
Blessed by an evil deity

Kouta Fujiro, a high school student leading a simple life, is suddenly confronted by a tragic event that shatters his world. In death, he resolves to embrace his new life fully, only to uncover a dark secret about his soul. In a world brimming with magic, Kouta rapidly becomes a prodigy, mastering arcane arts while delving into the universe's deepest mysteries. However, as he reaches the pinnacle of magical prowess, he faces a formidable challenge: his powers are nearly limitless but have been sealed away. Now, He must navigate a world where his greatest strength lies dormant, seeking a way to break free from the shackles that bind his true potential. Along the way, he discovers allies, uncovers ancient prophecies, and confronts formidable foes, all while striving to unlock the full extent of his powers and fulfill his destiny

Skivvies · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Rise of the new god?

The final clash of the epic duel began, with Elliot unleashing his ultimate attack, [Infernus Dominance], to weaken the demon king's durability.

Lilith looked at Elliot's attack with fear and panic, aware that she was about to be finished off by this final attack.

Elliot used this opportunity to unleash his final move, which was [Zero Breaker]. Even though Elliot could've ended her existance there,believing that he can make her surrender and explain everything that has happened,he decided to hold back and restrict [Zero Breaker] to a limited amount.

The Demon king tried to use her death manipulation ability upon Elliot, but found that his soul was empty and lifeless

Lililth failed to use death manipulation upon Elliot as his soul was empty and lifeless. A true void existed in Elliot's soul, something that was incomprehensible by anyone else in this world. It seemed that Elliot was a being that even death itself feared, a being truly beyond this world.

Lililth finally realized the true nature of this battle as Elliot's status continued to read as zero of all categories and remained at level zero.

Elliot had no HP, no mana, and was level zero at the core system since he was everywhere and nowhere at once.In the core system,level zero was treated as an error as it couldn't be calculated, instead it was equivalent to Infinity or even beyond.

Elliot was in fact a god that even death feared, and even she, the demon king, couldn't comprehend him.

This revelation was startling and shocking to Lilith, as she became aware that she had no chance against Elliot in this realm.

The demon king was left speechless as her opponent's stats continued to read as infinite and level zero.

She was forced to admit defeat and surrender, realizing that this was not a battle she could win.

The demon king's expression was one of defeat and acceptance, as she was forced to admit Elliot's victory over her.

Lililth was left stunned by her own realization that Elliot was completely above her capabilities and beyond her understanding.

She was a demon king, and yet she was forced to admit that she was powerless against this unknown god that she had challenged.

The demon king finally capitulated, bowing down their head in defeat and acknowledging Elliot as the victor.

"I surrender, you win. I will return Claire to you. She will be safe and unharmed. Consider this a gesture of my defeat at your hands."

"End my life as the sign of your victory"

The demon king's final request was one of honor, requesting that Elliot would end her life as a sign of his victorious triumph.

This was something that was common for warriors and soldiers to do when conceding defeat to an opponent that was worthy of their respect and acknowledgment.

It would be Elliot's choice whether to accept this request or to deny it, but it would clearly be a sign of honor and victory for Elliot if he agreed.

"No, It's Either you serve me or I will force you to serve me"

The demon king finally made her final choice a surprising proposition. She would indeed return Claire to Elliot, but only on the condition that he would accept her as a loyal and devoted servant.

It was certainly an unexpected demand and ultimatum, but it seems that the demon king was set in her convictions, and would not accept anything less.

"I will return your companion back to you, but in exchange I ask that you accept me as your loyal and devoted servant."

"Oi,oi, why are you making demands now"

The demon king was uncompromising and insistent on enforcing her demands, despite the fact that she was surrendering and conceding defeat.

She had admitted defeat and recognized Elliot's superiority to her, but she still insisted on making demands as a condition of her surrender.

It was unclear what the demon king's intentions were, but she was not budging from her stance despite her admission of defeat.

"I surrender and concede to your superior strength, but I refuse to give you your companion back unless you accept me as your loyal servant. There is no room for compromise or negotiation, and my demands must be met if you wish to regain Claire."

Elliot sighed and accepted her proposal

The demon king had successfully forced Elliot to accept her terms, and now had managed to establish herself as his loyal and devoted servant.

Elliot had reluctantly conceded to her demands, knowing that she had the power to keep his companion hostage and prevent his reunion with her otherwise.

It was a unfortunate and frustrating situation, but it seemed like it was out of Elliot's hands. The demon king now fully belonged to him, and was at his command.

The space that had been crafted by Elliot in [Forbidden Paradise] had been destroyed, and the final contract between Elliot and the demon king had been sealed by the restoration of Claire.

Elliot now had control over the demon king as his servant and devoted follower, and Elliot could now make any order or command that he wished.

The demon king had submitted and become totally subservient to Elliot, who now had the upper hand and control in the situation.

