

Both Ian and Alex were seated outside a small cafe not to far from the hospital.

"Ok genius we're out of the hospital what now"

Alex asked he wanted to get this entire ordeal over with plus he was still mad about his hand which he blamed Ian for.

Ian simply sipped his hot coffee completely ignoring the other boy sat across from him. Alex scoffed "are you seriously ignoring me right now why do I even bother".

"See that over there" Ian finally spoke "what" Alex asked with an irritated tone. "Down the street our car is being towed so that means we can't have crashed to far away from here that's probably why we got to the hospital so quick" "what the hell does that have to do with anything, seriously what is with you and stating random observations" Alex retorted after Ian's little stunt in the hospital had succeeded Alex was trying to convince himself that Ian wasn't a complete lost cause but his current behaviour was causing Alex to start thinking of possible ways to escape.

"Why are you always in a bad mood you know I haven't seen you smile you should try it sometime it will probably look good on you" was all Ian said as he continued sipping his tea.

"Maybe you haven't seen me smile because since this journey started I have been drugged and driven into a wall I have a freaking cast for God's sake plus it's not like I'm going on vacation or anything I'm just someone's property that they finally found use for best case scenario I get set free when they're done with me it's what I'm hoping for anyway" Alex sighed he really was tired, he rested his head on the table and waited sooner or later Ian would come up with a plan to get them back on track at least that's what he hoped for and the days activities were starting to catch up on his body as he felt fatigue overtake him he couldn't sleep though just rest his head and daydream about things that probably were never going to happen.

Ian was still drinking his tea and although he looked calm on the outside he was losing his shit on the inside. He had a bunch of missed calls from Leo that he couldn't even begin to think about how he was going to respond to those and there was the main issue; he still had to deliver Alex and he had no car or sense of direction they were basically lost in the middle of the city and it was only a matter of time before those who were chasing them found them but he had to remain calm panicking would do them no good.

He scanned the area looking for a possible getaway car when something caught his eye, a sleek black sports car rolled into an empty alleyway behind a shady bar it looked new and fast it also didn't have any number plate . Ian leaned in and watched the car, a young woman got out frantically looking around she looked scared before she rushed into the bar she was parked behind. Ian wasted no time.

"Hey" Ian nudged Alex with his foot under the table "what?" Alex snapped he was still upset about the whole ordeal. "I have a plan follow me" dropping some dollar bills on the table they stealthily moved across the street and into the alley it was still deserted Ian looked around before trying to open the door he almost let out tears of joy when it opened "get in quickly" Alex didn't need to be told twice they both hurried into the car.

"We don't have the keys" Alex cried,

"When did that ever stop anyone" Ian said with a smirk, with quick fingers he pulled the wires from under the steering and hotwired the car both him and Alex let out sighs of relief when the engine roared to life. Wasting no time they pulled out of the alley and sped of into the street.

They both had stupid grins on their faces as they sped down the open country side then he heard it.


"Yeah" Ian answered not taking his eyes of the road

"I think you should pull over" he said looking at the back seat

"Why" Ian said with a scoff

"Where exactly are we driving to and there something in the back seat I think you should see" he said

That was when reality set in, Ian realise that they were completely and utterly lost, they just had a car and after pulling over and glancing at the back seat he just had to laugh.

"Is that a cat"

"yup but there more there's a brief case I think we should check what's in it"

"are you serious no and would you please stop stroking that thing" Alex only laughed and Ian had to admit that the sound was priceless. "There's no need to be angry at the cat it's the least of our worries but I think we should check the case something feels of about it" he said still stroking the cat. Ian let out an exaggerated sigh before mumbling a fine and pulling the case out of the back seat to inspect it although nothing could have prepared him for what was inside.

"HOLY SHIT" Ian let out a scream as he threw the case away "nope nope no way no no no not a freaking chance"

"What what's wrong" Alex asked worried as he tried to calm the cat that was startled by Ian scream "come on seriously you're scaring me what's in it?" he asked "look for yourself" was all Ian said as he sat on the side of the road with his head in his hands "Oh my God" Alex said his face horror stricken from what he had just seen.

Inside the case were various human organs all frozen in dry ice.

"Who the hells car did we just steal".