
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 12 Queen, Princess and Destiny (2)

"No, don't go so fast," Keya stood up with a surprised expression: "By the way, he hasn't seen his brother or sister yet!"

Thales' heart trembled.


Jinny said loudly, her tone full of——panic?

But Queen Keya just turned her head and walked towards the big bed in the distance.

"With a younger brother, Lydia and Luthor will be very happy..."

Thales finally realized that something was wrong in this room.

His pupils suddenly dilated.

I saw the gentle and considerate Queen Keya hugged out of the bed...

Two rag dolls.

Jinny's face was pale.

"Look, Luther, this is your younger brother Thales, hurry up and say hello!"

Keya happily teased the doll in her left hand, raised its hand, and waved it towards Thales, showing a happy smile.

Thales frowned.

Keya happily said, while lifting the doll on the right, and supporting its head to Thales.

"And you, Lydia, sit down—don't be naughty anymore, call brother!"

Keya's own right hand was still shaking vigorously, as if the doll in her arms was struggling violently.

It was an extremely weird scene.

Thales' breathing became disordered.

Could it be...

The traveler looked at this beautiful and luxurious queen in disbelief, playing with the two dolls in his arms with a happy face.

This... this is...

"Enough, Keya!"

Jine walked forward with short breaths. The first thing she did was to pull Thales back.

But Queen Keya's complexion quickly changed.



Keya looked at the doll in her arms, then at Thales, her expression suddenly became strange, and her tone became flustered:

"Why, Luther, you—you don't have your brother, Thales Gao?"

Thales gritted his teeth and took a step back.

The next moment, Keya seemed to have seen something unbelievable, and his face became terrified and panicked.


The doll in her right hand fell off slightly, but Queen Keya didn't seem to notice it.

She just looked at the doll in her left hand with an uncomfortable expression, and she wanted to cry.

"I see." Keya looked at the doll sadly and desperately: "The reason why you have become shorter is because you are less...less..."

"Go!" Jine gritted her teeth and said to Thales, "You go first."

But Thales was already in a daze.

I saw Keya holding the doll tightly with both hands.

A second later, Keya began to cry in pain, while saying something that made Thales' hair stand on end:


"Luther...head...head...you are missing a head!"

"Luther, where is your head? Where is your head?"

"Ah? Your head... fell off?"

Keya raised her face full of tears, yelled in panic, and lay down all over, looking around and groping: "Quick! Quick! We have to get your head back!"

Thales felt his scalp tingle as he watched.

Ji Ni stepped forward, hugged Queen Keya, and stabilized her trembling.

"You!" Keya looked at Ji Ni suddenly, her eyes widened: "Did you see, did you see my Luther's head?"

"It's about this big..."

"Round and round...will roll..."

"There are two eyes..."

Thales looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

Keya struggled violently,

Waving his arms wildly!

"No! Don't stop me! I want to protect him! Protect Luther! My son!"

Ginny gritted her teeth, and dragged her desperately towards the bed.

At this moment, Thales' arm was gently grabbed by a hand behind him.

Thales was shocked!

Still in shock, he suddenly turned his head!

It was a stranger who held his arm.

It was a long-haired lady in a black robe and a velvet shawl.

This lady in black has a handsome face, but her face is sad.

Thales panted, and finally calmed down.

The lady in black with long hair pulled her arm and said softly:

"It's okay, let's go out first."

Thales was puzzled, and turned his head to look at Jini, who was trying to subdue Queen Keya.

"Thals!" Jinny gritted her teeth and shouted:

"It's good that I'm in charge here, you and Her Highness the Princess go out first, get out quickly!"

your Highness?

But Thales didn't think much, and was pulled out of the room by the long-haired velvet lady.

Behind him, Keya struggled harder and yelled frantically: "Guards! Guards! Quick!"

"There are assassins! Assassins!"

The velvet lady pulled Thales with a livid face, and walked out quickly.

Only behind him, Keya's hysterical voice came from afar.

On both sides, from time to time, there were maids and servants with calm faces rushing towards Keya's room.

