
Blessed by an evil deity

Kouta Fujiro, a high school student leading a simple life, is suddenly confronted by a tragic event that shatters his world. In death, he resolves to embrace his new life fully, only to uncover a dark secret about his soul. In a world brimming with magic, Kouta rapidly becomes a prodigy, mastering arcane arts while delving into the universe's deepest mysteries. However, as he reaches the pinnacle of magical prowess, he faces a formidable challenge: his powers are nearly limitless but have been sealed away. Now, He must navigate a world where his greatest strength lies dormant, seeking a way to break free from the shackles that bind his true potential. Along the way, he discovers allies, uncovers ancient prophecies, and confronts formidable foes, all while striving to unlock the full extent of his powers and fulfill his destiny

Skivvies · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Resurrection of the dead?

The gods' gaze reached Elliot's divine awakening, and they were shocked and startled by the magnitude of his ascension.

"This is absurd," one god said, expressing their concern and disbelief at the emergence of another deity.

"Another deity? How troublesome," said another god, indicating their frustration with the situation and worrying about the potential consequences it might lead to.

"He's not an ordinary deity, could it be that he's an outer god? No, maybe even higher than that,"

Suggested a third god, indicating their suspicion and speculation about the nature and scope of Elliot's divine awakening.

The gods mulled over the possibilities and implications of Elliot's divine awakening, discussing the immense power and scope of his ascension and considering the possible implications.

It was clear that the gods were left in a bewildering state of awe, shock, confusion, and concern as they grappled with the magnitude and significance of this unexpected event.

While the gods deliberated, Elliot was unaware of their discussion and their concerns about his divine awakening.

He was focused solely on his mission to find Misaki, and was unaware of the repercussions his ascension was having on the divine realms.

As Elliot focused on his task, the gods' attention was now also drawn to him, and they watched with interest and concern as he continued his search for Misaki.

They were intrigued by the mysterious human who could awaken to such immense divinity, and they were determined to keep an eye on him.

"My liege,please hide your aura so the God's gaze will not reach you" Lilith Suggested

"Huh? What do you mean? Why wouldn't we want the gods to notice that I awakened to divinity?" Elliot responded, puzzled by Lilith's suggestion.

"The gods' attention is already drawn to you, and they are considering the implications of your elevation to divinity. However, we don't yet have a clear picture of how they might respond to your ascension, so it's better to lay low and conceal your aura for now," Lilith explained.

Elliot understood Lilith's reasoning and agreed to conceal his aura, recognizing the risk of the gods acting against him if he remained on their radar.

With Elliot's consent, Lilith cast a spell that cloaked his divine aura, obscuring it from the keen eyes of the gods.

Now that the aura was hidden, the gods could no longer detect Elliot's divine presence, and they would be none the wiser that the human who just awakened to divinity was still in their realm.

"What do we do now,my liege?"

Elliot paused

"We find an old friend of mine," Elliot said, making it clear that he was determined to find Misaki and reunite with her.

"But where do we begin?" Lilith asked.

Elliot had no clear idea of where to look, and Misaki was a mystery to him. He would need to track down some leads and follow them, in the hopes that one of them would lead him to his old friend.

"A global warning has been issued, as many people will likely recognize me and my new appearance, which will make it difficult to move around and find leads. Perhaps we need to disguise our appearance and lay a low profile," Elliot stated, recognizing the challenges that his divine awakening had unleashed. With his divinity and aura hidden, Elliot sought to proceed with caution and stealth, hoping to avoid unnecessary attention or complications.

"We can ask a friend of mine who has lived for thousands of years, she may have information on Misaki," Elliot suggested.

This idea of consulting someone with a greater age and knowledge base than Elliot himself was an apt one in this situation, and it's likely that the friend would know something more about the mystery of Misaki's whereabouts and potential role in the divine awakening.

"But who is it, my liege?"

"You'll see" Elliot replied enigmatically, leaving Lilith to wonder who his mysterious contact was and what information they might possess about the elusive Misaki.

They then flew to the dungeon that had been destroyed during their fight earlier, a reminder of their tremendous power and the destruction that they had unleashed upon the mortal realm.

Elliot and Lilith descended to the lowest level of the vast dungeon, where they searched for Calia, the mysterious and ancient individual who Elliot hoped would possess information about the whereabouts of Misaki.

As Elliot and Lilith arrived at the lowest level of the dungeon, Calia was heard approaching from inside the seal that Elliot had set up to keep her confined.

