
Blessed by an evil deity

Kouta Fujiro, a high school student leading a simple life, is suddenly confronted by a tragic event that shatters his world. In death, he resolves to embrace his new life fully, only to uncover a dark secret about his soul. In a world brimming with magic, Kouta rapidly becomes a prodigy, mastering arcane arts while delving into the universe's deepest mysteries. However, as he reaches the pinnacle of magical prowess, he faces a formidable challenge: his powers are nearly limitless but have been sealed away. Now, He must navigate a world where his greatest strength lies dormant, seeking a way to break free from the shackles that bind his true potential. Along the way, he discovers allies, uncovers ancient prophecies, and confronts formidable foes, all while striving to unlock the full extent of his powers and fulfill his destiny

Skivvies · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Frozen world?

Calia and Lilith both focused their attentions, weaving their mana together into a single spell. They channeled their power together, crafting it into a single incantation that was potent enough to awaken and restore life to the bodies. The spell was powerful and complex, requiring both of them to work together seamlessly to execute it properly.

Once they felt ready, they unleashed the spell together.

Calia and Lilith unleashed the final spell simultaneously, pouring their mana and magic together to create a powerful incantation that would imbue the corpses with life.

As the spell took effect, the corpses finally regained life. It had taken a tremendous amount of effort and skill, but Elliot's proposal to revive the corpses had been successful.

The bodies started twitching and finally breathing, a sign that the resurrection was complete.

The corpse started to gain consciousness, Eris who was now awake looked around her surroundings and found Lilith in front of her

Eris wasn't startled though she was confused on what happened in the dungeon.

"Where am I? why is there a massive tits in front of me?"

Her first words upon revival wasn't really the words Elliot expected but It was okay for him that they were resurrected fully

Elliot couldn't help but chuckle a bit at Eris's bewilderment and confusion upon revival.

Her first words were definitely not what Elliot had expected or predicted. He had expected a more profound realization and expression of joy at reviving, but instead, she immediately began questioning her surroundings.

"You've been resurrected," Elliot explained to Eris, "We used our magic to restore you and your fellow corpses back to life."

"Oh hi Elliot"

"Hello Eris,please once that everyone is awake give them my regards,I will be away for an awful long time"

"Lilith,do you still have Claire in the magic bubble?"

"Yes, My liege"

"You know what to do"

Lilith released Claire from the bubble and placed her in Eris's care, trusting her to keep her friend safe and entertained

"Eris,Please keep Claire on company"

"I will watch over Claire for you," Eris confirmed.

Eris and Claire would likely have plenty to talk about, since they had been separated for an undeterminable length of time. They might have many stories to share and could even bond more deeply with proper care and attention.

"Now that is settled I'll teleport you guys on the main kingdom"

Elliot casted the [Teleport] on them and rapidly teleported them to the school dorms

The group was transported instantly via Elliot's teleportation spell, arriving in the main kingdom with hardly any time wasted.

The spell was extremely convenient and efficient when it came to traveling long distances in the blink of an eye.

Elliot teleported them directly to the school dorms, where they would be able to rest, relax, and recuperate from the stressful and exhausting situation they had just completed.

"I'm glad we were able to successfully complete the resurrection of the corpses," Elliot told the group, reflecting on the success of their efforts to revive the deceased.

It had been a difficult and challenging process, but it was satisfying in the end that they had been able to successfully restore the bodies and breathe new life into them all.

"What should we do now my liege?"

"Lilith's right,what will we do now?"

"Well, now that the resurrection and revival of the corpses are complete, I suppose we should consider what's next," Elliot replied, pondering the possibilities.

"We could explore our new power and discover what it offers us," Lilith suggested.

"We could perhaps seek out other deities and ask them about Misaki's whereabouts," Elliot suggested.

There were many options available to them, now that the resurrection and revival of the corpses had been completed. They were all free to explore the depths of their magic and power, or to pursue leads on Misaki.

"I think a visit to other deities should be one of the first order of business," Lilith said, agreeing with Elliot's suggestion.

"We should try and learn as much as we can from other deities, in case one of them knows something about Misaki's whereabouts or activities," she said, "And it's likely that someone out there might possess some clues or knowledge, so we should definitely keep that option open."

"Well in that case, We'll need a disguise don't we?"

Calia suggested

"Good point." Elliot agreed. "If we're going to seek out other deities for information, it would definitely help to have a disguise."

"But how would we pull that off?" Lilith wondered.

Disguising themselves would certainly help to hide their identify and avoid drawing unwanted attention while visiting other deities, especially if they were looking for information.

"We can use magic to alter our appearance," Elliot suggested, "It would be easy enough for us to use illusion magic to disguise ourselves."

Elliot slowly turned his at Calia indicating that she should do the job because no one can use Illusion magic better than her

Calia understood Elliot's implication promptly, and a mischievous grin spread across her face as she realized that he was subtly asking her to do the job.

