

Various suspicious looks were thrown at the girl as she made her way through the bar some angry others aroused but all dangerous, she stood out she definitely didn't belong in this place she was dressed in a peach skirt suit and high heels. She didn't want to be here but she had no choice this was her last option.

The bar tender didn't even glance up at her when he spoke,

"This ain't a place for a lady like you you better get lost before you get yourself into trouble "

he told her absentmindedly as he continued to clean shot glasses.

"I need to see Donny it's urgent" she said. At the mention of the name he stopped cleaning and looked up at her "who are you?" he questioned "a friend now can I see him" she asked.

Without saying anything he simply pulled out a phone from under the cabinet

"Donny someone's here to see you" there was a response from the other side "lady I need a name"


"says her name is Amber, uhuh yeah I'm sending here in right now. Right this way miss Amber".

He led her behind the bar and through a space between some shelves that were barely visible until they arrived at a large polished door.

"He's waiting inside" was all the man said before leaving her alone after taking a deep breath she went in.


Alex had figured out that the cat's name was mochi since the cat had a pink collar with the name mochi written on it with gemstones. He had always wanted a pet while he was locked up he felt like maybe having a furry friend would have made his days there slightly less horrible and lonely but they never got him one so he was determined to keep mochi at all costs. It was a girl and much to his joy the white cat seemed to have warmed up to him instantly as it lay on his lap while he stroked it with his good hand.

"You know we're just wasting time here, sooner or later whoever owns this car is gonna figure out it's missing and I'm pretty sure we should be far away by then" Alex finally spoke he was referring to Ian who sat down and curled up on the side of the road and hadn't moved for about fifteen minutes. Alex sighed and got up despite the sound of protest mochi made and walked over to Ian before plopping down next to him.

"Hey are you ok" he asked Ian finally raised his head and looked at him his eyes slightly red "were you crying why?" Alex asked he was taking by surprise by the years he hadn't expected Ian to cry he didn't know how to react

"I'm so sorry Alex" Ian said

"um it's ok I guess just don't cry"

"wait just let me talk, I'm sorry for being such a terrible delivery boy I managed to do everything wrong and now we're here lost in the middle of nowhere with a car full of organs and a cat, you have a broken arm for God's sake I don't know what to do. I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I took this job you know"

Alex just nodded he honestly didn't know what else to do

"I don't normally transport people I just do simple deliveries here and there nothing serious and when I got this chance I just had to take it you know an opportunity to get out of this life but I screwed up and I don't know what the hell I'm supposed to do now God I'm such a screw up." Ian was scared he had never seen anything as gruesome as what he just saw in that case and now that image was engraved in his brain.

Alex just sighed "do you wanna pet mochi?"


"mochi the cat"

Ian didn't have the strength to argue so he just took the cat and started stroking it.

"You know when I was back home I always wanted a pet but they never let me have one and now I sort of do so thanks"

"what, what are you thanking me for?"

"I mean if not for you we wouldn't be in this situation yeah but now I have mochi which is technically thanks to you so thank you"

Ian couldn't help the small smile that rose to his lips

"you're welcome I guess"

"look I know we don't have the best luck but we're wasting time sitting here why don't you use that brain of yours to figure out a plan to get us back on our feet I know you will till then I'll be in the car checking if there's anything we can use there" Alex sent Ian one more encouraging smile before heading of leaving an inspired Ian with mochi purring in his arms.

Alex was distracted from the files he was looking at by a knock on the window he looked up and saw Ian smiling down at him mochi asleep in his arms he couldn't help but smile at the sight before opening the door and letting them in. "So what did you find?" Ian asked "not to much I found some cat supplies which is good for mochi the car has no documents which is understandable since it was obviously used for crimes but I did find some files that were pretty interesting," Alex said handing some papers over to ian "are these.." "yup hospital documents and take a look at this" Alex said handing Ian another folder "looks like the person was recently let out of the psych ward" "Amber Carnell" Ian read the name of the top of the hospital report" something caught Alex's eye that took him by surprise "check out she was being treated for.." he said handing the paper over to Ian who read it out loud,

"Disassociative Personality Disorder also known as DID".


"I told you that I never want to see you face again is that so hard to understand"

the person in the dark office spoke once Amber had closed the door behind her,

"Donny please list-" she was interrupted by the slamming of a fist on the desk

"don't you dare tell me to listen I told you I never wanted to see you again and I meant it I only let you down here out of courtesy so at least my men know not to harm you that's as far as my grace will go now leave" he seethed at this point he was leaning over the table.

"Donny please you're my last hope"

"GET OUT" he yelled "I have nothing to do for you"

"Donny please I'm you're sister"

"sister" he scoffed "please you made sure that our whole family hated me why don't you go to our parents they always seemed to have a way of getting you out of the messes you always got into" he sat hack down and looked up at her "you are not my sister I have no sister no parents nothing it's just me I made it so far on my own and I intend to continue like this now leave before I call security"

"Donny that wasn't me you know it wasn't" she said her voice cracking out of desperation

"I don't care this is your last warning.GET. OUT. Donny said before he got back to what she was doing before she came.

Amber just stood in the center of the office her head hung low before letting out an insane laugh it made Donny's hairs stand "Silvia" he mumbled

"good to know you still remember my name brother" she said her words slurred and seductive. She walked over and sat on his desk and gripped his chin her long red nails digging into his skin forcing him to look her in the eyes they weren't like Amber's, Amber's eyes were soft and warm whereas Silvia had cold dark eyes.

"You see Amber got into a bit of trouble and she wanted to handle it calmly you know very Amber like" she sighed "of course I wanted something much different but I let her have her way and like I expected she was weak couldn't get anything done" she said her voice dripping with venom "so of course I had to step in" "what the hell did you-" he was silenced by a harsh slap to his cheek his neck snapping to the side because of the force of the slap. "Don't interrupt me" she said and continued speaking" so I had to step in and now we're in a little bit of an issue and you're going to help us get out of it, got it" her grip tightening "what do you need my help for why not ask our parents they have the money to fix everything" Donny forced out.

"Hmm true they have the money but that's all they have you on the other hand has both money, power and connections in the criminal world which is exactly what we need now are you ready to help or do you need more convincing she said slowly pulling out a small knife from her back pocket, "I'll help you" "excellent" she exclaimed exited "I knew I could count on you" with that she let go of his chin and walked over to the door.

"Let's go I've already left my mochi waiting for to long" and with that she walked out of the office leaving Donny massaging his chin where her nails had left small cuts.