
Blood Plague

Morgana has released a plague on Camelot, not caring who dies if it means she will regain Camelot. With Merlin infected. Arthur is trying to do all he can to save him and his people. But little does he know that there are more forces working against him.

Venus_221B · TV
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15 Chs

Chapter 1

Merlin lay on his back, his eyes wide ringed with black circles- the result of a coughing fit that had plagued him all throughout the night. Oh, sure, he had tried countless times to sleep; but within moments of drifting off, another fit would overtake him as though waiting for the opportunity. To stop Gaius from overhearing- and becoming concerned, as he always did- Merlin did his best to muffle the noises, which inevitably only seemed to make things worse.

There a part of him that was beating himself up for not taking better care of himself. It came at a bad time since Arthur and Gwen were planning a celebration for the three years of peace.

While sitting up another coughing fit overtook him. The fit lasted for five minutes, once it stopped Merlin fell backward on his bed, exhausted from all the coughing.

Letting out a deep, shaking breath, he pulled the blanket over his small, shivering physique; however, no sooner did he closes his eyes did Gaius call out:

"Lad, you're going to be late if you don't hurry up."

Although annoyed, Merlin crawled out of bed, discounting the cough as anything serious. In moments, he was dressed and moving down the stairs as if nothing was wrong.

"Morning Gaius." Gaius glazed up from his book, before giving Merlin a warm smile.

"Good Morning Merlin, you better hurry and eat your breakfast your late and the King as already sending someone looking for you," Gaius informed him while letting his eyes return to the book.

Merlin looked at Gaius for a moment then walked over to the table where a wooden bowl of porridge waited for him. The room remains quiet for a few moments before the sound of herbs being ground broke the silence. Shaking his head Merlin took a bite of his breakfast, as soon as the food went down his hand went over his mouth feeling the urge to puke.

Merlin didn't dare to take another bite of his breakfast, fearing if he did it would come back up again. Slowly his eyes gaze towards Gaius who showed no sign of noticing anything and he wanted to keep it that way. Merlin really didn't see a reason to worry Gaius since it was most likely only a cold and would go away in a couple of days.

Merlin soon took another glance at his food, and as he stared at it another wave of nausea hit him like a punch to the gut. Slowly he pushed the bowl away and stood up facing the Gaius before giving the old men his normal carefree smile. "See you later Gaius."

Before Gaius would say goodbye or anything else Merlin was out the door, walking slowly towards Arthur's chamber hoping he was still asleep.

He learned that wasn't the case as he arrived at Arthur's bedroom door and, instead of hearing nothing in the room there were heavy footsteps. Merlin knocked on the door and as it opened he was shocked to see that Arthur was already dressed. "Your late Merlin I hope you weren't in the pub again, did you forget that we are due on the practice field for some sparring with the Knights this morning."

The young warlock gave Arthur a look of complete confusion as he was trying to remember when he was told about the training session. "Sorry Arthur I forgot, but I surprise that you were able to get dressed on your own without my help."

Arthur gave Merlin a glare as he heard the comment though he could hear Merlin was half laughing as well. "Merlin I am more than able to dress, now if you're done we should get going." The warlock nodded his head and followed Arthur out of the room and down to the practice field.

As soon as the field was in the sight the first thing that they both saw was Percival standing while the other knights were on the ground. Arthur let out a loud laugh as they walked towards the men, who all turned to face them. "Looks like you guys are having a good practice, or should I say that it's Percival who having a good practice."

Everyone laugh at Arthur's statement and the knights that were on the ground were now on their feet ready to go another round. "Merlin shield up your with me, the rest of you pair up."

After Arthur had to give their orders for the sparring practice, Merlin went to the rack to get a shield while all the knights paired up. In the end, it ended with Percival paired with Gwaine, Lancelot with Elyan and Leon.

As Merlin returned with his shield, Gwaine looked up, suddenly apprehensive:

"Hmm… hey, Lancelot, would you like to trade partners with me?"

Everyone laughed again as Lancelot shook his head, sending Gwaine into a pout.

"Nah, I'm good- but have fun!" He replied. Lancelot's response only made the laughter worse- and Gwaine even more perturbed.

