
Bloodborne Devils

1822. A man on the floor. He slowly crawled across the dirt floor. He was bleeding out. One of his arms was detached from the rest of his body. Tears slowly flowed from his eyes. That's when he noticed a tall young woman hobbling toward him. She spoke in a deep and cautious tone. "I will lend you my power, young man. It will allow you to live, and allow you to do things that humans can't even comprehend. She put her hand on the man's arm and smiled. A bright yellow light shone from the man's arm and turned into the fog when let out. The lady had already disappeared when the exchange was finished. The man yelled loudly. He couldn't understand what was happening to him. He asked for the lady's name as he saw she turn to the shadows. The lady laughed and tipped her hat. She only said one thing. "Kulia Kurazaki, and I am Bloodborne."

PJComix · Fantasy
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6 Chs


Kulas was floating in the air. The fire around him grew. Elvis had already exited the hut and was already running away. Suddenly, a large figure landed in front of Elvis, blocking his path. It was a demon with large limbs, a large and plump body and head, and dark red skin. "You think I can't take care of you?" Elvis yelped. "Don't worry, I'll make this quick!" Elvis lit up his fist and jumped toward the demon. He punched the demon's tough skin, but it was so large that he couldn't break through it. He instantly rebounded and fell to the floor. Meanwhile, Kulas' energy was slowing down. He had a glowing red aura around him, and he was calmer now. His nerves were relaxed. He had finally let go of all of his problems. "I'm not worried about her anymore…she died protecting me. Now, the only person that's left to avenge is the human race! If this keeps going on, Doran will eliminate the humans in just a few years!" The aura lit up the entire forest. Elvis noticed the bright light as he was rolling on the floor. Kulas' arms were covered in bright mist. He had burning bright red eyes that made him look like a demon himself. His skin was still peach, like before, but with a shade of pink added. Kulas sped through the entire forest and drove his foot into the demon's gut. "There's no way you can't just start a fire with pure energy…" Elvis muttered to himself. "It must've been the ring!" Kulas bounced off the demon and flipped onto his feet. The demon lifted one giant arm up and attempted to crush Kulas with it. Kulas dodged the demon's swift hit and started to back into the fire. Elvis snuck behind the demon and filled his arms with energy. He tapped the demon's tough shell and sent ripples throughout his body. "The weak point is his eyes!" Elvis shouted to Kulas. "A helpful trick, and a wise one too." Kulas thought to himself. He jumped in the air and began to run up the demon. He dodged the demon's swift attacks and jumped toward his head. Elvis ran up the demon's back and used ripples to poke holes into the demon. The demon was caught off guard, and this let Kulas prepare for an attack. Kulas forced his foot into the demon's eye, and a large shockwave cleared the forest around them when he did. The demon's head was gone. Smoke was rising from the demon's body. Kulas fell straight to the floor. "Where are these demons coming from?" Kulas said to Elvis. He began to think. "I think that news of Priest's death has started to spread!" Elvis responded while in the air. "There might've been a few pieces of him left, and maybe he still had a few rings around the place! Someone discovered it all!" The realization hit Kulas like a bullet. Elvis finally fell to the floor next to Kulas, and the demon's giant body fell over. Kulas smiled. "It's fine, even if Doran comes after us, we'll be able to hold him off for a little." Elvis threw his hands in the air. "You don't understand. I've had a few bouts with him, and he isn't at the same level he was at when you were younger! He is much more powerful, at least able to destroy a planet now! When you sent him into hiding all those years, he took that time to do everything he could to prevent you from succeeding in surpassing him, and it looks like he's still doing exactly that!" Kulas waved him away. "Try not to think about it too much." He said. Elvis brushed the dust off his hat and put it on, and a serious expression grew on his face. "Thinking is what I do, Kulas. Perhaps the greatest gift to animals, humans, and all living things is the mind, Kulas. Everything circles around the mind, and thinking is what keeps living things prepared for life." Kulas was tired of listening and sitting around. He stood up slowly and took Elvis' hat. He shook it gently. "What do you think you're doing?" Elvis sputtered. Kulas kept shaking the hat. When he was done, he put the hat back on Elvis' head. "You missed a spot, Elvis." He put his hand on Elvis' shoulder and lifted his other one into the air. "We're going to pay a visit to Doran..."