Eastren saw the scene in front of him clearly, he opened his mouth wide in horror and lost his composure.

I saw, under the moonlight.

That super short-lived species with tattoos on his face and no legs.

The former Wind Follower, Midilla Rolfe.

Already got rid of all shackles.

He was hugging the ephemeral cub tightly, taking advantage of the strong wind, with a resolute face——

Flying in mid-air.


Not far away, on the horse, Gilbert, who was riding fast with thirty swordsmen of the end, changed his expression!

"Bloodline Lamp." Amid the galloping wind, he whispered to the court lady beside him.

Ginny, who was bouncing on her horse, saw the lamp in Gilbert's arms with a solemn expression.

The flame turned red.

Lean to one side.

"That direction—" Gilbert recalled, with a solemn expression:

"It's the vine manor of the Kevin Dill family!"

The court lady let out an angry roar, and lashed the mount with a whip.

"Who cares about him!"

"Even if the Walton family from Exeter is in front—"

"—I want to get in too!"

Gilbert nodded, determination and sternness appeared on his face:

"Everyone follow me to turn!"

"Don't worry about horsepower!"

"Accelerate forward!"

"Ready to fight!"