"I so hate you right now," He grumbled as he took his place.

But no sooner had the practice started was Gwaine on the ground, lying flat on his back with his shield up to protect his chest. Once everyone saw him go down, they all let out a soft chuckle before returning to their training.

Lancelot, Elyan, and Leon were all keeping up with each other and was able to dodge and block any attacks that came their way. But Merlin was fighting with feeling dizzy, there were a few times that Arthur hit him so hard that it caused him to step back and almost trip over his own feet.

Then after a few minutes of after almost falling over the first time, Arthur hit Merlin with his sword with such force it sent the sick flying back. As soon as he hit the ground he let out a loud gasp and laid there being unable to move or get up. The king walked up to him with a grin on his face, but his eyes showed a slight concern for his friend. "Merlin are you going to stay there all day, or are you getting back up so we can keep going?"

Everyone stopped what they were doing to find out what was going on between Arthur and Merlin. Even though they saw noticed that the king's manservant was on the ground no one moved "I will get up, once my ears stop ringing from your last attack." Merlin said in a hoarse sounding voice, hearing it caused Arthur's face to soften a bit and his stern face turned to a look of concern.

"Merlin maybe you should go see Gaius you look like crap," Arthur said in a soft tone so that the others didn't overhear them and stop what they were doing. For a moment Merlin didn't move then, moving very slowly he sat up and as he did place his hands on the ground to steady himself. The young warlock started to feel a bit dizzy from the movement, as his eyes moved to meet the young king he noticed how worried he look on his face. For a moment Merlin kicked himself because the last thing he wanted, was for Arthur to worry about him when he had to worry about Camelot and its people.

"Arthur I am fine, the attack just took the breath out of me that is all." As soon as Merlin said that, he struggles to stand, slowly he rose to his feet and not a moment after he fell forward. At first the warlock thought he might fall on the ground face, but instead, he felt two strong hands grab him from behind. Turning his hand, he saw that it was Percival and Lancelot who had saved him from falling. Both of the knights had grins on their face, in their eyes were a sign that they were worried for Merlin.

Lancelot and Percival looked at each other not daring to let Merlin go, fearing if they did the young man might fall again. After a short moment, Lancelot cleared his throat and finally spoke up by saying. "Arthur is right Merlin; you need to go see Gaius. I have a feeling that you being unable to stand is not due to getting hit hard by Arthur, though I sure he has hit you harder than that." The field fell silent for what seemed like forever, no one moved or spoke instead they all stood there watching the young warlock.

Then Merlin stood up straight which caused Percival and Lancelot to let him go, but they stood close by in case he was too far again. In a normal tone of voice, he finally spoke up by saying, while at the same time fighting the urge to cough again. "Really I am fine, just got the wind taking out of me that is all." Arthur opened his mouth and was about to say something, when Gaius came into view walking toward them, behind him, was another man. The man walking behind him didn't have as many grey hairs as the healer, but the one thing they all noticed is that the guy did have a limp in his right leg.

For Arthur and the others, no one knew who he was, let alone why he had come to Camelot. As they the two men got closer to the group, Elyan, Leon and Gwaine walked closer to Arthur, Merlin, Lancelot and Lancelot wanting to find out what was going on. Not long after the three knights rejoined the group, the healer and stranger stood in front of them. "Sire, this is Jacob he is the manservant of your cousin." After Gaius introduced the stranger, the man stepped forward and bowed at the young king.

"It's an honour to meet you, my king, I come bearing some news for you on behalf of Lady Anne." Jacob then added while bowing to the king. while everyone else seemed curious about the news that the man had brought them. Arthur however wasn't impressed about her sending her manservant, it was the first time since his Uncle Agravaine died that he had heard from her.

Now with her manservant standing in front of them, Merlin had no doubt that something was going on. At that moment, they didn't know the danger and trouble that was slowly approaching Camelot and all the people in the kingdom.

Thank you for reading this first chapter, I really hope that you liked it. Please leave a comment and let me know what you think. If you like it, pls add to library, I have over 10 chapters on this story and will update it once a week.

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