
Black Wood

Violet Matthews is a college Junior who attends Blackwood University. She considers herself to be ordinary, like all the other students. When a handsome transfer student named Ryder Evans shows up, she finds herself drawn to him and wants to understand why. With the new Occult Studies class now available this year, Violet soon realizes that supernatural beings aren't just myths anymore. Will Violet learn all the secrets that are being kept from her, or will she be forever in the dark?

IvyWhite · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 3: Matthew

Matt is a junior at our university who's studying forensics. His gorgeous platinum blonde hair lays effortlessly across his sculpted face, and his stunning baby-blue eyes feel like they're staring straight into your soul when he looks at you.

Evelyn straightened up her top and smoothed her insanely tight-fitting jeans. She swept a piece of her beautiful long flowing golden-brown hair behind her ear and peeked up at Matt. "Hey! What are you doing working so early? Classes start in an hour and a half, ya know?"

It's obvious that Evelyn has the BIGGEST crush on Matt. Every time she sees him, her whole face flushes, and she gets insanely nervous.

Jo looked at me and acted out a gagging reaction that almost forced me to spit out my caramel latte. Evelyn quickly turned to us at the table and sneered.

"I got here at five this morning to help open up for the day and figured I'd work a couple extra hours till I needed to head to school. Are you guys going to that new Occult class today? I heard the professor looks a little intimidating.." Matt spoke as he glanced at the gray stone of the Bistro patio beneath him.

"We wanted to stop by and grab some coffee before we headed there!" I announced happily. "If you want to go, you're more than welcome to walk back to the school with us!" I glanced at Evelyn and winked.

Evelyn quickly turned her head toward the town square so Matt wouldn't be able to see her entire face turn red.

"Yeah actually, I think I'll take you up on that offer! Let me go grab my stuff and I'll be right back!" Matt said as he walked into the Bistro.

As soon as he was inside, I turned to look at Evelyn, "DUDE! This is the perfect time to shoot your shot! Why don't you ask him to come to our party this weekend? Who knows what can happen, you guys finally might become a thing!"

Jo chimed in, "Um, excuse me for interrupting your conversation, but what party? I didn't know about any parties we were throwing."

Jo was glaring at Evelyn and I can tell it upset her.. Evelyn looked at Jo and shot her a smile before she said, "I've been planning this one by myself, actually! I figured since you both have been so stressed lately, I'd do everything on my own. The only thing left to do is buy the alcohol for the party! Also, find some good party clothes since this will be our biggest party yet!" Jo looked at Evelyn like she was suspicious of her weird antics.

"So you guys are throwing a party this weekend, huh?" Matt said as he slung his backpack over his right shoulder.

Evelyn spun around on her white wedged heels to face Matt, "Yes we are! I was actually about to ask if you wanted to come! I've talked to everyone at the dorm house and they all thought it would be a brilliant idea to have it there!"

Jo gave me a look of confusion and I just whispered, "Dude, I have no idea." We both stared at Evelyn and Matt, waiting to see what he'd say about coming to the party.

"Yeah! It sounds like it'll be fun. Is it cool if I invite the guys?" Matt looked at Jo and then back at Evelyn before saying, "obviously I won't invite Wes if you think it'd be an issue."

Oh, fuck.. How did I literally forget that Matt and Wes are best friends?

Matt has been best friends with Wes since we all started freshman year, so he knows the whole situation with Wes and Jo. He probably knows more about what all Wes did while he was dating Jo than the three of us to to be honest. I mean friends tell each other everything, so Wes probably told him about all the girls he was fooling around with behind Jo's back.

Evelyn grinned and said, "Yeah, it would probably be an awful idea to invite him."

I looked at Jo to make sure she's not upset, and she just shrugged it off.

Typical Jo to pretend she doesn't care about him. I know she'd rather him be there so she could be all over him and blame it on her being drunk... Evelyn will try to hook her up with someone this weekend, I just know it..

"Uh guys, not to interrupt your conversation or anything but we have forty-five minutes till class starts. If Evelyn is late for being early to class, she'll probably have a heart attack." I said as I looked at Evelyn and laughed.

"I'd totally yell at you right now if we wouldn't be late, Vii!" Evelyn said as she rolled her forest green eyes at me.

"Okay, whatever you say, but can we please walk by the garden on the way to class?" I said as I pointed in the Blackwood Garden's direction.