
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 10 Together with Li

Rolf, the former star of hope of the Blood Bottle Gang, the only super master among the Twelve Xeons, experienced hell and despair, and finally reunited with Thales a month later.

"Congratulations, you've managed to survive after all." Thales nodded with a smile, "I didn't lose to this damned world."

Rolf trembled slightly, opened his mouth suddenly, his bloody throat trembled slightly, but he could only utter a murmur of unknown meaning.

He also knows that he can't say anything now.

Facing such a situation, Thales didn't know how to react for a moment.

"It's okay, what do you want to say..." He scratched his head: "Just write it down with a pen."

Rolf's eyes darkened.

"We tried," Gilbert sighed. "He is illiterate—except for numbers, he can't even write his own name."

Hearing this, Rolf closed his eyes in low self-esteem, and lowered his head even lower.

Thales was a little embarrassed.

He almost forgot that Rolf was a gangster, and Thales, who had been a beggar, knew that most people who would join gangs had unfortunate encounters, and were begging for life in illegal activities every day. Little opportunity for a decent education.

But the next moment, under Thales' surprised gaze, Rolf gritted his teeth, leaned on crutches with difficulty, lowered his mutilated body, and turned towards the short and thin Thales...

Bow deeply.

Thales sighed:

"Okay, I have truly received your thank you."

Rolf raised his head, trembling, and looked at Thales.

"What are your plans for the future? Is there anywhere else you can go? I don't really suggest that you go back to the Blood Bottle Gang..."

Rolf trembled slightly.

Back to the Blood Bottle Gang? Back to Big Sister... Back to Catherine's subordinates?

He looked at his legs, showing pain.

Moreover, there is Nekla...

Thinking of the enemy who stabbed him in the back, Rolf's eyes shot sharply.

A few seconds later, Rolf exhaled with his ability and shook his head sadly.

Thales looked at him steadily.

"Okay," the traverser smiled, "Then you can stay with me for now... I should be able to support you."

Rolf's eyes lit up.

This boy... In addition to being his savior, he also has a lot of background...

"Gilbert," Thales turned his head and looked at Earl Caso: "How long is it before we leave for Exeter?"

"It depends on the contact time of Raven to Dragon Clouds City, at least three days," Gilbert said with a smile, "at most one week, Your Highness."

"It should be enough."

Thales nodded, and then he looked at Rolf:

"In the past few days, during the day, you can come to my study."

Rolf showed a surprised expression.

There was a smile on the face of the boy who had always been confident and optimistic and asked him to choose "relief or struggle" in a desperate predicament:

"I'll teach you how to read and, by the way, how to speak with gestures."


The 31-year-old Janard, the captain of the city defense department of the Dongcheng District Police Department, collapsed in the dungeon of the Vinegrass Manor, panting heavily.

He was covered in bruises and was bound by heavy chains, unable to move.

But there was a voice in his heart telling him that he must never...never open his mouth.

No matter how the subordinates of these great nobles tortured and beat him, no matter how they threatened and lured him...

No matter how much they wanted to know, what was the origin of the cavalry that appeared outside the Mancao Manor in Dongcheng District that night?

He had to grit his teeth.

After the state meeting ended, Gennard took off the task of maintaining order in Xingju Square. Only on the next morning,

His superior brought a group of security officers to Dongcheng District, where he was on duty.

In front of him and all his soldiers, the superior read out Genard's charges: someone reported him for taking bribes while on duty in the East City District.

Genard immediately sighed.

It's not because this is a false accusation, but because, in Dongcheng District, it has long been a recognized custom and custom to collect tips from nobles. Every soldier of the city defense team, and even the police officers, will collect such tips. Well, the police department also knows it well—they will take a commission every time, and get oil and water—this is the only extra money that Genard can get for his meager-paid team members.

Why, alone, would he be reported? His soldiers were also shocked.

