
Bleach! The world of Fang and blade!

So you died, only to find yourself being chased by hollows! Does that mean that the world of Bleach is real? And who the hell is this guy with glasses? Follow Greyson as he finds himself entering into the world of Bleach! After a fateful encounter, he wakes up in the Rukon district with a new system to help him on his journey! Enter the world of bleach with a system! If you love Bleach and want more, check out my Patreon page! https://www.patreon.com/lavalord115

Lavalord115 · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Chapter 28: Menos!

A few days had passed by since Grayson's training session with Momo regarding some Bakudō practice. Grayson had been able to learn two new spells without the help of his system or needing to spend skill points, something he was rather impressed with.

It would seem that my intelligence stat also helps me learn things quicker than normal. The more it increases the faster I can learn things depending on their rank, Grayson said to himself while studying his stat screen, something he did often to see what he could play around with.

Name: Grayson.

Level 29. (4800/23000).

Class: Soul Reaper of Squad Five, 5th Seat.

Health: 240/240

Stamina: 270/270

Reiatsu/Reiryoku: 530/530


Hadō #1 Shō level 3/10.

Hadō #4 Byakurai level 1/10

Hadō #11 Tsuzuri Raiden level 1/10

Hadō #31 Shakkahō level 3/10.

Bakudō #1 Sai level 1/10

Bakudō #4 Hainawa level 1/10

Bakudō #39 Enkōsen level 1/10

Flash Step 4/10

Strength: 50/100 (1/10)

Speed: 35/100 (1/10)

Intelligence: 15/100 (2/10)

Enhanced skills

Zanjutsu: 4/10 (1/10)

Zanpakuto name: Jūryoku no Megami.

Hakuda: 5/10 (0/10)

Kidō: 4/10 (0/10)

Skill points available: 1

Things had been going at a slower rate than normal with nothing much really going on. Grayson had kept up with his duties, which didn't really consist of much. He had also taken another training session this time in Zanjutsu, helping some of the newer recruits get to grips with their sword fighting.

People were also still talking about the mission that Grayson had led, with the rumours still going about how he was able to kill so many Hollows all alone.

Of course, Both the 4th and 6th seats had heard and were not happy to see that he was growing in popularity. Especially since one of the rumours was that Grayson would soon be climbing up the ranks.

"I won't stand for this anymore." 4th seat Kogawa Tesho said while eating his lunch.

Of course both 6th seat Yasusu Bosetsu and 7th seat Semano Ashige were eating with him on the same table.

"We need to come up with a plan to get rid of him," Bosetsu said, not being shy about it, clearly still sore he had lost his duel against him.

"But how, he is clearly stronger than he looks." 7th seat Ashige said.

"He might be strong, but I still have a few tricks up my sleeve," Tesho said with a smile appearing on his face.

"What are you thinking, Tesho?" Bosetsu asked, seeing he had that look on his face.

"Just leave it to me." He said, getting a nod from the other two.

Grayson was currently going about his business as he walked through the squad five barracks, being greeted by the other soul reapers as he strutted around looking for something to do.

It sure is boring around here when there is nothing to do. Grayson said to himself, walking around with his hands in his robes.

Suddenly the sound of a large bell ringing could be heard causing everyone to start running around in panic.

"Battle stations we are under attack!" One of the lower-seated officers yelled while he ran with a group of soul reapers.

"What's going on?" Grayson asked as he was about to run past him.

"Please come with us 5th seat Grayson, word is that Hollows have gotten into the soul society and are swarming us." He said.

Grayson nodded and quickly followed him, rushing to the front of where the battle was currently taking place.

"I'm 11th seat Iejima Nayasu, it's a pleasure to meet you." He said while they were running, quickly introducing himself to Grayson.

Grayon nodded and returned the introduction.

"Please to meet you 10th seat Iejima Nayasu." He said, seeing a sudden explosion come from the distance.

Grayson and the others could see a large number of Hollows had already swarmed the current Soul reapers who were trying their best to hold them off, having become out numbered and over run.

"Here we go men, let's push them back before the other squads get here!" Iejima Nayasu yelled, drawing his sword as he jumped in to attack the Hollows without hesitating, leading by example.

Grayson wasn't sure what was going on, however, he could see that the Hollows were continuing to poor in from what looked like a small distortion in the sky.

But Grayson was quickly forced to ignore it as the screams of the lower Soul reapers caught his attention, seeing some of them get ripped to shreds by the ever-growing number of Hollows.

Grayson quickly drew his sword and dashed forwards, stopping an attack from a larger Hollow from crushing two Soul reapers who had been overwhelmed by the large monster.

"Are you two alright?" Grayson asked before he pushed the Hollow back and cut through it with ease.

Both the man and the woman looked at him in shock, having thought that it was the end for them.

