
Chapter 166 Gentleman

The war between the Vasto Lordes was inevitable. Barragan declared war against the three lords who wanted to take advantage of him when he died.

Even though he almost died at the hands of Ulquiorra, he was still stronger than the three lords. And he had more subordinates, so fighting with the three lords wasn't impossible.

Harribel felt great when she heard the news that Barragan was in big trouble. She felt like joining the three lords to mess up with Barragan more, but unfortunately, She hated them as much as she hated Barragan.

She didn't like any of them, unlike a certain someone who was constantly on her mind.

'If it was him, then I don't mind.'

Harribel thought of a certain Vasto Lorde. She still didn't know his true name, but she would call him Lord of Destruction.

His Grand Rey Destruccion was still in her mind. Such a powerful Vasto Lorde, yet he was still humble and didn't oppress her, even though he could.

She tried to remember the word that could describe him from a certain book she got from the ruin near her territory.

'That's right, he was a gentleman.'

She remembered when they shared spiritual wine together. Harribel reminisced about his mysterious presence and their shared moments, which made her want his company once again.

'What is this feeling? Am I sick?'

Harribel needed to find that book she threw away in the treasury. She had deemed it a useless book before because she thought that all men were the same until she met him. She never thought she would find someone who acted like the gentleman in the book.

Next to her were the Tres Bestias.

Apacci, Mila Rose, and Sung-sun looked at their lord in wonder. They had never seen her show such an expression like this before.

They exchanged glances, unsure of what had happened to their lord.

They could sense that something had changed within her, and they couldn't help but feel curiosity and concern at the same time.

"What should we do to help her majesty? She seems to miss him so much."

Mila Rose whispered as she bit her lip, deep in thought. Apacci nodded in agreement, her brows furrowed with worry.

"Perhaps we should try to distract her majesty, take her majesty mind off of it."

She suggested, and Sung-sun chimed in.

"Or maybe we could talk to her majesty about it and see if her majesty wants to share what's bothering her."

The three of them exchanged ideas, trying to find a way to somehow help her. But they couldn't find any solutions that felt right.

Harribel shook her head. They thought she wouldn't hear them, but she heard them clearly. She didn't say anything about it until she felt something.

She sighed and said to the three, breaking them from talking about her with each other.

"Apacci, Mila Rose, and Sung-sun. I felt some low-class arrancar had been going around for some time now. Go and take care of them for me."

Harribel didn't mind it if they came and went away, but they lurked around for too long, and she didn't like it.

She couldn't go and deal with them herself, as she needed to protect her city.

"Yes, Your Majesty. We will go and take care of it for you."

Hearing her order. The three bowed respectfully before Harribel and quickly left to fulfill their task.

They would talk about her again after dealing with the pests.

Harribel looked at them and then shook her head. She grabbed a bottle of wine and started pouring it into her glass. She then drank it.

"I really want to know where you are now. Will you come back here again?"

Harribel closed her eyes and let herself relax. She knew that they would meet again someday.

Ichigo had a problem. He felt like someone was thinking about him, but there were too many women who would think about him, so he didn't know who.

Ichigo had been thinking about what he would ask Ulquiorra for the compensation, and what he came up with was that he needed information about how to use power as a hollow.

He could use Shinigami power and Quincy power expertly, but when it came to hollow power, He could only use its raw power. He wanted it to be refined, so Ulquiorra might be able to help him with this.

"King, I think we should travel around Hueco Mundo more. Why don't you ask that Megane to let us travel around?"

White said to Ichigo.

He didn't like those who wore glasses, so he called everyone Megane.

Ichigo thought about it a little bit. He didn't know what Aizen had planned or what he had been doing now. So, asking him to let him travel around might be a good choice for obtaining merit.

He needed more merit in order to marry Rukia. Staying idle was something that was not going to give you merit.

Rangiku and Miyako also didn't have much to do, as every little task was assigned to those low-class Shinigami. They were like the labor force, while high-class Shinigami acted like their boss.

It was understandable for a war race to have this kind of hierarchy.