
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 9 The Alliance of Two Kings

Renaissance Palace.


A hasty voice came from outside the door.

That was the sound of high-heeled leather boots hitting the stone ground.


The heavy door of the dormitory was slammed open!

"What's wrong with you!"

An angry and refreshing female voice came loudly.

The maid sweeping aside was so frightened that she hurriedly lowered her head and hurried towards the door.

From the corner of her eyes, she caught a glimpse of His Majesty's lover, a first-class court lady, a former lady of the king's capital, a legendary security officer, and Ginny Barkwell, whose wonderful and ups and downs of life stories could be written into a book of bards.

This heroic court lady stepped into the room angrily at this moment, and yelled loudly at King Kessel V who was in front of the windowsill:

"Do you want to murder your own son that much!"

In front of the window, looking at the king of all living beings under the Fuxing Palace, King Kessel V Canxing slowly turned around:

"As a king, I must do this."

"That's all."

The majestic voice replied like this.


A loud slap sounded from behind!

The maid didn't dare to dawdle any longer, and exited the room dripping with cold sweat.

"He's not only a prince, but also your bloodline—not the mastermind behind the destruction of the Canxing royal family and the Star Kingdom!" Ji Ni was furious, and she didn't have the slightest sense of slapping the Star Supreme King just now.

King Kessel V touched his slapped cheek and was in a trance for a while.

The past appeared in front of his eyes, the heroic and amazing "time-limited security officer".

And their first meeting.

That's also a slap in the face, isn't it?

But the Supreme King still came back to his senses, and said calmly, "What a coincidence, Yordle said similar things to that boy."

"That boy?" Ji Ni looked at the king in disbelief: "That's your only son!"

"Yeah, my only son." With complex eyes flashing in Kessel's eyes, he took a deep breath and exhaled slowly: "So I have chosen the best path for him - the trials that an heir to a kingdom must endure ."


Ji Ni struggled between her brows, looking at the strong man in front of her.

"I haven't experienced real hell." King Kessel V took a deep breath, with a chill in his eyes: "How can he be qualified to be a real king?"

Ji Ni was shocked.



Jinny sighed deeply: "K, there are some things... we have to learn to get used to and even... forget."

The king sneered expressionlessly: "Really."

He took a step forward and looked directly at Ji Ni: "I heard from Gilbert that you encountered an assassin on the way to the Fuxing Palace."

"Can you really get used to or even forget those things?"

Ji Ni was shaken all over, and looked at Kessel complicatedly.

Ji Ni raised her trembling hand, put it on Kessel's shoulder, stroked his red and swollen face, and said painfully and desolately:

"K, you can't live in the past forever."

She gritted her teeth lightly and said:


King Kessel V shuddered all over. Looking at Jini's watery eyes and pleading eyes, he felt sore in his heart.

"The past has become history," he replied silently, "All I see is the future."




Ji Ni gritted her silver teeth lightly, and a young and cute boy appeared in front of her eyes.

Her eyes were sour, and she almost burst into tears.

The king looked at Jine's appearance and unconsciously clenched his fists.

"As for that man... Thales," the king gritted his teeth and closed his eyes cruelly: "You don't have to worry about him,

I will prepare everything for him, everything a bright star needs. "

"He will never...will not be the next Lydia or Luther..."

Jinny's hands trembled.

She lowered her head slightly, revealing a desolate smile.

"You know, in the past twenty years, I have experienced countless interrogations and seen countless eyes." She gently wrapped her arms around Kessel's waist and snuggled into the king's broad embrace.

The court lady said desolately: "You Canxing, whether it is Midril or Horace, or King Eddie, their eyes are always full of vigilance, world-weariness and struggle, whether they are facing the world or themselves. But now ..."

Leaning on the king's chest, she continued with a painful expression, "After that year, your eyes have the same color."

When Kessel heard the names of his two elder brothers and the former king, his eyes were full of sadness.

"But his eyes are different, I can feel that he is different from each of you—"

"Even though it's so unusual for a seven-year-old boy..."

The king sighed: That's because that boy hasn't experienced what he experienced...

Ji Ni said silently: "Even if his mother... is that kind of existence."

At that moment, Ji Ni could feel that the robust body she was leaning on froze suddenly.

"Don't worry, Jini," the king hugged Jini tightly, gritted his teeth, and said in pain, "He'll be fine..."

"He'll be safe."

"He will survive."

