
Chapter 167 Time to get some merit

"You can do whatever you want, Kurosaki-sanbanme, but you have to report back to me frequently."

Aizen doesn't have a plan for him currently. He was busy luring Kisuke to work for him, and it seemed like Kisuke was very interested in Aizen's offer.

If Kisuke came to work for him here, many things would be finished faster.

He also knew that Ichigo was smart and very strong, so let him do whatever he wanted to have enough merit to marry Kuchiki Rukia, which could be considered a good choice for his future plans.

Ichigo nodded and then left his office.

Outside his office, Rangiku and Miyako waited for him. They would travel with him around the Hueco Mundo to gather valuable information, strengthen their skills, and gain military merit.

"I got permission from Sosuke-taisho. We can go now."

Ichigo said to them. He didn't want to bring them with him, but he didn't have enough reason to not let them go with him.

They were his team, so if he rejected them, it might raise suspicion as to why he didn't want them to go with him.

"So, where do we go from here?"

Rangiku asked curiously. Miyako also wanted to know what their next move would be.

Ichigo thought about it. He got enough information from Ulquiorra so he would go to the place that led to where Harribel's territory was.

In his opinion, making an ally with her was a good choice, and he was confident that she would not know who he was. But he decided to tell her about his circumstances so she could help him when he needed it.

"I know where we should go, and I will tell you the details while we are on our way."

Ichigo led them out of the base and went east from there. The first destination was the place where it should be the territory of the lord of despair.

Ichigo knew all of his abilities and strengths. He was strong, but he was confident that he could take them down just by using Shinigami power and nothing else.

Near Nel's house.

Sung-sun, Mila Rose, and Apacci had arrived. They could see that there were many low-class hollows in the surrounding area.

The low-class hollow looked at them in fear, as they could tell that they were far stronger than them.

Low-class hollow was different from low-class arrancar. They had the appearance of animals and had a very low IQ.

They normally would not dare to come near the place where Vasto Lorde governed. But for some reason, these low-class hollows dared to lurk around the place that their lord governed.

Sung-sun let out a small amount of spiritual power. It was enough to crush them, but she refrained from doing it because she wanted to check something.

She could kill them and be done with it, but she felt that something wasn't right.

Normally, when the low-class hollow saw them and felt their spiritual power, they would run away as fast as they could, but they just stood there, not knowing what to do.

This meant that there was someone who was scarier than them behind their strange behavior.

"I think someone had done something to them so they couldn't leave this place. But what did they do to them, and for what purpose I don't know?"

Sung-sun said to Mila Rose and Apacci.

"Wait a minute, isn't that the house where the former Vasto Lorde lived? I think that the reason they have come here must be something related to him."

Apacci pointed this out. Sung-sun and Mila Rose looked at her in shock.


"I didn't think that Apacci would have a brain. I am shocked."

"Me too."

"You bitches!"

Apacci was angry and pouted. She would not say anything anymore.

"Let's kill them and go to find him and everyone that lived with him."

Mila Rose said and then went to the high dunes, which should be the place where Pesche lived with his friends.

Sung-sun crushed the low-class hollows with her spiritual pressure, then followed behind her with Apacci.

They reached Nel's house in a moment and saw no one there.

"Weird, I thought they would be home at this time, but where are they?"

Mila Rose didn't see anyone inside the house, so she decided to search the surrounding area for any signs of Pesche and his friends.

They then found a trace that indicated that they left in a hurry somewhere.

The trio looked at each other and nodded. They would follow the trail to find Pesche and his friends. They might be in trouble or in need of help.

"I will send the message to her majesty before we continue."

Nel and her friends were now trying to find Pesche, but they got lost. They could get lost easily when Pesche wasn't around with them.

And Nnoitra didn't know about it, so he waited for them to get where he had laid ambush for a long time now.

"Um, where are we?"

Nel asked Dondochakka and Bawabawa.

"I don't know."

"Don't know"

Nel thought very hard but couldn't remember how they ended up in this unfamiliar place. They were inside a ruin that seemed to have been abandoned for centuries.

This place was filled with dust and cobwebs, giving it a haunting and eerie atmosphere.

And when they were inside this rune, no one from outside could sense their spiritual power making Nnoitra even mad because he had just lost sight of them.