
Black Wood

Violet Matthews is a college Junior who attends Blackwood University. She considers herself to be ordinary, like all the other students. When a handsome transfer student named Ryder Evans shows up, she finds herself drawn to him and wants to understand why. With the new Occult Studies class now available this year, Violet soon realizes that supernatural beings aren't just myths anymore. Will Violet learn all the secrets that are being kept from her, or will she be forever in the dark?

IvyWhite · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 2: The Bistro

Evelyn started sifting around in her backpack, looking for something.

To say Evelyn is a bit of a control freak would be an understatement.. So that means whatever she has planned has been in the making for at least a week. I'm willing to bet my whole college tuition, that she's wanting to throw a party..

"Oh, boy.. what is it now?" I say as I see Evelyn pull out her planner.

"We will throw the biggest party we've ever had!! I already have posters printed out to put up around school, invited some old friends from high school, and all the decorations should be here tomorrow too! The only thing we have left to do is buy the alcohol!" Evelyn beamed with excitement as she was reading off her checklist for the party.

I was right about the stupid party thing. Oh well. At least we can get drunk and have some fun.

"Hmm. Okay, Evelyn. When are we doing this thing?"

"Uh this weekend duh! Now come on! We got to meet Jo at the Bistro in five minutes!!"

The control freak is freaking out about being late to get coffee..

Walking through the town square to get to the cafe, I couldn't help but look around and let it sink in that this is where we live now.. sure this new town is stunning with all the natural aesthetic the town Mayor likes to keep up. Plus, having all the best hang out spots just a few blocks from the college is amazing.

I just miss home sometimes.. I miss my mom.. I miss how uncomplicated things were when I was still in high school. Now I have to worry about finding a job to pay for my tuition and staying focused on my schoolwork.

"Vii? You're doing it again.." Evelyn said as she was staring at me with the most judging look I've ever seen. "I know you're stressed out about.. everything really.. but come on! Maybe your mom will pay for your tuition so you can focus on school instead of a job!"

I swear, sometimes I think Evelyn can read minds with her all knowing power to tell exactly what I'm thinking without me saying anything at all.

"I will not ask her.. I changed my mind.." How could I ask my mom, who has given me everything my entire life, to pay for my tuition?

"Seriously?! You know she'd pay it and wouldn't even think twice about it, Vii. Do you know how many people here at school would kill to have their parents want to pay their tuition? Like every single one of them!"

"I know.. I just hate asking her for things.. I want to do everything on my own with no help, ya know? I'm grateful to have a mom who could do that for me, but I'm an adult now and I don't want to rely on my mother to put me through college."

"What if she was the one who offered to pay it? I mean, you technically wouldn't be asking her to."

If my mom ever brought it up first and offered to pay it or even just help me pay it, that would be different. I'm just done asking mom for hand outs.

"That's an excellent idea, Evelyn.. but that's a huge if. She may never ask me. So I'm not getting my hopes up. I will still keep searching for a job."

"Okie, whatever you say, but it looks like Jo beat us here and already has our favorite table. Come on, Vii!"

"Hey losers! Since you two are a whole five minutes late, I've already ordered our coffee!" Jo exclaimed as she was smirking at Evelyn.

"Um.. why are you looking at me like that? Oh, shit! Is there something on my blouse?!" Evelyn started searching every inch of her favorite skin tight white lace shirt.

Jo and I couldn't help bust out laughing. Almost in tears Jo responded, "Evelyn calm the hell down, nothing is on your shirt! But I guess it's good you wore one of your cutest tops today because-"

Before Jo was able to finish what she was saying, Matt walked out of the Bistro with our cups.