"He is not only a descendant of Canxing, but also a descendant of the imperial family, and even the son of that woman—not to mention mere Exeter, even in hell, he can grit his teeth and live!"


"Kill me, avenge Prince Moral, and eliminate King Nun's hatred—that's what His Majesty said, right?"

Thales walked to the hall on the first floor, watched Gilbert gesture to the back kitchen, and continued:

"From this point of view, Exeter seems to be a very dangerous place. After all, we have the old grudge of the "Fortress Peace Treaty", and there have been incidents such as the assassination of the mission. The only person who died is the only son and heir of their joint king. , King Nun is in a fit of rage, and the lords of Exeter are also salivating over our territory, and in this case—the Prince of Stars is simply like a sheep in the mouth of a tiger."

Thales breathed a sigh of relief: "But will my current situation be better than that of Exeter in the future?"

Gilbert was slightly taken aback.

"As the only heir of Canxing, I was born to oppose the major lords, look at Nantriest, look at Kevin Dill, not to mention Arend who has just been imprisoned, after all, if something happens to me , they have a chance."

Thales walked up the steps, passing the portraits of the Three Star Kings, his eyes blank: "Before I appeared, their focus was on His Majesty, and after I appeared, I was destined to be the target of new students - even with the strength of the Fuxing Palace, it is impossible There is no way to ensure that I am safe and sound. There is a saying in the Far East: 'A spear in the front is easy to dodge, but a cold arrow in the back is difficult to defend'."

"But in comparison, the lords of Exeter may want to take advantage of the stars, and may look at me displeased, but they are by no means to the extent of killing me—on the contrary, no matter who is stained with the blood of Prince Stars , are destined to become the target of public criticism. The entire star will be against it: the loyal ones want to avenge the royal family, and the careerists want to gain the title of righteousness."

"Exter adopts a king election system. Ten grand dukes elect the next co-king king at the king election meeting after the death of each co-king king, who will rule for life-every grand duke has a chance, every The Grand Dukes are also competing with each other, and when it comes to the degree of division, Exeter is even more severe than the stars."

"The stars may not be strong enough to match Exeter, but under the temptation of the crown, it is more than enough to crush a certain Exeter lord together, and other Exeter lords must be happy Stand by and watch your rivals at the Kingsmoot sink."

"In the words of the Far East, I am like a hot potato. No matter which lord of Exeter, if I am in their territory, not only cannot harm me, but for the sake of their own interests, the lords will do their best to protect me. I."

Gilbert raised his eyebrows.

It seems that I am really superstitious. After all, after spending so many days together, it can be seen that His Highness is mature and stable, and he is not a person who will cause people to worry.

"In this way, the only thing I have to worry about in Exeter is King Nunn."

Thales walked into the study, watched the guards bring in the lunch, and smiled at Gilbert, who obviously stretched his eyebrows: "However, what may be overlooked by many people is that when Prince Moral dies, At the time of the stars..."

"King Nuen is already destined to be me, an ally of our Canxing royal family."

Gilbert finally showed a smile.

Thales yawned, sat down on the chair in the study, pushed away the messy books and notes on the desk due to the night battle with lights last night, and continued to speak confidently:

"In the absence of a direct male heir, the stars allow female heirs to inherit their father's title, territory, and property—our Duchess of Blade Loop is such a person."

"But the women of Exeter have no right to inherit...Since the aging King Nunn has lost his only male heir, it means that the succession of Dragon Clouds City will be a problem, and the Walton family has no hope of going down. One-time king-choice: they are doomed to a period of decline."

"In this case, Exeter's war against the stars, or killing an equal heir like me, may be able to relieve King Nun's pain and hatred of losing his only son, but after he calms down, he will find— —that would only usher in the final ruin of their Walton family."

"The territories that can be acquired in wars or negotiations with the stars are all adjacent to the three Grand Dukes in the south of Exeter: the Grand Duke of Black Sand Land, the Grand Duke of Welland Land, and the Grand Duke of Reconstruction Tower—all of them are from the next king election meeting. The popular candidate. Even if the land obtained under such circumstances belongs to the Walton family as an enclave, because it is too close to the three grand dukes, it will be eroded by them one by one in the near future."

"That is to say, in the conflict between the stars and the dragon, as the biggest actual beneficiaries, the three grand dukes will only become stronger and stronger, and Walton, who has lost his direct heir, will only become stronger and stronger after King Nun. Weak—and finally perish."

