

The saber dao was born from the sword and not among the 3000 great daos since many fancy the sword i shall make them see the rise of the ere of the bladesman WITH THE HEAVEN SHATTERING SABER IN HAND READ AS SANG LIE RISES IN THE 3000 GREAT WORLDS i don't know wudong qian kun (the novel) but love the manhua so this story takes place in thet universe with juat a little tweaks

Cass_Will · Fantasy
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On a mountain peak standing before a thorny round purple friut were a boy around 5 feet tall with a well chiseled body beaming with vitality.He was dressed all in black with a long black coat that reached his ankles dark brown long hair reaching his back with a saber on the right side of his waste with a black with red tint dragon tattoo coiling around his right arm.He was around a 12 years old with a cultivation of initial form creation stage facing him was as 4 winged sky eagle both faced ready to strike at any moment."I want this lightning thorn fruit and i will get it " declared Sang lie as he pound on towards the eagle as the tattoo on this right hand glowed"dragon raging fist"sang lei said throwing a punch at the eagle.The punch carried a supresive might and had a faint outline of a dragon on it,the beast was suprised seeing such strength coming from the child it had no time to dodge the punch taking it head on.

The eagle flew away as blood leaked of its mouth "hmm you thought i was soft permison an thought mu punch carried no power an took it head on"said Sang lie while sneering at the eagle.Seeing this it got angry and shot wind blades at him but he easily avoided them and attaked it "dragon claw " shouted sang lei as he slaped toward the eagle a faint outline of a dragon's claw appearedseeing this the eagle countered with its claws.

They fought for an hour or so seeing this the beast wanted to end it quick it flew high up then suddenly dived down at neck breaking speedaiming for sang lie.Seeing this he did not hesitate to draw his saber exactly when he did this the grass under his feet dued and the ground cracked viens bulged on his right arm whcich held the saber. The dragon tattoo began to glowas his slashed at the eagle"SUNDERING LIGHTNING SABER:-THUNDER" a purple arc of saber qi and intent tore to the sky fiercely and fast as lightning.The poor 4 winged sky eagle had no time to think when the attack cut through it like hot knife on butter and conrinued."Hmm using the SUNDERING LIGHTNING SABER really takes it on me i can only use one of the eighth tiagrams THUNDER i think i should focus on DRAGON'S BREATH to increase my physical strength".Sang Lie then turned around an picked the lightning thorn friut and left the place moving towards the valley in a cave there was a small silver fox feasting on medical herbs."Xiao nui stop eating all day and go hunt some beast or i will kick u out"shouted Sang lei "meep" sceamed the fox as it was suprised seeing sang lei but didn't do anything and just kept eating.It was six years ago that this glutton of a fox and sang lei met in a cave and he promised to protect it for 3 years but they developed a close relationship and stayed with each other even got a name from Sang Lei thatwas Xioa Nui.

Seeing the fox not caring at all he went at the end of the cave where there was a large cauldron it was the Dragon furnace where his mother had sealed him.Sitting cross leged on the floor he took out the lightning thorn friut from his pocket and swallowed it 'with this i will purify my yuan qi and increse its lightning attribute ' thought Sang Lei as he refined it four hours later an explosion came from within his body with sparks of lightning moving flickering on his body.When he finished Sang Lei noticed he had broken through into advace form creation stage and was at the peak of the third layer of the PRIMAL LIGHTNING SUTRA. "Xioa nui get up we are leaving this foreat for now we are going to town i want to get myself a map for the location of any dragon-like species in this forest to cultivate DRAGON'S BREATH" said Sang lei hearing this she seemed exited and leaped on his shoulder as they left the cave.

Two days later a young boy dressed all in black with a hood and a silver fox sitint on his shoulder could be seen entering fang city."Wow can't believe i wasted 12 years in that damn forest training when there is such a beautiful city near by" said Sang Lie as he looked around the city after a few minutes of sightseeing he learnt the road to the auction house and headed straight for it.Arrivog there before stood a grand building with 3 floors entering he didn't want to waste time so he headed to the reception, "what may i do for you sir"asked the receptionist with his face hidden under the hood Sang Lei only took out a herb and said nothing.Seeeng this thh receptionists nodded and took him to a private room in here was an old man with a cultivation of heavenly yuan stage "what may i serve you sir" asked the elder giving Sang lei a sit "nothing in exchage for this 5 petal fire flower i want a space ring and a map showing the territory of all dragon bloodline beast in the mountain" said Sang lei.The man didn't think before he handed those things over to sang lei who quickly left after that.Cultivating the DRAGON BREATH needed essence of a dragon or that of its subspecies not wasting anytime he left the city for his new target a manifestation level horned red salamander.

"Hey have u heard of the dragon slayer" ask a man at an inn "yes i heard he goes around kill beast with even a trace of Dragon bloodline" answered another "yes its been two years now since he appeared in the forest i ance saw him he was really scary and had dragon tattoos arolnd his arms" said another man .While all this was been said deed in the forest on a peak that the clouds a boy of around 14 years old without a shirt and three yellow with red tint dragon tattoos aroumd his arm and his back,long dark brown hair was being washed by lightning that fell from he sky.Even in such a situation no wounds couls be seen instead it seemed like his body became much more stronger."Whew finally reach the 5th layer of the PRIMAL LIGHTNING SUTRA who knew from it 4th layer it will bring thunder down to help temper the body, nui we are leaving the yan empire"this boy was sang lei whose cultivation level was at half step manifestation stage "meep" cutely said xiao nui as she brought over his shirt.As soon as he wore it he turned into a bolt of lightning dashing in the sky.