Calia finally emerged from the boundaries of the confinement, and was now present in front of Elliot and Lilith.

Calia rushed to Elliot and embraced him tightly, sobbing as she did so.

"Uwahhhh, I'm glad you're safe Elliot, a global warning was just announced recently and it had your name on it!"

Elliot patted Calia's head and comforted her as she cried, reassuring her that he was alright. He understood the depth of her worries, and he was touched by the concern she had for him.

"You have no idea how worried I was!" Calia continued, now burying her face into Elliot's shoulder as she cried.

"Don't worry, I'm alright now," Elliot assured her, wrapping his arms around Calia and holding her close. She was still upset, but he could tell she was relieved that he was okay. He patted her head and stroked her hair gently, trying to soothe her as best as he could.

Lilith, watching from the side, was caught off guard by the display of affection between Elliot and Calia. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy when she saw how tightly Calia was clinging to Elliot, and the relief and joy she was displaying over his safety.

   Damn it!!!!It should've been me!!!

The realization that Elliot was receiving a level of concern and affection from Calia that she herself hadn't experienced hit Lilith like a ton of bricks, and she couldn't help but seethe inwardly.

"My liege, isn't it about time we ask this cruel witch?"

"Right, I suppose we should get down to business," Elliot agreed, realizing that he and Lilith needed to get vital information from Calia about Misaki after all.

While the interaction between Elliot and Calia had been heartwarming and touching, they couldn't afford to linger any longer.

"We need to know about Misaki," Elliot stated firmly, getting straight to the point and getting Calia's full attention.

The previous display of affection between Elliot and Calia seemed like a distant memory now, and the mood had shifted to one of urgency and mission orientation.

"Misaki? You mean the one you mentioned to the previous deity? If you're looking for information about her location, I'm afraid that I can't help you with that."

"There was no recorded history with such a name"

"No recorded information on the history, huh..." Elliot thought for a moment, considering the possibility that this was a dead end.

"But you're a powerful and ancient being, surely you must have some leads from your own personal knowledge and experience. Perhaps there are some other deities that have heard or even met Misaki, even if she wasn't recorded in official records."

Calia shook her head

"That's...unfortunate," Elliot said, seeming a bit discouraged at the lack of information.

He was hoping that Calia would have something to offer, especially with her vast knowledge and experience as an ancient being. It was disappointing to hear her utter failure to come up with any leads on Misaki.

"By the way Elliot,what are you gonna do with the corpses that Lilith killed?"

Elliot felt a sudden chill surge through his body...the corpses that Lilith had killed.

They had been so involved in finding leads on Misaki, Elliot had almost forgotten about them.

"Um...yeah, that's a good question," Elliot responded nervously, remembering the bodies and the carnage that Lilith had left behind.

Lilith seemed reluctant to discuss the pile of corpses, possibly feeling some sense of guilt or regret for the bloodshed she had unleashed.

As Elliot and Calia were conversing, Lilith stayed silent and kept her glance away, seemingly unable to address the morbid topic of the corpses left behind.

"It's not like we can revive them right?'

"I mean I could probably try my soul restoration spell on them?" said Calia

"I'm not sure that we could revive them, to be honest. They're...very dead," Elliot admitted, being quite blunt about the grim reality of the situation.

Calia's suggestion of trying a soul restoration spell was an intriguing one, but Elliot was uncertain of whether it would actually work. It all depended on the type of spell and its level of power. The corpses' souls might be intact, or they might have been dispersed or scattered. There was no way to know for sure unless the spell was cast.

"My liege,I have a proposal, How about I revive them? but It'll need a lot of mana"

"Revive them?" Elliot's eyes widened in surprise and hope. "You can do that?"

"If there's a way to restore their souls and bring them back to life, that would be incredible. But are you sure it can be done?"

The proposal was certainly enticing, but Elliot remained uncertain in the face of such a huge act of necromancy. It would take immense mana and a powerful spell to achieve something like that.

"If we can execute the restoration spell and the body reconstruction one simultaneously...there's a chance it could revive them," Lilith suggested.

It certainly sounded like a plausible solution, but it would still be a monumental task. The two spells would have to be cast perfectly in sync, since any delay or interruption might disrupt or even undo the whole process of resurrection.

"It's worth a try," Elliot said, willing to take the risk to revive the corpses and restore them to a semblance of life.

"Let's see if we can pull it off then," Elliot said, his expression determined and resolute.