But Genard, who has been in Dongcheng District for nearly twelve years, how could he not know that he probably offended a big shot.

With ten security officers staring at him, Genard had only time to treasure and maintain himself for twelve years. The sword that he was reluctant to part with—it was the sword that the Duke of Xinghu looked at him after he retreated in the Walla Corridor. Unarmed, so he unwrapped the gift handed to him ("Take this for the flour in your hand, because of you, at least we have a good meal to eat." - John Duke), with nine pointed The emblem of the star - handed it to a young man in the team who he was most optimistic about, he was locked with his hands and feet, covered his head, put on a carriage, and came to a manor.

The carriage twisted and turned, but Gennard had patrolled Dongcheng District for more than ten years. When he was a soldier, he had not lost the habit of observing and recording roads in the Starlight Legion. How could he not recognize it? This is him. The vine manor of the Calvin Dill family, which is patrolled three times a day?

A group of people who looked like they were soldiers tortured Genard for two full days.

Not for anything else.

Just to find out, that group of cavalry, that group of cavalry who broke into Dongcheng District at night, and possibly even broke into the Calvin Dill's Vinegrass Manor...

What exactly is it.

But Genard couldn't say.

He can't say.

Not for anything else.

Just for that group of cavalry, they... come from the... Canxing royal family under the banner of Nine Pointed Star.

That is John's nine-pointed star, the nine-pointed star of the Duke of Xinghu, the nine-pointed star of the Starlight Legion, and the nine-pointed star under whose flag the ignorant Genard once worked hard and fought tirelessly.

How many comrades of his are there!

Twelve years ago, he wandered numbly on the land ravaged by war. In the cold, hunger, pain, and suffering, he saw murder, arson, rape, and robbery every day in a daze.

Until Genard foolishly entered the city, and at the moment when he was dizzy from hunger, he walked toward the conscription office in a foolish manner.

Until I met the Duke, the humorous, confident, optimistic, and approachable Duke of Xinghu, and his Starlight Legion.

A nineteen-year-old peasant boy who was often bullied, stupid, and unable to survive, learned unity and cooperation for the first time, learned selfless sacrifice for the first time, and was recognized and appreciated for the first time. It was the first time he was taught to read and write, the first time he raised his sword and shouted for victory, the first time he sang around the bonfire, and the first time he made up his mind to die for his comrades.

Also, for the first time, he realized that there are more important things in the world than having enough food and living.

There, he felt that he was more like a human being than a savage beast who only cared about foraging for food.

The Duke's Starlight Legion, the Duke's personal guard, is his home, his destination, his everything, the place where he thought he would fight his whole life in the future.

Until Suo Dala's tragedy, until that shameful and hateful betrayal, until that despicable sneak attack, until that cowardly and lowly backstabbing.

Until the Duke lay peacefully among all the personal guards, amidst the remorseful and angry cries of the entire legion, he warned them to "take care of themselves", then smiled with tears and closed his eyes for a long time.

This is all theirs, their personal guards' fault, and their personal guards' sins.

If we had found out earlier...if I had reacted faster...the duke wouldn't...our family wouldn't...

So, when the soldiers of the noble family insulted, questioned, beat and threatened him disdainfully, and asked Genard to tell the identity of the cavalry who also belonged to the nine-pointed star.

Genard felt that his own tenacity, gritting his teeth and persevering, responding in silence, even being bruised all over his body and dying—all were a kind of atonement.

At least in this way, it can make his heart feel better after twelve years of guilt, remorse, and self-blame, and allow him to repay some of his guilt and regret during the twelve years of lifelessness and insensitivity.

This is all for his former "home", for the duty of the Duke's personal guard that he always remembers even though he is no longer there.

"My master just wants to confirm something," the gray-haired old man asked him calmly outside the cell door again:

"About the identities of those cavalrymen—that's all, I swear on my master's honor, he is not going to do harm to those cavalrymen."

Genard gritted his teeth.

