
Bleach- The Bravest Soul

Zack was an office worker who was one day stabbed to death by a thief when he tried to help an old man. The next thing he found out was that he was in a place that was filled chaotic elements. Suddenly some of those elements rushed at him as he lost his consciousness. Next he opened his eyes in a new world as he looked at a beautiful face. He didn't knew that he was in for a ride of a lifetime.

pratiksymbol · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 7

He locked the door and took of his shirt. He then went close to the mirror and checked his body. What appeared in the mirror was a chiseled body with compact muscles. His body looked like as if it was filled with explosive power.

" 8 years and I have been able to reach a physical level that might be superior to a weak shinigami if I don't use any reiryoku." He said to himself.

He then went in the bathroom to take a shower and came out after sometime. He put on fresh clothes and checked out of the window.

'That damned cat isn't here!' He thought with a sigh. Since the day he saw Yoruichi in her cat form, he has seen her stalking him in various occasions. It had created quite some difficulty for him during his training so he needed to go slow and not reveal anything to them.

He had only done things that would make him a bit superior to other kids of his age, like walking when he was nearly a year old, speaking when he turned two, and doing mild exercises so that no one could find anything wrong with him.

For more protection, he had brought a power masking ring that would suppress and mask the users energy signature. With this he was able to fool Yoruichi and others about his ever growing spiritual power thanks to his mental training and by consuming soul candies.

'Mom has yet to finish preparing the breakfast. Lets check out that thing. I hope that it can give me some quality results.' He thought with a smirk.

He then pointed his left hand forward as a black matter suddenly came out of his palm. This black matter slowly fell on ground and starting to take shape. In a few seconds the matter completely changed into Zack. He looked exactly. like Zack with the same spiritual power signature.

This was a new ability he created with his creation ability. It allowed him to create a clone of himself by fusing his reiryoku, blood and a part of his soul. This clone was so accurate that no one could catch the truth behind it.

"You stay here and keep watch. Immediately inform me if something comes up." He said to the clone.

The clone nodded his head as an yes.

"Good." Saying this, Zack turned around and a swirling black portal appeared in front of him. He slowly entered it as the portal closed behind him, leaving the clone alone iin the room.

The next instance he was inside a different dimension. it's sky was completely black but somehow the land was illuminated.

He was standing on a platform created of reishi as he looked down on the world. The landscape streched on for infinity as it was littered with mountain ranges. In one of the areas stood a massive castle made out of pure reishi. It was surrounded by grasslands for miles. In front of the castle a creature at least 15 meters tall bound in chains. It had a white mask and it's body was muscular. It also had a hole in its stomach. It was a big hollow that was sleeping currently.

Zack looked at it and slowly came down. The reishi platform disappeared as it touched the ground.

The sleeping hollow as if sensing something opened its eyes and looked at Zack who has lands 50 feets away from him. It started to stand up and growl at Zack.

"Did you miss me?" Zack said as he smiled at it.

"Gi ..ivee....mee...mo ..oorreee!" The hollow said in a gutteral like scream as he tried to rush towards Zack.

*Klinkk* But it couldn't move due to the chains wrapping around him.

Zack seeing this removed his shirt fully displaying his robust and powerful body. After that he pulled out a white pearl like object from his pocket and showed it to the hollow.

"Do you want this?" He said.

*Roooaaarrrrr* Seeing the pearl like object the hollow went crazy and started to struggle with all its might but it still couldn't break a single chain.

Zack snapped his fingers and chains binding him suddenly disappeared. As the chains disappeared, a suddenly all- crushing spiritual pressure was released from the body of the hollow.

This spiritual pressure was so strong that it was even shaking the ground itself. The spiritual pressure was on the level of a shinigami captain.

"Seems like my experiment was a success." He said as he removed the necklace having a Quincy cross attached to it.

The hollow roared and rushed at him at a speed that couldn't even be perceived by humans. Seeing this Zack didn't do anything and stood at his place.

The hollow reached him and put his gigantic arm to crush zack as if he was crushing a mosquito.

Zack simply lifted his palm a directly stopped the incoming attack in its track. The ground under his feet got completely shattered and a giant craters formed under his feat due to the crushing attack of the hollow.

But this couldn't even budge Zack who held the giant palm of the hollow over his head effortlessly.

Seeing this the hollow roared and applied more force as it released more of it's spiritual pressure. The ground below Zack started to crack from all directions. Still it couldn't even force Zack.

"It seems like feeding you those spirit candies wasn't a waste at all." He said as he disappeared from his location directly appeared in front of the hollow's torso and kicked it.

*Boom* *Roar* And with a powerful sonic boom the hollow was sent flying across the grassy plains. It only stopped after it has traveled a few kilometers away.

Zack also appeared in front of it with a burst of speed and punched it's face completely obliterating its upper half of the body.

"Well it seems that it's over." He said looking at the body of the hollow slowly dissipating.

He then turned around flew towards the castle.