

The saber dao was born from the sword and not among the 3000 great daos since many fancy the sword i shall make them see the rise of the ere of the bladesman WITH THE HEAVEN SHATTERING SABER IN HAND READ AS SANG LIE RISES IN THE 3000 GREAT WORLDS i don't know wudong qian kun (the novel) but love the manhua so this story takes place in thet universe with juat a little tweaks

Cass_Will · Fantasy
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In a dense forest a little 3 year old boy could be found siting at the top of a hill quietly meditating he had darkdbrown hair an was dressed all in black.A few meters away walked a woman aroud early thirties with an hourglass figure,long pink hair reaching her waste and she was dressed all in white.They obviously were sang lei an his mom Qin long.

It's been 3 years since reed arrrive this world and luckily it was the world of wu dong qian kun.In these years he learned many things like that he was not human but a dragon and his mother bacause of the love she had for his father refused to conply to a forced marrige from her clan ran away while his dad scrificed himself for them.

During the years the dragon clan kept looking for them so as avoid them they always in the forest.In the last three years sang lei has been practicing the PRIMAL LIGHTNING SUTRA and is at the first level with his current cultivation at 9th stage of body tempering.

"sang lei stop climbing to the top of the hill all the time it is dangerous"said Qin Long"kkk mom i gonna get down just give me some time"answered sang lei. He always sat hear every day going through the thunder sovereign's memories as time past he found that his name was xiao chen and was a master in ther law of lightning close to becoming a halfstep Dao forger.

He got many things in the memories but as he wanted something that couldd be usee by him until he leaves the 3000 great world.So he chose 1 technique for each category ie DRAGON'S BREATH a body forging technique that focused on vitality .It had 3 stages , a stage for each tattoo made on the body were they change in color as fron the third stage becoming first black,yellow,red,gold,platinium. It also came with some hand to hand comvat skills.

The second technique was a spirituual training technique that sovereign Xiao Chen got from an ancient riun called WORLD ASCENDING.This technique used spiritual power to create a world in the minstarting from a village to a universe .Where every person in this spiritual world was only a represntasion of himself.This helped himsivide his mind into count less fractions.

He did not cultivate any movement techniques since the PRIMAL LIGHTNING SUTRA that focused on ferocity and speed did tha work .The last technique he cultivated was the SUNDERING LIGHTNING SABER that went well with his heaven shattering saber it had 4 layers,the 8 tiagrams, four elements,yin yang,and chaos each stage depended on his comprehension of the technique and the dao of destuction.

Ten minutes later sang lie climbed doiwn the hill to a small hur where he and his mother lived."mom i am home and quite hungry"said sag lai while entering the house.His turned around and gave him a nad before she went off to the kitchen."Sang you are really a genius though it is sad our dragon drove us away i will teach u some of our clans martial arts "said Qin Long with gleaming eyes.Though she hated her clan she found it frustrating that a genius like her son will wear off because of lack of resources."No mom i wont'learn that shitty martial art from a clan that abandoned usand i still have not yet awakened my bloodline so ibam not yet a full dragon.said Sang Lie to his mom. It seems to take dragon form u must awken it most of it occur normally at birth but since his dad is was not a dragon it will take time for him to awaken his bloodline.After having a delicious meal with his mother who was at ordinary samsara stage will go in the forest where he trains and perfects his saber techniques. Summoning the heavenly shattering saber sang lei went deep in the forest to train in the saber dao.

Four hours in the forest he got lost in the forest only to appear nearva lake.He had heared about it from his mother this lake had an initial yuan dan stage beast it was a it was a two headed jade crocodile.Sang lei knew he couldn't fight such a beast so he slowly retired from there only to get a strange sound coming from the lake taking somentimento look his gaze locked with that of a 4 meter long an a meter tall two headed crocodile he knew from here on he knew he had to fight from here on cause infront of him was this lake's lord.