
Bloodborne Devils

1822. A man on the floor. He slowly crawled across the dirt floor. He was bleeding out. One of his arms was detached from the rest of his body. Tears slowly flowed from his eyes. That's when he noticed a tall young woman hobbling toward him. She spoke in a deep and cautious tone. "I will lend you my power, young man. It will allow you to live, and allow you to do things that humans can't even comprehend. She put her hand on the man's arm and smiled. A bright yellow light shone from the man's arm and turned into the fog when let out. The lady had already disappeared when the exchange was finished. The man yelled loudly. He couldn't understand what was happening to him. He asked for the lady's name as he saw she turn to the shadows. The lady laughed and tipped her hat. She only said one thing. "Kulia Kurazaki, and I am Bloodborne."

PJComix · Fantasy
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6 Chs


Kulas and Elvis walked toward the gates. The fire in their eyes burned brighter than a star, and the aura around them glowed more than it ever had. A tall, dark-skinned figure marched toward them. "Look over here, gentleman. We've got Tophat and Skinnyman!" The demon laughed in their faces. Kulas put his shoulder on Elvis quickly. He realized that he was shaking and pulled him away from the demon. Kulas and the demon pierced each other's souls with their eyes. The demon pulled the gates open and let the two in. Kulas was marching ahead of Elvis the entire walk. They noticed a large cave next to the place where most of the demons roam. A metal fence was built around the perimeter of Doran's base. Kulas walked up the steps leading to Doran's base and pulled the door open. His eyes widened, and his heart began to race. He felt the pressure of Doran's spirit engulf him. Elvis followed behind Kulas swiftly. The whole room was lackluster and messy. Trash, newspapers, and dead bodies filled the room. There was just one throne in the middle of the room. One throne. The man sitting on that throne was Doran. Kulas pushed through the pressure that twisted his stomach into knots and walked closer to Doran. "Doran...I've noticed that you've been sending demons to stop me and Elvis' training," Kulas muttered to the darkness. The demon had large spikes extending from his back. A mask covered the demon's face. It was painted with red stripes across the forehead and a singular black dot where the nose was supposed to be. Elvis' throat was dry and hoarse. He didn't utter a single word. The demon spoke in a powerful voice. "It's been too long, Kulas." Doran laughed a miserable laugh. Kulas began to revolt. Doran quickly stood up and lifted Kulas up by the neck. "Listen, Kulas. I don't fear the fact that you may become more powerful, and I'm not worried about your measly companionships or teammates. I could decimate you right now, and the same goes for everyone here. If every demon in these cities, every human in these cities, every supernatural creature challenged my being...I would still be able to win. I am superior to every being on this planet, Kulas. Even the animals of this earth that seem to hold incomprehensible abilities would lose to me! Kulas spit in Doran's face. A laugh. A single laugh was all that Doran acknowledged his anger with. Doran threw Kulas to the floor and kicked him in the gut. Every molecule in Kulas' body was screaming in agony. Doran kicked Kulas out of his palace and stared at Elvis. Kulas violently rolled across the dirt and stopped only when he hit a large tree. "You're the one that he's been training, hm? For someone that possesses such a small amount of energy, you sure learn quickly. You learned quite a lot of abilities, indeed?" Doran put his hand on Elvis' shoulder. "Don't feel compelled to quiver, child. Think about joining me sometime, alright? I can make you much more powerful than that rat ever will! Of course, I will give you time to think, but make a swift return when you can." And with that, he chucked Elvis out of the base and he landed in the tree Kulas had hit. Elvis was still shaking. Kulas looked up at him. One of the brambles had caught his hate, and it was shredded at the side now. Kulas held the hat in his hand and began to shake aswell. Not in fear, but in anger. He looked at Elvis and spoke in a large and powerful voice. "Elvis, we're going to burn this place down."