It seems that he is used to such scenes.

Ke Ya's screams were still in his ears.

"Woo woo woo—my Luther—no! Don't!"

"Your head... woo woo... Why can't you put it back on! Why can't you put it back together! Why does it always fall off! Why!"

"Stick it! Just stick it together! Luther? Right?"

Thales just walked forward with a pale face.

He felt that what happened behind him was too cruel.

He dared not face it.

It wasn't until Keya's voice disappeared far behind that the two of them stood still in a corridor.

With lingering fear in his heart, Thales looked behind him.

"I'm sorry." The velvet lady in black with long hair said softly, "Usually, Keya's seizures don't happen so quickly."

Thales stared blankly at the back.

Doubts slowly began to emerge in his heart.

Thales raised his head and looked at the lady.

"Back then, when Luthor and Lydia—my brother and sister were assassinated," Thales said with difficulty: "The queen and Ms. Jiny—were all there, did you witness it with your own eyes?"

After a few seconds of silence, the lady in black velvet showed sadness in her eyes:


She said slowly:

"That day, His Royal Highness Luther was arrested on the spot..."

The velvet lady closed her eyes tightly. In the memory, she breathed poorly and said:

"Jinie and I rushed over when we heard the sound, but we both came too late."

"It is said that his head rolled under the bed..."

"Princess Lydia was taken away, and Ji Ni snatched a horse and chased her out. I ran to notify the guards, leaving the frightened Keya alone in the room."

Thales let out a deep breath.

He suddenly had an answer in his mind.

I see.

He was assassinated on the way to Fuxing Palace that day.

Ji Ni's abnormal reaction...even alarmed her in advance, it wasn't an assassin who came after me.

Is this the reason?

They have all experienced... such a scene?


"But you don't need to be afraid, Thales," the velvet lady in black with long hair smiled gently at him:

"...Queen Keya, she has been like this for many years."

"When she was awake, she was always hysterical and full of resentment," the velvet lady said with emotion. "When she was ill, she was quiet and peaceful. She only felt that Luther and Lydia were still by her side, bouncing around and playing..."

The lady's expression gradually became desolate and miserable:

"After the tragedy happened that year, the palace was in chaos. Even King Eddie and His Royal Highness Midil were arrested...the guards were so nervous that they drew their swords when they saw anyone...so no one cared about this place, and the servants all fled."

"Only Keya hugged the prince's body tightly and refused to let go... It is said that she locked herself in the room..."

"I was forcibly isolated by the guards in the safe house... The panicked nobles closed the Fuxing Palace and locked the Eternal Star City... It will be two weeks before His Majesty Kessel takes control of the kingdom and stabilizes the situation." Ms. Sighing, drooping his forehead.

Thales sighed softly.

"For two weeks, Keya stayed in the room tightly, weeping with his arms around the dead Prince Luther, and living on the water in the vase..."

"You know, two weeks have passed, and the prince's body has become..."

Following the lady's description, Thales tried to imagine the scene at that time, and suddenly shuddered.

"Two weeks later, they broke open the door, and we saw Keya, who was dying and almost fainted, and in her arms..."

The lady let out a long sigh, her face was full of fear:

"That scene is like a nightmare."

Thales swallowed his throat, not daring to imagine anymore.

For the Canxing royal family...

The Year of Blood...

Is this the scene?

Born for the stars—is that the price?


It wasn't until Thales suddenly realized that he raised his head and looked suspiciously at the velvet lady in front of him.


Just now, Jinny called her—

your Highness?

Judging by her age, she should not be Kessel's daughter, so the princess refers to...

However, the youngest daughter of the former king, the youngest sister of King Kessel V, the eldest princess Constance Canxing, was not what I saw in Canxing's tomb...

Thales had doubts in his heart.

"So, are you...?" Thales asked cautiously.

