
Chapter 237 Lift the curse

Ichigo stopped his bakudo and let all of the Hashira go.

They looked at him with a combination of relief and wariness. The tension in the air was tangible as they cautiously watched his next move.

They now knew what he was, he wasn't a demon or human, but a Shinigami.

They didn't know what he would do to them, as they were very disrespectful to him.

Ichigo's expression softened, signaling his intentions were not hostile.

"I won't do anything to all of you. Even if you want to kill me, all is well because even if you all want to kill me, You can't, and you all might end up just like him."

Ichigo pointed at Obanai, who was now sleeping peacefully on the cracked ground. He tried to joke, but it wasn't funny at all.

When he saw that, they didn't take his joke well. He shook his head.

"Now that I have healed her, there is no need for you all to be wary of her anymore. I need to go and take care of Lord Kagaya now. His condition will worsen if I don't do something about it." 

Ichigo carried Nezuko with him, as she had now fallen asleep in his arms, her breathing steady and peaceful. 

Tanjirou wanted to go with him to check on Nezuko, but the guards stopped him. Not everyone was allowed to meet with their lord. 

They let Ichigo go to see their lord because they believed that Ichigo was a Shinigami after witnessing his power.

If he was the god of death, that meant he should be able to help their lord.

"Let him go with me. He just worries about his little sister." Ichigo said, and the guards didn't stop Tanjurou anymore.

"Thank you, my lord!"

They were about to go to Kagaya, but someone stopped them first.

It was Kochou Shinobu.

"Please let me go with you, my lord. I might not be much of a help when I have witnessed your lordship's healing arts. However, as I was the one responsible for his lordship's health and well being, I would like to learn how your lordship would cure his lordship."

Shinobu was still wary of Ichigo, however, she was more worried about Kagaya than her safety.

She was responsible for Kagaya's health for a very long time. She wanted to know how Ichigo would help him with his sickness.

"Come with me." Ichigo didn't say much and went toward where he could sense Kagaya's soul beginning to weaken.

He was surprised that he lasted this long with his body condition.

Shinobu looked at his every movement. He carried himself as if he had been trained in the art of assassination for a long time. He gave off a feeling like Tengen, but superior.

Ichigo reached where Kagaya was. Now Kagaya wasn't accompanied by any guards, but by people who had the same scent as him.

They should be his family. They all surround Kagaya while waiting for him to come and help Kagaya.

Hinaki, when she saw Ichigo, immediately went toward him and said,

"Ichigo-sama, please help, Lord Father!" Hinaki pleaded. She knew that Ichigo should be able to help her father. She saw what he had done to Nezuko.

He could turn Nezuko back into a human.

If he could do that, he should be able to lift the curse. She knew that her lord's father wasn't sick, but he was cursed.

Ichigo nodded at her. He could definitely do it. It was even easier than turning Nezuko back into a human.

"It is not sickness but a bloodline curse. It might be hard, but not impossible." Ichigo checked on Kagaya, and he found a way to help him.

It was very simple. All he needed to do was awaken his Yokai blood. Kagaya and his family had a Yuki Onna bloodline in them.

"I might need to do something drastic, but please rest assured that I meant him no harm."

Ichigo didn't wait for them to prepare themselves as he called out for Futsunomitama, and then he stabbed Kagaya with Tama in sword form! The blade pierced through Kagaya's chest, causing his body to stop moving instantly.

"You!" Everyone was shocked. They didn't think that Ichigo would stab Kagaya with a sword! And before they could do anything, it was already too late!

"Please wait, everyone. Look at the Lord's Father's curse mark. It shrunk!" Hinaki was the only one in their family who noticed it and told everyone to look at him closely.

The sword was forcing the curse out of Kagaya's body!

Craze: More chapters on www.p@treon.com/phelio