
Bloodborne Devils

1822. A man on the floor. He slowly crawled across the dirt floor. He was bleeding out. One of his arms was detached from the rest of his body. Tears slowly flowed from his eyes. That's when he noticed a tall young woman hobbling toward him. She spoke in a deep and cautious tone. "I will lend you my power, young man. It will allow you to live, and allow you to do things that humans can't even comprehend. She put her hand on the man's arm and smiled. A bright yellow light shone from the man's arm and turned into the fog when let out. The lady had already disappeared when the exchange was finished. The man yelled loudly. He couldn't understand what was happening to him. He asked for the lady's name as he saw she turn to the shadows. The lady laughed and tipped her hat. She only said one thing. "Kulia Kurazaki, and I am Bloodborne."

PJComix · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Finding Yourself

Kulas was thinking. He was thinking about a plan to defeat Doran, but not just that. The other day when he defeated Priest, he found a ring on his finger. The ring had the words "Kuma Dokage" engraved in the side, and it had a brightly shining red pearl on the top. Kulas turned to Elvis. He was sitting in the corner of their hut eating bread he found in the city. Kulas turned and started a conversation. "What do you think this ring is for?" Kulas muttered. He shook the ring violently, as if he was expecting something to come out. "I don't know, Kulas." He said. "Try doing something with the name on there." Kulas tapped the ring repeatedly. Nothing happened. As soon as he shook the ring another time, a rope of red lightning flew out. It lit up the entire hut. The ring forced itself onto Kulas' finger like an animal. "Are you ready to start training now," Elvis groaned. "I'm getting bored." Kulas tried to shake the ring off, but it was stuck like an adhesive. Kulas decided it was best to give up. Kulas jumped up and got in position. "I'm ready to fight, Elvis. Let's do this." Elvis used his aura to light the room up and prepared to fight as well. Elvis dodged Kulas' swift jab and jumped back. He kicked Kulas in the face, making him stumble back a few feet. Kulas jumped onto the wall and forced his energy out so that he could put pressure on Elvis. Elvis swept off the pain and leaped into the air. He kicked Kulas in the face, sending him straight to the ground. "You sure don't have the same abilities as me, because I'm a Bloodborne, and you only have a small bit of power that I gave you…so…how did you become so powerful?" Elvis crouched. "In this state, I'd say I'm stronger than you for a few minutes. I can't keep this energy up for very long, but it does help me defeat you." Kulas was fascinated. He launched loads of questions at him, but the only thing he said was "The only way to finding an extension of your power is by finding yourself." Elvis was now meditating. It took Kulas a few seconds to understand. "So I must let go of my trauma to find my true self?" Kulas said to Elvis. Elvis slowly nodded. "This should be easy!" Kulas shouted. He thought and thought. It wasn't as easy as he thought it would be. Kulas sat with Elvis and began to think. He thought all the way back to his childhood.

"Mom! Mommy! Can we go see the horse racing competition downtown?" Kulas said. His mother smiled. "Of course, dear." They walked in a pile of happiness. The joy flowed through their bodies and left large smiles on their faces. When they arrived at the competition, they noticed everything looked different. Blood was splattered on all of the signs, skulls filled every corner of the arena, and demons roamed the entire place. "Mom? Why does everything look so different?" The smile on Kulas' face was slowly turning into a frown. Tears flowed from his eyes. A tall and muscular demon walked out of all the flames and blood and smacked Kulas away. "Lady, what did I tell ya about coming here? Y'know this land belongs to the demons now! Doran will have you killed! I don't want to see you around here!" Kulas' mom let out a sorrowful wail and spoke with the demon. "Just this once…please…today is his birthday…" The demon was grumbling. He opened the gates and Kulas' mom picked him up. "We have to clean everything up every time you come here!" The demon said. "You better be responsible for cleaning, or I swear I-" the demon was abruptly cut off. Kulas watched as blood splattered the snow all around them. The demon's head slowly fell to the floor, and his body fell too. A figure covered by darkness. The figure grabbed Kulas' mom by the neck. Kulas was crying louder and louder each second he watched his mom getting abused. "Please…Doran…I just wanted to celebrate…h-his…b-birthday…" Kulas punched repeatedly, but his small hands were nothing to the demon. The demon kicked him away. "Kulia…this is the fourth time…I don't want to see you here anymore…for being such a special member…I'll let your pathetic kid live…but you…you must die." Kulas was shouting in the background. "Please! Let her go! Stop! Don't do this! Let her go you monster!" Kulas heard the snap of his mother's neck. He looked into her cold and lifeless eyes and began to sweat. Doran threw her aside. "Throw him in the caves." Doran muttered in his deep voice. Demons started to surround Kulas, and the only thing he could do was cry. Kulas noticed a large circle of red light leave Kulia's body. The energy flowed into Kulas' chest, and he felt a jolt of life push him back up. The ground quaked around him. The fire in the background burned brighter. Kulas remembered that day perfectly. A bright red light flowed around Kulas, just like that day. Kulas remembered that day perfectly. He began to tell the story to Elvis. The day he destroyed a country.