
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 12 The Hand Outstretched from the Coffin

Ever since Ashida disappeared, the traversers haven't really tested their "out of control" power.

He doesn't know how magicians control it, he doesn't even understand it at all, he can only simulate the scene most similar to the "out of control" experience based on previous induction and reasoning, and then try to use it .

In Thales' plan, this power should have been the origin of his understanding of "magic energy" and "magic master" in Gilbert's courses in a peaceful and safe living environment After that, after considering the reactions of those around you to your "out of control", you start exploring and researching secretly, safely, and step by step.

However, the imminent catastrophe and Rolf's tragic situation of not being able to survive or die made him make up his mind to start this potentially dangerous "magic experiment" ahead of schedule.

During the first two "out of control" times, blood was used as a medium, the dagger as a real object, and the mysterious sphere as energy all inexplicably moved to his eyes, so he preliminarily guessed whether that power was related to space transfer?

Just transfer the buckle of the stone lock to my hand - Thales said silently in his heart.

The experiment process was simpler than he imagined.

The burning sensation in his body became stronger and stronger, the stone lock in front of his eyes grew bigger and bigger, and there were more and more scenes in his mind.

Then Thales lost consciousness.

When I opened my eyes again, I saw the moonlight, heard the wind, felt the cold, and saw the astonished blood race on the ground.

And he himself has been held in Rolf's arms, and the ground is gradually drifting away under his feet.

Although the process was a bit strange—Thales thought wearily—it seems that the experiment was a success.

Although Rolf was embarrassed and in pain, he had already shaken off the burden of the heavy shackles. He forcibly controlled the wind and flew upwards.

At this moment, no one was more shocked than Chris.

"How can it be..."

The old man of the blood race murmured blankly.

Eastron and Laurana were young.

Therefore, only he knows that in the dungeon, the "Night Wing Lock" that locks the super masters is a secret treasure handed down by the Corleone family for nearly a thousand years.

That was used to trap extreme experts!

It was originally prepared to prevent His Highness, whose consciousness was chaotic, from going crazy. After His Highness stabilized, it was used on that super blood source.

A shackle that even the world's most advanced magic energy gun can't break!

How did they open it?

Before he was seriously injured, Rolf was the darling of the wind. Under the influence of the wind, he could even lie on his back for five minutes at a height of ten meters.

But now, with a lot of blood drained from him, he was extremely weak, tired and thirsty, the sudden loss of his legs also affected his balance, and the sharp pain in his throat distracted his energy. , Most of it is used to maintain the "breathing" from the throat to the lungs.

He knew that he had no chance of winning against the last three blood races, and he also knew that Thales had launched a backup plan that seemed to be a stopgap measure, so after breaking free from the chains, Rolf just wanted to keep rising with the help of the wind, reaching beyond their reach If the vampires come after them, try to blow them down with strong winds.

But he still underestimated Chris, who became an extreme master hundreds of years ago.

Chris was not surprised and slowed down his movements. Thousands of years had made him stronger and stronger. His withered face sank, and his figure instantly rose more than ten meters, and he rushed towards the two people in the air!

For His Highness, that cub must be taken back!

He approached Rolf in an instant, and a strong wind rushed in front of him.

Thales was surprised to see that Chris, whose clothes and hair were blown up by the strong wind, turned into a bloody mist with an expressionless face.

It's not blood like Eastron's,

It's blood mist.

In Thales' eyes, the blood mist was blown away by Rolf, but it still spread upwards, passing through the wind barrier built by Rolf without hindrance!

The blood mist penetrated in front of Rolf, and under the dignified gazes of the two, it gradually changed back to the old man with an obscure and pale face, and began to fall again.

"Ah—" Rolf couldn't speak, but roared angrily. He raised his left hand and raised his supernatural power, trying to blow the old man out of the air.

But before he finished yelling, Chris Corleone grabbed Rolf's left wrist.

"Wingless ones—" Chris's tone was much colder than the temperature in the sky, and he said creepily, "Don't try to fly."


"Woo hoo—"

In the air more than 20 meters away, Rolf's bone fracture and painful hesitation could be heard at the same time.

Then, Eastron on the ground, with a gray face, covered his half-grown one arm, and Laurana, who rushed out of the dungeon, saw Rolf holding Thales, and Chris grabbed his left hand , was pulled towards the ground by the latter with terrifying strength!


Rolf looked like he was insane, he tried his best to push the wind to blow upwards, and he almost forgot to "breathe"!

But he still couldn't get rid of Chris' sharp claw that pierced the bones of his hand and firmly pinned his wrist to death!

