
Blood Plague

Morgana has released a plague on Camelot, not caring who dies if it means she will regain Camelot. With Merlin infected. Arthur is trying to do all he can to save him and his people. But little does he know that there are more forces working against him.

Venus_221B · TV
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Chapter 2

Arthur stood there taking a deep breath. He had no desire to see his cousin after what her father did. But he would listen to her manservant. "I hope that my cousin as well. What news required you to interrupt our sparring practice?" Shaking his head. The King hoped that she was alright, no matter what her father had done. She was still family. It was his job to look out for her.

Though many advise him that taking care of her was not a good idea, that she was a traitor and that she should be banished from the kingdom. Arthur took a deep breath when he finally heard Jacob speak and say.

"Yes, sire she was well last time I saw her she was well, as for the message my lady wanted me to inform you that she was on her way here." For a moment everyone went silent, the knights looked at each other and then back at the manservant shocked by the news. There was not one person in Camelot who didn't know what her father did. Many would mean her harm given the opportunity.

"Did she tell you why she was coming here? Surely she knows she should have sent me a message before coming here." Jacob gave the king the look of confusing after he asked the question, but then he changed to a straight face with a grin on his face before replying before saying.

"There was something she needed to speak to you about in person; I don't know what it was, only that she needed to speak to you." Arthur glanced behind his shoulder seeing the stern looks of his knights; he then turned back to the man knowing there was nothing he could do.

No matter if he liked it or not Anne was coming to Camelot. All he could do was make sure that she was safe until he can send her home. Glancing around he noticed a servant girl walking by carrying a basket full of what looked like clothes, Arthur spoke up quick and call out to the young girl. "Hey you, I want you to take this man to one of the servant rooms to rest after his long trip. I also want you to get a guest room ready as well as a few more servant quarters, we will be having a guest arriving soon." The servant girl walked towards them and curtsied before taking a quick look at Jacob before turning her eyes back to the king.

The servant girl nodded her head again letting her eyes fall on Jacob, before looking back at the king giving him a smile. "As you wish Sire, if the man wouldn't mind following me I will show you to your room." Anne's manservant bowed and the servant girl curtsied with than walked away, once the two of them were out of sight Arthur rubbed his temple and looked at Gaius. "What do you think?" The healer looked at the king for a moment with a serious look on his face, looking puzzled about everything that Jacob said. After what seemed like hours of the healer thinking about what to say, he took a deep breath and replied to Arthur by saying.

"Well, she is your cousin and the only family you have left. There was no proof of her being part of her father's plan to help Morgana. You should hear what she has to say. Give her a chance to prove her loyalty But watch her closely as well." For a moment everyone stood there taking in what the old healer had said to them, but then Gwaine spoke up saying. "Are you kidding, no offence but there is no way we should trust her. Even if we didn't find evidence of her involvement, there is still a chance that she might have helped in some way."

Suddenly the group starting arguing with each other about what they should do, Lancelot was the first to speak up by saying. "Gwaine, Gaius is right about giving her a chance to prove herself. It's not fair to judge her by the actions of her father, which would be like judging Arthur for all the things his father had done."

Leon looked at the two men shaking his head, but not saying anything at the same time, he just stood there letting his eyes go back and forth between the auguring men. Arthur started to rub his head a bit more before finally screamed loudly.

"Enough, like it or not Anna is coming. By the sound of it is something important. We will welcome her but keep an eye on her at all times, now you guys get cleaned up I want you there to welcome her when she arrives." All the knights and Gaius started to make their way back to the castle, leaving Merlin and Arthur alone. Arthur watched the group as they left, with his back turned to the young warlock, not noticing that the manservant was covering his mouth.

When the group of men were out of sight, Arthur turned around, Merlin was standing there like nothing was wrong. "Merlin are you sure that you are feeling alright? I mean I rather you be healthy than passed out somewhere."

For a short moment, the manservant stood saying nothing, which concerned the young king even more. Then the warlock smiled at his king, remained worried remained for the young man. "Arthur I am fine, I just didn't get enough sleep that all." For a moment the king stood there watching his manservant. He didn't believe one word that he had just said, but also knew that there was no forcing him to see Gaius.