"Get up and hold the line. We can't let them push any further than this point!" Grayson yelled, taking charge before he dashed forwards and cut through a dozen Hollows without breaking a sweat.

"Let's do it men, push forwards!" 10th seat Iejima Nayasu also yelled, watching as Grayson fought his way to the front, killing as many of the Hollows as he could.

The others all pushed forwards with a large battle cry doing as their officers told them, cutting down more Hollows as they all worked together.

"How in the hell did these things even get here!" the 10th seat said, pushing another Hollow back.

"I don't know but we need to hold them back until reinforcements arrive!" Grayson said, slicing through more and more Hollows, seeming to be never-ending.

More and more Hollows surrounded him from all sides, proving to attack without care for their own lives as they tried to overwhelm him with their numbers, forcing him into a bad spot.

"There are too many of them... We need to retreat!" The 10th seat yelled, watching as Grayson looked to be overwhelmed, knowing that even he wouldn't be able to do anything in a situation like that.

"Hadō #11 Tsuzuri Raiden!" Grayson yelled as he placed his hand onto the ground, creating a powerful pulse of lightning that shocked all of the Hollows around him, burning them all to a crisp, giving Grayson some well-needed breathing room as he jumped into the air to get clear.

However, more and more Hollows flooded around him, being drawn to his large spiritual pressure as he was forced to cut more of them down.

No choice... I need to close that rift and stop the Hollows from getting in before I do anything else. Grayson said to himself while he pushed past another group of weaker Hollows, using his flash step to dash through the air before arriving at the distortion in the sky.

"This should do the trick, Hadō #31 Shakkahō!" Grayson yelled, pumping a large amount of spiritual pressure into the Hadō attack, watching as hit home and exploded on contact.

"He did it!" The 10th seat and other remaining Soul reapers yelled, watching in amazement.

"Did that do it?" Grayson said waiting for the smoke to clear.

However, the portal in the sky remained open, not seeming to have been affected by his attack whatsoever.

More Hollows burst forth toward him, attacking with their fangs, claws, wings, and anything else they had to use against him, wanting nothing more than to eat his flesh and absorb his spiritual energy.

"It's time I stopped playing around!" Grayson said as he slashed all around him before landing back onto the ground in front of a group of Soul reapers who had been trying their best to help him.

Grayson held his Zanpakuto up and placed his hand on the flat of the blade. "Distort, Jūryoku no Megami!" He yelled, letting his Reiatsu burst to life and activate his Shikai.

"Charge men, don't let the Hollows get any further than here, the pride of squad 5 depends on your efforts!" A familiar voice yelled, coming from behind Grayson and the others as at least 50 Soul reapers jumped into action all led by 3rd seat Gojuro Sezaki.

"I see you have been fighting hard, 5th seat Grayson. But allow me to lend you a hand!" He said as he cut down a large Hollow, straight down the middle leading the charge into the battle with the others.

Grayson watched as the reinforcements were able to push back the Hollows, keeping them all at bay and even forcing them to start to retreat back into the portal that must be linking them to their own world. Hueco Mundo.

"Don't let up men, push them back at all cost!" the 3rd seat yelled, performing some impressive battle skills that Grayson could tell made him look strong.

It didn't take them long to finish the last of the Hollows off with the new reinforcements tipping the scales on the number of Hollows no longer giving them the advantage.

"Looks like I wasn't needed," Grayson said, turning his attention to those who had been injured in the battle, seeing if he could do anything to help.

"Alright, we did it men!" 3rd seat Gojuro Sezaki yelled, standing at the front of the large group of men and women with his sword raised.

All of the soul reapers cheered with a powerful roar of victory.

"Attention. Bonus quest issue." The system suddenly said inside of Grayson's mind, alerting him.

What bonus quest... All of the Hollows are gone? Grayson thought, wondering what his system was going on about.

"Quest, defeat the Menos. Reward unknow..."

Suddenly a huge white hand gripped the sky from the distortion in the air, alerting not only Grayson but all of the others too.

"N-No way..." Gojuro Sezaki said, watching in terror as the sky was ripped open, revealing a giant monster,

"What the hell is that thing!" Grayson also said getting a better look at the monster as it tried to step through the huge tear it had created.

It had a white mask with an elongated nose and its body was covered from its head to its feet with a black covering reminiscent of a cloak. Around the creature's neck sat a row of thin white spikes, giving it a menacing look before the creature zoned in on the group of Soul reapers.

"I-I-Its a Menos!" Gojuro Sezaki yelled as he clutched his Zanpakuto in his hands, knowing that things were looking bad.

"Where the hell is Captain Aizen and Lieutenant Momo?" He said, suddenly remembering that today was the captains and vice captains meeting, meaning that all of them were in the centre of the Soul society with the head captain.

"Look out!" One of the others yelled, watching as the huge monster, being easily over four stories in height tried to crush a group of them with its foot, taking its first step into the soul society.

