
Bleach- The Bravest Soul

Zack was an office worker who was one day stabbed to death by a thief when he tried to help an old man. The next thing he found out was that he was in a place that was filled chaotic elements. Suddenly some of those elements rushed at him as he lost his consciousness. Next he opened his eyes in a new world as he looked at a beautiful face. He didn't knew that he was in for a ride of a lifetime.

pratiksymbol · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 11

"You promised me that we will go to that Heuco Mundo place today if I completed 1000 pushups, 1000 situps, 1000 squats, and 100 km run. Don't you dare back out!" Tatsuki said pointing her finger at Zack's face.

"Yes I remember but do we really need to go so early. Let's do it in the evening after we come back from school ok. " Zack said as he went past her towards the door.

Tatsuki followed him as the two reached the dining room where his mother had set up the galaxy table for breakfast and sitting on the chair waiting for the two.

"What were you doing Zack?" She questioned.

"Uh sorry mom, I just felt like taking a longer shower. You know how hot the days are." He said scratching his head.

"Ok come, sit down you two. Let's have our breakfast. Anna said.

Zack and Tatsuki sat down in their chairs and started to earth the breakfast.

"As always its delicious mom!" Zack said as he ate the food. Tatsuki also nodded her head while she ate her food.

Anna just smiled at the two kids eating. She loved it when someone praised her cooking. The three finished their breakfast. Soon it was time for them to leave for school. Tatsuki went to her home to get dressed while Zack also wore his school uniform.

"I am leaving mom." He said as he went out of the house. Anna stood at their as she saw her boy leave for school.

Next she closed the door and turned atound. The smile on her face disappeared and she became serious as she looked at the black cat sitting on one of the sofas present in the house.

"What do you want?" She asked with with frosty voice.

"I want nothing other than you and your kid's safety." The cat said.

"Why would we need your help?" Anna questioned.

"I know who you are what your son is. His existence is not common and once the forces hidden in the darkness knows about him, they are surely going to get to him." The cat's voice was serious as it said the words.

"Are you threatening me?" Anna said in pissed off voice as she flared her spiritual pressure. The mere release cracked all the glasses into the house shook a bit.

"No need to get your panties in a twist. We are only trying to help you." The cat stood up as it also released it's spiritual pressure.

Seeing this Anna bit her lips. She knew that she couldn't fight or take unnecessary risks that would jeopardize her and her safety. After all this place was under the protection and authority of shinigamis. And on top of that she was also an outsider. If she acted impulsively then all her benefactors would have to suffer the consequences.

So she sighed and stopped releasing her spiritual pressure. Seeing this the cat also did the same.

"I know what happened to your parents and for that I am very sorry but we won't harm you. That I can promise." The cat said said trying to lower the hostility.

In the past Anna's parents were killed by shinigamis when they were on a trip to Japan for an important mission. Due to this she was not much friendly to shinigamis.

" How do you know about my son?" She asked with coldness in her eyes.

"We have our own ways to find out things. But it doesn't really matter. What matters is that your son is unique. He has both the power of quincies and fullbringers. You know what this means. Other shinigami factions from soul society aren't to kind. They will consider him a threat an existence that needs to be removed. But if he stays under our protection then we will make sure that they don't ever reach your son." The cat said.

"Do whatever you feel like but if you try to harm him then I will make sure that you people never see the sun of the next day." She said with piercing eyes.

The cat nodded it's head and jumped out of the window without commenting further.

Anna sat on sofa and looked at the pendant that hung around her neck. She opened the cover and looked at the picture. It was that if Anna and Michael together as they hugged each other happily.

"What should I do Michael? " She said reminiscing her lover who sacrificed his life to save him and their son.


"Did you sense that spiritual pressure?" Tatsuki asked as she walked besides Zack.

"Yeah it's Yoruichi and mom. It seems like they are trying make a move. " Zack said calmly.

"Why did you show your fullbringer powers to your mom when you guys were training?" Tatsuki asked.

"It was to bait them. I am Kisuke should have already found out about my mother's identity and her past relationships. So for him to infer that I have both the blood of Quincy and fullbringer isn't hard for him. They only reason that he never bothered us is because I haven't shown any signs of awakening my fullbringer powers. So I showed my mother that I had awakened my fullbringer powers. This way Kisuke will no my importance and not try do anything stupid. He is probably making plans how to use my existence in the grand scheme." Zack said.

"Oh" Tatsuki nodded her head seriously. Zack must say that the current Tatsuki is completely different from her original counterpart. Due to the training, knowledge, and power imparted by him, she was more smarter and mature. She could analyze situations and could even form her own plans even being only an 8 years old kid.

"But won't they suspect anything?" She continued.

"If they did then they would have taken different measures to get to me. Just think who in their right mind would let a child no less than 8 who has spiritual pressure above captain level shinigami walk around freely. Even Kisuke wouldn't be that lax. On top of that they don't even know about you. They just consider you an innocent and stupid kid following a smart Quincy kid who hides his identity as told by his mother." Saying that with a smirk he ran forward.

"Hey who are you calling stupid?!" Tatsuki shouted as she ran behind Zack.

The two then walked towards their school discussing various things.


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