
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 11 Queen, Princess and Destiny (1)

"In short...the bottom of this line is full of everyday words starting with P. I have explained it just now. If you don't remember, there is a graphic next to it. As for why the word starting with ph is not pronounced this way...don't ask me, just memorize it. ..."

Thales' voice echoed in the study.

"These are all the materials that Gilbert is going to use for me—but now it seems that my progress is a little bit ahead of schedule, but it's just right for you to use."

A little bit ahead?

Watching Thales pass the vocabulary list to Rolf who couldn't speak, Gilbert, who was watching at the door, frowned slightly.

He doesn't approve of it (it can be said that he firmly opposes it). At such a critical moment, Thales still spends time teaching Rolf (although there is indeed no one who can replace His Highness's magical and rich sign language), with As for delaying my homework. But when he thought that His Royal Highness will go to Exeter, what he needs more is a trustworthy subordinate than complicated and trivial knowledge, Gilbert sighed and continued to stand outside the door, Let His Highness carry out his act of paying respect to corporals and buying people's hearts - at least in Gilbert's view, it is right.

Exeter's reply letter arrived yesterday, but when the nervous emergency envoy, Baron Russell, revealed the content, even the most well-mannered old Duke Cullen could not help frowning.

Compared with the first time, the bloody handprint on the letter of credence, this letter is more concise and "calm".

The letter was written in King Nunn's own handwriting.

But there are only three very powerful words.

[Let him come. ]

There are no conditions, no declarations, no mention of the conflict between the two countries, no mention of the measures for the Grand Duke of Lombard—there is no incidental content at all.

After reading the letter, King Kessel V remained expressionless and did not express anything. He just gave an official order: Three days later, the second prince and his mission will go north to Exeter and to Dragon Clouds City. .

This couldn't help but make Gilbert feel uneasy.

After Baron Russell conveyed the meaning of King Nun, he left in sweat and returned home—Gilbert guessed that the meeting with His Majesty that day, as well as Russell's performance, probably also passed back to Egypt. In Kester's country, he may have to make his own choice between King Nunn and the Grand Duke of Lombard when he returns to the country this time.

While thinking, Thales' voice continued:

"Okay, let's review the sign language just now—how to say 'I'm sorry'?"

Rolf frowned, rummaging through a pair of papers full of graphics at hand, then raised his head, raised his right palm suspiciously, and gently circled it around his chest.

"No, it's 'please'. You have to make fists—yes, that's 'sorry'."

Rolf clumsily clenched his right fist and circled it around his chest.

On the opposite side of Wind Follower, Thales nodded slightly without raising his head.

Half of his attention was on Rolf, and the other half was on his right hand, a book under the table: "From the Final Empire to the Star Kingdom".

Thales discovered that since he was assassinated, he began to possess a hidden ability: one mind at two ends.

For example, now, he can teach Rolf sign language while flipping through the books and materials he needs under the desk, but he can't let Gilbert know about them—especially about disasters and magicians.

Thales is too eager to know these closely related secrets—especially after he was assassinated last time, after he suspected of using magic energy, the severe pain that almost tore his whole body has been haunting him: the next time he uses magic energy, will he Is it the time of his death?

But he seemed to be pushed by fate. From the state meeting to the meeting with the Envoy Exeter, and then to being sent as an envoy, he had no time to stop and explore the truth about himself and the magician.

Originally, if the matter of Exeter was not so urgent, then Rolf's arrival,

Thales then had an excuse to take the time to teach him sign language in order to reduce his daily "Gilbert's class time" - he couldn't look up these materials that might arouse doubts in Gilbert's class, he I also thought about publicly expressing my curiosity about magicians in exchange for the opportunity to openly search for information about magicians, but who knows if the books I read will be recorded by a special person and passed on to Kessel, or even Morat in front of? ——And the ability to focus on two tasks allows him to spare time to pursue his secrets, just like today.

But this new ability did not make him complacent at all. Instead, he became more anxious and panicked: How much abnormality does this body have? When will these abnormalities reveal their secrets?