"Under such circumstances, King Nun can only do his best to prevent the conflict between the stars and the dragon—whether it is war or negotiation—from happening, and prevent any piece of territory or resources of the stars from falling into the pockets of the three grand dukes in the south. Try to maintain the balance of power among the ten grand dukes in Exeter as much as possible, and ensure that the weakened Walton family will not fall step by step."

"Moreover, to divert the attention of the three grand dukes in the south and put pressure on them, there is something more suitable than Star Kingdom, a behemoth known as the 'Shield of the Western Continent', and a famous and powerful family like Canxing Royal Family. Allies? Take our Xingchen or Canxing family as natural allies, and ensure that we recover and become stronger, so as to ensure the survival of the Walton family and the next chance to choose a king."

"In this case, their interests and ours—the Walton family and the Canxing royal family's interests are unprecedentedly aligned."

"Walton and Canxing are already natural allies."

"Presumably, asking King Nunn to 'kill' me is just a means for the king to calm down the other party and scare the other party—after King Nunn's anger passes, the tacit understanding will be in the hands of King Nunn and King Kessel at the same time. Germination in the heart, no agreement, no oath, no negotiation, this is a natural covenant."

"Belonging to the Walton family of the Dragon Spear Banner in the Cloud, and the Canxing Family of the Nine-Pointed Star Banner—the 'Alliance of Two Kings'."

Thales sighed deeply: "The two human heroes of the End War, Nakaru and Tormund, their respective descendants, can only cooperate with unprecedented sincerity when the two countries are hostile like never before—— How ironic."


It can also be seen from this that in this world, which is obviously a feudal society, but has many unreasonable black technologies, the two feudal countries of Stars and Dragons are so immature. On the surface, the supreme ruler controls the country's diplomatic affairs And military power, in fact, in the life-and-death struggle with the local lords, they are walking on thin ice, step by step.

It's really pitifully rare and uncomfortably weak state autonomy (State_autonomy).

The traverser put away a piece of past memory, raised his head and continued:

"So, compared to the seemingly calm and dangerous Star Country, Exeter, which seems to be full of hostility but is actually safe and sound, is the best place for me to go—this is His Majesty's intention."

hope so.

Thales added a sentence in his heart.

After all...the expressionless king appeared in front of him...in the eyes of that king, I couldn't see any family affection.

He came back to his senses, smiled and said:

"Therefore, as the representative of the Canxing royal family, I may be tempted by King Nuen, may be made things difficult by villains, and may be ridiculed by the lords in Dragon Clouds City. I may even encounter conspiracies with different purposes from various forces, but I must be safer than being in the country..."

In the next second, Thales' eyes burst out with strong confidence and affirmation:

"So, I will definitely survive!"

Gilbert smiled lightly.

But then, he raised his head and said solemnly: "Since you think so, Your Highness, I have nothing to worry about—I came here today to discuss with you the candidates for the mission and your attendant."

Thales nodded.

"But before that—"

Gilbert bowed lightly: "Your Highness, there is someone who wants to see you."

"See me?" Thales raised his eyebrows just as he picked up the knife and fork.

At this time, do you want to see me?

"If you are interested in watching rare animals, come here especially, and hope to see the last Prince Canxing," Thales picked up a piece of potato indifferently, and bit it into his mouth: "Help me push it away—words Be polite, I've offended too many people."

But Gilbert shook his head:

"No, I think this person may be one of the few people who doesn't come to visit you because of your prince status—in fact, he has been living in the barracks behind to recuperate for more than a month."

"You mean..." Thales remembered something, and he raised his head in surprise.

The sound of "cracking", "cracking" came from outside the house.

Gilbert nodded and said with emotion: "With such a serious injury, he can only use a tube to eat, and even the doctors think he can't survive, but his will to survive is amazing, and our medicinal materials are never in short supply. ."

Gilbert gave up the door of the study to someone who came, and slightly sighed:

"Come in, this is the person you insist on seeing."

"The second prince of the Star Kingdom, His Royal Highness Thales Canxing."

Thales put down the knife and fork, and frowned.

The visitor had a thick bandage and wooden plank wrapped around his left hand, and he was also leaning on a pair of crutches. He was obviously not very skilled, and he was seen strenuously entering Thales' room one by one.

His throat was a mass of gnarled flesh and blood with terrible scars, and his legs only reached his knees.

Although his face was full of stubble, he was very thin, his hair was cut short, and the tattoos on his face were much lighter, but Thales recognized this at the first time. He once wept in despair, but now he was seriously injured Healed man.

The ghost following the wind.

Midilla Rolfe.