Taking a deep breath, he shook his head. There was no time, they had to get ready. "Very well, but the first sign of you being sick you will be going to see Gaius. Come along we have to get ready, and I have a surprise for you as well."

Arthur walked towards the castle with Merlin trailing slowly behind while fighting the urge to cough. It didn't take long for the young king and his servant to arrive back at the king's chamber. As soon as the door shut Arthur went to the other room. As Merlin waited he covered his mouth as a cough wreaked havoc on his chest. Once the coughing stopped he started to feel dizzy, forcing him to lean on the wall for support.

Merlin placed his hand beside him not realizing that there was a table right beside him. So as soon as his hand moved to his side, it hit the water jug which was sent flying to the ground. The noise sent Arthur flying into the room with his sword drawn. As he stepped into the room, the first thing he saw was his manservant on the floor picking up the jug. "What happened?"

Arthur asked as he placed his sword back into its brown leather sheath that was strapped to the king's left side. "I just tripped over the table that is all. I am putting your clean clothes out."

For a moment the young king just stood there staring at Merlin as he heard the young man speak. Shaking his head Arthur went back to the other room and returned with a red uniform and a feather hat. "Remember this?"

As soon as Arthur said that, he held up the same uniform and hat that Merlin wore, the night he had been poisoned. At first, the king had thought about burning it. But in the end, decided to keep it wanting to save it for another party.

With his cousin coming he thought that it be the perfect chance to bring out the uniform. Once the outfit came into view the flood of memories of return, of the night he drank poison to say the king.

Since that day he thought never have to see it again. Merlin let out a deep groan. He scanned Arthur's face, looking for any sign he might be joking. But, the king's face showed no signs of what the warlock hopped to find.

"Come on Arthur, you're not really going to make me wear that are you? "I thought it was only for parties, cousin coming here isn't a party." The young warlock groaned again as he took the uniform and stared at it and the feathered hat.

He was about to say something else there was a knock on the door, then Percival walked in and bowed. "Sire, the scouts have reported that Lady Anna's party is in sight." Arthur gave him a smile, then in a soft voice says. "Gather the knights at the front, and inform Genevieve as well. Everyone shall welcome my cousin. And be on guard against a trap."

Percival nodded his head and bowed again. "As you wish Sire." The knight said before leaving the room closing the door behind him. Arthur turned to Merlin with a straight look on his face, he then ordered the manservant sounding a bit annoyed. "Merlin gets my red jacket and blank pants and hurries up, I want to be there when she steps out of the carriage."

Arthur stepped behind the screen and was unbuttoning his shirt when he saw the red coat and pants were being thrown over the screen. He started to change into the other set of clothes, as he finished buttoning up his shirt he heard a loud thump. "Merlin?"

Arthur called out and waited for an answer, letting out an annoying growl he walked out from behind the screen. "Merlin, if this is one of your jokes I am not really in the mood for it…"

Arthur stopped talking and took a quick scan of the room to notice that the manservant was nowhere to be seen. Nor would he see where the source of the loud, so the young king walked to the far side of the bed.

As he reached the corner to Arthur's horror he saw Merlin laying on the floor unconscious. Without thinking he ran to his friend's side, he checked Merlin over and saw blood running down his face. "Guards!"

Arthur's voice sounded stressed as he called out, not a second later a young man walked into the room. "You called my king?" As the guard stood there Arthur didn't look away from the unconscious man on the floor. "I want you to get Gaius right away, tell him that Merlin is hurt. Go! Now!"

As soon as Arthur yelled the guard bolted out of the room, making his way as fast as he could to find Gaius. Arthur grabs one of the pillows from his bed, and carefully placed it under Merlin's head. While he waited Arthur kept his eye on his friend's, rising and falling chest and hearing him struggling to breathe. Not long he heard the door opening and Gaius running to Merlin's side. Outside the sound of horns could be heard throughout the castle. Which told Arthur that Lady Anne had arrived.

Thank you for reading my story, I hope that you enjoyed it. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think and I will update as soon as I can

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