
Black whiskey

"No one will ever love you, do you think you deserve love? no you don't..." "I love you, and I'm not ashamed to say it .." "The truth is... everyone deserves love..." love, that mystical force that binds bodies today... love, that sensational feeling...that language that everyone knows...well I don't think I deserve it...at least not ever... That was until I took a cup of this intoxicating black whiskey...Grey Hampton

CJ_Willy · Urban
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47 Chs

month 7 part 2

felt a soft tap on my shoulder.

"We are here baby" Grey said.

When he called me baby, my eyes flew open.

"Mmmmm?" I asked pretending not to hear him so that he would repeat it again.

"We are here" he repeated without adding the baby part so I felt disappointed.

I lazily got up from the bed and put my shoes on .

I. Was about to suggest I just walk out of the plane not minding how messy my hair was, then I remembered this was New York City, paparazzi flew everywhere and they would take a picture of me looking like an embarrassment and post it on the internet giving it a terrible caption.

I tried to brush my hair but it didn't even move.

That was when Grey threw his hoodie at me.

"You're welcome" he said.

I quickly threw it on my body and the hood over my Head.

We walked out and met another huge airport in front of us.

We walked out and got into another car waiting for us.

Then once we got out of the airport, we drove straight to our hotel.

I heard Grey mumble something about him owning the hotel.

And I guess I heard right because once I car pulled up in front of the building, I was blinded by another huge signboard saying ' SAN HOTELS AND SUITE '

Grey handed me some dark shades " put this on, trust me you're gonna need it" he said and I did.

I noticed a whole lotta reporters and paparazzi's there standing right at the entrance with their camera's and microphones.

"Also... don't say anything" he added and then , the doors flew open and we both walked out.

Reporters and paparazzi's started heading towards us taking pictures and asking questions.

But the body guards surrounding us stopped them.

"Over here Bella Marise.."

"Miss Bella Marise over here"..

I haven't heard that name in a while.

"Miss Bella and Mr Grey they have been some rumors going around that you too are in a relationship is that true..?" I heard someone say.

But I didn't even answer them .I just kept walking.

"Miss Bella they are also rumors that you're pregnant for Mr Grey is that true?"...

I almost stopped walking to look at the person that said that but I didn't

I heard Grey tsked and mumbled," she wishes" then he smirked and looked at me.

I giggled and then we finally reached the door, it opened and shut behind us, blocking the paparazzi from entering, they weren't allowed any further from there.

I took two seconds to take in the beauty of the place, I had been here once for a photo shoot in one of the rooms and believe me the rooms here were very expensive.

The greetings started again, everyone putting on their fake smiles pretending to be in their best behavior.

Then , weird thoughts started crowding my head.

Grey was attractive... very attractive, rich ,influential , popular.

That was an assurance that he had a lot of women surrounding him.

Lot of women from all around the world were into him and falling from him.

Did he accept them?

Did he take them?

Did he find any of them attractive?

Was there any woman he found attractive or admired?

What was she like?

Was she better than me?

Or probably when we finally agree that we can't work out, he'll finally go and meet her?

My brain was roaming round possible answers.

I saw a hand waving in front of me trying to pull me out of my thoughts.

It was Grey.

"Still thinking about how I got you pregnant?" He teased smirking.

I rolled my eyes and tried not to smile.

"Let's go"he said as he gestured me towards one of the elevators that led us to the top floor.

There it opened.

We walked down the hallway a little and then stopped in front of a door.

Grey put his thumb on some scanner thingie and the door opened .

I walked in slowly and took my time to take in the place.

It was a house on top of another house .

It had a living room, kitchen, double bathrooms, big room, and a fancy balcony with a huge jacuzzi.

Then Grey started making some calls and got busy and distracted.

I went around the place admiring the beauty of it .

Then I came back to where he was and saw him looking into his phone seriously.

"Millionaires under  thirty list just got out" he said with tension in his voice.

My eyes grew open.

I picked up my iphone and searched for it.

"Fuuuccckkkk" I heard him say with joy in his voice.

I smiled," you're name is on number six" I said honestly happy for him.

He relaxed on couch with joy.

"You don't want to know how long I've waited to see my name on that list Bella" he said happily.

Truth be told, Grey was hardworking. For the little time I've lived with him , he deserved that award.

Some nights, he would stay up all night in his study working, he was truly happy.

"I'm happy for you" I said and he smiled.

"Your name is there too you know that right?" He asked and I looked at him dumb founded.

"You've got to be kidding me" I said.

"See it for yourself" he said

I picked up my iPhone and looked through the list and saw my name on number eleven.