"We have to push it back no matter what, if that thing gets in it could cause a huge amount of damage!" Gojuro Sezaki shouted as he and some of the others all jumped back, getting ready to launch a counter attack.

Each of them shot blasts of Kidō and tried to push the monster back. However, it was just to powerful, letting out a mighty roar before it started to charge a powerful red orb of concentrated spiritual pressure from its mouth.

"Look out for its Cero!" Sezaki yelled, knowing that things were bad.

Grayson had only heard about these types of Hollows in class one time. It was known as a Menos, but in fact, Menos was just a class of many Hollows. This type of huge Hollow was called a Gillian. A mindless monster with nothing on its mind other than consuming large amounts of spiritual powers.

Grayson could see it charging up its attack, being able to feel the power that was coming from it.

"System, what level is that thing!" Grayson yelled, trying to think if there was anything he could do.

"Scanning now..." The system said, trying to get a read on it.

Level 40

Class: Hollow. Menos Gillian.

Health: 700/700

Stamina: 400/400

Reiatsu: 800/800

Level 40! Grayson thought, watching as the monster unleashed its powerful red Cero, completely destroying some of the walls and buildings in the area, as well as, killing anyone who was caught up in the blast.

"Look out!" Grayson shouted as he used his flash step to move two Soul reapers out of the way of some falling debris that would have crushed them before he looked back up at the Menos.

3rd seat Sezaki had also been able to avoid the attack, however, a large number of his men had not.

"I don't have a choice. I will put a stop to you once and for all!" He yelled, taking his Zanpakuto in hand before he started to spin it around and called its name.

"Silence Voices, Kaoru Kaze!" He shouted, transforming his Zanpakuto.

(Kaoru kaze means Fragrant breeze.)

Sezaki's Zanpakuto transformed into what resembled a shakujō staff with three rings on each side of its head.

Nice, so that is Sezaki's Shikai. Grayson thought, wondering what its powers were.

Sezaki stood strong as he raised his staff into the air before he started to spin it around, generating a powerful gust of air.

"Take this!" He yelled, throwing what looked to be a wind blast toward the Menos, watching as it crashed into the monster.

However, his attack did little but annoy the creature as it set its sight on him, getting ready to charge another Cero attack.

"N-No way... It's too strong!" Sezaki yelled, knowing he was no match for the beast.

Grayson could see all of the hopeless faces around him, seeing the look of terror and despair on the other Soul Reaper's faces knowing that they couldn't do anything and would most likely die.

"I cant just stand by and let every here die before reinforcements get here..." Grayson said to himself, pumping all of his power into his Zanpakuto, knowing what he had to do.

"Please, lend me all of your power, Jūryoku no Megami!" Grayson yelled as his sword came to life, glowing in power as the red orb in the middle of its hilt lit up and started spinning around faster than it had ever before.

"Since you asked so nicely, I will give you everything I have, don't disappoint me now." Jūryoku no Megami whispered in his mind, kissing him on the cheek and letting all of her power flow into him, making him feel stronger than he had ever before.

Everyone around him could feel the incredible power coming from his body, looking at him in awe.

"Is that really, Grayson..." 3rd seat Sezaki said, seeing that his strength had totally surpassed his own.

"I won't let you!" Grayson roared as the Gillian was about to shoot another Cero at him and 3rd seat Sezaki, aiming to blast them to hell, quite literally.

Grayson jumped into the air with his sword thrusting forwards, meeting the blast head-on with the tip of his blade.

The Cero blast was strong, however, Grayson was able to break through it, seeming to have created a barrier around himself that was blasting the Cero back, almost bending it around his body and redirecting the energy into the sky.

"Take this!" Grayson roared once he finally reached within striking distance of the Hollow, slicing his sword down with a powerful slash attack, cutting a huge wound into the Gillian that caused it to howl out in pain.

"He did it... It's retreating!" One of the other Soul reapers yelled, having watched the amazing feat from the ground below.

The Gillian tried to step back into the portal it had created, however, its body felt heavy and it struggled to pull back the sky as if it were trying to cover itself with a blanket.

"I've got you now!" Grayson yelled, seeing that his attack had worked and increased the gravity upon the Hollow by 30 times.

"It's still not enough though... I'm going to crush you!" Grayson shouted again, getting ready for another attack, planning on killing this thing before it could retreat.

"Grayson watch out!" Sezaki yelled out, watching as the Gillian swiped at Grayson with its huge hand, attacking at him from his blind spot.

Grayson hadn't seen the attack until the last second and as he slashed once more at the monster, its huge hand grabbed him, pulling him back with it as it fell back into the distortion.

"G-Grayson!" Sezaki yelled, watching with all of the others as Grayson was pulled with the Menos into the black hole before it seal up, leaving not a trace of him left.


Thats the end of this chapter! I hope you enjoyed it!