Thales had a premonition that all the secrets lay in his own life experience—that mysterious mother, including the strange attitude of the high priest Li Xiya who kept secrets, the suspicious conversation between the king and the high priest during the bloodline ceremony, and so on.

"Mother's Truth" - This matter has been listed by Thales as the second of "My Five Unsolved Mysteries". The Body of the Sorcerer, second only to the most pressing "The Enigma Mystery".

Thinking of this, Thales couldn't help sighing.

"Then, how do you sign 'thank you'?" He said casually.

Rolf struggled to find the blueprint, awkwardly tapped his chin with the tip of his right palm, and then turned his palm up and out.

Thales' eyes switched between the book and Rolf, but at this moment, his eyes began to blur again.

Wu Qiren's voice sounded first:

[Miss, are you going to a special school again to volunteer for the disabled? ]

[yes. Hey, don't use such a derogatory term, they are neither handicapped nor sick, and every time you call them, you isolate them from normal society-you should use "persons with physical disabilities" or "persons with disabilities". ]

[Well, I always feel that if you spend your time here, it is better to study your degree well and influence and improve special education from the social structure level in the future. Will change for the better because of your accidental actions - that's not how society changes. ]

[Wu Qiren! It is no fault of their own that they are inconvenient, but because we in society have failed in our duty to make life accessible to all, regardless of condition: we can care To design toilet single cells for children under 1.2 meters, so that they can live in society without barriers, why can't a deaf-mute communicate with others without barriers and live in society without barriers? ]

[Hey, how did you become so socially scientific? ]

[This is not morality—it is a basic value! It's your idea that "promoting social progress from the macro structure is the right way" is the problem! I don't believe that a person who doesn't even bother to donate sympathy and help around him will bring real help to the society - I'm talking about you, Wu! repair! Benevolence! ]

[Stop! That's enough for the serious topic, let's go. ]

[Eh? Where are you going? ]

[Send you to the special school! Are you going to be a volunteer? ]

[Ah, ah, Chiren, Chiren! Are you going too? It must have been infected by my integrity, right! Say yes first, you want to learn sign language with me! ]

[Eh - I just sent you there...]

[Don't care! You must come with me! Otherwise you are not allowed in my room tonight! ]

Thales shook his head vigorously, dispelled the impressions of the past that he could no longer touch, and hid them back in his mind.

His attention returned to his eyes.

"That's right, let's make it more difficult...'Do it again'...No, no, no, I mean, how do you make the sign language of 'Do it again'?"

While Rolf was sweating profusely looking for the drawings, Thales turned over two more pages of "From the Final Empire to the Star Kingdom".

The value of this book is not as high as the previous one. It is basically a summary of imaginary legends and a chronological account of major events. It is even more unclear about the figure of the "disaster" in the War of the End—huh?

Thales frowned.

From the pages of this thick book, a piece of paper fell out.

Thales picked it up gently.

This is an old piece of parchment. It looks older than this "From the Last Empire to the Kingdom of the Stars", which is quite old but barely able to be flipped due to its excellent maintenance.

On the parchment, there is an erasable black pen, and the profile of a young girl is drawn with simple strokes.

The girl in the painting is calm and graceful, showing a pleasant smile. Her plain face looks like a pure lotus flower. There is only a multi-pointed star-like earring pinned to her left ear.

This piece of paper - obviously earlier than this book, could it be that some senior just used it as a bookmark?

Thales looked puzzled, looked down, and saw the signature:


Four letters, probably the initials of the artist.

With Rolf's clumsy gestures, Thales turned over the back of the parchment and saw a scrawled word:


With a big exclamation mark.


Thales shook his head, but didn't figure out its meaning.

Gilbert's voice came suddenly: "Your Highness, I'm sorry to disturb you!"

Thales stuffed the parchment into his arms calmly, closed the book, and quietly pushed it to an inconspicuous corner under his feet.

The traverser raised his head and looked at Gilbert with a smile.