Thales was so blinded by the strong wind that he couldn't keep his eyes open. He was exhausted and had already played all his cards.

The traverser has long been powerless.

Finally, Rolf, struggling hard, was inevitably pulled down from the sky by Chris.

Rolf lost his balance. He was almost exhausted and tried his best to use the wind, but Chris's huge strength made it impossible for him to lift into the air again.

"For Your Highness, that cub will live!" Chris, who was holding Rolf tightly and falling in the air, said coldly.

Laurana licked her teeth with hatred on her face, shook the arm that had just grown out, and then smiled, ready to catch the cub.

Eastron next to her, whose perception was slightly stronger than the former, changed his expression and suddenly looked outside the gate of the manor.

There, a dense vibration was getting closer and closer.

"Laurana—" Eastron said anxiously, but Laurana's whole body and mind was on the two of them in the air.

Thales didn't dare to open his eyes. However, the faster and faster wind in his ears and the accelerating weightlessness all indicated that the situation was not good.

Is this move too early because of a sudden accident?

Rolf had already given up breaking free from Chris's hand.

He looked at the moon getting farther and farther, and the ground getting closer and closer, his eyes gradually became pure, clear and relieved.

At that moment, Rolf suddenly realized that after experiencing so much pain, a broken wrist bone was actually not a pain at all.

A long-lost smile appeared on the corner of Ghost with the Wind's mouth.

It's a pity, child.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity.

At least, I have struggled.

And those vampires won't have the chance to meet you.

Time seemed to slow down.

Then, Laurana, who was about to catch Thales on the ground, was surprised to see:

The half-disabled Rolf howled and roared the moment he was about to fall to the ground.

He threw Thales with one hand towards the direction of the manor house!

"No!" Chris roared without grace, but Rolf, who had one free hand, clasped his waist tightly and fell to the ground!

Thales only felt that the momentum of the fall changed, and his whole body involuntarily flew in another direction.

In an instant, the stone wall of the big house appeared in front of my eyes, getting closer and closer.

It was about to hit his head!

Thales could only tightly close his eyes.

Is this the end?

But to the traverser's surprise, the imagined tragedy of a broken head did not happen.

His momentum suddenly faltered, his head felt dizzy, and he fell into a steady and safe embrace.


Rolf and Chris fell hard, with such force that they even broke the ground, and the manor's open space was filled with dust!

Laurana's complexion changed drastically. She moved towards Thales, who was flying towards the big house, her figure flickered, and she arrived in an instant.

But Eastron glanced at the gate of the manor solemnly, and approached in a blink of an eye. His voice, in the empty night, resounded through the manor.

"Enemy attack!"

With dizziness, Thales slowly opened his eyes in a familiar yet unfamiliar embrace.

In front of him, on a dark purple mask, were two dark lenses, looking at him under the moonlight.

"Don't worry, Thales," standing on the balcony on the third floor of the manor house, the royal family's secret guard, Yodel Gato, said hoarsely, his voice even trembling slightly:

"You are safe."

Thales smiled tiredly and reassuringly, closed his eyes, and completely relaxed.

A dense vibration came clearly from outside.


The gate of the Vinegrass Manor was knocked open.

Countless horseshoes poured in!

"In the name of the Supreme King of the Stars, His Majesty Kessel Canxing!"

Earl Gilbert Castle, his steady and deep voice came from the dust and the sound of horseshoes:

"All the people present at Mancao Manor are suspected of stealing and hiding royal treasures!"

"Immediately bind your hands and don't resist!"

"Offenders will be killed on the spot!"


In an empty dark room, there was not even a torch.

There is only boundless darkness.

and two vague breathing sounds.

"It's a pity, this is probably the closest we have been to the Magician of Qi in the past twelve years." Said an old and sharp voice.

"But all the information shows that Ashida was killed." A brisk and bright male voice.

"Then let me guess, you, who think he's 'killed', must have read the materials about the immortality and immortality of magicians?" The old sharp voice sarcastically said.

"Don't be so serious, teacher," the brisk and bright male voice continued, "At least he's been sealed."

"The question is, in the current Eternal Star City, who has the ability to seal Ashida, and who has the weapon to seal Ashida?" The hoarse voice continued to ask long and long.

"It's nothing more than those few." The brisk and bright male voice said playfully.

"Yeah, alas," came the hoarse and sharp voice with a hint of disappointment: "It's nothing more than just a few."

"There is no need to investigate the truth about Hongfang Street. All the files—including the big explosion in the central area and the witness report on the woman with the child on her back—are all sealed up, and the deadline is set permanently."