I read the name over and over and over again to be sure I was seeing well.

11.Bella Marise Peters

I was confused...I mean, I knew I had money and all, but to be the 11th richest person under thirty in the entire continent was a shocker.

I couldn't believe it..

"... how.."?

Was the only thing I could say.

Grey smiled.

"Well in a way...we are married and so like 50% of what I have kinda belongs to you" he shrugged

My mouth opened and closed so many times and nothing came out of it.

When did this happen?? Why didn't Suzie tell me this happened?? So she was aware that Grey literally gave 50% of his income to me and didn't tell me??

And why will Grey give me 50% of his income...is he crazy???

"A thank you is enough Bella" he said noticing how my mouth opened and closed continuously.

"Wait wait, I don't understand, why?? Why would you do that for me...I mean I'm grateful... very grateful but you're the one doing all the work... the money is supposed to be for you not me.

I'm sorry but I'm a very independent lady and I like to work for myself and see the products of my hard work and I don't want to rely on anyone for my profit...I can take care of myself Grey" I said.

Grey kept a small smile on his face and stood up and stood in front of me.

"I like the fact.." he started

.."I like the fact that you are very independent...I noticed that you've never asked me for anything..ever...I like It that when we go out you like to struggle with me to pay the bills.

But you have to understand something Bella, we are married now, we share everything. We are married..."

And what happens after we break up??

"And I'm not complaining Bella...I'm not.. you didn't have to ask..I just did it because I wanted to not because you wanted me to.

I don't have a problem with it..I'm a giver and you know that.."

That was true, that was honestly true.

Just last month, Grey gave a hundred thousand dollar to a charity company not to talk about the other time he sold one of his houses in China to use the money to empower some less privileged children in that country .

..." Like you said it's my money and hard work and so I can use it any how I like, I can spend it on whoever I want to...so please, don't think about returning the money... because I won't take it back" he ended.

I was speechless.

You know when I said Grey had a thousand different sides that I never knew of? This was another side.

"So please..." He said in a very calm soothing voice.

..."stop whining"..

By this time, our faces where only 2 inches away from each other.

I started imagining what kissing Grey would feel like

Snap out of it Bella!!!

I took a step back and smiled.

"Thank you" I said in a whisper.

..."but I'm giving you back the money on your next birthday... sorry to spoil the surprise"... I added and he rolled his eyes.

"You'll probably forget, I'm sure of it"he added and sunk into the couch


It was 8:50pm, and Grey hadn't even dressed up.

I mean usually it was the guy to wait for the girl to dress up and yell at her for being late.

But Grey was still in the bathroom taking a shower while I was fully dressed in the living room waiting for him.

"Oh c'mon Bella it's just 8:50" he yelled from the bathroom.

"Grey the event started by 6pm and we are still here" I yelled back.

"So? You think I enjoy coming early for occasions "he said.

"Grey if you're not out of that place in the next 10 seconds, I'm coming there to get you myself" I threatened knowing fully well I wouldn't dare.

"Fuck are you serious?? Then I'm definitely not coming out! Come get me" he said laughing.

I groaned and rolled my eyes.

People have already started taking pictures and posting them selves on the red carpet and there I was waiting for Grey to come out of the bathroom.

Then I heard the shower stop and then I realized he was out.

20 minutes later, he walked out of the bedroom.

It was funny how we didn't plan what to wear but we wore the same color of cloth .

I wore a black gown ... forget about the description of the dress...it was hot.

He wore a black long sleeve shirt which as usual he never buttoned up to the top , a pair of black pants and a black Nike sneaker.


While I was busy admiring how the shirt he wore hugged his biceps, his eyes were raking my body from top to bottom.

"Well it's about time" I said in an annoyed tone and he shrugged.

"Have to look good for the grand entrance" he said praising himself.

I rolled my eyes and opened the door and he walked out right behind me.

We used the elevator, got downstairs and headed to our car that was parked patiently waiting for us.

The poor driver must have gotten tired waiting for us.

We got in and we drove to the place.

All the while, I spent scrolling through my phone admiring all the people and their dresses in pictures.

We finally reached the place. And by then, it was 9:48pm.

We got out, and Grey took my hands.

We got all the paparazzi's trying to take pictures of us and all and then we reached the hall and we walked in.

I feel like Grey enjoyed things like this; being the center of attention.

This was the grand entry he was talking about.

Even the person that was talking on the microphone paused to see who would walk in few minutes to the end of the event.

No other person that Grey Hampton.

Whispers filled the air.

As for the women, they were talking about my dress and how amazing and bad it was .