Culia was indeed an incredibly skilled mage capable of powerful spellcraft and adept in the art of illusion magic, so she was in fact an ideal candidate for masking their identities.

"I think I can manage that," Calia replied, acknowledging Elliot's unspoken request.

"Great,we should head out of this dungeon before doing so" Said Elliot

"I agree, it would probably be prudent to get out of this dungeon first and then disguise ourselves after."

The plan was set. First, they would leave the dungeon and then proceed to disguise themselves, using Calia's illusion magic to conceal their identities.

As soon as that was done, they could head out to pursue information regarding Misaki from other deities.

Elliot Used [Teleport] and teleported them to Calia's Small cabin

"Ah,My home how I missed you"

Calia hugged her cabin like there was no tomorrow

Calia's cabin was a humble but cozy little place, and after the tense and stressful environment of the dungeon, the familiar sight of her cabin was like an oasis of comfort and relief. Calia wrapped her arms around her house like she hadn't seen it in years, her face lighting up with joy.

The cabin was small and rudimentary, but it had been home to Calia for a very long time. She was likely grateful to find it untouched and unharmed, and it clearly brought her a great sense of comfort and familiarity. 

"Calia can we hurry up and disguise ourselves already?" Lilith demanded, being the impatient and impatient one of the group.

She was eager to get the disguise process over with so that they could proceed to their next task, which was visiting other deities with the hope of gathering information about Misaki.

Lillith's patience was wearing thin, and she didn't want to waste any more time before executing the disguise plan.

"Alright, fine, just relax and let me work my magic. I'll have us disguised properly in no time," Calia replied, mildly irritated by Lilith's impatience.

She took a deep breath, gathering her mana and energy to prepare for the disguise spell. It was going to be a bit of an undertaking, but she was confident that she could manage it. With her mastery of illusion magic, Calia was going to create a convincing disguise for all of them so that they could blend in and avoid detection while visiting other deities.

Calia concentrated and unleashed her mana in a steady flow, channeling it through the air and weaving it together into a complex illusionary spell. The resulting spell was intricate and detailed, as she created an illusion of disguises around all of them.

The spell began to slowly take effect, and their body features began changing and shifting to disguise them. As the disguises slowly took shape, Elliot's body transformed into a female elf. Lilith was disguised as a man with a different haircut, color of eyes, hair, and more. Cailas own body features shifted too.

As the illusion spell took hold, the disguises became more and more detailed and convincing.

Elliot's features altered and his body physically changed into that of a female elf with pointed ears, elegant features, and long straight hair. Lilith's features transitioned to a male with short hair, a clean-shaven face, and different colored eyes than she normally had. Caila's own body features shifted as well, making her look like a completely different person.

"My liege, you're so pretty, can we be together?"


"We are focused on a specific objective here," Elliot replied, barely concealing his irritation at her unwanted advances.

Calia giggled at Lilith's flirting attempt, which seemed to only amuse her rather than provoke any sort of anger or annoyance.

"I think she's got it bad for you, my liege." Calia commented, smirking at Lilith still gushing over Elliot's new feminine form.

"That's...rather forward of you, Lilith," Elliot said, blushing slightly at her flirting.

Of course, as a female, he was already attractive and desirable, but the addition of the elf ears made him even more so.

"Let's get to the business of heading to other deities, shall we? That should be our top priority at the moment."

"Ah, yes, that is indeed correct," Lilith agreed, though she seemed a bit distracted by Elliot's beauty nonetheless.

She was still grinning at his feminine appearance and his overall attractiveness, which was increased by the pointed ears attached to his head.

"We should indeed continue towards our next task, my liege. Though it is amusing how much I am enjoying your feminine form," Lilith teased

"If only you looked like this naturally, you would have no end of women pursuing you in this form."

"You must be joking," Elliot said, blushing more and more as Lilith continued to praise his new feminine features.

Even in his current disguise, he couldn't deny that he was attractive, so of course his feminine appearance was also quite appealing. But he couldn't believe that Lilith was enjoying his current form so much.

"It's just an illusionary disguise, there's no need to make such a big deal out of it," he replied with a slightly flustered chuckle.

"Oh, but that's exactly why it's so appealing," Lilith replied, enjoying Elliot's continued blushing and flustered confusion.

"I like the way you look as a female elf, it's far more interesting than your typical appearance. You should just permanently change your form to this one, it would truly make you stand out from the rest."

She was teasing Elliot, knowing full well that he wouldn't actually alter his natural form to resemble his current disguise, but she was enjoying the effect of her flirting nonetheless.

Elliot laughed nervously at Lilith's teasing, not quite sure how to respond to such a flirtatious compliment.

He was aware of his attractiveness, both in his natural state and in his current disguise, but he had never expected to receive such a direct comment on his appeal from someone like Lilith.