"As for Ashida Sacon, let the people on the frontier get ready. Whether it's ten or twenty years, the Air Magician will eventually return." The hoarse and piercing voice gave the order gloomyly.

There was a long silence.

"Don't make such an expression, teacher. Think about the benefits, we have one less enemy, and think about the better benefits—we might be able to attract the blood magician." The brisk male voice said lazily.

"Don't pretend that you can see my expression," said the hoarse and sharp voice dissatisfied, and then sighed again: "Blood magician——ah, this damn fate, the capital, will probably come back soon. It's going to be a mess."

"Twelve years ago, I had at least Lancer, Jinny, Thyssen, and Lanzar Norfolk by my side. Now, the only person I can use is you." The hoarse voice sighed Road, full of loneliness and loneliness.

"But it was exactly twelve years ago, even if there were people like you, didn't His Majesty the late king die? It can be seen that strength is not the key - luck is." The brisk voice seemed to have no scruples, talking about twelve years previous tragedy.

In the darkness, both voices were silent for a long time.

"Yes, even if it was twelve years ago," the hoarse voice finally replied. This time, the tone seemed to be full of grief and dissatisfaction: "The former king is still dead."

"By the way," the brisk voice seemed to finally realize that the atmosphere was wrong, and turned bluntly: "'Dark Room' sent someone to send a headless letter, saying that a gang member was leaving Exeter yesterday, Set off to the stars, and come to Eternal Star City—that old woman also said that this is to repay your previous favor."

"Ah, the long-lost cooperation between the secret department and the dark room." The hoarse and sharp voice seemed to be aroused: "He came to the capital at this time? Blood magician?"

"No, I sent someone to check. It seems to be a doctor from the Black Street Brotherhood, named Ramon."

"Does he have a problem?"

"Someone saw him perform a 'little trick' on a small road in the country."

"Little trick?" The hoarse voice finally became serious.

"Yeah, a 'little trick'," said the brisk male voice cynically:

"But as far as I've read the entire Canxing Library, the profound knowledge reserve on the upper and lower twenty floors, I concluded that this 'trick' that can heal wounds in an instant was commonly known as——"

His brisk voice instantly sank.


The voice slowly fell.

It was this darkness that truly fell into dead silence. Like a cemetery in the middle of the night.

After a long time.

"That old woman—" the hoarse voice actually chuckled, "She actually returned this news to me as a favor."

"It's really cunning and treacherous, just like before."


Gilbert took the lead, and the guard formed by the end swordsmen rode on horseback and rushed into the manor together.

Surround the three blood clans!

"The silver sword is out of its sheath, ready to meet the enemy!" Gilbert didn't say any more nonsense, he knew that the previous declaration of "surrender without killing" was just a formality.

And what really works is often only power and weapons!

Just like diplomacy.

"Lorana!" Estren flashed his figure nimbly, avoiding the two horse swords that were going straight to his head, and shouted anxiously and angrily:

"Call the Shadow Guard!"

Laurana fell on a window on the second floor, and she was extremely annoyed—regardless of her incomparable figure or indestructible claws, she was completely indifferent to Yodel Gato, who was hugging Thales and whose figure disappeared and appeared from time to time. There was no way—and knowing the current situation, she opened her arms and let out a silent roar with a strange rhythm towards the direction of the dungeon.


In the direction of the dungeon, there was suddenly a thunderstorm-like tremor.

Gilbert's expression changed, and he swung the long sword in his hand resolutely. The swordsmen beside him shouted in unison!

But it's too late.

At the entrance of the dungeon, a dark tide suddenly erupted!

He rushed towards the horse formation formed by thirty swordsmen of the end.

"A ring formation!" Gilbert saw what rushed out, and shouted with a livid face, "It's a blood slave!"

Thirty finisher swordsmen who were at least above the mortal level also saw what rushed out.

Those were people with blood-red eyes and crazy faces!

Almost all the people present were experienced guards. They knew what the creatures in front of them were.

That is the most low-level blood race, which is transformed by humans or other races after accepting the blood essence of the blood race. They are hungry, crazy, loyal, and not afraid of death-blood slaves.

Dozens of blood slaves flocked to the horse array like a tide!

Gilbert saw the situation clearly and knew that Thales was safe, but blindly relying on horsepower to attack these fearless creatures would only increase his own casualties.

"Defend!" He ordered loudly.


Thirty finisher swordsmen shouted angrily, turned off their mounts, and quickly formed a circular formation! Everyone stepped out with their left foot and tilted their right sword to protect the people around them!

