

There was a loud ringing noise in Ian's ear as he started to gain consciousness then he shot up. He looked around slowly as his eyes tried to adjust to the bright light in the room he was in. "Oh shit" he said realising that he was in a hospital "no no no no" he said as he frantically looked around trying to figure out what to do, then his eyes landed on Alex's backpack he quickly rushed over to it relieved that he was still in his clothes that meant his injuries weren't to serious. Much to his relief the smaller bag of money was still inside the bag along with most of what he bought and had Carried with him. Then it hit him "Alex" he breathed out "O God Leo's gonna kill me, I lost the kid I screwed up big time. Ok Ian don't panic you got this he's probably here to you just have to find him and get the hell out of here". With that he slipped out of the room he was in keeping his head down to not get attention and began looking for Alex.

"Okay that's it kid just don't stress and in a few months you're hand's gonna be good as new, is there any one I can call for you sweetie?" the nurse asked with a smile on her face though Alex knew she was fed up with him and just wanted to leave he hadn't exactly been the best patient, "no" was the only response she got causing her fake smile to falter for a moment before she got it back up again "of course but I need to inform you that you haven't paid and you need to do so before four pm security will have to escort you and you're friend out and I'm sure you don't want that so either so I advice you do call someone you're both lucky we didn't call the police on you both" she said with a scoff as she walked out of the room. Alex sighed this isn't how this was supposed to go, this was his chance at freedom, a chance to start afresh no matter how late it was. He had been counting down the days till he was to be free from the hell he had been caged in but now he was just going to be shipped around like some cargo that's all he was ever seen as anyways property to be used and thrown away when there was nothing left to use, but he still had hope, based on the little he knew once he was delivered to whoever was looking for him he might still have a chance all he had to do was give them what they wanted and maybe just maybe he'd have a chance to be free.

"Hey Alex" Alex was pulled out of his thoughts by someone's voice he looked at the door and saw Ian peaking his head through. "I hate to interrupt whatever it is you were doing but we need to leave like right now" Alex let out a sigh and got of the bed once he turned around Ian's breath for knocked out "why the hell is you're hand in a freaking cast" he whisper yelled his voice coming out slightly higher, "because dumbass someone decided it will be a good idea to crash the car into a damn concrete fence". Ian's face paled "is that what I hit" he whispered "yeah it was and if I had passed out like you did we would probably be being questioned by the police right now" "what do you mean". "I mean the gun that conveniently fell out of the glove box when we crashed oh or maybe it was the bag of money that you left lying around" Alex let out a sigh was he rubbed the creases on his forehead "how the hell did you even get this job you're way to careless I could have escaped you know",

"why didn't you"


"escape, why didn't you escape"

"I don't know maybe because I don't have any where to go or maybe it's because those people will keep coming after me until they get what they want from me so there isn't any point running I'll never run far enough anyways" Alex said with a light chuckle though the smile didn't quite reach his eyes "what do they want from you" Ian asked "why the hell would I tell you I don't even know you, you freaking kidnapped me why am I even talking to you I don't even know you're name" Ian raised his hands up in surrender"hey I was just going with the flow, anyway back to where I was before you started sulking", Alex rolled his eyes "we need to get out of this hospital without raising suspicion it's a miracle we've made it this far honestly just stick to me and follow my lead ok, oh and my name is Ian" "whatever" Alex replied but he walked up to Ian anyway and stood next to him. "What's your master plan anyway" Alex said with a raised eyebrow Ian was definitely not what he was expecting he didn't seem cut out for the job though he kept his thoughts to himself.

"I don't know how long it will be till the nurse comes back but I assume it won't be much longer we have to leave before then getting out of the hospital should be the hardest part once we're out it'll be easier to figure it out from there"

"Look Ian that's a great observation but it doesn't solve anything do you even have a concrete plan we can't just walk out of here you know?" Alex asked he was getting frustrated if him and the information he carried fell into the wrong hands it could be fatal and Ian seemed pretty unqualified for the task of transporting him.

"Relax I have a plan I snuck all the way here didn't I, I have a plan ok, I'll get us out just wait it should be any minute now" a few moments after he finished talking a voice sounded from the speakers around the hospital alerting the staff that there was a missing patient. Alex looked over to Ian who had a smug look on his face "this is our chance come on" with that he grabbed Alex's good hand and dragged him through the corridors and using the chaos as cover they successfully made it out of the hospital.

"Look I know you probably have your doubts about me but I'm going to get you to where I need to ok I promise I know I'm asking for a lot but I need you to trust me" Ian said Alex scoffed at that he'd already heard that and it ended with a needle in his neck so he didn't know what to expect now. Ian now had a determined look on his face as he promised Alex he would be delivered safely Alex could only nod as he thought about all that had already happened and what was to come and he wondered if he wanted to make this journey at all. It really hurt to carry the burden of someone you never knew.