"Who will see your persistence? Similarly, no one will see your weakness. Just give us a little information—even a little bit, and no one will know."

Genard continued to grit his teeth.

"We know you must know something—your soldiers say they don't have flags and insignias, so, is it someone you know? A former comrade in arms? A deadly friendship?"

Genard still gritted his teeth.

The grizzled old man sighed and left the dungeon.

Genard loosened his teeth, gasped, and fell limply to the ground.

He survived again.

But in a place he didn't know, Ashford, the old steward of the Kevin Dill family, came to the upper floor of the Weed Manor and respectfully bowed to his young master, the guardian Duke of the South Bank, Jan Caven Dier road:

"I've already asked. Those cavalrymen are from Canxing's family."

Zhan En turned around from the window full of blood, with a playful expression:

"I thought, he's always kept silent?"

"Some things can be asked without the other party asking," Ashford said expressionlessly: "Jenard was born in the Starlight Legion, and was even the personal guard of the Star Lake Duke John Canxing, who is the God of War Star Star himself. After Sonia Sutherley disbanded the original Starlight Legion, as one of the people who did not want to go north to Broken Dragon Fortress, she retired and came to the security hall."

Zhan En's eyes turned, thoughtful.

Ashford nodded slightly: "It can be seen that he is an excellent and tough soldier—if there is anything about that group of cavalry that keeps him from speaking, it must have something to do with his service experience."

"I speculate that, with his rich experience in the military and combat, he has seen through the origins of those cavalry without banners and banners—out of the affection of his colleagues in the Starlight Legion who were also born in Starlight, he insisted on fighting for those cavalry. People keep secrets."

Jen looked at his old housekeeper for several seconds.

Finally, he sighed:

"So, the only person who fits the description should be Canxing's private soldier from Mindis Hall—and that new prince, he went back to Mindis Hall directly and blatantly after yesterday."

"The secret treasure of Mindis hall is missing?"

Zhan En shook his head and chuckled lightly:

"Hmph, I'm afraid the so-called secret treasure that disappeared in Mindis Hall before is the new prince! Nekla caught that brat and brought him to Mancao Manor... So they just broke in and robbed people secretly."

"Did you know, Ashford, we have held the fate of the kingdom in our hands twice, twice!" Zhan En raised his head and closed his eyes tightly: "In the end, he escaped."

Ashford bowed his head indifferently and remained silent.

half an hour.

"Heal the wounded soldier of the Starlight Legion." Zhan En said coldly.

Ashford raised his gaze, puzzled.

"You know, that brat, I owe him one, no matter what..." Zhan En clenched his fists and said with fire in his eyes: "And I don't want to hesitate when I attack him."

Zhan En turned around and left the bloody manor without hesitation.

"You know what, my lord."

Behind him, Ashford showed a mysterious smile: "You are becoming more and more like an old man."

Without looking back, Zhan En replied disdainfully:

"Then he was as stupid as he was, plotted against by his relatives, without anyone noticing, and got his throat cut in his bedroom?"

Ashford shook his head slightly and sighed deeply.

He lowered his head and reported another matter:

"My lord, news from the Emerald City...Miss Hilley..."

Ashford looked at his master's face, hesitant to speak.

Zhan En's footsteps stopped.

The young Duke took a deep breath, as if he was preparing for something.

"Tell me," he said in a cold tone, "My twelve-year-old, cute and stupid sister, did something inexplicable again."

After hearing the words, Ashford bowed deeply, and said cautiously:

"Miss Hilley, under the escort of Lord Cassian, went to the Principality of Sera five days ago - none of her subordinates dared to stop her."

Jen turned his head and looked at Ashford.

"Sera? After the assassination of the Grand Duke, the Principality of Sera was torn apart?" He showed a puzzled look, frowned and said, "That place is the closest, isn't there a plague?"

"It is said that she is going to help the people suffering from the plague," Ashford bowed lightly: "But I suspect that she has found out about that organization."