"Your Majesty just received the news." Gilbert raised his hat towards him and bowed slightly: "He hopes that you will visit the Fuxing Palace before leaving to complete the family gathering of the royal family members."

"Family gathering?" Thales opened his mouth in astonishment and surprise: "What family?"

Isn't the family of the Canxing royal family...?

And at this time.

The figure of a first-class court lady appeared from behind Gilbert.

"Just follow me."

Jinny said indifferently.

The way she looked at Thales was full of regret and pity.


Fuxing Palace.

"Since you have been recognized as a prince," Jine walked on the icy stone steps with the dressed-up Thales in high-heeled boots, her voice was cold: "Then you must come to see your nominal mother, although Not personally... but at least until you go to Exeter..."


Thales asked in surprise, "What mother?"

"Naturally, she is your father's only wife," Ji Ni said with unbearable sadness on her face, "Queen Keya."

Thales was stunned for a few seconds.

They stopped outside a palace.

"Your Majesty is too busy, so he didn't come here today." Ji Ni looked at the closed door and said softly.

Wordless disappointment spread in Thales' heart.

But Ji Ni's mind was obviously not on the father and son.

The next moment, the female officer said to the puzzled Thales seriously and seriously: "After a while, no matter what happens, don't be surprised or afraid."

Before Thales could react, Jine pushed open the door and walked in.

"Keya," Ji Ni said cautiously, "I'm here."

Thales followed the court lady and slowly walked into the room.

This is a spacious room with a simple layout, but quite a style, full of elegance.

In front of them, a lady with a fresh and elegant face, about forty years old, dressed in a luxurious star blue dress, turned around and looked at Jini and Thales.

"Jinie, you're here!" This luxurious lady—Queen Keya showed a happy and sincere smile: "It's really great. Recently, Kessel has been busy with diplomatic relations with Exeter. I thought, you probably don't have much time..."

Thales was a little cautious. After all, he was considered the king's illegitimate son.

At the same time, he was also surprised by the current scene: If Jini is the king's lover, then as the queen, Keya gets along so well with her?

"That's what I told you, I'll come to see you today..." Ji Ni's voice froze, as if she felt that there was no need to say too much, so she took a deep breath and pulled Thales forward , said silently: "This is Thales, Kessel's second...son."

"So, it's you?" Keya slowly walked up to him, and knelt down gently: "Cassel's youngest son?"

She looked at Thales with soft eyes.

Thales was so embarrassed that he couldn't even breathe smoothly.

"Don't be afraid, I am also your family." Her Majesty the Queen touched his head with a loving expression: "Look at your eyes and nose... you are exactly the same as your charming mother."

Thales' breathing stopped suddenly, and his eyes widened.


Queen Keya said softly and sincerely: "... I hope you can also inherit your mother's intelligence, erudition, and her omnipotent eloquence, hehe - after all, there are very few women who can be as outstanding as her and Ji Ni Woolen cloth."

The charm is endless.

Smart and knowledgeable.

The omnipotent eloquence?

Thales hungrily brought this information into the area called "Mother" in his mind.

Ji Ni's face was a bit ugly, she just replied hastily: "Alright——Ke Ya, if there's nothing else... I'll take him... You know, he's going to Exeter soon."

Thales found it very strange. Why was Jine so nervous in front of this gentle and kind queen?

And, wanting so anxiously, to end this meeting?

"Alas, poor child," Queen Keya sighed, "Although I have never been to Exeter, I have heard of it to some extent. suffered."

"Um, thank you for your concern..." Even Thales is exquisite, and it is difficult to resist such a scene of being a family with the Le family in front of strangers, so he replied flatly: "No, these are all kings. Your Majesty's order...is also Canxing's mission."

Queen Keya chuckled: "Canxing's mission...that's what they always say."

Ji Ni's voice suddenly sounded blunt again: "Alright, Keya, he has other tasks. Let's take our leave first..."


Thales frowned.

There must be something wrong.


What's wrong?