This is the defensive formation that Xingchen is famous for - Huimang formation!

At this moment, a figure slowly stood up from the hole made by Rolf and Chris.

Then, this figure flickered and disappeared in an instant!

"Please stay here for a while and have a rest." Jodl gently placed Thales on the balcony on the third floor - he saw Chris emerging from the dust, and the disappearance of the other's figure .

"The rest will be handled by us."

Then, Yordle also disappeared before Thales' eyes.

The next moment, Yoddle's gray crossed dagger appeared in mid-air, intersecting with Chris' sharp claws galloping towards the third floor, sparks flashed out!


The ear-piercing sound hit everyone's eardrums!

But surprisingly, there was no air collision.

Jodl and Chris, two top extreme experts in the Western Continent, taught each other a move, and then roughly understood each other's strength, and spread out.

"This is the ability to travel through shadows!" Chris's face was icy cold, and his right claw deeply penetrated into the wall of the second floor, fixing himself to the wall.

"As the pinnacle of the Extreme Realm, even in the Kingdom of Stars, you shouldn't be unknown—is it because the light of 'Kingdom's Wrath' is too bright and covered up?" The old man said coldly, blood slaves and guards Their battle did not attract his attention at all, and all his energy seemed to be on Thales on the third floor.

As usual, Yordle didn't say a word and didn't recognize his emotions. His strange figure stood lightly and illusory on the pane of a window on the second floor. It seemed to be on the verge of falling, but it never fell.

Under the manor, the blood slaves and the round formation finally came face-to-face!

"Bang!" The first muffled sound came from a fierce collision between a blood slave and a guard!

The sharp sword guarding the side cut open the blood slave's body with two sharp edges, while the blood slave's sharp claws and nails cut through the armor of the warrior regardless of the cost.

The same scene quickly appeared at every point of the circular array.

The scene suddenly became chaotic.

Thales noticed in the chaos that Laurana Corleone roared furiously and leaped in his direction!

But she was still halfway, when she was forced to take two steps back by a long silver metal chain winding in mid-air.

"Your battlefield is here, blood-sucking bitch!"

Following the angry words, Thales saw a forty-year-old black-haired woman, wearing a suspicious light blue court lady's uniform (he didn't know him at the time), slamming a chain on Laura. In front of Na!

Laurana sneered, her body flickered, and she wanted to jump out of the range of the metal chain sword, but the moment her body swayed, she was tightly wrapped around her neck, and the part of her neck that was entangled by the chain was unexpectedly Green smoke is "sizzling"!

"This is a silver chain sword, bitch!" The court lady, Jine roared with displeasure on her face: "For you, I have paid my full fortune!"

At this moment, Eastren's blood-red eyes turned into bloody water, flew into the air, and also attacked Thales!

"Keng!" Estren roared, his claws interlaced, and he parried a silver sword that pierced his chest.

"This gentleman!" Gilbert, who got off his horse and was coordinating with the three Terminator swordsmen to rush past the blood slaves, and stood firmly in front of the door on the first floor, looked at Eastron with dissatisfaction, and raised his hand. With the silver sword in his hand, he made a standard invitation to a duel: "Please stay away from that child."

The fight between blood slaves and swordsmen is still going on!

But Thales was exhausted, watching the three vampires pounced on him again and again, and were constantly stopped by difficult opponents.

The traverser suddenly understood!

What they want is not me, he said silently.

But something on the third floor.

There must be their weakness.

The fighting between the blood slaves and the swordsmen continued, and the three blood clans and the three warriors were still fighting fiercely.

Thinking of this, Thales looked suspiciously and fearfully, but still resolutely, and suddenly pushed open the balcony door!

After pushing open the door, his weak body immediately collapsed in the room.


But a dull and treacherous blunt sound attracted the attention of the traversers.

Thales panted lightly, raised his head, and slowly saw the dim room clearly under the moonlight outside the balcony.

Especially the one in the center that is connected with countless blood vessels, with complicated patterns and difficult words——

The giant black coffin.

"Boom! Boom!"

As if awakened by something, the dull sound from the black coffin became more and more intense.

More and more violent.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Thales suddenly realized that his act of pushing open the door and rushing into the room was more or less reckless.



There was an unparalleled loud noise!

Thales fell backwards from the shock, his eardrums buzzing.

The coffin of the black coffin, as if a terrible explosion had occurred from the inside, was shaken upwards, and then fell to the ground!

Thales covered his sore ears, gritted his teeth and got up.

I saw, on the edge of the black coffin with the missing cover, at some time, stretched out a withered, charred and ominous hand.