The genuine ones stared in admiration while the others stared in disgust wondering what I was doing with Grey.

We went peacefully to our seats and sat down and was offered wine.

The event continued and five minutes after Grey said," I'm tired let's go back"

I eyed him, he must be very crazy to think that after coming late we would leave 5 minutes after.

..."okay so we are very grateful for you all coming today, please grab a partner and feel free to dance... enjoy the rest of your night..." The person moderating the event said.

Then the light went dim and I noticed everyone started walking over to their partners to dace.

The beat of the slow silent song began to play.

I knew that song, and I loved it.

I turned around and noticed Grey was staring at me again, and this time he didn't look away, he kept on staring at me making me melt under the stare.

"Wanna dance?" He asked calmly.

"What??!! No no no no no ..I can't dance" I shrieked.

He had got to be crazy.

"I like this song" he said.

"Well this is the first normal song I've heard you say you like " I teased.

"Have you seen my music playlist? I'll show you when we get back...it has everything you're ever looking for" he replied.

He didn't look like someone that listened to this kinda love songs.

He stood up and held out his hand,"let's dance" he said.

"Greeeeyyyyy" I whined feeling very nervous.

"Trust me...I won't bite you" he added.

I reluctantly took his hand.

He took me to the dance floor.

I refused to look him in the face.

I felt his hands snake round my waist

"Bella look at me" he said.

I shook my head negatively.

"Why not?" He asked.

His voice had become so different and delicate. It was intoxicating.

I shook my head against saying no.

Then the song began to play softly.

..."I found a girl, for me...

Darling just are right in, and follow my lead...

I found a girl, beautiful and sweet..

I never knew you were the someone waiting for me...

He whispered slowly in my ear," just relax, flow with the song"

Our bodies began to sway slowly following the rhythm of the song.

Slowly, I wrapped my hands around his neck.

This was the closest we have ever gotten.

"..Cuz we were still kids when we fell in love...

Not knowing what it was...

I'll never give you up this time..

So darling just kiss me slow..

You're heart is all I know..

And in my eyes you're holding me back..

I finally looked up and saw Grey's eyes closed.

He was flowing with the music.

He looked so different ... another part of him I had never seen.

Like he knew I was staring at him, he opened his eyes.

We were dancing in each other's arms staring at each other, none of us wanting to break the stare.

..baby I'm ... dancing in the dark ..

With you between my arms...

Barefoot on the grass..

Listening to our favourite song...

Maybe it was my imagination, but there was a spark I saw in his eyes... maybe I was dreaming, but there was something I saw in his eyes, it wasn't my imagination.

It was real.

I don't know what he's doing to me. My whole system started slowly shutting down.

I was melting under his stare.

I don't know what happened...but I found myself deep in his embrace.

He was hugging me?


"Please don't leave me Bella.." I was sure I heard him say that.

I was sure of it.

But I wasn't certain if it was the figment of my imagination playing mind games with me.

  ....."I don't deserve it..

But we are just perfect..."

Funny how we were the definition of imperfect. Two fucked up people from two fucked up worlds.

.."I know what you're thinking.." he whispered softly in my ear.

..."I thought the same too".. he continued.

"But even in our imperfections, even the word 'imperfect' says ' I'm perfect'."

I caught goosebumps. There was reality in what he was saying.

"And.." his voice came softly at my ear. " I like imperfect people, they bring out the perfection in me... just like how you do Bella"

I froze, I was shocked to the bones. What was he trying to say? What was he insinuating? What does this mean? .

He pulled me from your hug and stared at me, our lips only centimeters away from each other.

Grey Hampton what are you doing to me?

I felt a steady breeze flow through me, our lips about to colide.

..."no one will ever love you..."

Jacob's voice boomed in my head causing me to flinch.

Grey looked puzzles.

Then the music stopped and the lights came on.

Fuck myself for letting that idiots word control me...fuck him!!!

"Are you okay?" He asked.

I nodded unable to find my voice.

He let go of my waist.

"You want us to go or you want to hang around a little and talk to some people?" He asked again.

Going with him now in this very awkward situation will just be more terrible than ever.

"I think I'll just survey the area" I replied.

"Okay call me when you're ready" he said and I turned to leave but I paused.

He bent his head and bit his lips, he knew.

"I don't have your number" I said .

He stretched out his hand and I put my phone in it.

He typed in his number and returned it to me.

"Thank you" he said and I walked away.


So guys I know month 7 is pretty long, so I had to divide it into three parts.

And I hope you're enjoying the book?

Leave your comment, recommend and help me out with power stones

Ceejhay ❤️