"Oh, the title 'Princess' must have confused you." The velvet lady understood Thales' embarrassment and bowed her head in embarrassment:

"My surname is not Canxing, and I'm not a real princess," I saw this "princess" shaking her head slightly:

"I'm just the adopted daughter of His Majesty the late king, so I'm your half-aunt."

Thales opened his mouth wide in surprise.

"I'm Iris Sola, younger than Constance," Princess Iris smiled lightly, with a charming dimple on her face: "But I'm not qualified to be named Canxing... Sola , which is my husband's last name."

Half... aunt?

Why hasn't anyone mentioned it before?

"Excuse me, your husband is..." Thales mechanically said.

"Earl Sola... the honorary earl of the late king," Alice sighed after hearing the words, "Just passed away a month ago."


No wonder, it's the black clothes... Are you still mourning?

"A month ago? The Honorable Earl passed away?" Thales asked suspiciously, "Is it a disease..."

But Thales realized that he was a little rude, and quickly bowed and apologized: "I'm sorry, Aunt Alice, I took the liberty."

Princess Alice was taken aback for a moment, then smiled wryly and said, "No, there's nothing to hide..."

Just listen to the former king's adopted daughter, Princess Alice, saying word by word:

"He died in the big explosion in the center of Hongfang Street a month ago."

Red Square Street...

big Bang?

Thales froze for a moment.

Could it be...

"It was the night when the gangsters merged in the lower city and the West Ring District." Alice said plaintively.


That's right.

It was me, Yoddle, and Ashida, who caused the explosion.

Guilt suddenly flooded into my heart.

Thales exhaled.

"He, your husband," Thales suppressed the discomfort in his heart, and asked slowly, "Why was he on Red Square Street that night?"

It was obviously a curfew that night, wasn't it?

But Alice obviously didn't know much, so she sighed:

"We don't have a good relationship. My husband... likes to go to Hongfang Street to have sex... A few days before his death, I went there to look for him and had a big fight. He didn't come back for three days..."

"But I didn't expect it to be the last time."

Alice closed her eyes, shook her head and sighed.

She pulled the goose down on her shoulders to keep warm.

But at this time Thales suddenly shrank his pupils!

That velvet... looks familiar.

Goose down...


Red Square Street...

A few days before the big bang...

Looking for a husband... arguing...

Could it be...

Thales was shocked!

He looked at Aunt Alice's face again.

This time, my aunt's delicate face completely overlapped with the one I remembered from a long time ago.

It's been so long that I almost forgot about it.


is her.

It's that velvet noblewoman.

Thales stared blankly at the princess aunt.

That day, it was her.

It was she, dressed in velvet, and led twenty finisher swordsmen. On Red Square Street, she encountered Thales who ventured out to beg on the blood bottle gang's territory.

It was her who gave alms to the disheveled Thales on the street, twelve coppers and... one silver coin.

It's just that Thales has changed so much that even she might not be able to recognize him. The second prince Thales in front of him is actually the same person as the beggar Thales a month ago.

Thales touched his chest.

There, it was the scar burned by Quaid with that silver coin.

It was because of that charity that Kelya, who was seriously ill, survived typhoid fever.

Because of that charity, Ned informed Quaid.

Because of that charity...I...the beggars...Quaid...Yara...Red Square Street...

It was precisely because of that charity... that everything that happened later...

Thales sighed deeply.

"What's wrong?" Princess Alice looked at Thales with a complicated face strangely.

"No, nothing."

Thales raised his head and showed a respectful smile.

This aunt suddenly became much more cordial in his eyes.

"I just saw my relatives, and I feel a little emotional."

The smile of Ashida Sakorn reappeared in front of his eyes.

This is what you said, by chance.

Or is it—the strong Kessel in front of Thales's eyes, the lonely figure in the royal cemetery—fate?


Downtown, underground shopping mall, sunset bar.

"Cut it off."

"Just treat it as a piece of wood."

"Abandon useless feelings and principles, and become a real Surreyton!"

"Cut it off!"



Yala Sariton suddenly woke up from her nightmare!

She rolled over from the bed, panting heavily.