That organization?

Zhan En's face suddenly turned as cold as frost and snow, and his face twitched, as if thinking of something unbearable.

until he broke out violently.

"Isn't it enough that she killed her own parents!"

The Duke's voice was full of anger and hatred: "What kind of disaster do you want to bring back to Kevin Dill, to this home!"

Ashford didn't speak.

Ten seconds later, Zhan En let out a sharp breath.

After all, he waved his sleeves.

"Send more people to ensure her safety." Zhan En closed his eyes tightly, gritted his teeth, and said ruthlessly: "And...to keep her identity a secret, absolutely, absolutely, never leaked..."

His voice trembled, and he used three absolutes.

Ashford nodded lightly, and left the hall of the manor before the Duke in an understanding manner.

After the butler's figure disappeared, Zhan En trembled and held on to the pillar.


He punched hard and hit the pillar!

Afterwards, Duke Iris leaned his head deeply against the pillar.

He exhaled painfully.

The previous negligence and failure... no second time allowed...

I can't fall down.

Can't fall down!

I must become king.


Only by becoming the Supreme King...

Only the power to control the entire Star Kingdom...

Otherwise... Xi Lai...

In this world, who else can protect you?

To protect...you like that?


Mindis hall, cellar.

"Congratulations, my ally, Your Highness Thales, the second prince." A vampire over 400 years old, a refugee from the Kingdom of the Night, Loli Serena with silver hair and red eyes looked at Tire with a complicated expression. s.

"The cheers at Xingju Square can be heard clearly here."

"This is a bit exaggerated...the distance from Xingju Square to here..." Thales narrowed his eyes and said helplessly.

"In short, our covenant is one step closer."

Serena didn't blush (Thales doubts: does she really have the attribute of "blushing"?) interrupted him, and then said: "Now, when Li can be crowned king, come and help me regain the throne Don't worry, I will do my best to help Li."

Under the unextinguished lights, Thales' face turned pale for a while.

Help me with all your strength?

This is said—as if I am not the only heir to the kingdom, and if you don't help me, I won't be able to inherit the kingdom.

On the contrary - her competitor and opponent, that "cryer" from Kingdom of the Night, Queen of the Night...

Thales only felt that his head was big.

He spat from the bottom of his heart: An old hag who is careful in planning and taking advantage of everything.

I'm crowned, you reset?

Old hag, can we change the order?

But he still didn't express his complaints.

"In that case, you should have heard of it." Thales coughed dryly, "I'm going to Exeter in the near future."

Serena nodded, revealing a mysterious smile.

This short-lived kid.

Do you think I don't know what you're planning?

"Before I leave, I will entrust you to...uh, father..." Thales carefully considered his words.

"I'll walk with you."

Tire continued to nod his head, thinking about the next wording: "...you are at least a political figure of a country, and he will definitely not neglect..."

"I only follow inside."

Thales' voice gradually became weaker.

"What?" He frowned and asked in doubt.

"I said, I want to be with you," Serena smiled. This person looks like six or seven years old (hey, wasn't he only five or six years old when I saw it last time? Didn't he grow up a bit? - Thales ) girl with red pupils, opened her leaky mouth and said, "We still have a blood supply clause once a month, don't we?"

Thales sighed in his heart.

"Besides, of course allies can't be too far apart—I still need to ensure the safety of Li."

The traverser rolled his eyes again.

Staying with me - to ensure your own safety!

What he was most worried about happened.

However, at this moment, Gilbert's voice came from outside the door:

"Good day, all three...Mr. Corleone, Mr. Corleone, and Miss Corleone...are really conscientious—Jorah, relax."

Immediately, there was a knock on the door outside the cellar.

"I'm sorry to disturb your discussion, Your Highness Thales, Your Highness Corleone." Earl Caso's voice came through the door:

"But... sooner than expected... Exeter's reply arrived."