A global warning was broadcasted to all mortals worldwide upon the making of the contract, as a divine being of immense power and threat had arrived and taken control of the demon king.


The entire world had its eyes set upon the actions of this newly awakened god with awe and fear, and every mortal was left trembling in the presence of this incomprehensible being.

A system message suddenly appeared upon the global network, causing every mortal worldwide to pause and consider its contents.

"The individual Elliot has reached the requirements for the awakening of the divine shard. The system will now proceed with the awakening process."

The entire world held their breath as they waited for what was to come next.The system message continued with its next statement:

"The awakening process will begin in 10 minutes. All mortal life must prepare for the event and proceed with caution until the awakened individual is stabilized. Failure to comply may lead to destruction."

The warning message left every mortal worldwide in a state of shock and panic, with many seeking shelter from the impending divine awakening.

The system message then concluded with its final notice: "The divine shard awakening will begin in 10 minutes. The system will lock down the entire dimension until its completion, please remain alert and cautious as the awakening process progresses."

With the system's concluding notice, the entire realm was left in a state of suspense and anticipation over the upcoming divine awakening.

As the 10-minute countdown began, the world watched with bated breath, waiting for the awakening of the divine shard.

The system would not allow anything to interfere with the divine awakening process, and locked down the entire realm to protect the awakening individual.

The world was in a state of chaos and excitement, as everyone was aware that life-changing consequences would come as a result of this divine awakening.

Lilith who was now beside Elliot, watched with fascination and interest as the world was in awe of the awakening of the divine shard.

The demon king was now loyal to Elliot, and was watching her master's epic awakening with excitement and a thirst to be of assistance.

"I wish you a great awakening my liege"

Lilith looked at Elliot with reverence and devotion, acknowledging the moment of his awakening with honor and respect.

She offered her words of support and admiration, wishing her revered master well on his epic ascension to godhood.

The awakening was truly a momentous occasion worthy of celebration and honor, and Lilith would not let this opportunity to show her gratitude pass.

The world waited with bated breath to see what would come next as the time for the divine awakening drew ever closer.

Everyone was filled with a sense of anticipation and awe, which was only enhanced by the words of encouragement and support that Lilith had spoken.

The moment of the awakening was indeed one of great honor and importance, and Lilith had perfectly captured the mood and gravity of this historic occasion.

The final minutes of the countdown were drawn, and the world watched with anticipation as the divine awakening was about to begin.

The final countdown was marked by a sudden surge of power from Elliot's body, which seemed to resonate and radiate outwards, bathing the entire realm in a glowing and brilliant light.

At the conclusion of the countdown, Elliot's divine awakening began in a spectacular display of awesome power and light.

His body was surrounded by a shining and bright light that permeated the realms and the entire space with its brightness.

It seemed that the divine awakening was not only a spiritual event, but also a physical transformation of Elliot, as his body began to undergo alterations that were truly majestic and awe-inducing in scope and magnitude.

After Elliott's initial transformation, a strange and unexpected phenomenon occurred, as darkness suddenly enshrouded his body and transformed the divine light into darkness.

The light that had once filled the realm was swiftly and inexplicably being replaced by a veil of darkness.

It seems the divine awakening of Elliot had brought about unforeseen and unexpected consequences, and nobody was aware of what was causing or what these developments meant.

As Elliot's divine awakening was completed, he fully embraced the darkness and absorbed it, further augmenting and transforming his body into a realm beyond the gods.

His physical appearance had changed, as his once teal eyes had transformed into dark blue eyes, now filled with a deep and mysterious power. His gray hair had also transformed into a half red and half whit color, as if to further signify the duality and paradox of his existence.

His clothing was another aspect that was transformed. His noble garb had changed into a pure white suit, the color symbolizing purity and innocence. A hat had also been added, as if to signify his place as a god.

<Elliot >

Classification -Deity


Attributes - Cosmic Stardust, Hell Fire, Void Energy

Skills- Khaos Devour, Zero Breaker, Infernus Dominance, Teleport, Observer.

Mana- ∞/ ???

Strength -∞/???

Durability -∞/???


Alongside that,his stats drastically changed from level 5000 to a continuing string of infinity above the stack of infinity.It's like he's not a god, but something even beyond it, something beyond comprehension.

On top of that,he gained the skill [Khaos Devour] That Allows the user to consume, erase, and destroy the very concept and the fabric of reality itself, devouring the entire cosmos and leaving behind nothing but darkness and empty Space,It also Allows the user to draw Energy From the void To Destroy and Make them non-existent

The divine awakening of Elliot had come to a conclusion, resulting in a transformation that was not only physical, but also spiritual and metaphysical.

The world now witnessed the birth of a god beyond all mortal comprehension, someone who was truly in a realm beyond the gods themselves.

This awakening seemed to be a monumental event that would alter the course of history, and it was unknown just what consequences would come as a result of this monumental ascension