
Bleach : System? I Refuse!

A boy who had died after refusing the system. A fate? A choice? Sai had land in the Spirit World. Having enough of striving one world after another, will he do it again? Credit for all original world builds, characters and all original indicators goes respectively to the owner, Tite Kubo. I'm just writing a fan fic.

Cute_Melon · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs


08 Challenge

Kuruyashiki and his officer went straight on a stage, leaving the other members on the field.

After Kuruyashiki sat on his matress, the other officers followed his action.

"Well then, let's welcome the new recruits with a big clap."


All the members clapped once at the same time.

"This year, we got 21 additional members. before we start, I'll introduce you to our new 5th seat officer, Sai."

"Oi Sai, get you *ss here." Kuruyashiki called for Sai who was sitting amongst the new recruit.

Walking to the stage, Sai felt the gazes from the audiences were staring at him.

Reaching the stage, Sai turned and smiled to the members who were sitting at at the field.

Then he sat quietly on the mattress that prepared for the 5th seat.

Seeing Sai sit down, Kuruyashiki smiled.

"Touma, explains the rules and starts the seats challenge" Kuruyashiki ordered.

"Challenge?" Sai was shocked with the sudden announcement.

Not only Sai, all the new recruits was surprised and immediately asked their senior for explanations.

Touma then stood up and explained the challenge rules.

1. Everyone can only challenge once.

2. The winner will occupy the seat.

3. The Loser would serve the winner as assistant.

4. The first three rules above are only applied to challengers.

5. The seats that had been challenged were allowed to have 10 minute intervals for rest or healing.

6. The seat that lose to the challenges will swap the place with the winner with no further chance to challenge others.

7. Only seated officers can challenge the single seat.

"With the rules stated, I now announce the challenge for the 20th seat is opened" Touma announced.

After the announcement, several shinigami step forward and challenge the 20th seat officer.

Seeing the vigorously shinigami fought, Sai could gauge their strength compare to him. As he had been training his strength over the years, Sai knew that he was stronger than average shinigami. But he was wondering how strong he was compare to those at the top rank.

Seeing the fight, Sai felt like he could easily beat the officer and his challengers without taking the 10minutes rest. Still he didn't underestimate the other of the seat officer just because he saw the 20th seat fights. He was the last within the seats afterall.

After the 20th seat completely defending his position, it was the 19th turn. Seeing that the fight wasn't much different from before, Sai decided to find some answer for his earlier confusion.

He turned to Naoki(4th seat) who was sitting beside him. "Pstt, Senior, I heard you say that everyone was came early, especially when they heard my seat was opened. What was that means? Is there anything special about my seat? Owh, what did the single seat mean?"

"Hmm? Your 5th seat? Well, just like mine, and above officers, our seats are at high position in Gotei13. But for your case, your seat had been vacant for 6 years. Some officers had been eyeing for the seat all these years. Last month, Captain Kuruyashiki told that he would fill the position after the recruitment ceremony. The rest.... You know it." Naoki answered and turned away.

"By the way, the single seat was for the 9th seat to lieutenant" Naoki added.

"Six years?"

'It was said that Kuruyashiki had a good and charismatic personality. But he had been plotting on me all along? Not only that, he put me in this hot seat that everyone had been eyeing on? For what?' Sai was confused. Not long after that, the 19th seat challenges had ended.

As the fight continued, Sai watched quietly. The fight had become more fierce as the rank increase. The reiatsu were getting stronger as the rank increased.

What surprised Sai was, not only they fight with zanpakuto, there were also shinigami who fight with Kido and Hakuda. Unlike the era of Zaraki, Sai found out that Kuruyashiki's era of Division 11 didn't have any disdain towards Kido or Hakuda.

Especially when he heard Naoki told him that under the 12th seat leadership, Hakuda is the mainstream type of combat. They were filled with people that enthusiastic about bare hand fights. Sometimes, even the 2nd Division didn't shy away from coming to recruit them.

Of course, because of good relationship ship between Kuruyashiki and the current 2nd Division captain. They were allowed to do so with his permission.

The fights stop at the 10th seat. After the 10th position was settled down, Kuruyashiki ordered for half an hour rest time and the fight would be continued after that.

The half an hour flew fast as everyone was waiting for the next fight.

After the 9th seat officer, Maki Kentarō stepped into the field and wait for his challenger.

Seeing no one came out to challenge him, Touma announced Kentarō won by default.

However after being announced as winner, Kentarō didn't leave the field and looked to the stage.

"I'll challenge the 8th seat." Kentarō spoke his intention.

"Oi oi Ken, can't you spare me this time? I have a challenge to do after this." The 8th seat, Tokuda Ryōma shouted as he was walking to the field.

"Cut the crap Ryoma. I don't care who would grab that seat, but I refuse to be seen weaker than you" said Kentarō.

"Sigh, you said that every year. How long it had been? 20 years! I waste my 20 years with your challenges. See that 7th seat. It has changed hands twice through these 20 years. Even though I'm stronger, I had been stuck at this seat because of you!" Ryōma spoke with gritted teeth.

Hearing Ryōma's words, the 7th seat twitch her mouth. Even though she didn't want to admit that, she knew the truth of those words.

"You talk too much. Defeat me first before spouting those nonsense." Kentarō shouted as he started realising his reiatsu.

Then, he stepped forward to attack.

"I have defeated you 20 times already!" Ryōma's reiatsu spiked.


Two big reiatsu collided as the fight started.