
Chapter 168 Rend them asunder

Ichigo led Rangiku and Miyako toward Harrible's territory.

During the time he and the two travel there.

They found many interesting things buried in the sand.

Ichigo felt that coming to Hueco Mundo might be more meaningful than he had thought.

He felt like he was at home for some reason.

And it wasn't about Hollow power inside him but something else more spiritual.

'Ulquiorra might think that these things were not important so he didn't tell me anything about them.'

Ichigo found many things that shouldn't be in this place and got buried under the white sand.

Things that relate to advanced technology.

There was even a car that looked more advanced than any cars in his world.

And Ichigo had disassembled it and found that the internal design of the car was very different in fundamental from the cars in his world.

They were also made from unknown material.

'Maybe Hueco Mundo wasn't only connected to my world but to many different worlds.'

And why did Ichigo think like that?

It wasn't just the car he found.

There were even books with languages that he could not find in his world.

Aka unknown languages which weren't hollow languages either.

So he came to the conclusion that Hueco Mundo might connect to other worlds as well.

He could also feel that Ophis's blessing kept reacting to the things he found.

He would ask her when he met her in the future. Maybe she had come here in the past.

And as Ichigo was in deep thought.

Rangiku ran toward him with a big smile on her face.

"I have informed Sosuke-taicho about it and he said that it was a great find. We get 500 merit points each for that."

Rangiku was very happy and she even hugged Ichigo and pressed her abundance of assets on his face.

She got almost enough merit to fix her problem just by staying close to him.

She should reward him a little bit right.

And she thought that he was cute and handsome so it was a win win for her.

Ichigo didn't refuse the treatment as he heard that men shouldn't refuse to be treated by a beautiful lady.

It was a gentleman's code he learned from the internet.

Miyako just chuckled from the side but Ichigo could tell that she was suspicious of him somehow.

She said that he looked like her husband.

Just different hair colors. She even compared him to his picture.

And the more she looked at him the more he looked like her husband's younger version.

She didn't ask anything but Ichigo knew she would when they were alone.

She might have thought that he wanted to keep things relating to Shiba a secret as the Shiba clan wasn't accepted by the nobles in Seireitei.

Her life was a bit rough when she was young too.

So it was understandable to her that he wanted to keep distance from the clan.

'I really want to know what Kaien would think of him when he see him'

Kaien was busy with his mission so he didn't have a chance to meet Ichigo when he came to Seireitei last time.

Next time they would meet each other and she was sure it would be fun.

They keep traveling until. They reached a small village that wasn't far from Harribel's territory.

They could feel that many hostile gazes were laid upon them.

"Be careful. I felt high-class hollows inside the village. And they are hostile."

Ichigo said so the two would be on guard.

They were in the elite class so dealing with the high class shouldn't be a problem but they weren't immortal.

They could still be killed if not careful.

They went close to the village.

The village wasn't big and wasn't small either.

Miyako and Rangiku unsheathed their Zanpakuto. They were ready to fight any moment.

Ichigo felt hollow energy gathering and aiming at them.

Miyako and Rangiku also could sense that but they were slower than Ichigo as they didn't have the same level of perception toward hollow energy like him.

He narrowed his eyes then before the hollow that aiming Zero at them could release its power.

He said in a low voice.

"Go forth, Rend them asunder, Futsunomitama no tsurugi!"

Both Miyaki and Rangiku looked at him in surprise.

This was the first time they saw him release his Shikai.

They didn't know that it wasn't his shikai that came from his Zanpakuto but from the Toy sword his mother gave him instead.

If they knew they would be even more shocked.

A toy sword could become so strong that it even had a release form!

Futsunomitama materialized then flew at the speed of light toward the hollows, leaving only bluish light trails.

With his speed he shredded all the hollows apart, killing them in a mere fraction of milliseconds.