
Bleach- The Bravest Soul

Zack was an office worker who was one day stabbed to death by a thief when he tried to help an old man. The next thing he found out was that he was in a place that was filled chaotic elements. Suddenly some of those elements rushed at him as he lost his consciousness. Next he opened his eyes in a new world as he looked at a beautiful face. He didn't knew that he was in for a ride of a lifetime.

pratiksymbol · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 15

"Oh...no. It's a adjucas class hollow a...and it's power seemed to r....reaching close to that of a V.V...vasto Lorde." Dondochakka said with a shaky voice as he and Pesche backed away a little when they saw the the hollow.

"Oh... what have we here! Two human kids and two..... arrancars!?" The hollow said with a distorted voice as it greedly looked at Zack and Tatsuki. But when he looked at Dondochakka and Pesche he seemed to have frowned under his insect like mask.

"Let's get rid of you two first." The adjucas said as he suddenly appeared in front of the two arrancars. The two couldn't even react at time.

The hollow lifted it's one of the many arms and brought it down with a powerful force.

At this time Zack and Tatsuki was looking at the hollow. When the hollow moved, Zack nodded his head as he looked at Tatsuki. Seeing this she understood what he meant and disappeared from the place she was standing.

She then appeared in front of Dondochakka and Pesche and lifted her arm as she blocked the blow from the adjucas.

*Booom* A loud explosion occurred as the arrancars were sent flying due to the force.

When the dusts settled one could see a girl literally holding the massive arm of a giant hollow effortlessly.

"Ohhhh.... This little girl is strong." The adjucas was amazed that the kid could not only intercept his attack but could also stop it with just one hand.

"Wow." On the side Pesche and Dondochakka were also astonished when they saw Tatsuki blocking the attack from adjucas class hollow which had spiritual pressure close to a Vasto Lorde.

They couldn't believe a kid like her was this much strong.

The adjucas this time brought his other arms down with terrifying speed which exploded the sands around. But Tatsuki disappeared from her place and appeared from her place and appeared a few meters away.

"Not only are you strong but also fast. You are going to be my best meal today human brat." The adjucas said as it licked it's lips under it's mask.

Looking at the hollow, Tatsuki sneered at his hungry expression. She then clenched her fists on which she wore her gauntlets and released her spiritual pressure. It was on the same level of the adjucas. Her body was covered with a yellow coloured spiritual energy.

Sensing the spiritual pressure, the adjucas and the two arrancars were once again surprised. Previously Zack and Tatsuki has lowered their spiritual pressure.

The two disappeared from where they were standing and clashed multiple times in a few seconds. Their speed was something that humans couldn't even comprehend.

Dondochakka and Pesche were looking at the two clash as their strikes send shockwave around.

"This is going nowhere!" The adjucas roared and the insect like mouth opened as massive amount of reitsu started to condense. The hollow was planning to use a cero and that also a very powerful one.

"Oh .No..Runnnnn!" Dondochakka said as he rushed at Zack and tried to pull him from the expected radius of the attack. But he couldn't even budge him a milimeter.

'What the....His body is like a mountain. Even I can't move it.' Dondochakka said internally as he was tried to pull him to no avail.

"You don't need to worry about me." Zack said without looking at him as he was busy looking at the two fight.

"Dieeeee!!!!" The adjucas roared and unleashed the compressed energy from its masked mouth. The energy orb expanded as it rushed towards Tatsuki who took a fighting stance.

"Haaaa!" Tatsuki roared as the gauntlets on her hand released a golden coloured reitsu in form of jets of energy as punched out.

*Boooom* A huge explosion occurred as the two energy collided and engulfed tens of miles.

At this time Dondochakka and Pesche has used their sonido to move far away from the area as they couldn't move Zack and had to leave him there.

"What crazy power!!!" Pesche said he looked at the mushroom cloud not far away from them.

"I hope you that the kid is alright." Dondochakka commented as he too looked at the mushroom cloud.

Once the sand storm settled after the huge explosion, one could see a massive crater. At the centre of crater, two silhouettes could be seen standing tens of meters away. They were Tatsuki and the adjucas.

The adjucas was missing a few of it's arm where as Tatsuki didn't even have a scratch on her.

The hollow looked at the figure of Tatsuki who didn't have a single scratch on her with severe eyes. He couldn't believe that his full powered cero couldn't even kill this little girl. He was pissed. The arms slowly regenerated as the adjucas released a howl as he rushed at Tatsuki with full power. And then their fight continued.

Their fight was in full swing as their clashes destroyed the area. The hollow was fighting wildly while Tatsuki was deflecting and dodging it's blows effortlessly while she would strike it from time to time dealing massive damage with her punches.

'She has grown nicely' Zack said as he was floating in the sky. When the adjucas and Tatsuki's attack clashed, Zack had already flew out of the blast distance.

Tatsuki has reached they level of low tier captains when it came to spiritual pressure alone but she had less fighting experience considering that she mostly sparred with Zack and sometimes fought hollows that they caught and made them stronger. Most of these hollows were mindless with zero fighting senses thus they were easy to kill. She hasn't fought a hollow that was not only stronger but also fought smartly.

'Good this will be a great way to hone our skills and get much better fighting experience.' 'Thought Zack as he saw Tatsuki releasing a devastating punch at the hollow. The punch literally disintegrated all the arms it had on its right shoulder.

Zack was quite happy that the gauntlets he created were put to good use by Tatsuki. Yes, Zack created the gauntlets for her using the forge of creation and bones from hollow. These gauntlets suited her fullbringer side of powers and she could channel it through them in form of powerful energy blasts and concussive force.

"Hey Tatsuki finish it off now. " At this Zack yelled as the two kept on fighting.


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