

The saber dao was born from the sword and not among the 3000 great daos since many fancy the sword i shall make them see the rise of the ere of the bladesman WITH THE HEAVEN SHATTERING SABER IN HAND READ AS SANG LIE RISES IN THE 3000 GREAT WORLDS i don't know wudong qian kun (the novel) but love the manhua so this story takes place in thet universe with juat a little tweaks

Cass_Will · Fantasy
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4 Chs


Infront of Sang lei was the two headed jade crocidile not needing to say anything he summon his saber. In his right hand was a 2 meter long and a 90cm broad saber black in color with golden luminescence. Holding the saber with both hands he leaped up to the cocodile and slashed at it but it left only a small scratch on it.Sang Lei was suprised seeing this as but normal as he only is at body tempering 9th stage.Noticing he narely left a scratch Sang Lei immediately turned arond to continue his assault but was slamed by the jade crocodile's tail. The beast did not give him time to rest and jumped towards him with its jaws open ready to reap his head of .Seeing this Sang Lei threw his saber towards it with all his strength,this startled the beast but it was roo late for it to dodge such an attack thus the saber sank in one of the heads eye." HOOOOOOOWLLL...RRRR"screamed the lake lord feircely seeing this Sang lei was extremely happy but had no time rejoice as the lake lord glared with killing intent it its eye.The battle continued for 2 hours with Sang lei dodging the attacks of beast while using his saber like a flying knife but he was getting tired if not for him having a dragon's bodyit would have ended in an instant.

'Hmm... i am getting tire 9th body tempering against yuan dan beast is exceptional already but this has to end if not of me slowly assimilating the thunder sovereign's memories i would have died at the first strike' thought Sange Lei.While in his thoughts the crocodile seized the instant to leap an slashed its claws at him."SHIT..."exclaimed Sang Lei seeing the impending doomtime seemed to sliw down as the claw reached his chest, be it reflex or instict or enlightenment his eyes glowed mysteriously as he slashed at the beast.Though his yuan energy reserves were exhausted the slash left a glowing vertical arc in the air as it headed for for the head of the beast.His eyes went dark for sometime before he opened them as he did laying before him was the dead body of the two headed jade crocodile but he had a gapping wound on his chest which oozed blood but he still smiled cause he k ew he had awakwned his saber intent.Close to death and looking at the body of the beast he suddenly had an idea.Willing his mental energy which had not yet reached the village stage of the WORLD ASCENDING ART but it still compared to that of a second seal symbol master.

Doing this he drew a strage symbol that gathered the all the essence and yuan qi fron the beast into himself using it to help him recover. The seal he just used was a rudimentry heaven swallowing seal but at the cost of of a permenent drop in his spiritual(mental)energy.

Sang Lei laid there for some hours before his mother came looking for him fearing the worse."Ahh Sang what happened...please wake up"cried Qin Long while sending her yuan qi into his body ,noticing a drop in his mental energy she carried him back home.Laying into a cauldron with strange seals on it full of medecinal herbs as tears dropped fom her eyes"it might be fate or destiny but luckily u were in this state when i foind you for it would had been had for me to seal you in the Dragon furnace"said Qin Long crying as she continued "Sang they caught up to us so i will have to seal you hear so the can't find you after 3 years the seal will loosen and you will come out by that time matters of the clan should have cooled down i hape u gat to live a good live and get to have someone to love and cherish you goodbye sang and please don't come looking for mom"smiling Qin long threw the cauldron in a near by valley. Infront of the hut were 3 men, 2 of them were robust and well built and the other was elder like.

"Princess Long Qin we are hear to take u home" said the elder."Elder zheng why ask we should just drag her with us for her to have fled from the clan with that bastard of a child"said one of the men snoting coldly the paid no regard to this as he placed a seal on Qin Long as they flee away.


In a dark valley full of beast in a gloomy cave an ancient but ordinary looking cauldron suddenly brust open a youth around 6 years old with long dark brown hair reaching his back jumped out of it.Looking closely his clothes were tattered an his cultivation was at late heavenly yuan stage."Even if i have to bring down the dragon clan i will save u mother"said the youth obviously this was Sang lei.

Three years ago cause of an accident he regrest to a first seal symbol master and had to be in a coma for a year but his fearing what her clan may do to him sealed him in a cauldron extending the sleep for another 2 years."Hmm my cultivation incresed too fast so for some time i will mostly be purifying my yuan qi and cultivating my spiritual energy and my saber technique luckily i have heaven given talent in the saber and lightning"said said as he was checking himself."Grrrr .."graoning came from the enttence of the cave before him was a silver moon fox which seemed injured seeing this sang lie relaxed a little and said" so you are the one who brought me hear this showed we may have some fate as you are in danger exactly when i wake up so i will protect you for 3 years an we shall part ways"saying this he sat on the floor took some of the herbs that still had some effect and threw them at the fox before refining the yuan qi following the PRIMAL LIGHTNING SUTRA .The fox was first skeptical but after some time picked the herbs an ate the recovering from its injury.