She remembered that after the three beggars were taken away, she knelt in the sunset bar and couldn't get up for a long time.

until he lost consciousness.

And now...

"It's really ugly."

On the other side of the bed, in the corner of the room, came a very familiar voice from Yala.

"Do you have that nightmare every time you are stimulated?"

Yala exhaled fiercely:

"old man."

"When did you come back."

She closed her eyes and lay back on the bed.

But that voice didn't mean to answer her:

"Yara Sarriton, if you can't look back and face the fear of the year, then you will always be a weakling."

Yala opened her eyes, then pursed her lips, turned her body to face the wall, and turned a deaf ear to the old guy's words.

"Even Rhoda can overwhelm you so that you have no strength to fight back... It's a pity that those two murderous knives..."

Yala thought of the three abducted beggars, and Kolya's heartbreaking entreaties.

[Sister Yala...]

She closed her eyes tightly, suppressing the tears in her eyes.

But the old guy's words still came: "A scar locked you up like this, and you are no different from that Quaid...Back then..."

Nightmarish memories struck.

Yala couldn't take it anymore, turned over and got up, and shouted angrily at the corner:


"Don't remind me again!"

The old guy laughed heavily:

"Hehehe... remind you what?" The old guy continued to laugh at her: "Hmph, look, you're too scared to even mention it..."

There was a "ding", which startled Yala.

She knew that it was the sound of the old guy flicking the blade with his fingers.

Although a little weak, Yala stood up unhappily.

"Hmph, it sounds like as soon as I mention it, I will immediately become an extreme master."

"Who knows," the old guy said mysteriously, "but if you keep running away, you won't be able to reach the limit... What happened yesterday will still happen again."

"The surname Surriton will still imprison you like a curse, forever and ever."

"Do you really want that man's nightmare to rule the rest of your life?"

"Or do you want to experience your own powerlessness and weakness again?"

Yala opened her mouth and took two deep breaths.

"It's not difficult," she gritted her teeth, "It's just that."

"Oh?" The old guy's voice fluctuated a bit: "What's the matter?"

Yala twisted her face, and the stone room appeared in front of her eyes.


She began to tremble.


Darkness and blood spread before her eyes like a tide.


Her teeth began to chatter.


She could hardly breathe.


Can't recall...

But the next moment, a small figure appeared in front of her eyes.

It was a brat with black hair and gray eyes, with scars all over his body, and he looked at her resolutely and said:

"I'm going alone."

Yala opened her eyes and took a breath of air.

In the brain, go back to that stone room.

She trembled and said:

"Twelve years ago, in Fuxing Palace..."

Cold sweat oozes from her head.

"Ding!" In the air, there was the sound of the old guy flicking the blade.

The old guy said coldly: "Speak."

Yala gritted her teeth, her complexion getting worse and worse.

"My first time, my first mission..."

Yala's whole body began to tremble uncontrollably.

But yesterday flashed before her eyes, the scene of Rhoda holding her knife with a calm face and taking away three beggars.

That was... Kolia's pleading eyes.


Yala shivered and felt nauseated.


Yala felt that some liquid was flowing out of her eyes.


Everything in front of my eyes turned bright red...so...scary...

Yala muttered, her lips couldn't touch each other.

At this moment.

It's the old guy's binge drinking!


Yala was shaken all over.

What followed was a silver light rushing towards her!


A wolf-leg knife was firmly nailed to the wall half an inch away from Yala's left ear.

Yala was shocked!

All the scenes, characters, sounds, and colors that day were clearly reproduced in front of my eyes!

"That day, I—"

With her eyes glazed over, she couldn't help shouting loudly:

"I chopped off a baby's head alive!"

After yelling these words, Yala gasped for breath, feeling that all the strength in her body was leaving her.

Twelve years.

She shouted out.

She finally shouted out.


Yala trembled, knelt down on the ground, covered her mouth, suppressed the nausea and nausea, and cried bitterly.

From the corner, the old guy's voice came faintly:

"Now, pick up your knife."

"Your own knife."

"Not Surryton's knife."